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05/26/10 1:44 PM

#3412 RE: foggysurf #3410

1) They say they're suing me .....
2) I'm not representing anyone. My lawyers were representing me and now they'll be representing everyone with losses on a contingency .......
2a)I'm not representing anyone .......
3) I would estimate 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 weeks .....
4) In the class-action case, I don't plan on spending anything, but in defending the defamation case, I have no idea what I'll have to spend and a counter-suit will be filed .....

"1. is SIAF suing YOU, or your firm?
2. who are you representing? who are the plaintiffs?
2a. if you are representing someone, are you billing them?
3. how soon will the details (ie public dox) be available?
4. how much do you plan on spending/winning?"