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05/24/10 4:39 PM

#527 RE: EquityTrader #525

Ain't that the truth, I guess by now everybody is realizing the truth,

what you see is what you get.
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05/24/10 5:46 PM

#529 RE: EquityTrader #525

Meant 10,000
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05/24/10 6:15 PM

#530 RE: EquityTrader #525

..."So many blind and uninformed people vote..."

"...I'm sure if he were around he'd be fuming..."

no doubt... the sad thing is that for all he was able accomplish and all he did w/o majorities in the house or senate... then he handed the keys to the family car to Bush 41 and later 43 who spent like a drunken sailor and IMO was on the wrong side of the illegal immigration issue... in otherwords the Republican Party since Reagan have for the most part been classic enablers with the exception of the 104th congress lead by Newt Gingrich.

I'm from Texas and I supported W but he really did screw the pooch 2nd term with the blank check spending and especially on the amnesty issue... wtf!!!

again, can you imagine what Reagan could've done if he had the house and the senate behind him???
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05/24/10 11:11 PM

#534 RE: EquityTrader #525

DOW over nite futures now trading at 9931........

most other indexes are deep in the RED


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05/25/10 9:05 PM

#547 RE: EquityTrader #525