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04/22/10 9:16 PM

#24485 RE: diamondguru-one #24484

The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies

Below are the central controls related to the exchange rate of the foreign currency to convert the project inputs and outputs from foreign currency to its equivalent in the local currency, and that is by calculating the net discounted present value standard and the internal return on investments in economic analysis that governs investment projects that costs excess one million dinars.

Estimate the shadow price of foreign currency:

1. It is necessary to put central controls to amend the official exchange rate * to reflect the shadow price of the foreign currency, and that is considered one of the necessary requirements to implement the net discounted present value standard and the internal return rate on investment in the economic calculation stated in the instructions, paragraph nine.

The central controls for adjusting market prices distinguished a group of outputs and inputs traded internationally, where the projects production or usage of them is reflected on the abundance of foreign currency in the economy and thus project outputs or inputs used of such are considered purely foreign currency outputs or inputs.

* What is meant by exchange rate: the number of units of foreign currency, expressed in dollar per one dinar.

In particular the following outputs and inputs of foreign currency were distinguished:

· Export-outputs.

· Outputs marketed locally that substitute imports.

· Imported inputs.

· Inputs produced locally that usually go to exports.

· Foreign labor.

According to the pricing rules the value of the output and input (traded) is calculated using export prices (FOB) and import prices (CIF), according to what is listed in the pricing rules.

In other words the pricing rules calculate what the project produces from foreign currency (quantity of exports multiplied by the export price (FOB) in foreign currency or the quantity of substitute imports multiplied by the import price (CIF) in foreign currency, as well as what the project uses from foreign currency and imported inputs multiplied by the import price (CIF) in foreign currency .... etc.).
In a later step, project outputs and inputs must be converted from the foreign currency to its equivalent in local currency (dinars) by using a specific exchange rate for the foreign currency.

2. Justifications for exchange-rate adjustment: there are a number of important and powerful arguments which support the view that the official exchange rate reduces the real value of foreign currency for purposes of calculating the economic national profitability for investment projects and hence for the purposes of investment planning. It is demonstrated in this context to call for assessing the dinar for less than (3.208) dollar (official exchange rate) when assessing project outputs and inputs of traded goods of exports, substitute imports and imports... etc.

The justifications to call for the use of an exchange rate that is lower than the official exchange rate are:

· The use of an exchange rate that is lower than the official rate is the appropriate action at the investment planning level to translate the country’s economic strategy aiming at stimulating central investments in the sectors that encourage the development of non-oil exports, as well as sectors that encourage the expansion of domestic production base in order to reduce imports and compensate it with local commodities. This helps to reduce reliance on foreign exchange earnings from crude oil exports and increases the share of non-oil sectors in the local production.

· The application of the amended exchange rate on project imported inputs will assist in directing investments away from aggregated sectors dependent on imported inputs and the preference of those sectors that rely on locally produced inputs.

· The use of the amended exchange rate helps to correct the balance in favor of the traded goods sectors compared to non-traded goods.

· The real exchange rate has declined rapidly since the early seventies, through rapid rise of the level of prices and local costs which led by the steadiness of the official exchange rate to change in prices and actual local rate costs that gave an advantage for imported goods at the expense of locally produced goods, meaning that it led to deterioration of the competitiveness of alternative replacement goods and export commodities.

· This action shows that the official exchange rate overestimates the value of the dinar, compared to the foreign currency and from the promoting goods substituting imports and export commodities point of view of.

And in support to this view is the state’s utilization and in a broad approach to the customs and quantitative protection policies especially for consumer goods, as well as export subsidies that exports have through an amended export exchange rate.

3. Estimate the amended exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar to be used in technical and economical feasibility studies and for (1.134) dollar per dinar. This price should be approved for 3 years until re-appreciation by the competent authorities.
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04/23/10 12:45 PM

#24504 RE: diamondguru-one #24484

I've seen this posted before. I would be curious to see the source of this article. Without a source, how do we know if this article is a complete fabrication-- despite the fact that it sounds pretty legit?
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04/23/10 4:25 PM

#24516 RE: diamondguru-one #24484

The so called economist is shown as a fraud right from the beginning.
He claims this when asked about the large amount of currency in circulation.

We raised the issue of the large number of IQD reported as being in circulation (current estimates are at 25 Trillion). He indicated this was mostly made up of (1) in country physical currency, (2) the foreign currency reserves of the central banks around the world which are electronic, (3) currency that had been printed but not released (i.e. small denomination bills) and (4) privately held physical currency sold to increase the foreign currency reserves.

If this guy was a real economist, heck, even if he was a decent fake economist he would know that electronic currency is not part of currency in circulation... and claiming printed but not released currency is included in the number is laughable.
This is a total joke perpetrated by a dinar dealer.
But it's o so worthy of a sticky.
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04/24/10 6:11 PM

#24539 RE: diamondguru-one #24484

Diamond .. I didn't read your post on this before I posted my other questions. I might get some answers here.


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07/15/11 4:16 PM

#25687 RE: diamondguru-one #24484

I have been following the Dinar news. Will the Dodd-Frank act have any bearing on the trade of this currency ?

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Militia Man

06/25/13 1:12 PM

#26190 RE: diamondguru-one #24484

You ready? Been a long time coming..

aka RM
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05/09/14 9:28 AM

#27864 RE: diamondguru-one #24484

okay, how do I buy Iraqi dinar--any good links would be appreciated.

Thank you
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Militia Man

12/07/14 10:19 AM

#28849 RE: diamondguru-one #24484

TNT Call notes 5-Dec-2014
Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Friday, December 5, 2014, and it’s a shame that we are still talking about this. DC is trying to dial in himself; he called Pam for pointers on that! He made it into OpenMike with no problems. Anyway…
There are couple of things before we get into the information. First of all, I went to the Q and A part of the forum, and the first question I saw was asking us to be a One-call Friday. I read the comments about the call and the format and such. I try to take people who have a series of questions that affect everyone. I talk to people and listen to all their comments because people are excited to get on the call and want to say hello to everyone. Also, I like to talk to people, to know who they are and what they are about. The calls are all recorded, so I know people who can only listen on their lunch, you can listen to the replay and go forward and back as necessary.
Also I absolutely love all the letters and cards we got, the stories of how you got here and what’s going on. I like people and getting to know them. I like that people say this has been an education in life, finance, our government, etc. That’s why I went through what I went through, and you have no clue what that is really like over the last four years. If that is there, then it’s worth it. My niece is a President of a college in Ohio, and she says she listens to me every night. You have no idea what kind of education you get here. That’s why we have the kind of call we do here.
If you go onto, you’ll see something we told you about three years ago. There was a plan for China to take over, and today they publically announced that China has surpassed the US and has the #1 economy of the world, with 16.5% of the global economy. This is coming from the IMF. I’ve been trying to tell people about this for years. China had a plan to become the global currency and they are working that plan methodically. Every global power started with their economy, and their decline started with the economy as well. That’s why we tell you to create a legacy and make your money work for you – the dollar will decline, and that is actually occurring now. A lot of people don’t believe it, and they think it will all be hunky-dory, and it will, but not in the same way. The country, economy and even the internet changes. Everyone was on MySpace before Facebook, and something will come after FB. The internet came and changed the whole world! The internet keeps changing, with new apps every day. Take Uber – you can call someone to pick you up, and that company is now worth 40 million dollars, in only two years! So have a plan for your money that takes account of those changes. The last four years is not just about when you get your dinar; we’ve been sharing a lot of things including how you to use some of these changes to create your future.
DC, do you have some good news?
DC: PM Abadi is back in town after a great trip to Paris and Brussels. He is back in country and ready to go. In the mosques, they are telling people to pay attention to the television and radio, that celebrations are ready to go through. In Iraq, there is more movement on the budget adjustment ($70 per barrel) and Abadi ‘retired’ 20-30 other folks in the interior and defense ministries. He continues to pull people together, him and his teams – Kurds, Sunnis and Shi’as are all working together for the first time in a long time. On television, it says the reform is about to be finished, and they are covering celebrations and “we are about to be wealthy”, etc.
With ISIL, they are continuing to roll them back. The coalition has more resources to continue that fight. Everything is ready for the RV in Iraq – it’s pretty straightforward!
Tony: Everyone is ready, waiting for the announcement. I don’t’ see it happening before 6pm Iraqi time, after their Sabbath. It’s the weekend, which is Tony time!
DC: In Brussels and Paris, more resources have been allocated. There are many promises that the US will not mess with it this time. The US has looked everyone in the eye and promised not to screw with it this time. There were tense situations at various levels – “we know what you’ve been doing, and you need to stop” conversations. That adds some good pressure to the situation. The UN keeps pushing to get this done. BIS+IMF has the worst job trying to keep everyone in line. They have pushed out new rates in the last few days, and they have been taken by all countries down to the bank level. That has been successfully tested, so thank you. The US administration has NOT been getting in the way, they have had more tests and are ready to go. The bankers have accepted the rates, and are doing their individual plans, back and forth. Are they taking the ones they want, or all of them, or what? Only a few will take the masses, at this point. Law enforcement and bank security are all ready to get done with this, too.
Tony: So the banks brought in their people last night with security meetings yesterday. Pam, are you there? Can you talk? What about advertising on the site?
Pam: I am here and I can talk – I was doing dishes. We have people on the site promoting things like charities or themselves or MLMs. You cannot promote anything on the site – you will be banned for it. Don’t do it in chat or by PM – don’t do it at all.
Tony: People are collecting your emails on PMs to form their own lists. If we get a series of those, we will delete them. This site is not for others to get your information. They know you are about to get a lot of money, and you don’t know what they will do with your information. You are grownups and I’ve warned you – down the road, you may find that they are sharing your information with others. We have got messages and complaints about befriending people and now they are saying things on the internet or whatever. I’ve gotten it all. I get all these stories, and all I can say is: You are grown, I’ve told you before, and you need to call the police if there is a problem. Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it, that’s all. Bad people use charities and whatever to persuade you they are good.
786 caller: About a month now you’ve been saying that people are exchanging at the banks, and I’m thinking that we could be delayed here for another year. We don’t know. How can you give us some of the information of who is doing the exchanges so that we can get in line?
Tony: Do you want us to give you specific bank locations? Let’s say there are five across the country; how do you get in there? You walk up to the locations and ask them to let you in? You’re going to picket the bank unless you get in? The process isn’t working that way. We have the information and we are not on the list! They have their own systems, and we know what it is, and that gives us confidence that our time will come. They can pick and choose up to 40,000 without Iraq getting upset. But if they do a million people without Iraq going public, then Iraq will be upset.
Caller: But I could follow up through my contacts…
Tony: I have 24,000 people on this call right now. By the time I send that out, 240,000 will have that information by this afternoon – you want them all to call this guy today? That’s why we can’t do that – they would shut it down, the same as when we told you fiends and family were being processed at WF. The minute they found out, they shut it down.
Caller: There is no answer, then; we just wait?
Tony: If Iraq gets paid and we don’t, then we know there is a plan to exclude us. That is when we react and like crazy. As long as they pay everyday people, then that tells me our agreement is still in place. “We don’t burn the house down as long as you play fair.” If they say, “Sorry, guys, we won’t exchange you”, then we have an issue. But at the moment they are still exchanging ordinary folks.
DC: There was a rumor yesterday in DC about the US public getting cut out of the exchange process. The distrust between the administration and Congress is so high right now that someone called me and said that “We are going to war; we are bringing these people down.” I thought, “Holy crap, they are trying to cut the US public out.” The good news is that people in office are worried about it as well, they are watching it, and the distress factor is there. They will not let this nastiness go on. We were able to calm things down and explain the disinformation they got caught up in. There are many beyond just our network that are protecting us at the highest of levels. High people in the administration were on the phone calming everyone down, and we moved on. My point in mentioning this is that nobody wants to screw the American public, even those who delayed this (and I disagree with why they wanted to do that). They want us to have this, but it’s not going to happen until Iraq gets it. There are a lot of people watching out for any funny business going on.
Tony: There was a whole load of misinformation and we had to sift through it to find out how and why it didn’t go, with changes at one bank or another. Fortunately, DC had the information to go back to the Senator with reassurance. If we find out we are not in line, then we know what to do.
559 caller: I’ve been on this for over ten years now and it’s been a real roller coaster. The confusion is this – the banks want to know what we will do with our money? How can they be the ones to decide what we do? It’s like the bully who kicks you out if you don’t play by their rules. Also, what tax rate will we be put into? I thought it was an open door. In California, we will put away 58%; how can the banks be the ones to decide what rate we get? How does that work?
Tony: We don’t have the package yet. I can tell you what those who have been exchanging have been going through. Those whose names come up have a code assigned and that gives them a specific rate. They are already assigned a rate, and they get an offer of a higher rate based on what you intend to do. One person might be assigned $3.58, another $9 and another $28, and all might have a higher rate offered based on what they intend to do. Banks don’t have to have US customers; they get to choose who they want as their customers. They might decide they only want to have customers who intend to invest in that bank, with longevity. There is one bank that has to exchange everyone, but they can easily tell you to move on after 30 days. All we know is that if you keep X amount for Y time, they might give you a higher rate.
Caller: That opens up another door. What if they don’t want you? Are there banks that will cash you out just to get rid of you?
Tony: No one will ‘cash out’ 300,000 cash in a suitcase. Maximum, they will give you $9,000 cash on the day itself.
Caller: In that 30-day period, who will exchange and how will you ge the money?
Tony: WE don’t have the package. First, they have to exchange you, so you have the money. Then they give you 30, 60 or 90 days and tell you to move your money some place else. They will give you a cashier’s check or a bank wire to wherever you want to move it to. They will not give you cash, I know that. But they cannot take your money back because you are moving it out. This happens every day now. They don’t like your spending patterns, they will give you a cashier’s check and send you elsewhere. Banks close accounts all the time, but they don’t keep your money!
Caller: Thanks, and I hope this will all be behind us after this weekend.
636 caller: A friend called me about the background check – he has a wire fraud against him. Will that exclude him from exchanges?
DC: I don’t know. The banks will be doing background checks for those they want to do business with, and if they don’t like you, they’ll give you a check and send you off.
Caller: I’ve heard a lot about OPEC driving oil prices down to mess with Iraq about the 2015 budget. Is that true? Is that delaying things? Are they playing games with Iraq?
DC: It’s not necessarily playing games. There are several different factors. Saudi Arabia has a lot of cash and can do whatever they want. Iran is pretty ****y right now, too. Europe’s economy is slowing down, so they are worried. The global economy is slowing down, and that affects oil prices as well. The Saudis are also aggravated with the US shell game and Iranian stuff that has destabilized certain situations. They can and have blocked the rates for selling oil. If they drop their oil production, Iraq will take up the slack. They are not intentionally screwing with Iraq, because most of their oil goes to China anyway. However, the economy productivity of the world will go up, though, overall.
Caller: The HCL and 2015 budget – have those passed through the government of Iraq? Do they have to go through the Gazette?
DC: HCL has been adjusted again and announced. That is completed and legal. The Budget is complete apart from the third reading. Neither really mattered, but in any case they have been done and completed. Some has been put in the Gazette and some has not, but they don’t really matter for the RV. The HCL is a living document with broad parts being fixed at 17% and the rest continually being adjusted. Every person gets a royalty check and that is being adjusted all the time according to production and price.

406 caller: Good morning from Montana! [Appreciation] You’ve been saying that when we get to our meeting with the wealth adviser, we may be able to negotiate the rate. But during the first exchange meeting, will we be able to say we want the contract rate then?
DC: If you get the contract rate, you’ll find out early on. Afterwards you can negotiate with the wealth manager. If not, you’ll get $3.58 or whatever it’s been adjusted to.
Tony: it depends on the criteria you’re willing to play ball by.
Caller: Here’s my concern, that people who only have 100K dinar… that will only be $358,000 dollars. Will they still be qualified to go to the wealth manager or not?
Tony: This is reality. If you have 100-300K dinar, that will probably be your rate. You don’t have enough for the bank to look at you as a top-tier client. The upper crust start at 5 to 10 million dollars. That is why they say most dinarians will be broke in two years. IF they have less than 100K dinar, they will probably get the $3.58 rate. If the bank has the option to pick and choose, they will choose those who have the most. That’s just how business is done. We don’t know how they will allocate those contract rates. If you have only 100-300 thousand dinar, count on getting on that $3.58 rate. That’s just reality.
Caller: Somehow it doesn’t seem quite fair that my friend with 100k dinar won’t have the option of the contract rate at all!
Tony: We want everyone to have the contract rate, but it’s not going to happen. They are not going to give five million people five million dollars each. That’s just life. Let me say this plainly: I don’t know that the limit is one million. That is just a scenario. Use what you have and get what you can get and put it to work for you. You can change your life if you don’t spend it on a ritzy car, two motorcycles and trip to Tahiti! I wish everyone had the chance at the contract rates – that would be more fair. But it’s not a lottery ticket.
DC: The vast majority are going to get the international rate – the vast majority. The contract rate will only be available for a few days. Banks will assess if you will be there for a while, and then they may bump it up for you. Most people will get the $3.58. because you are paying attention, you have a fighting chance at the contract rate, but most will not.
Tony: If you have a plan, you have a chance to negotiate it higher – or if you are willing to leave some in the bank for a year, or whatever.
508 caller: Is there any talk about the UST stipulating what our tax rates will be? Every tax consultant out there will have a different opinion about this… A statement from the UST would be very helpful.
DC: That would be helpful but it’s not on the cards. That’s why we tell people to set aside the highest amount, just in case. It will be in the normal updates to all the tax consultants. Also, there will be a lot of litigation about what qualifies who which rate on this. People will say it fits into this code or that code, so that rate applies. It will take a while to understand it all. Sure, a ruling would be helpful, but it’s not happening. That would make too much sense.
Caller: It’s hard to hear you DC, by the way. I call into these calls to adjust my plan. For the longest time, we heard we could exchange a 25K note, pay off our reserves, and walk into the appointment with all our currency in hand. What are your thoughts on that?
DC: On the 25K notes, that plan has been scratched. With the changes, with all the banks NOT doing this at all the same time/rates, it’s just too hard for them to do that. You’ll have to go through the exchange process. However, some banks can do that very quickly. Remember some banks will participate, and some will not. We’ll have to wait and see how that shakes out.
Caller: I’ve worked out with Sterling that they can exchange a 25k note; now I’m hearing that if I exchange that note, I won’t qualify for the contract rate at all.
DC: I haven’t heard that at all.
Tony: You are asking if you exchange that note, buy your reserves, and then go to the bank. You want to get your reserves so that when you meet with your wealth manager, you can negotiate a higher rate because your have more in hand, right? I don’t know if that will be possible, in terms of timing. If you are trying to get to the bank within 72 hours, you cannot do both. If you are trying to get in first, that won’t be possible. Sterling can cash you out at international rates, and that will not affect your appointment at all, in terms of what they might offer you afterwards.
DC: I’ve never heard about any penalties for Sterling exchanging at international rates.
Tony: You can go to Sterling, pay off your reserves and then go to the bank.
Caller: Whatever they do for taxes on the dinar, will it be the same for other currencies?
DC: We have been told to keep the dinar separate because they may be taxed at a different rate. Better safe than sorry.
Caller: I don’t understand how they can take off the three zero in Iraq but we still have them here. I’ve been on this for year, and I don’t understand it, mathematically speaking.
DC: Iraq wants to get to the point where a dinar = $3.58 or whatever rate they decide. On the folks getting paid the new currency rate, they are being paid $3.58, same as us. It’s their’s. A large part of the country are still on the old rate of 1166. Right now, the debit cards are making adjustments according to the rates, and this is making everyone nuts. This is causing a lot of grief. It’s a matter of who is getting the better rate.
Tony: Let’s say you have a 10K dinar note. We would get $35,800 for that note, while someone in Iraq might get $35.80.
DC: If someone has a 10K note, it has the same purchasing power no matter where it is. They have the same purchasing power with that note. If they spend it, they will get change at the same rate. They have removed almost all the three-zero notes because each note is so high-value, they are not being given out in change any longer. You don’t want to carry those high notes in your wallet! They are just on a dinar standard rather than a dollar standard.
Caller; Thanks. Just ignore that twitter nonsense – most appreciate all you do!
Tony: I don’t even listen to those. I sent out tweets so you can talk about them. If I spent all my time on twitter, we wouldn’t have time to gather and discuss the real information. Pam and the mods monitor the boards and make sure you get the information you need. If there is something I need to know about, they make sure I get that. DC doesn’t even know how to get on the board! I cherish all the personal letters and messages, but we don’t’ really have time for the nonsense. The agencies collect all the information. We don’t worry about it. We’ve been legally notified. They are trying to make a name for themselves, and sometimes they use us to get hits to their sites so they can get paid!
650 caller: Whose got the ball right now? What will let this go?
DC: Iraq very much wants to do this. The US insisted that Iraq should be fully, completely ready; others say the US intentionally mishandled the situation. Iraq is very eager and ready for this to go through. There was a lot of contention at the meeting that the US caused the issues that slowed this down. Iraq wants to do this on their own timeline, in a calm, professional manner that builds confidence in Iraq. If they do it badly, it’s hard to get back that confidence in their government. If it doesn’t go through smoothly, Iraq will look like idiots, not the US, so it’s important for them to do this in a smooth, concise way with coordination with all the international bodies. The problem is that there is enough time being given for those sabotaging them to mess with the situation. What’s different now is that Iraq has been in their faces in a pointed way, ready to get this done. The US doesn’t seem to be getting in the way this time, but every other country is now being cautious, waiting to see if Iraq can carry this off in a professional way.
Caller: Are we in a window now? At what point does it flip over to January?
DC: None of my people see that. It’s been a tactical thing, day by day, forward and back. My people don’t see this as going to January if it’s not been done by the 15th.
Caller: Tony, do you have a question for DC?
Tony: Given all the windows we have seen open and close, how much confidence to you have in this one?
DC: The US has been open about wanting to get this done now.
917 caller: Can we expect to hear from you after the 800 numbers are given, or not?
DC: We don’t know. That keeps changing. We know there are some windows for exchanging, again. Because they expected all of us to be through by now, all the windows had to change. The window is now this weekend, so far as we know. I’m getting in as quickly as I can.
Caller: So you have to keep dialing the 800 number until they get an appointment!
DC: Nobody is actively trying to screw us – they want this to go as smoothly and quickly as possible. They don’t want people holding up the line, so we are trying to educate and inform people to keep it moving.
Tony: They are only allowing two minutes per call in multiple call centers, so you shouldn’t’ have to wait for very long.
DC: I understand bad people, but there are way too many folks involved in this with a lot of documentations. If you intentionally screw this up for the US or Iraqi citizens, hell will rain down on you in so many ways. The banks want us to exchange as well. Yesterday, senior Senators called me and they were mad as hell. They could call a press conference at any moment – and so could the PM of Iraq, Australia, etc. They do not wake up asking themselves how they can screw the little dinarians!
Caller: So we get to our exchange appointment; is that where they give us the questionnaire or what?
DC: We tweet out the 800 number, one for each of the banks. That phone call should be two minutes or less, and set the appointment up for you. You show up at the time required, it will be very simple, and there will be third-party security present. The bank tech will count our your dinar (or whatever) and run it through the machine (fi there is one) and they will then offer you a rate. You sign the paperwork, you have a certain percent available immediately, and you go on your merry way. If you have an LLC or trust or foundation, you can specify what goes where. They will then have a wealth manager contact you within 72 hours. Or if you already have a relationship with a wealth manager, you can call them first. They can make the appointment for you, because they will get the credit for bringing in that client.
Tony: Most wealth managers are saying for you to call them, not through the exchange center. So you can call them, or they will call you to set up the appointment.
407 caller: I have a bank story. I went to the bank on Saturday, for other reasons, and I asked the teller if there might be a wealth manager on location. They took my number and had someone call me – not a private banker but someone in that department. I said I wanted to talk to a private banker, but I asked them about the GCR. He said he’d had heard about it, but he heard that the dinar was a scam. He said that their bank only said it if you wanted to travel to Iraq. He asked it anyone called me, and I said I found out about it through church. He said I should call the SEC to report it. What do you think about that?
DC: It’s normal. They won’t know until after this has been done. They have kept most bankers out of this because they want to retain their workforce.
301 caller: Are we hearing a timeline that you can share with us?
DC: This weekend!
Caller: If one has a currency where there is no contract rate, will be under any restrictions as to exchanging it at the same time as those with those that do have contract rates?
DC: You can decide separately for each currency. You can bring some in right away, hold off on others, or exchange percentages, just as you decide.
Caller: Thank you. We are waiting for the wonderful blessing this weekend!
585 caller: Who is giving the banks the codes to let them know what to give each individual what rate they will get?
DC: Most don’t have a code. Some have had security checks or background checks already, and the banks have sent their names to the UST for permission to exchange. They will not do that when we all show up at the bank; it will be done en masse. But I don’t know how they are assigning the rates to these people.
Caller: If the bank is not assigning the rate, where is that coming from? Is that from the UST, the administration, the IRS?
Tony: We don’t know! The banks don’t know the rate until they put the code in…
Caller: So you go in for your exchange, with a large amount of dinar and large reserves you have already paid for that the banks won’t handle. If it hasn’t RVed for the dealer yet, how can you pay off those reserves?
Tony: So far, they are not dealing with reserves. People are being exchanged on cash in hand. I think they would exchange with the dealers.
Caller: Were these restrictions placed on those who exchanged last year? Senators, are you listening? How can that be fair?
Tony: We don’t know what will be allowed on reserves. They were allowed reserves last winter.
DC: Everyone is trying to make this as fair as possible. Some definitions of ‘fair’ are not mine, but most people are pretty happy. Many people will go ballistic if they believe we are not being treated fairly. I believe they are trying to do the right thing now, although they were messing with Iraq previously. They agreed to certain amounts in the pool, and they are not trying to screw everyone over. All this information leaks out, no matter if it stamped Top Secret, so it’s highly unlikely they don’t know this will come out and their asses will be nailed to the wall. We have taken this whole adversarial response, but there are many on both sides of the aisle who will be up in arms if there are problems. The defense is already there, and nobody believes that if the public is intentionally messed with that this will be kept from the public. Everyone is trying to do the right thing and we need to take a different mindset.
Caller: If just one person improves their life through this, it will have been worth it.
DC: I’d like to say something. We have had a lot of negative stuff today and I want to say something positive. We get all these touching stories in this book we put together, and I’ve been sharing that with our information guys, to let them know we are making a difference. It’s been a brutal process that is wearing on everyone. They have been touched by these stories of what people have been going through, and the foundations and businesses people want to start. Now these people are pretty tough, but I believe that many people plan to do good things with this money, so let’s keep a more positive approach. This will be transformational to society as a whole. There are people in position who have put off retirement or job transfers, just to make sure this goes right. This is true of people in the UST, the administration and elsewhere who want this for us and for the Iraqis.
404 caller: [Appreciation] As for caller 917 and dealing with 800 numbers, if we have trusts and such, would we be better off bringing all our currencies together, so that we can deal with the totals, and then divvy the funds up into the different accounts?
DC: What the banks want is for you to make one appointment per entity. What I’m going to do is to say, “Between these six entities I have this much” because that will bump me up onto another level. They tell us “one entity, one call”, but if it all goes into the same SS number or EIN number, that’s a different situation. I’ll be doing that with the first call, because that increases your chance at the contract rates.
Caller: Are we still waiting for an announcement from Iraq?
DC: Abadi should be announcing that the CBI has changed the rate and now we are rich. That’s supposed to be coordinated by the BIS+CBI. They are waiting to be sure the US is really on board this time. They are handling this as low-key as possible, so there will not be announcements from the US, UK, or wherever.
Tony: I wouldn’t expect this until 6pm Iraq time, because that is when their Sabbath ends. However, we are already past that, so it could be any time this weekend.
DC, I have the latest articles here, and they say Iraq is running half days on Sunday and Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are declared official holidays again. They are planning on doing something, they just don’t know when it will come out. We hope this happens this weekend and people will be out spending money.
DC: everyone is in place. Iraq is ready. Rates were changed here again yesterday and this morning. Even in the US, everyone is ready to get going. I think we will be cautious but positive. Make sure you have a plan including taxes and conservative income.
Pam: Hope you feel better, Tony!
Ray: Continue to enjoy this Fabulous Friday.
Tony: We continue to think weekend is the best time. Iraq keeps saying everything is ready to go. They have agreed to let the central bank be on its own. They don’t want to look like idiots if they try to let this go and get stopped again. In Geneva meetings yesterday, Abadi looked them in the eye, and everyone said yes and agreed to let this go. DC thinks there is an honest effort to get us all exchanged. As long as this happens and we are treated fairly, we will keep our end. I’m looking forward to a great weekend. It is scheduled to happen, and we’ll see what happens. If anything happens, I will send out a tweet and we’ll have another call!
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Top Penny

10/12/15 10:21 AM

#29362 RE: diamondguru-one #24484

I really liked your post, however it's from 2010. Have you spoken with your economist friend since 2010? If you don't mind me asking, what is your opinion of the Dinar now? Thanks, hope to hear back.