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11/10/17 10:44 AM

#40980 RE: researcher59 #40978

r59: SQBG

A validation of my rule to try to avoid small companies that have a lot of debt. One false step and they can get into very serious trouble.

I especially like companies that have a ton of cash and no debt because they have done a big, splashy IPO. I think FB would be a good example of that.


11/10/17 11:20 AM

#40987 RE: researcher59 #40978

Thanks for that info on ICON. Relative to SQBG, its LT debt payment schedule doesn't ramp up significantly until 4-5 years from now.

Here is the relevant info from the 10K:

Payments Due by Period
Contractual Obligations Total Less than 1
Year 2-3 Years 4-5 Years After 5
(in thousands)

Operating leases $ 13,443 $ 7,390 $ 2,367 $ 1,583 $ 2,103
Capital leases 230 230 - - -
Guaranteed payments in connection with acquisitions 12,002 4,300 6,500 1,202 -
Long-term debt obligations:
2016 Term Loans 582,500 28,300 56,600 124,100 373,500
2016 Revolving Loan 80,500 - - 80,500 -
Total $ 688,675 $ 40,220 $ 65,467 $ 207,385 $ 375,603

They do have some time to figure out how to extend/refinance the debt, but your warning is well taken, and the market has spoken quite loudly that it would be wise to weigh this concern heavily.