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11/09/17 11:49 PM

#42629 RE: VVVVVV #42626

We, longs, are fine. Things start heating up shortly! Always some up and downs in the market!


11/10/17 4:45 AM

#42641 RE: VVVVVV #42626

"Agreed! PPS at this stage and volume is misleading.
200,000 shares traded out of 1.3 billion is nothing. Just imagine with any good news and high volume would do to the PPS. Per one of my prior posts, even with bad news and the price falls, doesn’t mean you can buy tens of millions of shares at that price. Wonder how many shares did trade when we were over $ .34? Probably not much."
I think this opinion is" misleading". 1st, the pps is not misleading. It is very understandable and reflective as well as expected, with the history of vplm. It also demonstrates how given enough time, the market knows what its doing. All that times provides undeniable proof, based on what has gone on with a stock, and based on the wisdom of the shareholders & investors (on a avg). The market DOES know in most cases, given enough time & data, which is exactly what is provided to it as time goes on. It is usually right. And "the volume" just goes along with that idea. It is not misleading. More realistically, it COULD turn out to be wrong, in a miracle scenario, but THAT would not, in retrospect, show the pps & volume to be "misleading" would merely show that a miracle happened.