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11/08/17 2:27 PM

#36955 RE: pro bono #36954

They did this before...supposedly had a top auditor (Squar Milner) they started and then they switched for some reason and then it was never completed. Has to be something auditors are finding that won't pass.

When it is broken down pretty hard not see a pattern here:

CHICO, CA –June 15, 2012
The company also announced during the conference call that the two-year audit, being performed by Irvine, CA-based Squar Milner for the period ended December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2011, is expected to be filed with the SEC by the end of July

CHICO, CA – November 28 , 2012
The company's first SEC compliant audit is on target to be completed with the first audited annual report scheduled for submission to the SEC by March 30, 2012.

CHICO, CA – March 22, 2013
The SEC audit, which is over 50 percent complete with the goal of finalizing over the next four months.

and then this:

CHICO, CA – February 14, 2014
SEC audit status

The company is interviewing new auditing firms in the Bay area that have a good understanding of our industry. Management will not renew the audit process until they have all the monies set aside to complete the audit in a timely manner.

CHICO, CA – August 21, 2014
Our goal is to be prepared for a two-year SEC audit to begin when the Niger agreement is funded.

CHICO, CA –February 22, 2016
“We are now in a financial position that will allow us to get an SEC audit underway. We have asked our attorneys at Fitzgerald, Yap, Kreditor LLP to recommend a California-based auditing firm having experience with small companies. We have begun the interview process, as we want an auditing firm with which we can work closely and build a strong long-term relationship.

“Once we have retained an auditor, we will disseminate a news release with the firm’s name and a timeframe to complete a two-year audit and submit to the SEC. Becoming a reporting company is a significant benefit to the company and its shareholders,” added Hamre.

CHICO, CA – May 3, 2016
The audit is expected to begin the end of May with a current projected completion in late September

CHICO, CA – June 30, 2016
“The SEC audit being performed by California-based Anton Chia is proceeding smoothly and the company expects the audit to be completed in September. We are all excited to finally become a fully reporting company as we believe it will positively affect the price of our stock price,” added Hamre.

CHICO, CA – September 21, 2016
According to CFO Tracie Hannick, the SEC audit is progressing as planned with auditors planning to finish the audit the first week in October.

CHICO, CA –October 14, 2016
According to CFO Tracie Hannick, the completion of the audit has been moved to the first week in November

CHICO, CA – November 21, 2016
According to CFO Tracie Hannick, the company expects to have the signed audit in the hands of the company’s securities attorney by the end of the week so they may begin developing the Form 10 for submission to the SEC.

CHICO, CA – December 13, 2016
Additionally, the company’s securities attorney has the signed audit and is developing the Form 10 for submission to the SEC in early January.

CHICO, CA – February 2, 2017
The Company has completed its 2014 and 2015 audited financial statements. Work has commenced on preparing a Registration Statement on Form 10 (the “Registration Statement”) to file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Reviewed interim financial statements and an audit of the 2016 financial statements will be required and those are being prepared as well.

The Company plans to file the Registration Statement with the SEC as soon as possible. Then the SEC comment process will begin. The process can last many months, but the Company and its service providers are committed to responding expeditiously. After the SEC comment process is completed to the SEC’s satisfaction, the SEC will declare the Registration Statement “effective” and AmeraMex will be a “reporting company” which is a requirement before applying to list on the OTCQB.

CHICO, CA – April 4, 2017 –
The Company recently replaced Chia & Alton LLP with dbbmckennon LLP. The replacement, which slightly delayed the audit of the financials for the year ended December 31, 2016, is better aligned with the needs of AmeraMex.

CHICO, CA –June 2, 2017
According to AmeraMex CFO Tracie Hannick, the audited financials for year-ended 2016 are expected to be provided to the company’s security attorney by the auditors before the end of June 2017.

CHICO, CA - August 18, 2017
The completion of the SEC audit will be announced upon submission of the Form 10 to the SEC for review and approval.

CHICO, CA – September 21, 2017
According to AmeraMex CFO, Tracie Hannick, the Company’s 2016 audit is in the final stages of completion and a news release will be disseminated when the Form 10 is formally submitted to the SEC

November 8th 2017- Zzzzz ????