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09/25/17 11:53 AM

#53 RE: Thor Von Thorson #52

I love your response, I can relate!

This is behaving very odd the way it has been trading for weeks. Not typical. I posted several post stating the same to facilitate a meaningful
discussion on the general board and all I get is "it's a POS, dilution, the CEO is a a liar, HA HA, R.I.P", so I just end up tossing out a pump to counter (knowing darn well it useless). We've done all the DD possible and some sluething. Not much more we can do but wait for it to take off for whatever reason. Frustrating because we know it is going to shoot and watching L2 all day as just as much fun as watching paint dry.

Thanks for your response and continued research. I agree just putting a simple montage is better than nothing, but I also agree it is almost futile, when anytime this will pop hard and may render the little things pointless and waste of energy at our level.

Keep up the good fight!