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08/12/17 10:43 PM

#90852 RE: Ayock #90850

Ayock: "My perspective and experience within the community of people of color is that THEY were afforded a newly found source of pride and in Obama and his associates an attempt at being treated fairly.

Is "people of color" lib-speak for African-Americans. Give me a break.

The Klan types do feel as though they no longer are in "exile", as U put it.

But again, liberal morons caused the mess in Charlottesville by going after Robert E. Lee. It was a DELIBERATE provocation, designed to cause what we saw today.

President Trump is wise to their agenda.

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08/13/17 7:46 AM

#90856 RE: Ayock #90850

" A DOJ that didn't see skin color as automatically creating guilt was a radically new concept..."

Is this the same DOJ headed by Eric Holder that said ..." If the plaintiff is white and the defendant is black we will not bring the case" ? It seems that you are living on a different planet. Of course this is exactly why we have the chaos that we have today... When you give corruption a pass you get more corruption.

A leading Department of Justice attorney who quit his job after over the Obama administration’s refusal to prosecute Black Panthers who intimidated voters outside polls during the 2008 election claims the administration has ordered the DOJ not to pursue voting-rights cases against black people.

In an interview today, J. Christian Adams, former DOJ attorney and now a contributor at Pajamas Media, told Fox News, “There is a pervasive hostility within the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department toward these sorts of cases.”

Many Youtube videos on this...

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08/13/17 10:19 AM

#90862 RE: Ayock #90850

Yeah, we tend to agree but see it so vastly different. The USA is no longer the land of opportunity it once was. The opportunities are far fewer and many more of the willing and unwilling are being left behind. That's not a racial thing because the adversity affects everyone in the same way. It seems racial because of the population density in the big cities where it seems to hit the hardest. How does one teach a young adult to work at a low skill job paying minimum wage when he could be working a street corner for a drug dealer making way more money, tax free no less? The penalties if caught are minimal but the record follows and future prospects are seriously curtailed.
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08/13/17 1:57 PM

#90877 RE: Ayock #90850

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery...