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03/21/17 8:16 AM

#60244 RE: JoseSD #60236

Good Morning Peeps..

I think the opposite. I think it did more that I thought it would do.

I have no problem with that. I can even understand it.

Just about the entire time I have been a member of this forum I have touted the "big picture". To me, and again I stress 'to me'.. you cannot look at just one facet of a stock. Any stock. Just like everything else, its a sum of all the parts. While one thing can affect the stock price (depending on what it is, some more than others) so can all the other things.

Last week SUNW announced that they expect to miss their previous goals in the upcoming quarterly announcement and the price dropped to the current levels. The danged official announcement isn't even out yet and people acted like the sky was falling. Makes me wonder what will happen when the earnings report is actually released!

If you believe that all those shares and selling were this bad for the company, then when does it bottom out? When do you see it all equaling out? The company is obviously not worthless and has plenty of value. When does the share price take its lumps and stop dropping?

I believe this was a panic drop and will eventually rise back to previous levels. I believe the value of the company is more than the detriment of what ever shares and selling happened a few years ago. I believe this is nothing more than a micro cap start up trying to get its legs and grow up in a tough neighborhood. Its going to get knocked down a lot on the way up, and this was just one of those times. I have seen it happen before with other start ups and this is no different.