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03/10/17 11:57 PM

#395547 RE: stockprofitter #395545

It takes a lot for the Fannie price to go up. Easy to drop though. Gretchen article today gave exactly a 10 cent boost. Sessions news getting rid of DOJ lawyers will do nothing for the price. However Maria Bartiromo tweet at 4 pm is still debatable at this time regarding the price influence. More importantly is how many other new organizations out there will pick up on Gretchen and Maria news and tweets over the weekend and the upcoming week. There is no doubt momentum is building as per Action8101. In terms of physics momentum is defined as mass times velocity. Remember that velocity is a vector which means it has absolute value ( speed ) and direction ( vector ). What's the vector Victor ? Well obviously the speed is a ludicrous high number. The vector is obviously towards the moon. Can I make it more obvious ? Obviously not.