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01/18/17 4:43 PM

#38292 RE: Rhinegold #38288

AMAZING....They are really being creative about their products and delivery systems....OWCP is a very forward thinking company.


01/18/17 5:29 PM

#38339 RE: Rhinegold #38288

What is so special about these delivery methods?
First of all I cannot be too specific I hope you understand. are talking about four ways of delivery – cream, soluble pill, nasal spray. We are debating a 4th one which is a suppository. I have had some experience as using cannabis as a suppository, mainly in Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease and we have had very good results with less side effects.

Wow. Thanks Rhinegold! I never thought about the additional delivery methods. More methods equals more products! $$$ Amazing. Truly the best stock I've ever owned.

crazy horse 0

01/18/17 7:12 PM

#38405 RE: Rhinegold #38288

Put it in the I-Box

Thanks !!!