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12/11/16 1:36 PM

#53875 RE: dp60 #53874

These are the posts I enjoy reading .Thank you very much for your input In regards to that info we should also understand that Quantum is uniquely positioned in a emerging market with minimal competition and growth beyond the display sector.Reading how fast some of the early internet,computer chip and home computer companies grew lends me to think this could ramp very quickly and if it does then it comes down to how the growth strategy is managed.I believe the company at the moment is preparing itself for this and we are seeing some of the steps being taken.This technology is still relatively unknown or covered mainstream by the general public,with exceptional of the many Samsung tvs ads I see ongoing stating quantum dot technology.Free advertisement for our technology is a start via Samsung commercials but I would like to see more coverage in the many tech writers articles online or in print.A concentrated media push by Quantum marketing dept on the many multimedia channels would be another area to ramp up as news comes available.I feel Quantum is ready to launch very soon and the demmand will outstrip supply in short.Let's aldo be vigal about disinformation as we move forward as I have noticed there has been a bit of that here time to time without any acknowledgment of the misinformation posted wether by accident or on purpose.Thanks kindly.


12/11/16 1:54 PM

#53876 RE: dp60 #53874

Great example of Moving from the OTC to the NASDAQ, the ending is so true

even very good news will take time to turn into revenue, and will take time to create quarter over quarter results and visibility. We will need financing and further investment, and probably face more dilution no matter what. If we somehow miss the display film market opportunity—the situation radically changes as continued, even accelorated dilution will likely become the only option for survival. I prefer to not think about that. I am very encouraged by the steps QMC has anticipated taking.

I plan to put this in Extended Stickies. Thanks dp60