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10/27/16 12:54 PM

#259360 RE: JimLur #259354

JimLur -- fact remains, Napolitano's at best an idiot

and 'we' not only don't think 'we' know everything, 'we' know nobody can or does know everything -- not even, especially not, reality-denying lie-embracing authoritarian followers such as you folks -- you want an example of someone who does think he knows everything and frequently asserts as much? -- look at your wannabe Führer Trump

(linked in) and preceding (and any future following)


10/28/16 12:33 AM

#259416 RE: JimLur #259354

We Fact Checked Trump’s Claim That ‘Virtually Every Single’ Legal Expert Believes Clinton Committed a Crime

by Rachel Stockman | 1:51 pm, April 27th, 2016

During his victory lap after Tuesday’s big five state win, Donald Trump relished in taking aim at his presumptive Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. He couldn’t resist mentioning the FBI’s email investigation, and how “it’s an absolute criminal outrage.”

“Whether I read about it in the paper, or I watch it with legal experts on television, virtually every single one of them said what she did is a criminal act. What she did is a very dangerous thing for our country and here she is running,” he told reporters.

So as a legal website, we had to fact check this one. Does ‘virtually every single’ legal expert really believe Clinton committed a crime? The answer is no. In fact, legal experts are pretty divided. While there are several very credible legal minds who say she should be indicted based on the evidence, there are also plenty who believe she didn’t do anything legally wrong.

First, here’s a rundown of legal experts who have opined that Clinton may have, in fact, committed a crime.

#1 Fox’s Judge Andrew Napolitano has said time and time again that...

JimLur, in this case why would you believe a Fox News, a network with an obvious political bias,
judge? Why would you believe in this case a judge who personally has a strong conservative bias?

Why would you believe him ahead of other legal experts?

In this case the only answer must be that your political allegiance coincides with Napolitano's. Not a good reason, is it.