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05/14/14 1:32 PM

#24150 RE: qureka #24142

Thanks for expanding the discussion, Q!

Like I said, "I don't know exactly what my price is...," and as Bernard Baruch said, "It is much harder to sell stocks correctly than to buy them correctly."

If all goes perfectly and all the putts fall, somewhere, (many?) months or years from now, it's possible there could be more money to be made. As the unknown fades, along with the risk, my selling number logically would go up. However, if presented with an opportunity today to cash out of half of my shares for over $1MM, I'd have a hard time passing. Hopefully, it's a call we will all get to make soon! :)


05/14/14 6:59 PM

#24246 RE: qureka #24142

Q Great Post (sticky potential)