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Re: None

Friday, 03/28/2014 10:15:38 PM

Friday, March 28, 2014 10:15:38 PM

Post# of 28688
October 01, 2013 - March 21, 2014

For the following, the time line starts 6 months ago and travels to the present.

For myself I'm amazed on how little insight I retained from reading these posts when posted, and only now reading all together does a clear picture arise that implies facts unrealized by me during the passage of time to today.

Reading the posts is a simple conclusion that while John Bourque and CJ Condon engaged in activity at Bourque Industries which may be of interest to the SEC and IRS, with a follow thru to the FBI, its implied that they were not the engine that failed Bourque Industries but allowed such activity to take place without the required by law based on their corporate positions to notify appropriate government agencies of what appeared to be wrong doings, as actions to destroy shareholder value.

bigdog/1 Tuesday, 10/01/13 11:41:03 AM
Re: mikeg2 post# 21505
Post # of 22439

It has been awhile since I posted anything.

Here is the deal a lot of us have been laying back whom were involved in this product from the get go. put monies and everything we had behind John and CJ....they let ME down as well as you.

There has be a viable product put in front of Bourque that works very recently...that is lighter and has no baggage behind it (JOHN AND CJ).....the board approve it and then took a pass.

I know the behind the scenes crap that has been going on....the only way this company is GOING to make it is for a total house cleaning.

I as well as Sean and others want to see the stocks grow...we truly want what is best for you investors and our investment of time and loyalty. If the backyard does not get cleaned up this will fail.......I can tell you this in all honesty, as someone whom knows Johnny well and his bull crap......There is a product now that will turn this around with no baggage tied to it that works....just gotta get the right people in the right spot to make it happen.....CLEAN FN HOUSE or it is doomed.

All the negative things said about people whom really care is crap. There are some whom have walked away with a lot of money if you dig and go way back even further than JBIT.....and it aint John or CJ.....their inexperience in running things is what screwed us and yes some dig, do research, get behind this one question WHY is not the best armor on the market not selling.....look at the players past and present and you will find the answer......Thanks

bigdog/1 Tuesday, 12:50:33 PM
Re: None
Post # of 22439
Something else to ponder,

CJ is back in charge for past few weeks....was fired by the board when reinstated then has been reinstated......I do believe that is not UP TO SNUFF...what's up with that? maybe that is why....FACT.....MATT "quit"....Brent Willis "gone"....Michael Koletic and Joel Heffron also "gone"....RAY resigned and his name was removed as of this morning and this is on the corp. governance page....why did not CJ remove the others......this is a question that concerns I do know the answers and again it has to do with honesty.....AGAIN CLEAN HOUSE

bigdog/1 Tuesday, 10/01/13 04:52:28 PM
Re: Scorpitron post# 21514
Post # of 22439

I was not alluding to the armor you have stated. There are no ITAR issues, it is NIJ certified and is 2 lbs lighter than what was for sale prior to....It was handed to Bourque on a silver platter was approved...and I am sure Mr. B shot it is a game that is being played with your intrest not taken into consideration....go figure

bigdog/1 Tuesday, 10/01/13 04:59:40 PM
Re: mikeg2 post# 21517
Post # of 22439
well sir I think that will happen soon and I am sure of it.....if you all don't find some way to stop this you will loose.

I have knowledge first hand of orders that are Bourque going to play games or take an offer of help and guidance and let the guys who can do it do it....or is offer and this product going to go somewhere else.

bigdog/1 Tuesday, 10/01/13 05:31:50 PM
Re: mikeg2 post# 21526
Post # of 22439

I am personally out of my pocket fulfilling the order to The Port of Seattle to make it complete.

You have no idea of what I and others who care about you all are doing.....but I have to be careful as my ties go a bit deeper than you would think.

I have done some real recent testing and demos and the results are awesome.......the orders will be coming....there is concern about bourque in the field but things can be fixed if you are straight up.

nd that is where the rub is doing things with is there call how this goes.

Enough said as I have given as much info as I can

bigdog/1 Tuesday, 10/01/13 05:39:17 PM
Re: Scorpitron post# 21530
Post # of 22439
Smoke is being blown up someone's behind.......If I could I would tell all of what I know....I cant and be legal......there is a lot of money missing....ALOT.....and Johnny and CJ did not get any of that pile

Do some digging and take the focus off of the grand illusionist Mr. B.....he aint that me....dig deeper

bigdog/1 Tuesday, 10/01/13 05:45:03 PM
Re: Scorpitron post# 21536
Post # of 22439
naw that con took Johnny to the cleaners.....Johnny in his greed got took lock stock and barrel......dead issue he got paid and dumped stocks.

bigdog/1 Tuesday, 10/01/13 07:32:14 PM
Re: Scorpitron post# 21540
Post # of 22439

Again monies that came from Schissler (Iron Ridge) were only to be used to pay Third party vendors...

Explain how.... FACT.... Company CFO Brett Scholl was paid $190,000 dollars, Vice President at that time Kim Southworth paid monies and a whole host of Management officers of Bourque were paid monies out of the Iron Ridge funds.

if you go to and look at April and May corporate governesses you will see they were employed by Bourque
and these payments we OK'd by only one of two people.......and it ain't a he.

You all need to get on this and or the her and see what is real and where a whole lot of monies are at

bigdog/1 Tuesday, 10/01/13 07:45:42 PM
Re: truetrue post# 21543
Post # of 22439
Do you know what I did for that company?

As far as any of the IRON RIDGE nonsense that money was only to be used to pay third party vendors it was was used to pay CORPRATE OFFICERS....big chunks of cash....very illegal.

I know more about the sales snafoooooos than any other source so when I tell you what is what on that end believe it.

Smoke and mirriors and majic is fixable but it ain't going to happen at Bourque if the current things keep happenen.

You will find most of the monies went down the girly trail and set into play nicly.

bigdog/1 Thursday, 10/03/13 09:31:46 AM
Re: truetrue post# 21549
Post # of 22439

That will give you the info needed to show people were employed and also got paid while working for Bourque not 3 party vendor as were to be the only ones paid with Iron Ridge monies

Just the facts as they are........I'd be so up in arms if I were you all.

None of use whom have worked many years doing this or the like got paid......or you whom invested monies to help put monies into sales, research and or supplies to make the plates so orders could be filled were treated as you should have been.

CFO, VP, Management SHAME ON THEM plus it being totally illegal according to the rules

bigdog/1 Thursday, 10/03/13 10:09:17 AM
Re: None
Post # of 22439
to all whom have sent me private messages.....thankyou.....but I will not answer anything in private...I want to be open to all.

I am at this point completely out of the Bourque loop, until the dust settles.

But, I am still involved in bringing to the market place the best armor available. As are a few other core members.

You have to understand when we saw the original vision of saving lives and the potential of other uses. We dropped everything in our lives and came running to TUCSON to be apart of this, BELIEVING that we would be part of something historic....A ONCE IN A LIFE TIME OPPERTUNITY....and it was possible, we saw it, went into the field tested the product.

For me I new money would be on the back end.....and came with a 3 year backup to invest along with time.......

Then some monies started to flow though investors....instead of it going to sales and research it went to PRIVATE JETS, expensive Cars, business trips that two people could handle and 20 went first class all the way....I as some other declined those trips....The Johnny show was born....he got caught up in it, coming from nothing and no self control he spun outta control....CJ supposedly being astute in business(a friggin joke) enabled his arrogance and may have lined her pockets along the way....a lot of early monies are missing you all don't even know about....Johnny lost site of his dream and resorted to whom he is....sad sad.....but people a lot smarter and more cunning than Johnny saw his weakness, exploited it, then his pride and stupidity kicked in, mismanagement on his arrogant ass, and here we are and there he is. We might turn this around because his dream is still possible, but HE has lost his chance to be part of it......there is a viable, proven product available....lets hope the damage done does not over shadow the product that will save a life.....thanks

1bigdog1 Thursday, 03/20/14 01:40:16 PM
Re: None
Post # of 22439

I am so glad you all got it all figured out.

I am devoid of Bourque Industries, I have no desire to go down that road again.

#1 why would I steal a product "KRYRON" and use it, as this product was taken from its original inventor by Mr. Bourque in the first place.

Please feel free to ask me any real questions and I will answer them.....I am an open book as is WindZero I and them have no affliation with Bourque Industries what so ever.... I sell vests and soft armor, trauma plates. None of these have anything to to with Bourque Industries.

I have informed my cousin John Bourque of my company and that I am selling vests and Trauma Plates and am offering WindZeros hard armor plates that have nothing what so ever with KRYRON and or Bourque's products.

I wish Bourque Industries and all investors the best and good luck and I thank Johnny and Bourque Industries this chance to learn the armor business and to move on.

Mike Mccaffery

1bigdog1 Friday, 03/21/14 04:52:59 PM
Re: None
Post # of 22439
Got Milk,

This is a open statement of fact in a public forum, Neither any member of WindZero or myself Mike Mccaffery, (John Bourque's cousin) did at anytime remove, take and or steal any product, powder or metal from Bourque Industries, JBIT or Bourque global. Or anything Bourque Industries was developing and or had developed.....including KRYRON and other projects in development. We as a group did not learn of John Bourque's misdeeds until after we had left that environment.

I am requesting at this point you cease and desist in the false statements against myself an windzero.

You can go to our websites and see our products and you would realize with the process Bourque Plates are constructed they could not and will not make the product weights we have achieved.

Mike McCaffery
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