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Alias Born 07/20/2003

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Monday, 03/10/2014 7:22:58 PM

Monday, March 10, 2014 7:22:58 PM

Post# of 12972
Property: The Foundation of Slavery

Property: The Foundation of Slavery

The above title may sound a bit off to most people, because they associate freedom with ownership of property and the rights of ownership that go with it. In fact many places in the world if you happen to be walking on someone's property they may have the right to shoot you, thinking you were TRESSPASSING or their trying to STEAL from them. Try going to MECCA not having papers confirming that you are Muslim. In fact property extends to owning all things around us, including us. Yes your body is owned by the State and the State is owned by the mainly the Bankers in the Western world. So long as you comply with their Private Laws of ownership, which are the Constitution, bylaws, regulations, statutes, orders etc. of which there are millions of them in some Countries, you will be fine and not have your "FREEDOM" taken from you or be "ROBBED" of your property and thus money by the Courts if you obey all their laws. Their laws of course are all about serving the needs of the Owners of You and keeping things in order to maximise profit for the Owners, meaning extracting maximum amounts of money from you.

Because you are their SLAVE you are made to pay for your enslavement through taxes. Because the owners actually control the printing of money and extract taxes from you, they as Rulers never have to work. In fact they delegate all the ruling activities to people who really want to Rule over you, such as POLICE, JUDGES, CROWN PROSECUTORS, SHERIFFS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CLERKS, MAGISTRATES and the list goes on, right down to the dog catcher. The Bankers have their executive class with all the bailout money being given to their softly worked executives who play the derivatives market, with well your money of course.
The problem with all this of course is that you think that you own property and have property rights when if you actually looked at who issues the money and realize who actually owns the institution that is issuing it, it becomes clear that it is not your money, but their money. So for making use of their money you must resolve all disputes with money in their courts using their laws. Some would say that's fine, but the problem is that the Courts are there to make profit for the owners by stealing money and property from you, including your life as that is a form of property hence the death penalty. If you look at the deed for your house you will find that lists you as a tenant, not the owner of the house as your body is owned by State, so the State may or may not extend some aspect of property rights too you, but rights can be taken away as easily given. The other trick is that they do not give you full title to the house so your name only gives you tenant level ownership and you are made to pay rent on the property, which is Property Taxes as the Slave owners want you to pay for your own enslavement.

So you own a business, well there you pay Payroll tax to rent the slaves from the State to help you build the business of which you pay taxes on any profits made. There are so many advantages to owning property don't you think, yet you don't actually own the Business, the State does as a Slave cannot own anything, the State doesn't want them to own, which is basically nothing, but nothing is something so they probably own that too.

There are people who have woken up to this reality that they are slaves and own nothing. For the most part a lot of people just coast along with it at varying degrees, trying to keep under the radar of the Slave Owners and have some kind of meaningful life. The driving force behind Ownership of course is profit for the owners and if you do not find a job within the system you starve to death on the street, begging or hoping that some charity might help you by. It is this display of dehumanized suffering in our faces every day that bring in the second biggest problem we face, which is fear. No one wants to be the beggar on the street suffering in the elements for a few scraps of food or alcohol to kill the awareness of the suffering they are going through. Once you go without food for a couple of days, you begin to become highly motivated to make money, legally or illegally as well. Without the basics for life we are driven to desperation to survive within the system. If we try to step out of the system, we are usually arrested for doing so and/or attacked on many fronts, especially if we use force to defend what little we have to sustain life, as slaves have as you see no true right to ownership of anything, including their life, just talk to any death row inmate or religious zealot.

I am not going to spend pages going through all the aspects of how the property you think you own, isn't actually yours at all to own. If you own anything through the permission of the State, then you don't own it, the State does. What I am going to talk about from here forward is what you can do about it and how you can use Love rather than Fear to create a world based upon true freedom. No it will not be easy at first and yes the odds are always against you when you deviate from the Slave Owners System. But the solution is simple enough and if you know the truth, the truth shall set you free. It is much easier to do this in groups, however right now the freedom movement is so fragmented and full of disinformation, people are being greatly harmed who try to use Law as a means to escape the system.

Yes I am saying that all the gurus out there telling you how to make use of Law to solve your problems with money and property are misleading you, perhaps some are doing it on purpose and others just thinking Law is the only solution, because the Government is not there to enslave us, they have a social contract with the people to serve the needs of the people right? Er well, no, they don't have a social contract at all and just because you were born on a slave of land that they control, does not mean that you were automatically made a Citizen of that Country. In fact the Birth Registration is the creation of a name in fiction for which the State Owns through law. If you owned the Birth Certificate you would have to issue it to yourself, but they do and they do not give you the original do they?

So the illusion of property begins upon birth and the Birth Certificate if issued gives you a NAME upon which you can use to engage in Commerce, as you a baby are actually now with the Birth Certificate in hand a product of a commercial act, Intercourse between Husband and Wife in a contractual Marriage. Thus as a new born your body is attached to the Birth Certificate and thus all the millions of laws there in. Before Birth Certificates there were simply assumptions that you as a Baby were owned by the State. The Birth Certificates were issued to help maximise profit within the owners Kingdoms and Countries assigning a value of money to each born, $8,000,000.00 for Boys and $6,000,000.00 for girls. At least your worth something in Fiat Currency, which in truth has no intrinsic value other than what is typed on a computer screen. So let's move on shall we?

Many people in the Free-Man movement have been awakened to the idea that they have been made into these FICTIONS on the Birth Certificate and have even taken the Birth Certificates to the Slave Owner's Courts pointing out to the JUDGES etc. that they the Man or Woman are not the name on the Birth Certificate. Others have demanded under contract to be paid x amount of dollars to perform functions for the POLICE such as get out of car or go to prison charging the POLICE, JUDGE, MAGISTRATE, CLERK and whoever else they can get a name of, for their time spent in prison. Then there are the Trust Laws, of which I have never seen proof of, have you? Then we have the Bond stuff where you can submit a bond to have all the charges paid and let you walk away free to disobey any law of the system you want, how's that working for you?

So by this time many of the Free-Man ra ra types have spent some time in Jail and/or have been well fleeced of property and money.

When someone asks you for money to show you how to navigate through the system in order to be free, ask yourself why are they asking for money, when they are suppose to know the solution. If they know how to be free within the system, they should be able to create their own money or go into a bank and just pull out what they want for the year right?

The solution to all your suffering and woes is, well love. It is the one thing that the system is completely devoid of and works to destroy all aspects of. Yet most people know some attributes of love and apply them the best they can within the system, they actually live in fear, which regulates how much they may love others within the system. Sharing property is not an aspect of love most people think about other than what is public versus private. However the Public Property is owned by the State and the Private Property is rented to the Slaves, so in fact the State is hogging all the Property for its needs, no matter what BS they may tell you. If you pay property taxes or could be made to pay property taxes, then you don't actually own the property do you?

When people are in fear, they cannot create. They operate on instinct and low an behold generally want a court procedure, script or someone to "Represent" them in court in order to gain their freedom. People in fear have no creative abilities and thus in general do not think outside of the box, but in the slave box so to speak. They are searching for a solution within the system of which, there are none because everyone that goes before the court to resolve an issue of law, is making use of the owners private law and thus are making use of their intellectual property, of which they may interpret and rule on in any way they see fit, because well it's their property you are playing with, not yours. Fear also makes us unconscious of our awareness of things around us. What it does is focus our attention on the aspects the threats we perceive, such as going to jail, death row or paying a fine we could never afford to pay etc. Thus the front line of Law enforcement is always about generating as much fear as possible in the slave victims.

The POLICE have powerful cars, powerful guns, a spiffy uniform, all kinds of command structure, codes of all sorts even the code of silence and we watch them scream orders at us and fearing for our lives if we don't obey as some are known to be very trigger happy. The threat of force for compliance is overwhelming point of creating fear in their victims. Most POLICE OFFICERS work as tandem backing each other up, like they are not in fear themselves? Many people are simply framed for crimes as again the Courts are in business to make profit for the Owners and the POLICE make more money if they can show more crime is happening. Think about the war on drugs for a moment? That is going very well for the profit making of the Courts along with other things such as Drunk Driving, if you refuse to blow it is a crime?

Fear is the driving force behind so much of what we do, we have forgotten about the solution, love. Within love there is no Judgement only healing and truth. Love has no illusions and thus within love there is no control or slavery. In fact the main aspect of love is that we are one. It means that no one owns anything in love, it means that we are all part of the creation of all that exists, not separate from everything that exists and thus a thing to be owned. Fear and Love are basis of everything we do, we do what we do out of the emotion of fear or love. Again in fear we are generally asleep or unaware of our fear, even though we may even admit we are stressed out by an upcoming court day etc. The Stockholm Syndrome showed that people in fear will actually support and protect the individuals causing them to be in fear, that ought to tell you why threats against your life through confiscation of property and money is used so much by the system, not to mention the constant threat of execution for theft etc. The threat of using lethal force against a population for not obeying the laws of the dictator parasites, makes people come out in droves to worship them in Royal functions and admire them for all the nothingness they do to cherish and love humanity. We are made to spend millions on security for Royalty or the Presidents etc. in light that we love them and they provide a safe and loving society for us to exist in? They are treated like rock stars people hang on every word they say. When something isn't done they say will be done, they hold a mock election every 4 or 5 years where you can vote the bum out. Royalty remains above the day to day operations and are merely thought as not having any direct influence over Government, yet it may seem to be true, they certainly seem to be getting wealthier than you by the day. In short we come to worship others out of fear for in love we are all equal to each other and all share in the work to make society work to the benefit of all in love. In love we appreciate each other for their uniqueness and expression of life the bring, we don't worship others as being less worthy of love or appreciation.

With fear comes ego, which the system is ready for as well. When you feel that you are above the law and do not wish to be a slave no longer, you figure that you can use the law against them. You figure that you can be smart and trick them up with some technicality or something that will prevent them from taking your money, property or freedom. The guru on the internet told you if you did this that or the other thing or a combination of things and followed this script exactly, you would trip them up and win. If it works so well, what is their past experience with it? Why are they not living in mansion somewhere that would dwarf King Saud's Castle and land? Ego is about fear and if you find yourself thinking you are better and smarter than the those scum bags running the system, think again. Your ego will drive you into ruin, better check it at the door and start thinking more about love.

A lot of you who have read my work hear me talk about dominion a lot. Within the system they make use of the Bible at least in the Commonwealth and anywhere the BAR association is located. Because this is Legal System I myself am faced with, it is the primary what I have researched. Although dominion may not be part of some Countries Legal system such as China and Russia perhaps, there is a fundamental truth that man's dominion over the earth is true. I will explain it from the two perspectives for you so you can see it better.

First off the Bible comes from the system it does not come from our creator or the creator of all that exists. The Bible has been rewritten I think at least 3 times to support power structures for the powers that be during the time of the rewrites. The last one being the "Authorized" King James Bible, where the King not the Emperor is allowed to Rule. BTW the British Queen has a Reign, not a Rule over her subjects. She separates herself from the law as a Sovereign meaning she is able to break any law she wants in her Reign ( of terror ) and still remain free to do so. Her oath is absolutely meaningless as she is Sovereign. Being the head of the Church of England, she has put herself above God as God is not around to tell her what to do, what was written in a book is all outdated now, we need someone to lead us into the future don't we? We need a leader for we have no capacity as slaves to know what to do or how to live. So we need the Queen to tell us how to run our lives or some despot leader with a sign CHANGE hanging in front of him saying he knows how to save us all. When I say the Queen has put herself above God, I don't mean God here in the Bible, it is a God in pure fiction, which is overlaid upon the Church of England, a fiction, which they make use of the Holy Bible as part of their text. God in the Bible is not the God of Fiction, it is actually God of Babylon, but that is another story.

Again the solution does not come from fear, it comes from love. In Genesis 1:26-28 it says:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Dominion means to Rule. Thus man rules over the earth and more importantly rules over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. When people are in fear they are seeing their reality from the world of fiction. Thus they accept the idea that they are separate from one another and are thus things called Man, Woman, Infant, Child, Kid, Sister, Brother, Uncle, Grandma on and on, yet in truth age or relation to anything matters not in truth, in truth we are all man. Thus man rules over living thing which is in fear that moveth upon the earth.

Why is this, well love does not accept names as part of their reality, because a name is a fictional thing that does not exist in truth and love only exists in truth, there is no judgement in love for if we judge, we also judge ourselves as we are part of all that exists, not separate from it, so what harm we do to others we must also in truth be doing to ourselves. So dominion over the earth sounds a bit odd to many. If we rule over the earth, then no rules can apply to us from anyone else because we are always on the earth. In fact anything that that they hand us such as a Summons, is written on paper that comes from the earth and the ink comes from the earth and the individual offering it too you is on the earth and is also from the earth, so you hold dominion over all of it, see how it works?

The other aspect to this is God blessed the man male and female; to be blessed is to be without sin. How often have you heard that Man has an original sin and we commit sins and we must go to these clerics and their idols for forgiveness, of course giving them money here and there for their services. In love we cannot commit any sins. Our actions motivated out of love, do no harm to others. Why would we want to harm that which we are. In creation if you look at it God created man within his own image, God being part of all that exists. God is not separate from us God is part of us and all that exists, there is no separation.

The ET stuff you may here about Prime Creator is actually completely fear based stuff as well. There they operate out of ethics and have various Councils or Federations etc. It is all fiction based structure. They view God as something separate from themselves and do not view their reality from love, but from the perspective of Good and Evil. Good and Evil again is fear based and are both very relative terms. From the perspective of love, there is no Good and Evil, there is simply an understanding that we are part of each other and to do harm to another is to harm yourself. Because we each have dominion over the earth, we can mold the earth into what we need her to be for us, so long as well replenish and care for her as God asked us too. Not to care for earth is to destroy ourselves as we are in a symbiotic relationship with her. What you hear from the ET based stuff is a Utopia that has wars within it and supernatural abilities, which are not really supernatural at all, we all have these abilities when we are in states of love.

For those that believe that God does not exist, keep in mind that the Bible is part of the BAR association and thus it would not be part of their association and in their courts, if it was not believed by them. This is where the key point is, everything in fear is based upon a belief system, because there is nothing true in fiction. This is why they may or may not believe in God, but they can never know God exists, because God does not exist in fear. If you read through Genesis 1 carefully it is worded to show that God although separate from man, created man with all that exists within man, this would include God. The truth is that man is in part God as creation is done in love not fear and fear has no boundaries or illusions within it. The Courts are secular because God cannot exist in fear and the primary attribute of fear is fiction. It is not so much that they are ignoring that God exists, they are reflecting back too you the fear based energy you are contributing to, that brings you to the point of being accused of breaking some law. There are simply no laws that exist in love as there are no illusions upon to base any laws. The Legal system is totally focused on fear and its attributes for its own selfish purpose, which is to enslave humanity and play God with the Universe. In fear they have no capacity to create and are cut off from the life source love, so they use their laws to get you to enter into a state of fear so they can suck your life force, putting it bluntly. There is no life in fear as it is all based in illusion, not truth. How it is accomplished is that they simply put up an imaginary mirror in front of you and bring forward all that is the inversion of love, thus freedom becomes slavery and individual expression is suppressed by authority, on and on. In fact they are delving deeply into Black Magick and many Judges are witches and Satanists who practice their Craft upon you and me, if they can get away with it.

Genesis 1:26-28 is written the way it is so you will burst in to the court room saying you have dominion over them all, which is okay, but it is only factual according to the Bible, which is not really truth, because everything you say or do in their court room is taken as fact, not truth. Truth only comes from love and fear cannot know love so they created this little lie about God in their Belief about what love could be in the scheme of creation versus fear where there can only be things made or formed for there is no love in fear, thus no truth and only the capacity to take or overlay from creation. This is why LORD God appears in Genesis 2 and made the earth and the heavens (plural), hence all this dimensional stuff you hear about, and made Adam and Eve, who have no capacity to create whatsoever and were unconscious of their fear, until they took something of the mind, the Tree of Knowledge which is all about fear, as the mind knows nothing beyond things there is no love in mind. The fruit from the Tree of Life was not touched by Adam and Eve as LORD God questioned them and thus no balance with love, from which all life truly comes from. LORD God gave Adam a breath of Life so he would be a living soul. In truth we have no soul, we have spirit and spirit is in all life, whether they are aware of it or not, because LORD God can only make things from what has already been created.

Well some would point out that LORD God made the earth and the heavens, true, but LORD God had to take the intellectual idea of mind that came from God first, to do it. LORD God did not create anything and it was only out of ego and fear that he created an imaginary world that overlays the creation of the true one, both of which exist simultaneously, but the LORD God's is only an overlay upon what was created and requires our attention to it, to maintain it. Hence why the massive amounts of mind control to get you to believe in this world of fiction with Countries, names, titles and everything fiction, because it is all based upon fear. The mind can be clouded with fear and generally is, only love clears the mind so that creation take place as part of all that exists in love, rather than trying to copy and imitate things in fiction.

I hope this is beginning to make sense to you. You can still go back to fear and hit your head some more against the wall trying to make the idea that you have property rights in a slave based system of fear. I won't stop you, but I will suffer for it as you are maintaining the harm being done to yourself and me as I am part of you in so many ways and have symbiotic relationship with you and the earth you are destroying because of it. It also makes it more difficult for me to use love, because so many insist that the truth is fear based illusions. Tap Tap Tap , waiting Tap Tap Tap...

Okay I assume that you have finished hitting your head against the brick wall and are ready to move along the path of love? You cannot fault fear for writing the Bible the way that they did, it is in essence their book or should I say Our Book. Love does not recognize boundaries or property. In love we can view fear as our companion always, always reflecting back to us who we truly are in a negative sense, without fail. If you invert all the aspects of fear, you will find all the aspects of love. It is merely a roadmap showing us who we truly are and allows us to forget who we are, when we want, well because we are God. We can create in love or form in fear, its part of being infinite one consciousness, one with all? You don't have to like fear as some relish it sadly, but it is part of who and what we are. Freedom comes about by knowing the truth and there is no truth in fiction my friend. However fear has no aspirations to tell you about the truth, because, well it likes the parasitic reality of fear. Again we all have a choice in our emotional response to what happens to us, fear or love.

Because the Courts are based upon fear they see you coming long before you see it and got everything set up to deal with you in a state of fear. However if you are aware of the truth and thus choose to operate from love, which is highly difficult in a sea of fear mind you, pardon the pun. The Courts have no defense or hold over love. Love cannot commit any crime at all because love has no intent on owning anything, no intent on stealing anything, no intent on being a fictional entity such as a name or title; love only has intent on staying within truth and there is no crime that can be committed in truth.

Do I see a sparkle of life emitting from your eye perhaps? Are you beginning to see this? I hope so as I am weary of trying to explain it. A crime can only be committed if there is intent to break a law. Because God never made any laws in truth, but gave man dominion, then the only law that matters in truth, is your laws, what you want to believe as being law, so long as it does not affect the dominion of others or harm the earth or others. As far as contracts go, you can't contract dominion away because it is self evident that people can break a contract any time as they hold dominion over the earth. You can't use force against another man, because man does not have a name in truth for which you can apply laws to without applying them to yourself, of which man cannot be identified as being separate from you as well, you and the one you are trying to contract with are both man. See how the truth begins to bring freedom?

So the only true weapon fear has against you is to intimidate you into fear, this is much different than recognizing true dangers, they need your fear energy to gain power over you, so you become confused and afraid of them. But if you care not to be intimidated then your actions will not reflect what someone would do in fear. In fact they want you in fear so you will take on their obligation of the karmic reaction that occurs when they cause you harm by getting you to agree to having you harm yourself through your belief that you were somehow wrong and intended to harm others or steal etc.

Our lives are saturated with fear mentalities. Sports for example is a way to generate strong emotional energy in the people watching and the players. The Rulers, being the Referees are denounced and cursed at with every mistake. It is merely an artificial outlet for oppressed and enslaved people to watch or do, to blow off some steam, so they don't turn their attention on their enslavers. In truth it is merely a game that accomplishes nothing and the outcomes are usually determined ahead of time by the league owners, there is that ownership thing again eh, in order to maximise profit for the league. It is very much a dog and pony show that serves to psychologically restrain people from going after the ruling elite concerning their enslavement. Back in the times of ancient Rome, the Christians were fed to the lions for entertainment and Gladiators were made to fight to the death, with Caeser giving the thumbs up or down when the final blow was to occur. And as it was then today all sorts of sports including fights draw massive attention, because of the fear energy people need to release from being oppressed.

So enough with all this fear stuff how do we stop them? Well considering that most of the world operates in fear, those of us that have chosen the path of love are considered to be insane by most people in fear because the approach using love, is a complete inversion to everything that they were ever taught to believe as being true, again belief is not truth. When you live in truth, no laws can apply to you because all laws exist in the world of fiction. In so far as using love as a means to leave the fear behind you in its imaginary world, is simple but not easy. To some degree I have used it with success with the Government over Taxes. It was my fight with CRA over the course of about 5 years that led me to love as the solution. Dominion was a part of it, but the dominion is part of their system and to merely tell them that you have dominion over them is not enough I find. It really is about knowing in your heart that you are love and are part of all that exists, thus you are standing in truth with no illusions of fiction attached to you. In love there is no such thing as property, as you cannot own something that part of everything or you enter the fear zone as it were, because you must use fiction a name or title to attach a thing to you as a thing, being a name. Truth has no illusions, so knowing what is true and what is illusion becomes a very simple task. However those who are in fear, will never see this simplicity that we are all merely man male or female, but created in the presence of God and all that exists. There is no separation between male and female as we are still both man.

Thus how could you apply this? Well if a Police Officer asks you for your driver's license, you could truthfully tell the Officer, that you do not own a drivers license. Then he might say do you have a drivers license, which you could respond by saying, I might, but it's not mine. In fact the drivers license is owned by the state, it doesn't say it is owned by man. Now because the drivers license is on the earth and made from the earth, from Gods saying, you hold dominion over it, it matters not what it means, it is on the earth and you hold dominion over anything on the earth. In fact you hold dominion over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth and the Police Officer is identifying him/herself as a living thing, not man. You cannot in truth say you have a name, so the name on the Drivers License cannot be yours. You can say, you say I have a name, I don't. That is what you say, not me. They need your compliance and recognition that you are a thing, being a name or title, to gain authority over you. In truth all you can say is you are man male or female created by God standing in your dominion over the earth.

Because the bible is part of their legal system, they can see this and through the mind can rationalize what you are saying. The difference between you and LORD God's thing, Adam is that you can create things, where artificial intelligence or people in fear cannot. You can create a picture on a blank piece of paper, those in fear will want to copy an idea or concept, but they have no ability to create for themselves. This is why so many that go to court want a script of some kind, because they can't speak from their heart about the truth of who they are, because they are in fear.

My article A Path to Freedom explains what to do with any documents that are sent to you. Basically return everything they send you along with a letter saying you are man, not the name and that you were created as male or female by God and standing in your dominion over all the earth. Never go to court on your own free will. Don't get into any discussions with any Officers, Clerks, Agents etc. Just ignore them and do not return their calls. They want you to identify them as fictions having authority over you. They will always ask you for your name, so stay in truth and tell them who you are, man, then tell them to leave you alone, good bye. The SYSTEM can only work if creative life gives energy to it, as fear based life is parasitic in nature and needs us to animate it on a stage of fiction.

I can't tell you how to handle every situation. However you might relate to this a bit in that there are no positive or negative ways of being, there is only love or fear. In love there are no multiple dimensions for us to run and hide in, love only has one dimensional reality and to see it, we need to recognize that we are part of all that exists in truth, we are one. That said, our spirit is eternal and part of God. It is by our spirit that we live in truth. They say that this reality is a holographic projection and reading the Bible there is support for that in Genesis 1. If a shift ever does take place, make sure that you are shifting into a reality that is love based, meaning no laws and the we are one love type scenario. I think those who are in fear will choose to remain in fear and follow the illusions down the path to nothingness and return to God as dust in the universe as there is no life force left within them. I think the Greys are much like this. They run around the Universe trying to find genetic material that will help them created bodies that their spirit deprived bodies can operate within the Universe. They are living souls, but souls have no capacity to regenerate themselves as they have cut themselves off from love, the source of all creation and thus life. These aliens may run around in different dimensions trying to gather as much life force energy as they can to survive, but love is keenly about balance and when you choose death over life, eventually you die.

I would encourage you to spend some time thinking about the different attributes associated with fear and love. For me to list them for you here, will not allow you to think them through and internalize them for yourself. Again going to Court is the way wrong thing to do. Only go if you are dragged there and never sign for anything. If they hold you in Jail, they will eventually release you. Yes they will intimidate you, but you have to get yourself around that, as they want you to buy into their fear.

Who are the insane ones eh? In some cases I would rather die in prison than sign away on some line saying I was a fiction for the sake of saving my life. I know who I am, I am love and I will not allow others to enslave me or hold me against my will. I will not give into fear to feed it more fear energy so it can do more harm to me and others who are part of me. When you speak your truth, which is what the Court wants to hear, that you are love, I suspect that they will be compelled to set you free as they want no part in upsetting the creator, whom of which they all originally came from as well and if they choose love can return to as well. There is no room for artificial life or things in creation or love, truth has no illusions, so they are destroyed when there is nothing left to feed off of.

Our earth is real, you see no names upon it created by God. There is no Tree of Knowledge or Tree of Life, there are no names or titles. There is no Garden of Eden, there are no woman and men, with families and brothers and sisters, there is only earth, nature and man. There are rules to the night and day by light, which gives us the information on how our DNA and all life is suppose to work in truth, but the rules have love within them, because Gods spirit created them and God is love. LORD God can only play with the pieces, which is where Transhumanism is heading. They want to create artificial life and transfer consciousness to Androids inside of 50 years. They want to create human animal hybrids to make use of more and more genetic code to keep their bodies workable in this dimensional reality called earth so they can feed off more fear energy. Eventually the human genome is going to be so corrupted that will no longer be compatible with spirit. Eventually they are going to run out of quantum spin energy, which feeds the electricity flow within the earth. They cannot survive in truth forever and we as spirit can choose to remain in love and leave this place forever.

I am not saying Suicide or allowing circumstances to come about that cause you to die are the way out either. Love is the only way back to truth and balance. My hope is that perhaps a true shift is coming and we can move out of this reality of fear together. It is a utopian idea of course, but perhaps it is possible. Until then the only way I see how we are going to get out of this mess is to stop handing over fear energy and quite playing their mirage of separation games. Again the solution is simple, but isn't going to be easy for any of us. We cannot say that as man we own property, because in truth we don't in fact of those who simply don't get it and want to take the things from us help us sustain our lives. They want to impoverish us, so we are more easily controlled out of fear of death. The selfish, greedy people who care nothing about others and only to advance their own worth within the world of fiction, will find it harder and harder over time to compete against the Luciferian masters, who want to own it all.

I think what frustrates me the most is when people will use law and dominion together and come back to me crying saying it didn't work. As soon as you make use of their law, which is their intellectual property, you are saying you are a thing and do not know who you are. Perhaps they will be lenient on you as currently they want their slaves contributing as much as possible to their fear based needs. In love there is no need for any laws, but fear has an infinite supply of them. Truly I can't even guarantee that love will work, because so many people in the SYSTEM are Hell bent on making fear work, it is so completely insane as there is absolutely no truth within it. I can see why they are doing what they are doing, but I am finding it harder and harder to go along with it on a daily basis. In the end fear is all consuming, hence consumerism, and the little amount of love of life I have along with others will, be sucked dry and there will be no natural life left on the planet. All that will remain is an empty shell of fear, feeding off itself and turning itself into nothing as where all fear originates, from nothing.

Some Blacks 7th Definitions you should probably know about:


1. A fully accurate account of events; factuality. 2 Defamation. An affirmative defense by which the defendant asserts that the alleged defamatory statement is substantially accurate.

It is saying that a truth is not a truth, truth is simply a fact, of which facts are always subjective, so the truth can be ignored as it is not truth, but a fact. Also notice that truth is about the account of events. To account something is to create value for something, thus facts are tied to money. In truth, truth of what occurred has meaning only in terms of what value can be placed upon it, hence the bills, orders and commercial law in general. Truth is truth and stands alone, there are no facts associated with truth because things that happen in truth are not facts, they are indeed truths. For example is your name is John Doe? In truth there is no way to show that any fictional title or name belongs to you as the name does not exist in truth, however facts are a completely different ball game.


1. Something that actually exist; an aspect of reality . 2. An actual or alleged event or circumstance, or interpretation . 3. An evil deed; a crime .

Now a fact can be alleged to have happened, that is a very far cry from truth, which means it did happen, but a truth can now be an alleged event, not an even that happened in truth. Also a Fact is wide open to interpretation, thus all truth in court are subject to the interpretation of the Judge, not what is actually true. A fact is in effect evil as the fact finder decides what is true or not true based upon his aspect of reality, not truth in the sense of what is true.


n 1. The act or process of Judicially finding someone guilty of a crime; the state of having been proved guilty. 2. The Judgement (as by a jury verdict) that a person is guilty of a crime. 3. A strong belief or opinion.

To be convicted the Judge only has have an belief or opinion that you are guilty. The other side to this is that it is actually your conviction as you are convicted, not the Judge who decides on your conviction. In truth it is suppose to be your conviction that you did something wrong that you convict yourself, thus it is your opinion that you are to be convicted. However in the world of fiction the Judge acts as mirror interpreting truth as facts, which are prevue of being alleged all of which is highly subjective to the fact-finder being the Judge. Of course the Judge can simply convict you of anything based only on his belief that you committed a crime regardless of what the evidence is.


n. 1. The establishment or refutation of an alleged fact by evidence; the persuasive effect of evidence in the mind of the fact-finder. 2. Evidence that determines the judgement of a court. 3. An attested document that constitutes legal evidence.

So truth can be proven by an alleged fact? The subjective aspect of how persuasive evidence is in the mind of the fact-finder, primarily the Judge. Thus truth is meaningless because facts must provide proof upon which the Judge can subjectively discard a fact as not being persuasive. Truth has no meaning in law is what this is saying.
July 1, 2013
A date is only hearsay, it is not true. The only thing that is true is that you have a day and a night, nothing more. Start thinking about truth and love in terms of what they mean and live within it.

I am now quite sure that 'Tragedy and Hope' was suppressed although
I do not know why or by whom. ~ C.Quigley ~

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