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Re: None

Saturday, 11/23/2013 1:55:04 PM

Saturday, November 23, 2013 1:55:04 PM

Post# of 59584
The NEWEST, most Comprehensive HISTORY of TEMN…MUST Read!

FIRST, please read and review A.—C. immediately below, AND the MOST
RECENT and EXCITING TEMN NEWS/PR Announcement------>

ALSO, Please NOTE the hot new DD that’s added AT THE END of this Post!

Starring Characters:

A. Alonzo Pierce
-- CEO of "Emperial Americas."

B. Tequila Distinguido is the flagship BRAND of "Emperial Americas."
...Click "ENGLISH" (unless you're Hispanic!) to fully access Website.

C. "Victory Partners" / Bruce Klein / Attorney Craig Huffman --
Attempted to (fraudulently?) Buy/Own/Hold the TEMN Shell, or at least
Debt of that Shell (formerly the California-based Corporation "CalCounties.")
"Victory Partners" NOW appears NOT to be involved in ANY WAY with the
current, restored, rejuvenated (as-of October 18, 2013) TEMN. (More below.)


On October 18, 2013, TEMN EXPLODED back to Life!!$$$

BELOW is the most current factual data and contact information for TEMN,
as Updated on the OTC ("PinkSheets") on October 17, 2013 (and Posted there
on October 18, 2013):

Company Contact Information:
PO Box 88278
Houston, TX 77288

Telephone: 281- 402-6668

...It's all right here ------>

Company (TEMN) Share Structure:
(AS UPDATED on the OTC ("PinkSheets") on October 17, 2013 (and Posted there
on October 18, 2013):

Shares Outstanding: 2,072,116,296 a/o Oct. 17, 2013
Float: .....................1,029,114,086 a/o Oct. 17, 2013
Authorized Shares: ..5,000,000,000 a/o Oct. 17, 2013

Shareholders of Record: ...417 a/o Oct. 17, 2013


Here is what IS KNOWN by Shareholders/Researchers about TEMN:

Friends, this Post is a bit lengthy, but STAY TUNED and read it,
because it reveals and discusses an astonishing, extraordinary
series and sequence of events, people, and transactions.


-- Formerly, TEMN was "CalCounties." Four Directors ran it, and each of the four
held (or was promised) 250,000,000 TEMN Shares. It has been speculated or believed
that talks were held between "CalCounties" Directors and "Victory Partners,"
the new Shell Owners, not knowing that the Shell was only a few weeks away
from a full DTCC Chill
which, eventually, was imposed.

-- The former "CalCounties" fell apart because of a feud among the Directors --
ANOTHER REASON the TEMN Shell was sold in the first place.

-- UPDATE: Former TEMN Management sold this Shell to "Victory Partners"
/ Bruce Klein for $72K ($18K to each former "CalCounties" Director)
after they knew a DTCC Chill had been placed (or was going to be placed) on the Stock.

-- When Klein went to Hillsborough County, Florida to file charges, Huffman came to the
rescue and former Management gave "VP"/Bruce Klein even more debt for NO EXTRA
COST that was later assumed and filed in an Amendment to the TEXX Articles in Florida.

-- Emails show Klein "pretended" he couldn't get any money out of the Market even though
he was, via Pena Letter, by converting TEXX Stock. Klein never paid for Tequila Distinguido,
the Miss GEICO Speedboat, the Indy-type racer, and Hillenburg Sponsorships.

-- That DTCC Chill remains in effect, although there has-been some speculation
that the Chill has been lifted to a DWAC status.
In either case, in recent days
Trading has-been strong, unabated, and unhindered, indicating that SOMEthing is afoot.

-- DWACs are not Trade-related, and are only on Stock issuance and conversion.
This is good news, as DWAC keeps track of every Share out there,
and will eventually account for every Share being held or not held.

-- After the count is done, it's possible the Shell will become clean, and can be
either sold or used. UPDATE: as NOW seems to be the case (as-of Oct. 18, 2013).

-- UPDATE: As we NOW know, events have truly surpassed THAT status,
and all indications are that Alonzo Pierce and "Emperial Americas (EA) " have
indeed returned “home” to TEMN!
Actions and communication NOW ARE UNDERWAY
between-and-among "Emperial Americas (EA)"/Alonzo Pierce AND the Transfer Agent
(T/A) AND the DTCC regarding specifically WHAT and WHICH documentation is required
to LIFT (remove) the DTCC Chill.

-- It is known that "Victory Partners," aka Bruce Klein and Attorney Craig Huffman,
held this TEMN Shell (or held A NOTE on its debt),
and were seeking a new,
qualified Candidate-Company to occupy it (i.e., to Reverse-Merge into it).

-- Currently, my knowledge and DD shows that this Shell is (UPDATE: WAS) the
subject of a Lawsuit. Whoever won would determine the Shell’s fate. UPDATE: That
Lawsuit (below) appears to have been resolved…or cleared…or dismissed…or adjudicated
(in light of current events as-of October 18, 2013).

-- The Lawsuit was by Klein/Huffman of "Victory Partners (VP)" against Alonzo Pierce,
the Owner of "Emperial Americas (EA)", but NOT the Tequila Distinguido Brand.

-- "EA" is the Company that initially SOUGHT to take-over or occupy (Reverse-Merge into)
the TEMN Shell. This Reverse-Merger (R/M) appears to FINALLY have been consummated
as-of October 18, 2013. (More on this below.)

--- The Lawsuit was NOT against the Brand Tequila Distinguido. It was against "EA"
the Company and Alonzo Pierce (Defendant).

-- Alonzo Pierce responded to the Civil case in Florida. Huffman/Klein knew Alonzo had the
documentation. They had three months to respond, but it NOW appears that they did not.

-- HERE is the DEFENDANT'S ANSWER TO THE LAWSUIT, dated 05/24/2013:

-- To continue, Klein and Huffman took one of the few real OTC Companies, "Emperial
Americas (EA)"
-- with product on the shelf (Tequila Distinguido) -- and sought to R/M
or stuff it into the TEMN Shell! For a peek at the Brand Tequila Distinguido, take a gander

-- Instead, this attempted Shell occupation (R/M) by "Emperial Americas (EA)"
all came to naught (until October 18, 2013) due to malfeasance, manipulation, and plain
greedy skullduggery on the part of "VP" (My IMO) – and instead of growing the Company,
they ("VP”) did all they could do to kill it!

-- Klein and Huffman primarily wanted to print-and-sell Shares, and ANY Shell would do.
(This is mainly IMO.)

-- Upon the purchase of the TEMN Shell, Klein/Huffman acquired nearly One Billion
free-trading Common Shares. Klein/Huffman would not have needed to Register them.
(The Shares were owned by former TEMN Management.)

-- MEANWHILE, the Corporate Filing with the Nevada Secretary-of-State,
for "Emperial Americas” is (or WAS?) in arrears; it is (or WAS?) overdue for Renewal.
See this:

-- The above shows that "EA" is (or WAS?) in "Default" as-of 11/30/12, and the List of
Officers also is (or WAS?) due as-of 11/30/2012.

-- The Original File Date of "EA" as a "Domestic Corporation" with the Nevada Secretary-
of-State was 11/16/2004.

-- Former "EA" Officers listed are Alonzo Pierce, Todd Waggoner, Joel Contreras, and
Bruce Klein.

-- It is doubtful this Shell ever gets used by "Victory Partners" (Klein/Huffman). UPDATE:
As things have since turned-out, IT WASN'T ever used. It WAS fully expected to be Sold.

-- Clean Shells cost roughly $100k-$200k (on average). This one wouldn't be worth the
costs of cleaning-up and selling for Klein/Huffman. They'd have to fork-over WAY more
money then they've lost in Lawsuits recently!

-- At this current point, Alonzo won't "deal" with "Victory Partners (VP)" again.

-- The TEMN Shell NOW belongs to "EA," not "VP." Bruce Klein ("VP") dumped
his Shares without proper disclosures, and therefore was "paid in full" by "EA."

-- Bruce Klein never paid what was owed to others with the proceeds of his conversion
and dumping.


REGARDING other important matters, please study the information below:

-- FIRST is the matter of COMPLETELY removing the existing DTCC Chill (or the
current DWAC status, as NOW MAY BE the status).

-- DWAC status means most Brokers CAN pick it up again as long as they are true Brokers
and CAN swap/obtain physical Certs. This was a huge first step in cleaning-up this Shell!

-- Therefore, finding a qualified Candidate-Company for this Shell WASN'T -- and HASN'T
BEEN – the issue or the foremost priority; removing the DTCC Chill (or the current DWAC
status, as NOW MAY be the case) WAS (IS?

-- It is not known how long it takes to release a DTCC Chill (or even the possible current
DWAC status). It is hoped that it will take no longer than several months. (My Opinion only.)

-- We NOW know that "Victory Partners," aka Bruce Klein/Craig Huffman,
are (to all appearances and DD) no longer involved-in the TEMN Shell.

-- Advance and current BUYING of TEMN already is driving the TEMN Share-Price UP, and
a cavalcade of News Announcements/PRs already has started.

-- REMEMBER: The former TEMN Shell-occupier WAS to be Alonzo Pierce's
"Emperial Americas (EA)" -- a Business Recruitee of FORMER-and-ATTEMPTED
TEMN Shell-Holder
"Victory Partners" (Klein/Huffman) and NOW, at LAST,
Alonzo Pierce HAS INDEED become the Holder of the (former) TEMN Shell!

-- AGAIN, "EA" is owned/held by Alonzo Pierce. Its main product is Tequila Distinguido,
which is made in Mexico, then Imported and Distributed in Forida, Texas, and Illinois.

-- The Import License for Tequila Distinguido is not transferable, and "EA"
(Alonzo Pierce) holds the exclusive right / Import License for Tequila Distinguido in the USA.

-- HERE'S MORE: "Emperial Americas (EA)" grew impatient during 2011 with the
delays and shenanigans revolving around attempts by "Victory Partners" to remove the
DTCC Chill (which "VP" may have seen coming anyway), and so "EA" (for the interim,
as it NOW turns-out!) bolted into ANOTHER Shell (Symbol TEXX).
See THAT Board
if you want to discover more, although BY NOW it’s mostly all moot.

-- Thus, "EA" (as has-been pointed-out above) never fully and successfully occupied
the TEMN Shell.

-- Legal speculation ONLY: There is SPECULATION that the TEMN Note (IF there were,
in fact, such a Note) on the TEMN Shell may have been converted into TEXX Shares and Sold
without proper disclosures. It also seems that "VP", aka Bruce Klein, MAY have Sold
Shares of BOTH TEMN and TEXX, but never paid for the Shells.

-- MORE Legal speculation: Did Bruce Klein/Craig Huffman do something wrong here –
and did they already KNOW about the impending DTCC Chill? OR was it former TEMN
Management in California? Regardless, the "EA" R/M into the TEMN Shell never fully took
place AT THAT TIME (2011-early 2012). UPDATE: NOW, of course, we have seen
that things have truly swung 180-degrees AROUND, and Mr. Alonzo is BACK!

-- Legal speculation ALSO includes the possibility that Bruce Klein Sold Unregistered Shares
of TEXX, and Attorney Mark Pena aided that with a bogus Opinion Letter. (Insofar as current
and prospectiveTEMN Shareholders NOW are concerned, NONE OF THIS NOW matters.)

-- It also is strongly suspected, and speculated-about, that Klein bought TEMN debt,
NOT the TEMN Shell.
And THEN the DTCC Chill (and later the current possible DWAC
status) hit before he (Klein/Huffman) had completed/finalized the actual purchase transaction
of the Shell, so he/they THEN went after TEXX. Numerous TEXX Shareholders who want(ed)
Alonzo removed were TEMN Note-Holders.

-- Thus, TEMN may be (and HAS BEEN) easier to clean-up than TEXX.

-- REMEMBER: The original TEMN was an SEC Reporting Corporation on the OTCBB,
with a legitimate business ("CalCounties") before "Victory Partners" (Klein) TRIED
TO BUY IT (or at least the debt on it) and sold it (or TRIED to Sell it) to "EA", which fled,
for the interim period (that is, until October 18, 2013), to Symbol TEXX. See THAT Board
for further insight/information.

-- This Shell now belongs to "EA," NOT "VP." Bruce Klein ("VP") dumped his
Shares without proper disclosures and therefore was "paid in full" by "EA" (insofar as
has-been determined).

-- "EA" NOW is undertaking to occupy the TEMN Shell...and quite possibly HAS ALREADY
undertaken, completed, and occupied the TEMN Shell...and has cleared-up and resolved the
overall "log jam" and the DTCC Chill (or the current DWAC status).

Strictly IMO, TEMN is a Long-Term BUY...ACCUMULATE...and HOLD.
There remains a tangible, reasonable opportunity for vast capital gains here.

--------------- So for NOW, PLEASE STAY TUNED! ---------------

NEW DEVELOPMENTS Regarding Alonzo Pierce and Emperial Americas etc.:

NEW FILING as-of November 22, 2013, as Reported by TEMN Shareholder/MOD

TEMN is ACTIVE in Nevada!
(The State of Corporate Filing.)
Please Click on the Link below:

As I Posted, a lady named April told me they had the entire amount owed,
so look for more Updates. The fees owed have essentially been cut in half!
Please Click the Link below:

The other Officers that are Listed are "historical." Alonzo is the only one listed as "active."

THIS Post lays-out some immediately-imminent NEXT STEPS
for Alonzo Pierce and TEMN, regarding Filings/Financials:

2) Please read THIS Post that was DD'ed by TEMN Shareholder-MOD SmallCapsMarket
as-of October 22, 2013 by Clicking on this URL:

3) Regarding just what this "means" in the greater context, please Click THIS URL:

4) And please see THIS “take” on everything, as well:

All Investors/Shareholders and prospective Investors/Shareholders are advised
to make their own investing decisions and to conduct their own Due Diligence.