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Re: Lowjack post# 67361

Tuesday, 10/29/2013 8:48:13 AM

Tuesday, October 29, 2013 8:48:13 AM

Post# of 112299
All-in-One Mega DD BAYP OIL + MINING Divisions:

O.K. First: We have some BAYP Revenues already in from last PR:

In the last 45 days we have received Revenue payments totaling:

Pennsylvania wells: $5225.00 (Stefflebeam wells 1-4 5% WI and 3.75% NRI)

Texas and Mississippi wells: $740 (Does not include Gaines County Interest)

Our total: $5965.00

Well, i'm still scratching what's left of my head here about:

(Does not include Gaines County Interest)

What does that mean?
Are they hinting that Gaines County could be a life changer here:

Best way to see what BAYP Owns is by looking at some of their PR:

1-The PRODUCING ROYALTY Interest acquired in Nacogdoches County, Texas, is under the Star Duster No. 1 well. To date it has produced 485,182 MCF. The operator is Sonerra Resource Corporation

2-The PRODUCING Interest acquired in Nacogdoches County, Texas is in the Trawick Gas Field, Trawick Gas Unit 21.The operator for this unit is the Exxon Mobil Corporation..

3-The PRODUCING Interest acquired in Pike County, Mississippi is in the McComb Field, McComb Unit 10-3. The operator is Denbury Resources, Inc.

4-The PRODUCING Mineral interest in Jones County Texas. The interest acquired is under the Phantom Lake (Tannehill) field, Wade J. H. Etal Well. Lease I. D. number 11407.

5-The Company entered into an agreement with Rio Rancho Oil & Gas Resources, a Texas oil & gas company ("Rio Rancho"). Pursuant to that agreement, Bayport acquired a 3.5% leasehold; a non-participating working interest in wells obtained by Rio Rancho through leasehold. The non participating working interest does not require that the Company fund, in any way, production of the wells, only receive revenues. The initial target of production is the three wells located within the Peck "A" lease covering the south 320 acres under Section 372, Block "G," Gaines County.

Bayport International Holdings, Inc. & Rio Riata Oil & Gas Resources own an additional 160 acres within the area.

July 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ Bayport International Holdings, Inc. Today we are pleased to announce production in Gaines County, Texas and interest in two new wells in Forest County, Pennsylvania.

Gaines County, Texas, the Peck A Lease has gone into production. According to the operator, CTL Oil and Gas, we have gone into full production on the Peck A Lease. We should get reports of average production numbers within the next few weeks. There are active plans to rework the Peck B Lease in the near future.

On July 28, 2011, the Company entered into an agreement with Rio Rancho Oil & Gas Resources, a Texas oil & gas company ("Rio Rancho"). Pursuant to that agreement, Bayport acquired a 3.5% leasehold; a non-participating working interest in wells obtained by Rio Rancho through leasehold. The nonparticipating working interest does not require that the Company fund, in any way, production of the wells, only receive revenues.

The wells are located within Section 372, Block "G", Gaines County, Texas. The Peck "A" lease covers 320 acres, and in December of 2002 had a production rate of 7,256 barrels per month. This first well is expected to resume producing from the existing 11,000 foot depth. The second well will be re-worked at the 3,500 foot depth to test the San Andres zone. Wells directly adjacent to the south of this property have produced 400 BOPD from the San Andres zone, although same in no way guarantees the same production from the wells in which the Company has an interest.

The first well within the Peck "A" lease produced 92,536 barrels from September 2002 to November 2006, before becoming inactive for non-operational reasons. The northeast section of the area contains a Gas Gathering line.

Bayport International Holdings, Inc. and Rio Riata Oil & Gas Resources LLC (previously known as Rio Rancho Oil & Gas Resources) have entered into a letter of intent (LOI) to acquire 100% of the remaining controlling leasehold interest in the Gaines County Texas prospect from Rio Riata Oil & Gas Resources covering the south 320 acres under the SW/4, Section 372, Block "G," CCSD & RGNG Ry Survey, Gaines County, TX. The new agreement will significantly increase the non-participating working interest to give Bayport 100% of the remaining controlling leasehold interest for any and all wells that are to be reworked or from any future drilling programs including offset production fields acquired through Rio Riata Oil & Gas Resources in related areas.

6-Bayport International Holdings, Inc.. Today we are pleased to announce the signing of a contract to purchase 5.0% working interest and 3.75% net revenue interest in each well number 44 and well number 45 located in the Milford Lease, Forest County, Pennsylvania. Wells number 44 and 45 are to be drilled 3/22/2013 and production log reports will become available to our shareholders as soon as we get them. We would like to report the wells number 42 and 43 on the Milford lease went into production in March of 2013 and currently are producing 40 bbls per day.

7-Bayport International Holdings, Inc.. Today we are pleased to announce the signing of a Contract to purchase an interest in 2 oil wells to be drilled in the Milford Lease, Forest County, Pennsylvania. Permit numbers 30 and 68 have been issued as per Pennsylvania oil gas.

8-Bayport International Holdings, Inc.. Today we are pleased to announce the signing of a Contract to purchase an interest in 2 oil wells to be drilled in the Milford Lease, Forest County, Pennsylvania. Drilling Permit numbers 38 and 39 have been issued as per Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP). The interest is for 5.0% Working Interest and 3.75% Net Revenue Interest to be acquired in each of the two wells.

9-Bayport International Holdings, Inc.. Today we announce updates to the previously announced contract for 5.0% working Interest and 3.75% net revenue in a new drilling program in the Steffelbeam Lease, Forest County, Pennsylvania. The contract is for wells with permit numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, which have been submitted to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) and approved.

10-Tulsa, OK October 17, 2013 /PRNewswire/-- Bayport International Holdings, Inc. (OTCPINK: BAYP). Today we are pleased to announce the signing of a Letter of Intent to purchase an interest in 5 oil wells located in the Scott Lease, Venango County, Pennsylvania.
The LOI is for the purchase of 15.0% WI and 11.25% NRI to be acquired in each of the five wells, permit numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5.

Ouff! that's a lot of PRs and wells just for the BAYP Oil & Gas Division.



1- Steffelbeam #1-2-3-4: We already have the Production Numbers...

2- Milford Lease #42-43-44-45
They PR'ed that #42 and #43 on the Milford lease went into production in March of 2013 and currently are producing 40 bbls per day.
Just waiting for Full Revenue PR here.

3- Milford Lease permits #30-38-39-68 by PR again

TOTAL: 12 Wells and 17 Wells after the execution of the last LOI.


1- Star Duster No. 1 well. Royalty interest only (revenues only)Operator: Sonerra Resource Corp..

2- Phantom Lake (Tannehill) field

3- Trawick Gas Field, Trawick Gas Unit 21. Operator: Exxon Mobil Corp..

4- Phantom Lake (Tannehill) field
5- Gaines County. The wells are located in Section 372, Block "G", .
The Peck "A" lease covers 320 acres.
An additional 160 acres owned within the area.

Operator: CTL Oil and Gas said:full production on the Peck A since last July 9th.
Can't wait for those Epic Revenue Only numbers...

Active plans to rework the Peck B Lease in the near future, too.

TOTAL: Number of wells and total NRI unknown till now.
Looks like Gaines County Peck "A+B" could bring a lot of $,though, and possibly be a game changer.

Execution of the LOI to acquire 100% non-participating interest (revenues only), would be a life changer here.


McComb Field, McComb Unit 10-3. Operator: Denbury Resources,Inc.
Already priced in by the last PR: $5,965.00 per 45 days.

Pennsylvania DEP Office OIL & GAS Spud Data:

The company is primarily focused on precious metals, rare earth, and other critical strategic metals. Bayport International is developing mining properties with economic potential and the aim of bringing such properties to commercial production.

Looks like the BAYP Mining is on the back burner for the moment.But when we'll reach sufficient Revenues from our Oil Division, watch out.It will be very easy to begin mining any of the numerous claims already secured.

Mining Claims:

Bayport International Holdings, Inc. through its subsidiary Cosmic American Rare Earth, Inc.(CARE) Today announced the acquisition of the 60 acre, Tidwell Falls (UMC #418850) claim located in Juab County, Utah.

This claim was purchased from a group of private individuals for 40,000,000 restricted shares of common stock.
According to an assay report dated August 23, 2010, the Sir Tidwell claim contains 461,000 mg of Iron per kg. Additionally, the assay shows a concentration of Titanium with 24,300 mg/kg.

The company's projects include WOW claims covering 120 acres; the Spring Sage claims comprising 640 acres; and the Gilded Lady claims covering 168.44 acres located in Sage Valley in the Salt Lake Meridian Township in Juab County.

PR, Oct 10, 2012
Bayport International Holdings Inc. (EXTO.PK) is pleased to announce the final approval of the bond reclamation contract through its subsidiary Cosmic American Rare Earth, Inc..
State of Utah, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil, Gas and Mining:

Permit to Commence Small Mine Activities, Small Mining Operations, Cosmic American Rare Earth, Inc., Wow Claim, S/023/0110, Juab County, Utah

Its wholly-owned subsidiary, Cosmic American Rare Earth, Inc. (CARE), has secured a $50,000,000 Rare Earth IPO with Aegis Capital Corporation. Details will be announced in the future...

The main focus of Bayport International Holdings, Inc. is our mining projects. These include the WOW, Spring Sage, and Gilded Lady mining projects.

About the WOW, Spring Sage, & Gilded Lady Claims

These claims can be found within the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) database under the BLM’s Land & Mineral Legacy Rehost 2000 System (LR2000) for Utah under Bayport International’s subsidiary Cosmic American Rare Earth (CARE), Inc.

The WOW, Spring Sage, and Gilded Lady claims are all located in Sage Valley within the Salt Lake Meridian Township in Juab County. All of these claims are volcanic placer deposits which allows for a more simple process of mining to be executed versus lode mining. The WOW claims account for 120 acres; the Spring Sage Claims account for 640 acres; and the Gilded Lady Claims account for 168.44 acres.

For further data regarding these claims, please see the attached assay reports and the Utah Geological Surveys that was completed by Advanced Laboratories, Inc., by Enviropro Laboratories, and Chemix Labs respectively.

Although respectable levels of rare earth elements (REE’s) were found in a few samples from the claims, what we considered a significant amount of gold was found in Sample Number S-29 from and assay that was done by Advanced Laboratories, Inc. under LAB NO. 30255-01 that reflected .324 ounces of gold per ton. Sample Number S-29 was considered taken from the WOW claim, but due to the close proximity of this sample being directly adjacent to the Spring Sage and Gilded Lady, the quality of the sample suggests this gold assay and other reports to be consistent throughout the entire area as of result of being volcanic placer deposits.

Silver and platinum were also present within this assay report, returning .277 and <.005 ounces per ton respectively that we believe can be extracted at the same time as the gold extraction. To add, an Environmental Analysis was done by Enviropro Laboratories on Sample Number S-29 where the Analytical Test Results reflected a respectable amount of Titanium at 8430 ppm per ton within its magnetite sample.

Rare Earth holdings may be the most financially significant division of Bayport. Bayport now controls a tremendous amount of Rare Earth Elements (REE's) in the northwestern portion of the United States and Northern Canada with our new association with a mining company in Newfoundland. This company likewise owns a vast amount of REE's in northern Canada. Bayport has entered into a Letter of Agreement with a prestigious Wall Street firm, to do a best-efforts $50,000,000 IPO for the myriad of rare earth we control.