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Re: StephanieVanbryce post# 210356

Sunday, 09/22/2013 8:00:13 PM

Sunday, September 22, 2013 8:00:13 PM

Post# of 480336
Michelle Obama—hugs and haters

First Lady Michelle Obama hands a diploma to a graduating senior during the Martin Luther King, Jr. Academic Magnet High School for Health Sciences and Engineering at Historic Pearl High commencement ceremony, at the Howard C. Gentry Complex in Nashville,

The right-wing racists in this country who still haven't recovered from the two-time installation of a black family in the White House have dredged up yet another reason to hate on the first lady. This last week it was about water. When I read about the manufactured controversy at Wonkette, I thought it was a joke. Rush-bloat got into the act, with his par-for-the-course bigot act, and so it went ... on and on ad nauseum, from one right-wing website to another. The FLOTUS has, as part of her goal to improve our children's health, simply suggested that they—gasp—drink more water.

The comments sections to the stories on those sites were predictably slime-filled. Usually, I can just brush the crud off of my psyche, shrug my shoulders and wonder who are these people who seem to spend an extraordinary amount of time on the internet inventing new ways to degrade and demean the FLOTUS?

The problem is that they are people, who own computers, who though faceless and sometimes anonymous, live real lives in my country. And though I may be able to withstand the filth and accept that my world is still full of too many hateful folks, I began to wonder what effect of all of this has on the Obama daughters. They have computers. They probably read news stories about their mom. Their friends and schoolmates do too. I then started thinking about my young cousins, and my friend's daughters, and all the young women and girls in this country, especially the ones who are black and brown and/or "othered" who see our FLOTUS as a role model. What do they make of all this?

So much of our recent discourse has been focused on Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, stop and frisk, and all the young black and brown men who have been vilified as "thugs," and who according to the supporters of George Zimmerman and his ilk, deserve to die or be locked away for life ... we forget perhaps to question what this does to our young women and girls?

We already know—from all the available body of social science research—that young women of color, particularly young black women, are bowed down under the burden of not meeting normative standards of beauty. Many young women of color now suffer eating disorders as a result. The racist frenzy that took place over the selection of an Indian American as Miss America certainly illustrated clearly that no matter if you are not black, and you get to be a beauty pageant queen, you are still not okay. Not American (read white). Even if you are America's first lady, it will never be enough. Forget the college degrees, the competence, the intellect, the class, the style, the fame ... you will be tarred with the same "you are not good enough" brush.

You will be the words they use to describe Michelle Obama. Angry, ugly, vicious words. They will look at you and be thinking (doubtful they will say it to your face—though they have zero constraints typing it out) "orangutan, gorilla, monkey, big-foot, wicked witch and angry black b***h" and more. If they can openly mock the first lady's derrière, what do they think of your curves or full figure?

I have seen these words and worse, over and over again. I refuse to link to direct quotes, not wanting to make anyone of sound mind have to visit the hate-filled websites that have proliferated since the first day Barack Obama and his wife Michelle stepped onto the national stage, but here is one link to Google Images that will illustrate exactly what I'm distressed about.

I warn you not to do more than scroll the images. Visiting most of the websites that house them will set off alarms on your virus protection. But do look. I refuse to post any of them here.

Try this—"Moochelle"—the ugly name they have adopted from Limpbloat.

No other first lady in our recent history has been so distorted and reviled.

And yes—it's because she's black.

Follow me below the fold for more.

The one thing that will counteract the tsunami of hate is the power and grace of Michelle Obama herself. Her love, her commitment to young people, and her hugs.

The bigots know it, which is why the vituperation has intensified. She is winning the hearts and minds of young girls. She is a role model. And that scares the shit out of racists. It's catching! She's not only a role model for young black girls ... she's affecting the white ones too ... oh my!!!

I don't normally do photo diaries. Not to sound trite, but sometimes a picture is worth more than a thousand keystrokes.

These images will illustrate my story.

There is nothing more beautiful to me than to see the light that shines in the eyes of little girls when they get to meet and greet our FLOTUS.

First Lady Michelle Obama greets children during a visit to Sterling Farms Grocery Store in Marrero, Louisiana, July 23, 2013.The store was opened last year by actor Wendell Pierce as part of the "Alliance For A Healthier Generation."

Who could possibly criticize our nation's first spouse for taking on issues of health and nutrition? You know the answer. The same people who want to kill Obamacare, and who are preparing to slash the budget for the SNAP program.

Those haters who loathe the ground she walks on must also hate our nation's children, who also need health care. I was glad to see her visiting the Children's National Medical Center (formerly DC Children's Hospital), which was founded after the Civil War.
In 1870, children in the District of Columbia were bearing the burden of the Civil War. Poverty, hunger, and lack of social services took a heavy toll on the health and welfare of children throughout the region. To address the needs of sick children living in poverty, a group of physicians in the District came together, and on December 5, 1870 the Children’s Hospital of the District of Columbia was incorporated.

Growing up on city streets in New York, I have fond memories of double dutch, which was something young black girls excelled and took pride in. I can't imagine any previous first ladies who could demonstrate this simple connection to a part of what has been inner city girls' culture.

It's been a little over 40 years since this county passed Title IX legislation, in 1972. Mrs. Obama was 8 years old at the time. She embodies a new generation of young women, who are being encouraged to engage in sports.

Mrs. Obama doesn't only have an appeal for our nation's youngsters. Her global travels, sometimes with the POTUS and sometimes on her own, demonstrate her ability to connect with children of all ethnicities and religions. The faux outrage ginned up by the right about her representing us all, recently around the trip to Africa, clearly demonstrates a different standard applied. Bigots have built-in forgetters, since President George W. and First Lady Laura Bush made seven trips to the continent.

From Helsinki to Haiti, her tall black presence is known to young and old.

Some of the racism directed her way isn't home grown, though is surely influenced by our homemade brand. The Voice of Russia recently dredged (or drudged) up her Princeton years to imply she is a racist, and a racist tweet, with photo by a Russian member of Parliament and former star athlete Irina Rodnina, has sparked controversy.
FLOTUS bears it all with amazing grace and continues to travel inside and outside of the U.S. visiting small towns and big cities. Embracing our children at every stop. The "bare arms" that were mocked and disparaged are there to hug a child.

What does Michelle Obama have to say to young girls (and all of us) about the hate and the haters?
She answered that at a Girls Inc. of Omaha event, when asked a question by one of the girls in attendance.

Q My name is Aviera Pittman, I am 12 years old. Do you believe you are strong, smart and bold, and why?
MRS. OBAMA: Oh. (Laughter.) Yes, absolutely, right? I’m strong, smart and bold. (Applause.) You know, I shared that story -- I think I believed in it because others believed in it. I had a mom and dad who had high expectations that were accompanied with a lot of unconditional love and support.

And when you’ve got people in your ear telling you that you’re wonderful, you start believing it. And that’s why what you have here at Girls Inc. is so important. Believe what people are saying about you. Believe that. Take in that good energy. Own it. Hug it. Accept it. All the good things you hear, the positive messages -- take those. Put the negative things aside, because that’s always going to be there. There’s always going to be -- what do we call it, girls? There’s always going to be haters out there? (Laughter.) Don’t focus on that.

Focus on the people in your life who give you positive reinforcement. And it doesn’t have to be a parent. It can be anybody. I was lucky enough to have parents, but I also had some great teachers and mentors and people in my life that I would pull them in if I got some good energy, I’d just keep pulling on it. So gravitate to the positive. Stay away from the haters, okay? (Laughter and applause.)

She can do this with a smile and a laugh, all too aware of the climate of hate, egged on and stirred up by those in this country who reject her and all she symbolizes. She accepts the risks to her husband and children and soldiers on, knowing full well that there are times that threats are directed her way. We don't often get to hear about them, but one managed to get into the press back in May.
Officer accused of threatening Michelle Obama says he was joking:

Authorities said the Obama incident occurred the morning of July 11 at Jack’s Fresh restaurant at 20th and L streets NW. Picciano was eating breakfast with three colleagues and was later joined by Officer Leslie Clark and her partner. Testimony indicated that the conversation turned to heavy traffic during a recent escort for Michelle Obama and then about her threat level. An officer at the table explained that “a lot of people want to kill her.”

Clark, a 24-year veteran still with the special operations division, said she expressed surprise at that statement, and Picciano said, “Yeah, because I want to kill her.” Clark said she twice asked if he meant it, and that he said yes, and then showed her the picture of the gun on his phone.

Pressler and another officer gave a different account, saying that Clark asked who would kill the first lady. Picciano answered, “I guess I would.” At that moment, Picciano was talking with a colleague about a birthday gift of a .40-caliber handgun, and he was calling up a picture of it on his smartphone. The other officer said the picture came up just as Picciano made the comment about Obama and was handing the phone across the table to the other officer, Pressler said. Clark said she quickly changed the subject to the Washington Redskins. She said she didn’t confide in her partner that she was troubled by what she heard and contemplated the repercussions of making a complaint.

She lives (as do we) in a world where a police officer tasked with the security of the FLOTUS can "joke" about killing her.
Not funny at all.

Yet we reap what is sown.

It was reported that the same officer had described himself as a "zoo keeper."

The trial board panel is expected to issue its findings within two months. D.C. Assistant Attorney General Kevin J. Turner told members, “There is no place on the MPD for anyone who issues a threat, sarcastically or otherwise, while in uniform and in a public place.”
Turner said the Secret Service uncovered other troubling statements attributed to Picciano, including his Facebook page from 2009, on which he posted that he “felt like taking a rifle to a tall building.” Turner said Picciano was angry at the D.C. Council for curtailing pension benefits. In addition, Turner said Picciano referred to himself as the “zoo keeper of the MPD” on his Linked¬In page.

Washington DC is still "Chocolate City" with majority black inhabitants, from the streets of Anacostia to the White House.
Why respect the first lady or any black folks when daily we are classed as sub-human zoo animals?

Our much vaunted freedom of speech, has built in dangers which Alexander Tsesis has explored in "Destructive Messages: How Hate Speech Paves the Way For Harmful Social Movements."

But today I am thinking about the attempts to destroy and tear down the woman in our country who best symbolizes a role model for little girls who will have a chance to aspire to not just a first ladyship, but to a chair behind the desk in the oval office.

Did I ever dream I'd live to see the day that a black woman would represent us?


My growing up world saw only black maids and domestics living and working in that white edifice at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, DC. No matter that George W. Bush had a conservative black female secretary of state, or that one black woman has been a senator.

Women and young girls today may soon get a chance to see a woman in the White House as president. And they have a chance to dream that perhaps, in the not too distant future that a woman of color may also become a first.

Right now, I salute our first, Michelle Robinson Obama.

I will keep on fighting the hate and haters. 'Cause if I know anything at all, I know they are destined to lose.

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