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Re: None

Tuesday, 03/05/2013 8:53:35 PM

Tuesday, March 05, 2013 8:53:35 PM

Post# of 83181
Thanks to Cancun Charlie who assembled these DTCC posts. The posts I would like as stickies are 70886 and 69853. Someone could merge this and the past post and sticky them together.


DTCC Letters:

(These are posted on the company website under Field Reports:)

503-192 Jarvis Street
Toronto. 0N
M5B 2J9
(416) 200-6966

September ll,20l2
55 Water Street
New York, N.Y.
u.s.A. 10047-0099
Attention : Compliance Department
Re: Depository Chill on Sierra Gold Corporation CUSIP # 8263J5-10-3
On August 30,2012 Sierra Gold Corporation (SGC) received an e-mail from a shareholder asking
why DTCC placed a "chill" order on SGC. Additional similar shareholder requests for
information on the issue were received over the long weekend and into the week of September 5,

The company was advised by a shareholder over the Labour Day weekend that some other
companies had received similar restrictions placed on them by DTCC but unlike SGC, they had
received written notice by DTCC. SGC expected to receive an official notice of some sort from
DTCC in order that a response to any shareholder concerns could be addressed in a timely
manner. As you can imagine, the rumours regarding the problem were numerous and varied.
SGC did research the problem on our own to the extent capable and since the company has
received no written, electronic or verbal communication from DTCC, the intent of this leffer is to
ask for clarification from DTCC.

The company is of the opinion the real issue involves the trading of stock by one Mr. Bronson
and Fairhills Capital over which SGC has no control and thus is put in a position of collateral
damage. This situation that the company is put in is damaging to its agricultural and mining
operation but more specifically to the shareholders who support and have supported the company
for the past 6 years.

I would respectfully request a clarification response from DTCC in order for the company to
respond and resolve any issues and return to "Unchilled" status.


Douglas Evans
Chairman and CEO


NEWYORK, NY 10041-0099
September 17,2012
Bv Federal Exnress
Sierra Gold Corp
503-L92 farvis St.
Toronto, ON MSB 219

Attn: Doug Evans, CEO
Re: Imposition of Global Lock on Sierra Gold Corp./CUSIP 826315103

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The Depository Trust Company ("DTC") has suspended all book-entry services (the "Global
Lock") provided to its participants with respect to the common shares of Sierra Gold Corp
(the "lssuer"), bearing the CUSIP 826315L03 (the "lssue"), as of August29,20t2.

The Global Lock was imposed consistent with Rule 5 of DTC's Rules; Section L of DTC's
Operational Arrangementsl and applicable Iaw, including, without limitation, Section 17 A of
the Securities Exchange Act of L934,15 U.S.C. $$ 78q-1, et seq. and the Bank SecrecyAct, 31
U.S.C. SS 5311 et seq.

Basis for the Global Lock

DTC has learned that the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") has recently
commenced an enforcement action captioned Securities and Exchange Commission v. Edward
Bronson et al., Civil ActionLZ-CY-6421 (S.D.N.Y., filed August 22,20L2) fthe "E-Lionheart
Enforcement Action). In its complaint, the SEC alleges, among other things, that from at least
August 2009, Edward Bronson ["Bronson") and E-Lionheart Associates, LLC, d/b/a Fairhills
Capital ("E-Lionheart") (collectively, "Defendants") engaged in a scheme to purchase billions
of shares of stock from small companies and illegally resell those shares to the investing
public, claiming an unavailable exemption from registration under Rule 504(b)(1)[ii) of
Regulation D of the Securities Act of L933, as amended (the "securities Act") and 7309(b)(B)
of the Delaware Securities Act. The complaint alleges, specifically, that from August 2009

(continued on next page)

r DTC's Rules may be found at DTC's Operational
Arrangements may be found at,memo.pdf.


through May 201\, Defendants acquired and illegally sold L.1- billion shares of the Issue (the
"E-Lionheart Shares").

DTC's records demonstrate that some or all of the E-Lionheart Shares were deposited at DTC
and comingled with shares of the Issue on deposit at DTC for book entry services. As a result,
DTC has imposed the Global Lock in order to prevent, among other things, the unregistered
securities from being transferred on the books of DTC.

Hearing Request and Submission
If you wish to be heard in connection with DTC's imposition of the Global Lock, you must file
a written request for a hearing ("Hearing Request") with the Secretary of the Corporation,
within seven (7) business days of the date of this letter. The Hearing Request form is
attached hereto as Exhibit A. Failure to submit the Hearing Request within the time period
set forth above shall constitute a waiver of your right to be heard, and the Global Lock will
remain in effect, subject to DTC's right to take any other action it deems appropriate with
respect to the Issue.

If you do submit a timely Hearing Request, DTC will contact you regarding the process with
respect to your objection.

Please be advised that the submission of any information or documentation as may be
required will not automatically result in the determination to lift the Global Lock. The
outcome of DTC's review and determination may be to continue the Global Lock in
which case you will be provided with the reason(s) for such decision.

Donald Maj


503 - 192 Jarvis Street
Toronlti" f)N
lvtit] 2J9
(416) 200-6966

September 19,20l2
55 Water Street
u.s.A. 10047-0099

Attention: Donald Maj

Re: Global Lock on Sieqra Gold Corpofation CUSIP # 826315-10-3

Thank you for your prompt response to my letter dated September 11,2012 regardingthe Global
Lock on Sierra Gold Corporation. As per your letter of September 17,2012,I would like to
submit a "Hearing Request" on behalf of the corporations shareholders. Exhibit A is hereby
signed and attached.

From a timing perspective, I will be travelling to Sierra Leone on company business from
September 20,2012 through October 8,2012. I can be available anytime following those dates,
at your convenience.

Douglas Evans
Chairman and CEO



Corporate Secretary
c/o Donald Maj
The Depository Trust Company
55 Water Street
NewYork NY 10041

FR: Name of Issuer ['Sierra gold Corporation')
RE: Requestfora Hearingre CUSIP No. 826315103

The undersigned on behalf of the Issuer hereby requests that The Depository Trust Company
("DTC") provide the Issuer with a hearing with respect to DTC's imposition of a Global Lock
with respect to shares of the Issuer.

Douglas Evans