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Re: This Causes an Error post# 116310

Wednesday, 02/20/2013 4:16:01 PM

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 4:16:01 PM

Post# of 151863

Anybody have Core i5/i7 DMIPS numbers for the ULV chips?

Sandy Bridge Core i7 yields 9.43 DMIPS per core per cycle. For the new 13W Core i7-3689Y at 1.5GHz, that would result in 28k DMIPS.

Of course, workloads have progressed quite a bit from scaling with DMIPS. If Exynos Octa wants to scale even in quad core performance, they'll need the memory bandwidth, the internal interface bandwidth, the right cache latencies, etc. There's a lot that DMIPS simply does not comprehend.

Also, Ivy Bridge wattage is rated at the worst case workload ("TDP"). If it were running Dhrystone, it would probably run at the SDP of ~7W, and offer some pretty comparable peak performance per watt to Exynos Octa, except with 1/2 the number of active cores.
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