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Tuesday, 01/01/2013 9:27:30 PM

Tuesday, January 01, 2013 9:27:30 PM

Post# of 30990
Anatabloc nutraceutical supplement available at GNC

Anatabloc A Revolution in Anti-Inflammatory Support


"Inflammation is perhaps the major medical issue of our time and the ability to diminish its risk will change the way we manage health in America / the World."

“Of the ten leading causes of mortality in the United States, chronic, low-level inflammation contributes to the pathogenesis of at least seven. These include heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and nephritis.
( The danger of chronic, low-level inflammation is that its silent nature belies its destructive power.”

Inflammation is the activation of the immune system in response to infection, irritation or injury. Characterized by an influx of white blood cells, redness, heat, swelling, pain, and dysfunction of the organs involved, inflammation has different names when it appears in different parts of the body. Most allergy and asthma sufferers are familiar with rhinitis (inflammation of the nose), sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), and asthma (inflammation of the airways), but inflammation is also behind arthritis (inflammation of the joints), dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), and so on.

Key article about heart attacks and strokes and inflammation WSJ article of September 3 , 2012 here

Fortune Magazine article about inflammation

The Inflammatory Factor Underlying Most Cancers

“One way to keep your body's soil healthy is to treat inflammation. When something is wrong with your body, it goes into panic mode and triggers inflammation, a process that rallies the vascular, immune, and cellular systems to heal injured tissue. Numerous studies show that patients who take statins -- which not only lower cholesterol but reduce inflammation -- lowered cancer rates by 40%, although no one knows exactly why. That's not all. A growing body of evidence suggests that inflammation may be linked to a host of other diseases, from heart attacks to Alzheimer's to diabetes”

Below is background article on inflammation that was in Time Magazine a few years ago. In a nutshell, it says that inflammation may be the root cause of a variety of illnesses (including auto immune diseases, heart disease, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, MS, and many cancers).,9171,993419,00.html

TIME Magazine, in a February, 2004 cover story entitled “ The Secret Killer: The Surprising Link between Inflammation and Heart Attacks, Cancer, Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases”, described chronic inflammation as the “engine that drives many of the most feared illnesses of middle and old age.”,16641,20040223,00.html

“Nearly all of the degenerative diseases are driven by chronic subclinical inflammation; essentially, nearly every condition that walks into a doctor's office is driven, at least in part, by inflammation. In recent years, a massive volume of literature has supported the view that we need to halt chronic inflammation and its induction. The old view of inflammation is that it represents the healing response. This is true, to a point; however, once inflammation, becomes chronic, it becomes a disease. “

Chronic inflammation is now recognized as a key underlying cause for the development of many human cancers, autoimmune disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes (

If inflammation can be prevented or reduced, and the common ailments can be alleviated. impact on healthcare because developing drugs to target telomerase can greatly reduce healthcare costs. They also may lead to potentially novel drugs that will target a range of human ailments with inflammation as an underlying cause, which range from arthritis to cancer.”

The Reduction of Inflammation

Removing chronic inflammation does make a difference in how you feel. Anatabloc goes through your whole body addressing inflammation issues ----gums to feet.

“To date, aspirin, NSAIDs and corticosteroids have been the main medical weapons against inflammation with potential nasty side-effects.

Although many anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin are currently available on the market, these drugs sometimes have side effects because blocking inflammation is typically detrimental to normal physiology. Hence there exists a need for the development of cost-effective drugs that are targeted, so as to minimize side effects.”

Scientists around the world are beginning to understand that the inhibition of NF-kB can also treat cancer and/or prevent the spread of cancer in the body

“NFkB is the "big cheese" cell-signaling molecule for inflammation; its activationinduces the expression of COX-2, which leads to tissue inflammation. "Intriguingly,the expression of the COX-2-encoding gene, believed to be responsible for themassive production of prostaglandins at inflammatory sites, is transcriptionallyregulated by NFkB."

NFkB resides in the cytoplasm of the cell and is bound to its inhibitor. Injurious and inflammatory stimuli, such as free radicals, release NFkB from the inhibitor. NFkB moves into the nucleus and activates the genes responsible for expressing COX-2. Research has demonstrated that aspirin, NSAIDs, and corticosteroids can inhibit the activation of NFkB, which is why people derive relief from these drugs. Problems arise due to their nasty side-effects, which means that alternative ways need to be pursued to reduce NFkB activity.(” That alternative is here and it is nutraceutical supplement Anatabloc.

Inhibiting excessive and damaging inflammation at the start of the reaction, NF-KB, in the nucleus of cells. An answer that many, many tens of millions in America have been hoping for.


A safe nutraceutical that controls chronic low-level inflammation.

ANATABLOC attacks inflammation –see following

Anatabloc is all about inhibiting the expression of NF-kB. NF-?B plays a key role in regulating the immune response to infection and disease.

Numerous human ailments are caused by chronic low grade inflammation associated with elevated NF-kB levels in the body. Anatabloc is a dietary supplement for anti-inflammatory support of the immune system. Since many disorders, like coronary artery disease, diabetes, asthma, allergies, MS, Parkinsons (and all auto-immune diseases) Alzheimer's, and rheumatoid arthritis, etc. etc. etc. are caused by chronic low-level inflammation, Anatabloc turns off that chronic inflammation and is a potential preventative treatment for these diseases. Clinical studies are being done now at John Hopkins and Roskamp Institute related to several of these. See Research below.

A person, who knows Anatabloc well, if not better than anyone, tells the Anatabloc story powerfully and succinctly in their opinion, his quote; "Anatabine is a STAT3/NF-kb Inhibitor. Game over!" Of course, this has yet to be proven through clinicals.


Anatabloc leverages the body’s natural process for regulating its own inflammation using anatabine, a naturally-occuring compound found in some plants, combined with Vitamin A and D3 to help the body to avoid excessive creation of inflammation. Pre-clinical studies have shown that this combination inhibits pro-inflammatory pathways, thereby helping maintain lower levels of inflammation.

ANATABLOC attacks inflammation –see following



Differentiating Anatabloc from Other Nutritional Anti-inflammatory Supplements

About Anatabloc at GNC

Anatabloc is a dietary supplement for anti-inflammatory support of the immune system. Since many disorders, like coronary artery disease, diabetes, asthma, Alzheimer's, and rheumatoid arthritis, are caused by chronic low-level inflammation, Anatabloc can assist in the treatment for these diseases.

Anatabine is a naturally-occurring alkaloid, found in eggplant, peppers, green tomatoes, tobacco, potatoes, and a variety of other plants and vegetables in the Solanaceae family. Anatabloc stimulates a natural body process to promote a healthy inflammatory response.

My comment: No plant is used in the manufacturing of the Anatabine in Anatabloc---it is synthesized manufacturing version.

What is Anatabloc
Anatabloc is a supplement that contains 1 milligram of anatabine base, 500 units of Vitamin A and 40 units of Vitamin D3.

No prescription required
Because Anatabloc is a dietary supplement, it does not require a prescription.

How often do I take it?
For best results take two tablets/lozenges three times daily or 3 tablets twice a day. Dosage is based upon weight and issues attempting to address. KEY: take last dosage just before bedtime !!

Comment: So you take 2 under the tongue (they taste like mints) three times daily--so 6 total (or 3 twice a day). You can also go 3 and 3. Goes into blood stream easier this way. Critical that the last dosage of day be at bedtime.

Anatabloc nutraceutical supplement at GNC---takes 30-90 days --the effect is cumlative so need to take on regular basis. If gums hurt initially it is fighting inflammation of the gums and it will go away in a matter of a few days.

Natural Antidepressant in Anatabloc

This accounts for people feeling so much better and feeling younger than what they are. See Testimonials below.

Anatabloc has a safe monoamine oxidase inhibitor, or MAOI. MAOIs are antidepressants that aid in focusing and task accomplishment. MAOi, calms, focuses, relaxes and, most importantly, acts as a powerful antidepressant. The term "MAOI," by the way, is often pronounced like the Hawaiian island of Maui.

Potential Protection Benefits of Anatabloc

There are over 130 testimonials on the GNC for Anatabloc. See

Many people report similar dramatic improvements in inflammation-related conditions. Typically, I also hear that they have started giving Anatabloc to friends and family, who also report improvements in inflammatory conditions. People also report a general state of well-being probably due to the MAOI.

Other Testimonials

Here are some Amazon Testimonials on Anatabloc (the ten pack carton).

Here are the reviews of the 200 ct Bottle.


People review testimonials prior to purchasing a supplement.

A summary of testimonials by Anatabloc users gathered from Internet posts and personal emails of personal benefits claimed in inflammation-related conditions and/or well being by the user mentioned: ADD relief, aches and pains usually associated with aging, adhesive capsulitis in the glenohumeral joint, age related macular degeneration, Age spots fade/disappear , Aging, alcohol drinking urge cessation, allergy relief, Alzheimer Disease, anger management aid, anti depressant, anti-inflammatory support, ankylosing spondylitis, appetite suppressant/controlled, arthritis, arthritic knuckles pain relief, arrhythmia, asthma NF-KB, atrial fibrillation, attention deficiencies, autoimmune dermatitis, Autism spectrum disorders and seizure disorders, auto immune hives, back pain, bakers cysts, bedroom stamina, bee wound swelling (homemade topical ointment), benign prostatic hyperplasia, bilateral chronic shoulder tendonitis, blepharitis, blood pressure relief, BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia, breathing aid, bronchiectasis, bursitis, cancer bladder, cancer remissions of life-threatening cancers, canker sores stopped, Celebrex replacement, goodbye side effects, cervical arthritis, cholesterol lowering, chronic lumbosacral pain, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis, cold sore swelling stopped, colitis, complexion aid, concentration support, congenital, dyserythropoietic anemia, Crestor "serious bad reaction" relief, crohns disease, CRP lowered, curbed my desire for sugar, cured my left arm from falling asleep every time I rested it on anything, depression,. dermatitis autoimmune, dermatomyositis, diabetes, dipping cessation, disc extrusion relief, diverticulitis, dizziness, dog coat brighter, dog energy/lethargy, dog eyes brighter, dog lipoma, dog neurologic symptoms, dog pain, dog rash, dream attitude improved, drug use cessation, eczema healing, edema relief, Emphysema, energy enhanced, Eosinophilia and eosinophilic folliculitis, epicondyliitis, erectile dysfunction, eye healing, eye therapy, feelings of general overall well-being, Fibromyaglia, finger nail growth enhanced, focus better (study, home work), food allergies relief, Foods that I wasn't too fond of now taste better and I eat better but I don't over eat,, foot callous and inflammation relief, Gout, gum health, hair grows faster/thicker, hangover remedy, hay fever symptoms have disappeared, healthy eating support, heals, dry heals x 20+ years with severe cracking, hearing improved from meniere's disease, heart attack prevention, hemorrhoid inflammation, hip bursitis pain, Improved my quality of sleep and my dreams, inflamation reduced, Inflamed foot, inhibits inflammation and the accumulation of amyloid in the brain., interstitial cystitis, IBS irritable bowel syndrome, iron overload cessation (hemachromotsis?), joint pain, knee swelling, leukopenia, long automobile trip aches & pains avoided, lymph glands, somewhat swollen, alliviated, Majeed syndrome, manages CRP and inflammation, memory improved, menstrual pains relief, mental focus, Migraine cluster headache, minor swelling, MS pain and symptoms relief, muscle soreness preventative, mycosis/fungal toenail. infections, nails grow faster, ocd, old ACL repair pain, osteo arthritis, osteoarthritis of the neck, oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin improvement, premature ejaculation aide, prescription drug( Oxy) tapering, palmar aspect erosion/dry cracking, panic attacks, Poison Ivy/Oak break out (homemade topical ointment), Prostatitis, prostate relief, psoriasis, quality of life, rash cessation, Reactive Airway Disease, reduced need for NSAIDS, Reflex Sympathy Dystrophy, Relieves ankle swelling, Relieves sore muscles after doing yard work., Rheumatoid arthritis, rosacea at bay, rotator cuff pain relief, scar improvement, sciatica problems, sex libido, sinus relief, skin bumps, bruises, scraps, cuts, nicks, etc. all heal faster with less, irritation, skin care, skin lesions/moles, skin improvement/rejuvenation/youthful, sleep apnea, Sleep better, smell sense improved, smoking cessation, snoring, Sports injury relief, STD more controlled, stress relief, sugar and sweets desire curbed, systemic yeast infection, taste sense improved, teeth sensitivity relief, tendonitis, tennis elbow, thought process is faster, tooth extraction relief, thyroid fibrosis cessation, thyroid inflammation, thyroiditis, tingleing sensation reduced/gone, Tighter teeth and healthier gums, tinnitus, toe nail rehab/growth correction, trigger finger, Ulcerative Colitis, urge to eat cessation, valtorol replacement, varicose veins, variety of pains, wagoners, weight loss, work out recovery

Background of Research

ANATABLOC assists the body’s natural process for regulating its own inflammation, using an alkaloid found in plants and vegetables, combined with Vitamins A and D3, to assist in maintaining healthy levels of inflammation at a cellular level.

The thesis for anatabine citrate (Anatabloc main component) does not treat diseases specifically but rather reduces or stops chronic low level inflammation (elevated NF-kB) associated with a disease.

What they are doing is attempting to prove that Anatabine Citrate will reduce or stop the transcription of NF-kB and could be used to successfully treat a variety of human illnesses (Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Allergies auto immune diseases, Parkinson's, MS, Alzheimer', Crohn's, Diabetes, heart disease, traumatic brain injury, thyroid etc.). They are targeting each area one at a time. What will happen if successful is there will be a prescription level of Anatabloc.

It is still early days on all this but initial anecdotal reports look promising.

“The greatest benefits of Anatabloc are those you cannot notice - protection of the cardio-vascular system, brain and prevention of all types of cancers.”
Anatabloc turns off that chronic inflammation and therefore could be helpful.

The quality of doctors performing testing is good. The American Thyroid association doctor of year is Doctor Ladenson. His focus has been for many years on Anatabine and treatment of thyroid misfunctions.


Scientists involved with Anatabine / Anatabloc Research

Dr. Curtis Wright, Senior Vice President and Medical/Clinical Director of Star Scientific's wholly owned subsidiary Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals Inc. Dr. Curtis Wright, IV MD has been Senior Vice President and Medical & Clinical Director of Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals Inc. since February 2008. Dr. Wright serves as Senior Vice President of Star Scientific Inc. Dr. Wright served as Vice President of Clinical and Regulatory Affairs for Adolor Corporation from 1997 to 1998, and Executive Director, Medical Affairs and subsequently Executive Director of Risk Assessment for Purdue Pharma from 1998 to 2004. Dr. Wright served ... as an Executive Vice President for Risk Management and Regulatory Affairs at Javelin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. from 2005 to 2008. Dr. Wright’s career at the FDA, from 1989 to October 1997, included multiple senior scientific positions in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, including Deputy Director and subsequently Acting Director of that division. Dr. Wright serves as Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Pear Tree Pharmaceuticals Inc. Dr. Wright holds medical degree, with distinction, from George Washington and received a master’s degree in Public Health from the John Hopkins University.

Here is the scientist handling the Thyroid clinical study that is soon to be realized at John Hopkins ( Worlds foremost Endocrinology Research Institute). By the way he was nominated in 2012 by the American Thyroid Association for Doctor of the Year for his work with Anatabine the main element of Antabloc. Dr. Paul W. Ladenson, Director of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Johns Hopkins, John Eager Howard Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism Professor of Medicine, Pathology, Oncology, and Radiology & Radiological Sciences Medical School: Oxford University, Harvard Medical SchoolResidency: Massachusetts General Hospital Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital.

Institutions involved with Anatabine / Anatabloc Research

Worlds foremost Endocrinology Research Institute, John Hopkins

Anatabine / Anatabloc Research

New Research on Anatabine's Beneficial Effect on Alzheimer's Disease Presented at Neuroscience 2012

Research Published in European Journal of Pharmacology Shows that Star Scientific's Anatabine Suppresses Brain Inflammation in Animal Model of Alzheimer's Disease and in Blood

Star Scientific Announces Successful First Look at the "Flint" CRP Human Study and Provides Updated Report on ASAP Human Thyroid Study

New Research on Anatabine's Beneficial Effect on Alzheimer's Disease Presented at Neuroscience 2012

Beneficial Effects of Anatabine Supplementation in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis Presented at Neuroscience 2012

Research Presented at Neuroscience 2012 Indicates Anatabine Supplementation is Potentially Helpful in Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury

Star Scientific's Rock Creek Subsidiary Enrolls First Alzheimer's Study Patient at Roskamp Institute

The independently funded research team at Johns Hopkins conducted and completed a study of anatabine nutritional supplementation in a mouse model of autoimmune thyroiditis, entitled "Anatabine, a Tobacco Alkaloid, Reduces Disease Incidence and Severity in a Mouse Model of Autoimmune Thyroiditis."

Roskamp Institute Reports Beneficial Effects of Nutritional Supplementation with Anatabine in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis (

Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals Announces First Study Using Anatabloc® Nutritional Supplementation in Alzheimer's Patients

Rosacea Support Group notes clinical trial of Anatabloc:

Dr. Michael Mullan, president and CEO the Roskamp Institute noted that; “Both traumatic brain injury (TBI) and multiple sclerosis (MS) have in common massive brain inflammation. The reason a-natabine looks so promising in both these conditions is likely because, as we have previously shown, it is a potent anti-inflammatory agent. Although a-natabine’s anti-inflammatory activity may have different roles in each of these conditions the net result is to reduce the clinical and neuropathological consequences.”


Scientists at Roskamp Institute in Sarasota, Florida have conducted research with results that suggest a-natabine may benefit people who have autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Experiments were conducted using well established protocols in mice with pathologies typical of multiple sclerosis. Among the data recorded was the amount of inflammation on the spinal cord of control and a-natabine treated mice during the acute phase of the disease. Results show a 86% effective rate in controlling inflammation and recovery from posterior hindlimb paralysis versus 34% in the placebo control population. Conclusions are that production of pro-inflammatory cytokines seem to be regulated with the administering of a-natabine treated mice over the control which leads to greater recover from the paralysis condition. This study warrants further study especially associate with the chronic phase of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune disorders.


According to the Centers for Disease Control, 80,000 people in the United States suffer long-term disability from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) annually. Roskamp Institute scientists conducted a research study of TBI and control mice by administering a-natabine to measure its effectiveness for recovery from injury using scientific accepted methods. TBI mice treated with a placebo and the sham (untreated) mice recovered at a similar rate with deteriorated motor and cognitive functions. The a-natabine treated mice however had a significant recovery the researchers believe, by inhibiting inflation and reducing amyloid production. To quote the published research paper; “A-natabine treatment appeared to completely prevent the loss of spatial memory retention following severe TBI. Further study of this promising treatment is warranted and will include treatment in a mild closed head injury model as well as long term outcome from injury. Dietary supplementation for reducing secondary injury after TBI offers an easy path to clinical application and simplifies the administration of the therapeutic.” This pathological information warrant further studies with ongoing research in exploring other models of TBI using anatabine.

Alzheimer’s disease

Research study findings by Roskamp Institute were presented at Neuroscience 2012 about the impact of a-natabine in treating Alzheimer’s disease (AD). AD is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes problems with memory and behavior due to the increasing death of nerve cells in the brain. Most scientists, supported by research done at Roskamp Institute, agree that excessive amyloid plaque buildup (Abeta peptides) and neurofibrillary tangles (twisted protein fibers named tau) are directly related to the brain nerve cell loss. Data from the study using a well-known mouse model of AD shows that a-natabine treated mice have a significant reduction in the accumulation of plaque in the brain as compared to the control population. Scientists believe this occurs because a-natabine reduces or regulates human neuronal like protein BACE-1 (the rate limiting enzyme responsible for Abeta production). Cognitive tests of an ongoing investigation of a-natabine treated mice show greater cerebral functions and improved abilities as compared to the non-treated sample. Data from the study also show a-natabine’s anti-inflammatory results. A-natabine reduces neuroinflammation and STAT3 phosphorylation in the brain of transgenic AD mice. Additional research is warranted based upon results of this study regarding the potential benefit of a-natabine in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Here is a summary of the important research done at the Roskamp Institute.

A quote re the peer reviewed study from Dr. Michael Mullan, the CEO and President of the Roskamp Institute, "Anatabine continues to demonstrate widespread anti-inflammatory properties in a broad array of pre-clinical models. Given the commonality of inflammatory systems in rodents and humans, there's much reason to expect that anatabine will demonstrate similar properties in humans. In fact, the team went on to demonstrate that in human blood inflamed with LPS, the presence of anatabine dramatically dampened the inflammatory response, a result also included in the paper."

Rosacea Support Group notes clinical trial of Anatabloc face cream:


Preliminary results of the treatment of a mouse model of Multiple Sclerosis with Anatabine.

See report on the Roskamp Institute website at

Videos of Mice


In late 2012 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is said to be releasing results of a human thyroid study using the dietary supplement Anatabloc.

The study is funded in part by the Walton Family Foundation and is being performed in nine (9) clinical sites in Michigan, Texas, New Jersey, Illinois, and Florida.

Human Thyroid Study Evaluating the Dietary Supplement Anatabloc in Thyroid Health-ASAP (Antabloc Supplementation Autoimmune Prevention)

Note that at a meeting at the Roskamp Institute ( in June 2011, Dr. Ladenson stated that, “aside from RCP-006 (anatabine - now Anatabloc™ at GNC) there is no known compound that stops thyroiditis.”

Cholestrol / Heart Disease / Stroke

World Renown Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease.

“Despite the fact that 25% of the population takes expensive statin medications and despite the fact we have reduced the fat content of our diets, more Americans will die this year of heart disease than ever before.

Simply stated, without inflammation being present in the body, there is no way that cholesterol would accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause heart disease and strokes. Without inflammation, cholesterol would move freely throughout the body as nature intended. It is inflammation that causes cholesterol to become trapped.”

This is important because the anti-inflammatory effects of ANATABLOC have been shown by the Roskamp Institute to be greater than the leading statin, Lipitor. The name of the study is, "Statin Use and Fatal Prostate Cancer."

Older Males

For older men, one of the most commonly reported impacts of ANATABLOC is improvement in urinary tract or prostate problems. As men age, inflammation of the prostate leads to reduced bladder capacity, which is more than an inconvenience. Not only do prostate problems interfere with sleep, requiring multiple trips to the bathroom at night, but they usually precede prostate cancer.


“I am currently on no medication. My rational brain thinks I am crazy, yet my system is regulated. Bathroom visits have been normal and consistent. I am in no pain and have no fevers.”

Crohn update Anatabloc "I am doing great-really great in fact"


Comment: Anatabine in Anatabloc does not presently come from any plant. It is syntheisized product.

Can Anatabloc Successfully Treat Alzheimer's?

Dr. Michael Mullan, M.D., Ph.D., President and CEO of the Roskamp Institute, commented: "We have known for a long time that Alzheimer's disease has a large inflammatory component. We also have observed the anti-inflammatory effects of anatabine (the active ingredient of Anatabloc) in laboratory tests which is why we anticipate evidence of anti-inflammatory effects in this population.”

Scientists Establish Link Between Inflammatory Process and Progression of Alzheimer's Disease

What to do, to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's Disease? SEE

Anatabine=Anatabloc supplement GNC

Brain inflammation Alzheimer

Anatabloc at GNC eliminates brain fog


Sold in 4000 GNC stores in the United States and 2500 stores in 62 countries.

GNC with gold card (20% off all products) and a $ 10 coupon you can google and find on internet-- here

you can purchase 200 longenzers for $ 79 including tax or order online for same price.

Melt them under the tongue---how many? Depends on weight and inflammation issues. Two at a time three times daily is normal. Or some people do three at a time twice daily. They taste like mints. Last dosage should be just before bedtime.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
A*STAR Scientists Identify Potential Drug Target For Inflammatory Diseases Including Cancers

This discovery holds the potential to reduce healthcare costs for many common inflammatory diseases such as cancer and diabetes. This PR from AGENCY FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH (A*STAR)
seems to say that if we could just find a way to turn off the switch that allows chronic inflammation in the body, we could have a handle on many human cancers, autoimmune disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Inhibit is the word. In my opinion Anatabine in Anatabloc is the answer.

Anatabloc- Bring your A-Game

Posted on October 3, 2012 by evan

Larry Snyder had a problem: He had always loved the game of golf, but osteoarthritis in his fingers had gotten to the point of making him unable to play. “I had seen my handicap increasing every week do to my loose grip. I tried everything, even purchased tacky football gloves, with little success. At 72 yrs of age I honestly thought this would be my last year playing golf,” Larry told us.

He then found out about Anatabloc through a friend who was working on the Flint Study in Michigan. Larry began taking six Anatabloc every day and started to see a difference in his inflammation. “After about a week, I noticed I could bend my fingers more than I had been able to recently.

Over the next couple of weeks, I was able to make a complete fist. With Anatabloc I now have a great grip and just ended my golf league with my lowest handicap. My wife tells me to slow down, but physically and mentally, I feel like I am 25 again.”

As the golf season wraps up, we are happy to be able to share Larry’s story. He embodies the expression carpe diem not only for golf, but also for all of the things that make life worth living. What are you planning to seize today? Share your story with us on Facebook. Anatabloc nutraceutical supplement at GNC

Anatabloc nutraceutical supplement at GNC


Anatabloc nutraceutical supplement at GNC or online at

Muscle Recovery

Testimonials Anatabloc:

More Thyroid:
Heart, Cancer Strokes

Note comments:


TV news report on Anatabloc

Some Anatabloc history in this Testimony:

One of the most interesting posts on some background on Anatabloc.


December 20, 2012 at 4:05 pm


As one with a great deal of experience with this product, and one who has thoroughly researched the companies and research organizations behind it, I have reams to say but, alas, only moments right now to comment.

Let me take two things to address quickly (guess it turned into three).

First I would like to comment on your continuing comments to the effect …

++++++++++ quote

i find it ironic that they would release a supplement to the market based on 2 mouse studies an an as of yet not complete human trial.

but when TV commercials say it works for joints and muscles – but have no evidence to base those claims – then you need to know that

Ben, the only way to truly know something is to look at the research conducted on the product. Anatabloc TV commercials are saying that its proven to reduce inflammation in joints in muscles but I see none of that proof they are talking about.

++++++++++ end quote

I think you are overlooking (or unaware of) the route to discovery of the anti-inflammatory effect of anatabine. Those many hundreds of us “first adopters” of an anatabine supplement, made by the same company prior to Anatabloc and intended for another purpose NOT RELATED to issues of inflammation and pain resulting therefrom, were “the ones” who discovered the property (along with the researchers who tried the substance and had the same kinds of results at the same time).

They and we all began comparing notes (in online forums), with a feeling of embarrassment for many of us who were not really sure whether to believe, or not, what we experienced, and thus were we glad to hear others report and confirm the same.

After much preliminary research on dose and safety with a totally new direction in mind for a new product based on this evidence, the research staff at Rock Creek, in cooperation with the researchers, brought the product to market as a supplement based on THAT evidence … the reports of hundreds of individuals, many thousands by now (but we first adopters had NO reason to expect any such result), who on their own initiative reported that a new supplement marketed as an aid to reduce smoking was actually doing wonders for a very wide variety of “inflammatory issues”.

“The evidence” is that, probably more than anything else, we reported results from helpful to dramatic (but NOT “curative”) for arthritic and other joint pain. The only thing I know of that we experienced to a similar degree was rapid chronic sinusitis help, and the company apparently thought the joint pain relief to be something more solid or significant.

That said as to what we most reported, many many of us reported help not only with joint pain and sinusitis but with (likely number 3) asthma, benign prostatitis (BPH) … on and on, with some reporting relief of such serious things as, especially, Crohn’s and RA.

Again I emphasize that none of us had any reason to expect any such results. However, the researchers involved took the matter seriously, and as soon as their subsequent research began to leak out about why this may be, “things” began to come together to complete the picture. It turned out that this may be the first almost side-effect-free substance that avoids the mixed bag of results caused by “shotgun” anti-inflammatories like NSAIDS and even steroids because it much more directly works on a major inflammatory mechanism called NF-kB.

And so it turns out that what all these conditions have in common is NF-kB … and, if one thinks about it, “autoimmunity”. Another of these is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis … but the promise here would be (in my estimation) one of prevention, as this long term illness develops over decades (usually) due to attack of one’s thyroid by one’s own antibodies. Thus the thyroid studies.

But the significance here is how what I just reported unfolded: in reverse order from the usual “drug development path”. It was not that a pharmaceutical company looked for an NF-kB modulator because of the connection of that with a host of disorders, found it, and then tested it for efficacy, etc. The significance is that this all happened in reverse order. Thus there was no (initial) impetus for a drug company to get benefit from millions of dollars of research (having found an NF-kB modulator) by crafting carefully designed (and limited) studies to prove benefit, all the while hoping that the side effects would prove to not be “too bad”.

“The studies” happened without expectation, regarding a product that had a stated design for an entirely different and unrelated purpose. I believe that we are so unused to such an event happening in short order (rather than in a progression of hundreds or thousands of years of “folk medicine”, such as with the still-amazing properties of salicylates [aspirin, from tree bark]) that we find it difficult to understand the significance of such events.

You are, I believe, tending to dismiss “the evidence” because you are used to not believing individual reports of success with some product that (the success of which for some already-defined purpose) may be EXPECTED by the user … the placebo effect. If you consider how this all happened, I think you will realize that your perspective on this issue is skewed by your normal response and expectations to a different, and usual, set of circumstances. This is “the usual” in, more or less, reverse order, and thus NOT “the usual”.

The epidemiological evidence cited, by the way, has to do with studies done on those exposed to second-hand smoke (which contains about 3% anatabine of total alkaloid content, mostly nicotine). A group wanted to prove that, among other things, such exposure had a negative effect on the thyroids of those thus exposed. Their finding, to their dismay, was the opposite, and it apparently turns out that the anatabine in the smoke is the likely reason.

I must go but I must say quickly that I don’t know where all these strange addresses for Rock Creek came from, but the correct address is on every product: 55 Blackburn Center, Gloucester, MA. It is true that the company is small and has only been there about 3 years. It’s not a big factory, but in their small space Dr. Wright and his small team have done some marvelous things.

I will come back when I have time, but that may be mid spring.

I am not an employee of any company or research organization. I am a retired scientist and a great benefactor of this amazing set of circumstances. It has literally made my life worth living again, having been set upon by what I now recognize was a sudden and vicious rash of autoimmune disorders, probably foretold by my lifelong Hashimoto’s and asthma (a likely hint at an autoimmune tendency, I now realize). By the way I did not start the original supplement in relation to a smoking habit.

I am a stockholder. I hope I do not sound as though I know “too much”, although truthfully, due to my own intensive research, I may know as much as anyone else outside the company about it. I don’t know whether to apologize for that or to celebrate it, in light of some things said in other comments, but I feel more celebratory, personally. I hope my research has not rendered me to be someone to not be taken seriously.

I DO wish I had more time right now.

PS: Another thing, quickly. Those who are tobacco naive especially, but probably all, should start taking this SLOWLY, one tab every day or two (or even a half) and work up over a period of say three weeks. One’s chances of noticeable side effects are hugely reduced in such a case, and very very few should have any serious enough to prevent taking it continuously as a preventive as well as a treatment … another novelty for “anti-inflammatories”.

PPS: For those who may worry about the MAOI property, it is unique (shared with other minor tobacco alkaloids nornicotine and anabasine) in that it, somehow, self-limits to a safe level. One can learn about this by reading the older patents which presumed that the active aspect would be this property (to aid in reducing smoking, for example) … for example Patent 6,569,470. Indeed the now many patents that relate to these developments are very revealing and a good source of information.

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