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Alias Born 05/14/2012

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Monday, 12/10/2012 11:55:38 AM

Monday, December 10, 2012 11:55:38 AM

Post# of 27487
Your tequila is now diamonds! Quite possibly the stupidest press release ever issued

Old Spice Diamonds

Disclosure: I am short CTLE. After reading the following I do not see how anyone who passed high school chemistry could even consider investing in the stock.

"Nano Labs' proprietary nanotechnology will utilize tequila as an original precursor for the development of micro crystalline diamond thin films, a process offering an excellent alternative to producing industrial-scale diamond thin films for practical applications at a very low cost."

Tequila is mostly water (H20) and ethanol (H3C-C20H). Everything else is irrelevant. So why use tequila and not just industrial ethanol/water? Because it sounds cool in a PR ... that is the only reason.

Water, because it is liquid, is hardly the sort of thing you would use to build a carbon (or any other element) lattice with. It adds no structure. Water is used all the time as a polar solvent. What is one thing that is not a polar molecule? Any sort of alkane. Alcohols, because of the OH group, will of course be miscible with water. But the water still does nothing -- anything I could conceivably want to do to build a carbon chain starting with ethanol would not involve me using water. It just doesn't do anything useful.

Now let's turn to the ethanol. Ethanol is a nice chemical but we don't find it lying around on the ground. It is produced either through fermentation of organic material or via hydration of ethylene (ethene -- H2C-CH2). Considering how cheap natural gas is in North America (mostly methane or CH4), it would make sense to get the ethanol from methane (again, through the intermediary of ethene most likely). But if we are starting with methane, why not just start with that, as our goal is to create a carbon chain? What does the OH group do for us? It is useful if we want to do some sort of substitution reaction or if we want to create something like an ester with a C-C chain and some O in it. I guess you could use it to create a long-chain alkane. But if you do that, what would you do with the long-chain alkane? How do you get rid of all the H to get a pure C chain? And if we want a long-chain alkane, why not just start with some distillate of oil?

Well, you could do something like is done to produce charcoal -- burning your long-chain alkane in the absence of oxygen. The result is carbon black and CO (carbon monoxide). Holy batshit, fatman, we now have coal, or at best, graphite! We could just mine that stuff for a fraction of the cost it took for us to make it. Even worse, we still need incredible heat and pressure to turn it into diamonds (the Old Spice reaction, used to create many industrial diamonds). Or you can do a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process -- but if you do CVD, why the hell are you starting with a liquid?

Now let us imagine we are vaporizing the H3C-C2OH for CVD. What substrate do we use? The PR doesn't say -- and that is the most important part. What energy source are we using? Remember, we want to get rid of all the O and H. With a CVD process we are adding so much energy that we will break the C-H bonds -- that is more than enough energy to break the O-H bonds. So the O & H, rather than forming H2O, will remain separate (the temperature will be far too high for water to form). So what does the OH do for us? Nothing. We could've just started with cheaper natural gas or ethane/methane/ethene for our CVD process.

So there we have it folks, this makes absolutely no sense. And not just any one part of this. None of it makes sense, and the company gave no information that could make any of it make any sense. This doesn't just make less sense than wookies on Endor and MOASS and float lock downs, this makes less sense than the idea that Mossad conspired with the Goa'uld and the Roswell aliens to use miniature black holes to destroy the World Trade Center and the airplanes and terrorists were just a smokescreen.

FYI the furthest I studied chemistry was one semester or Orgo in college. I have lots of family and friends in the chemical industry so will be circulating this among them so I can get more informed explanations of how stupid this is.

As for the standard DD: CTLE has 204m shares outstanding per and $0 in assets per the most recent 10Q

Of course they did buy the 'nano' assets after that date, but what kind of person sells good assets to a worthless otcbb shell company rather than say a big chemical company for immediate cash? Not the kind of person who actually has a good product.