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Alias Born 08/30/2001

Re: None

Monday, 11/05/2012 2:09:55 PM

Monday, November 05, 2012 2:09:55 PM

Post# of 541
Another Treff rant....

From: IBAFT (Rep: 0) Date: 11/02/2012 03:04
Forum: Cyber Mark International Corp - Msg #41 Thread #673470887 (Rec: 0)

My response to Willy.

Here was your comment to Tuscansun about me: “Hey Tuscan, here is something for your dd team. Ask Don why his long time buddy Allan Treffrey fled the country. Now why would he do that if he was such an upstanding citizen?”

Well.. well.. it looks like Willy is asking for his somewhat annual trip to the woodshed - yet again. My philosophy has generally been to leave Willy and his lowly ilk alone, to face the justice of man and of God all by himself. I really do not need to be out there to bring truth to the world about this man because whether the SEC and DOJ continue to do their usual little or nothing about ole’ scheming Wilbur, or whether they finally arrest him, I know Willy is an aging and increasingly feeble old man, so his impending date with the judgment seat is just fine for me. But it seems as though Willy likes spankings – in reality, Willy sits up and begs for them like a dog for a bone. So, although I usually ignore you Willy, it looks like your somewhat annual trip to the woodshed is upon you once again. By the way, PLEASE, PLEASE - unlike the last time you got spanked, when you claimed “I forced you to pay back a $14,000 loan that was never intended to be a loan” and after I produced the emails we exchanged when you borrowed the money to prove it was indeed a loan, and that you were a degenerate liar – please do not jump again into hyper-religious mega-fraud mode and after this shellacking I give you. Please do not suddenly pretend again “Allan is my dear Christian brother and I love him” like the last time. We are all just as tired of your bogus use of God’s name in these instances, as with your phony “fireside chats” at Christmas in your Paltalk room, where you told your fake religious stories so as to engender people’s trust in your stock scams, as we are tired of your phony stock picks to promote mob scams in the first place. Is it any wonder why, with people like you claiming to be Christians, the world has such a dim view of issues of faith? Please Mr. Pharisee, just sit down and shut up – for once in your arrogant and ignorant life.

So Willy, why you really want me to start in on you again is somewhat of a mystery to me – or maybe not. I know Turino and the smiling Mormon told you to shut the “f” the up last time you started spewing your lies about me, because they felt my responses to your big mouth would bring more attention upon them and shine more light on your scam operations. You were immediately slapped down at that time, and I have been content in letting justice take its natural (albeit often slow) course with you, but you seem to insist that I address you directly. After I slap you around, you seem to go into submissive and beaten dog mode, but I guess that after time, you forget your place, start nipping at your betters’ heels, and then require another beating for a reminder. But know this for fact, after I address you in this post, if you continue down this road of lies about me, I promise an extremely painful ride for you.

Where do we start? Do you want me to go into all the lies of your life Willy – or just the ones of which I am personally aware? An example? Do you want me to inform the world how you asked me to commit a criminal offense on your behalf the night before your deposition with the feds, to pre-date an opinion letter 4-years after the fact of you illegally selling unregistered stock into the market, so you could perjure yourself at the SEC deposition and claim that you had an opinion letter when in fact, you had none? Do you want me to go into you getting a hard drive confiscated for copying by the feds, but you actually only gave them one of the several hard drives that you usually use in your stock promotion scams? Hmmm.. do the feds know Willy? Shall we go into the GBDX, SFPS, James Monroe Capital, Basin Water, Drake Mining, and the rest of the hundreds of scams you intentionally perpetrated upon innocent investors, costing them millions (all of them Turino schemes – always the same attorneys, transfer agents, consultants, S-8 recipients, etc…), and all of these stocks – WITHOUT EXCEPTION - going into the toilet, in spite of your “guarantees” of buyouts, mergers and dividends? How about the time you tried so hard to get me to meet you and your “pals” in Reno so your pals could “neutralize” me, introducing me to an alleged associate who was in reality a person suspected of the most extreme evils against others on several occasions? Can I discuss for you your food stamp fraud, where you got federal assistance claiming poverty, in the same year you purchased 2 news homes in Dallas, Oregon? Shall I go on?

I could unload on you on more levels than you know, or at least, more than you want. Do you really want to start up with me again? Do you really want to bring me back to these boards? Are you really that stupid? Still, if you continue lying about me, I promise I will bring down the house on you in several ways. If engaged, I may even start making several phone calls to pressure justice be sped up on your account. Heck, it worked with Elgindy, why not with you? Maybe I should start revisiting every stock chat board in which you use to promote your scams and warn the unsuspecting public about your scheming? Maybe I should call every company, their sponsors, their shareholders and more, to warn them about associating with you in any way. Maybe it is time to remind the world over that old Willy Wizard was chosen the worst stock picker in America. It will be the "Expose the Old Wilbur Campaign". Of course, you had the potential of being the very best stock picker in America, if just I had known how to take a short position on penny stocks, I would have made big gains on your scams 100% of the time as you were 100% promoting frauds. Again I ask, do you really want to piss me off with your lies and innuendos when I have been ignoring you for years? What a complete moron! You had better slither back under that slimy rock, or a tempest will be released on you from all sides. Still, although I prefer to ignore your evil and I am generally detached from thinking about your insignificance in the overall scheme of things, to know you are still out there scamming innocent people is indeed enough to turn any decent man’s stomach.

In any case, and if for no other reason, one would think that as I was so kind to you (before I knew of your evil ties and agenda), and I loaned you $14,000 to help you at a alleged time of extreme and dire need (I had not even met you in person, but helped you anyway), and I allowed you to repay me over a year past the due date and without interest, that you would have even a pinch of gratitude so that you would cease these lies and innuendos about me on behalf of your mafia lords. Of course, the reality is that dog s**t will always be dog s**t, won’t it Willy? Dress it up with fancy bows, bathe it with the best perfume and still, dog s**t will still always be dog s**t. At least you are consistent Willy.

My recommendation is that you start backing away from your scumbag pals and quit sucking on their tit for the few pennies they pay you for your soul (especially since the circle is closing in on you – Turino and Barnett are in jail and others in civil cases with the feds and others up to their ears, and likely soon to be in jail), and again, turn to the only place you can. Remember Willy, repentance is worthless unless you quit doing the evil of which you claimed to have repented, and as the good Word says, God will not be mocked. Capisce?

Since it would appear that your mob pals are curious about my location, the obvious reason for you trying to goad me into responding to your deceitful post with my location, let’s be clear that it is none of your business if I left the country or not (the last time my location was known, one of your bosses sent over a thug to try and intimidate me into being quiet about all of the scams. I sold my home in Long Beach and moved, but you have no idea if I left the USA or not. I can tell you this, that whether I have left or not, or whether I leave or not, I could never live happily and without concern in the states so long as certain political and economic realities persist in this nation. I will leave it to your much-vaunted intellect to figure out what I specifically mean.

If I have left the USA, or if I do ultimately leave the USA, THAT WILL BE THE REASON, not because of your degenerate lie that I am somehow running from justice. You see, I run to justice Willy, unlike you and your pals who are dodging it at every turn. By the way Mr. Big Thinker, have you ever heard of the term “extradition”? If I have left and they want me, don’t you think I would still be called to answer for any wrongdoings if I had done wrong? Just about every nation on earth has extradition treaties with the USA – especially for American citizens. Maybe your vast intellect should consider that point before making the usual ignorant dumbass out of yourself, or perhaps you somehow believe my big plan has been to defect to North Korea? Hmmm ... really insightful Willy. Maybe you need to talk to your pal Turino again and have him remind you how he was arrested in Europe, and how he was extradited to the states for justice. Oh yeah, I forgot, he is unavailable for comment, huh?

You see, unlike you Willy, I have consistently and openly promoted the rule of law on these boards and in this nation – a highly unpopular position to hold with unsavory people who have looted the place to the ground and who history has shown to never forget who spoke out against them. Now I could personally care less about the following facts, but I suppose they do tend to prove a point. I will start with a question. Why do you think I was picked as a plaintiff in the “C” case without the “powers that be” not already checking me out and knowing I was above-board, or are you more insightful than the hi-level players in this stock deal? Willy Maheu - my man! You think for a minute if I were a criminal or I was genuinely an untrustworthy individual of low character like you persist in promoting, they would have put me in that position? I note they did not choose you (your ilk are not even going be paid, from what I perceive), because they did not want this lawsuit smelling like the foulest of dung. You see, unlike your objective to skirt the law and the morality associated to the law every chance you get, it was, and is my sworn oath to uphold the Constitution, to uphold the concepts of freedom and equity found therein. I took that oath seriously, as I take concepts of freedom and equity, the very reason I ragged on you and your troop of criminals all of those years.

So tell me Willy, is that vast intellect now associating a person leaving the USA to being an indication of guilt or of a moral wrongdoing? I guess actor George Clooney moving to Italy, director James Cameron moving to New Zealand and Facebook founder Eduarado Saverin moving to Brazil, or the multitude of others moving abroad, indicates that they are all running from justice, right Wilbur? Wow, what a sharp intellect you have. How can an ordinary man compete?

So, is traveling abroad or living abroad somehow illegal, wrongful or immoral, or is it really that you are just up to your usual lies for the mob? Please speak Willy, tell the world what you perceive I did in violation of the law or even in violation of a moral principle that would lead me to leave my homeland? Please elaborate SPECIFICALLY. There will be nothing to state because you are not based in fact, but based in lies and defamation. Maybe Ben Franklin’s words will best suit my position Willy. Let’s hope that your pea-brain can rise to the occasion and catch the deepest meaning of one of our Founding Fathers: “Where there is liberty, that is my country.” Speaking of quotes, ever hear of the concept: “Do not bear false witness against your neighbor”? Oh…. I forgot, I am your “dear Christian brother” so you know about the 10 Commandments all to well.. right Willy?

Back to why I would leave the USA. If I do leave the USA, it is for my own personal reasons. To elaborate enough for your pea-brain to understand, I am not excited about the changing political and economic climate in America. This is still the greatest place to live, but I am not so certain that in the future it will continue to be so.

So the question should not really be “why I might move from the USA”, but “why you would even care?” It seems you are getting your marching orders again to try and help the mob locate me, trying to goad me into a response as to where I might be living. I wonder why they are still interested in me after all of these years for I have not really addressed their scams in a long time. Do they finally realize that we are going to be paid and want to know where I am? Irrespective, you are as transparent in this lie as you were with the GBDX and the other scams. By the way, Kal-El1 sends his warm regards.

I know that the wheels of justice sometimes seem to turn slowly in our nation, perhaps due to limited resources or other unknown considerations. But know that justice is coming for you Willy. I can see it now, the feds kick in your door and drag away a sniveling, whimpering Willy, you pleading the whole time that you are “just a businessman” and that you are so very ill that you can not face the justice system (the usual mafia lie when justice comes knocking – see the movie Casino). Remember, when they are dragging you away in chains, feigning your own death like Shelly will no longer be an option available to you (as if the feds do not already know). I have to be honest, seeing you in chains is an image that always brings a big smile to my face.

In any case, I will leave you to ponder this email. My recommendation? Quit while you are only a smelly piece of dog s**t still somewhat in tact. Do not invite my big foot to step on you further. Get my drift? By the way, is it still bottom feeding time?

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