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Alias Born 07/06/2012

Re: Penny Roger$ post# 3

Saturday, 10/20/2012 11:45:26 PM

Saturday, October 20, 2012 11:45:26 PM

Post# of 11
I like this one better then $UNG

The United States 12 Month Natural Gas Fund, LP (“UNL”) is an exchange traded security that is designed
to track in percentage terms the movements of natural gas prices. UNL is a commodity pool organized as
a Delaware limited partnership that issues units that may be purchased and sold on the NYSE Arca. When
calculating the daily movement of the average price of the 12 contracts, each contract month will be equally
weighted. It is not the intent of US12NG to be operated in a fashion such that its NAV will equal, in dollar
terms, the spot price of natural gas or any particular futures contract based on natural gas.

OTCBB / Pink Sheet Oil & Gas Stocks

Don't believe anything I say. Do your own DD. Insert huge disclaimer here ____________.

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