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Thursday, June 07, 2012 11:30:09 PM

Post# of 2383
The World of Illuminati "Make Believe"

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
November 24, 2007

If you asked Genghis Khan for his formula for world conquest, you'd expect to hear "overwhelming force" or "terror."

You would NOT expect to hear, "'Make-believe.'"

"Make-believe?" Who is this, a diabolical Disney?

Yet in the First Protocol of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," the author says 3 times, Our Countersign is "Force and Make-believe."

By "Make-believe" I assume he means Mass Deception.

I finally noticed this because of something I read in "The Truth About the Slump" (1931) by A.N. Field. It appears that Illuminati Jewish bankers financed the Bolshevik Revolution in exchange for ownership of Russian industry. (pp.62-72)

German Secret Service documents instructed the Bolsheviks to "destroy the Russian capitalists as far as you please, but it would by no means be possible to permit the destruction of Russian enterprises."

The German Imperial Bank sent the Bolsheviks in excess of 60 Million rubles. In this context, Field cites Documents 10 and 11 between the bankers and the Bolsheviks:

"They give a complete synopsis of the terms on which the German Banks after the war were to control Russian industry." (p. 69)

Of course German Secret Service Chief Max Warburg, the brother of US Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Warburg, was behind this.

We're talking about international bankers and their confederates here. I was taught Communism was about equality and "public ownership," and the workers rose up to overthrow capitalist tyranny. I was not taught that Communism was a clever scheme by which certain capitalists paid Lenin and Trotsky to steal the wealth of other capitalists while pretending to promote the cause of workers.

The international bankers used US Treasury money to finance both the Bolshevik Revolution and the USSR. (Collective Speeches of Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman, House Banking Committee, p 397.)

The Third Baron Rothschild was a Soviet agent and Half the British Establishment were Soviet assets.

What a triumph of "Make-believe" Communism was!

Think of the millions of idealists who devoted their lives to this farce? Think of the millions who died in World War Two when the same bankers financed Hitler to keep Stalin in line? Think of the trillions of dollars spent in the Cold War?


Think of how little we in the West hear of Stalin's or Mao's atrocities compared to Hitler's. (See my "The Other Side of Holocaust Denial") If Communism was a ruse, we can assume that every major historical event and cultural trend in modern Western History, including the religion of "secular humanism and modernism", are also the product of "Make-believe."

If they could pull off the Communist fraud, the 9-11 attacks and the "War on Terror" are small potatoes.

How do they do it? They control the instruments of "Make believe": the mass media and "education" system.


Some people think the central bankers are instituting their world dictatorship on behalf of the Jewish people. This is understandable since the same bankers (Rothschild, Schiff, Warburgs etc.) have been the official leaders of the Jewish community.

They finance most Jewish organizations and political movements where Jews are prominent. Conversely they deny funding and publicity to competing Jewish groups. The same principle applies to culture and politics in society as a whole.

If Communism was a ruse, certainly the others, Feminism, Liberalism, Socialism, Neo Conservatism and Zionism, are also fraudulent. As much as anyone, Jews are the target and victims of Illuminati banker "Make-believe."

Louis B. Marshall, (1856-1929) the Counsel to bankers Kuhn Loeb, which represented the Rothschilds said in a letter Sept. 26 1918,

"Zionism is but an incident of a far-reaching plan: it is Merely a Convenient Peg on which to hang a Powerful Weapon."

Gee, how would Jews who dedicated their lives to a "national homeland" react to this news?

Or to the information that the new Israeli Supreme Court is filled with Masonic symbolism designed to serve the New World Order? (Barry Chamish - a Zionist Kachist [settler supporter] can confirm this)

Recalling that "force" is the other half of the formula, Marshall's letter ended with a threat to non-Zionist Jews:

"All the protests they may make would be futile. It would subject them individually to hateful and concrete examples of a most impressive nature. - Even if I were disposed to combat Zionism, I would shrink from the possibilities that might result."

This letter was addressed to Max Senior, a businessman and philanthropist, who had asked Marshall to speak against Zionism at a rally (because Marshall posed as an anti-Zionist.) The threat is indicative of the gangster tactics Zionists used against the Jewish community. Senior was quick to react.

He replied to Marshall Sept. 30 1918:

"I repudiate any connection on national, religious, racial or cultural grounds, with 'national home-land for the Jews in Palestine.' We have seen how demoralizing a divided allegiance was to the Germans in this country. I do not pretend to know the inside political history and intricacies of policy at which you hint... I am not to be intimated into silence by either of the threats you mention...I regard the real danger to the Jew to lie in the silent acquiescence to the Zionist claims." (L. Fry, Waters Flowing Eastward, p.55)


J. Edgar Hoover famously said:

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."

Communism and Zionism are just

"Incidents in a Far Reaching Plan" to create a "World Government" Dictatorship run by the central bankers dedicated to Lucifer.

The "powerful weapon" is the energy of organized Jewry in helping to overthrow the Christian basis of Western Civilization and ushering in the "New Age."

If necessary, Jews again can be sacrificed in the bankers' twisted megalomaniacal game.

Communism is satanic

Its emblem, the five-pointed star, is Satanic.

The Communist Manifesto calls for the destruction of the family, culture, science and religion (atheism), the confiscation of property and inheritance, control of communication and dictatorship.

It also called for private central banks and income tax.

It troubles me that the central bankers behind Communism are also behind 9-11 and the War on Terror. It troubles me that Zionists (i.e. Neo-Cons) figure largely in fostering the next stage of the "Far reaching plan", which is the "Clash of Civilizations."

I don’t believe Jews could have accomplished this without the cooperation of non-Jewish elites organized in corporate cartels and secret societies like Freemasonry, the Pilgrim Society, Skull and Bones, Mormons, Fabians, Jesuits, Theosophists and the Bilderbergs.

Essentially the New World Order is the extension of British American imperialism, which always was the expression of a small Jewish-Gentile plutocracy. It troubles me that, thanks to "Make-believe,"

the masses (Jewish and non-Jewish alike) live in a fool's paradise unaware of the darkness descending on them.

And those who pierce the "Make-believe" to alert the masses are accused of "hate"

=============== Comments for "The World of Illuminati "Make Believe" (Encore)" Phil said (November 26, 2007):

One feature I would also have you include in your 'Make believe' list
is the Global Warming/Climate Change scam
being rammed down our collective throats.

Here in Australia our new 'Christian' Prime Minister, Mr Rudd,
has stated that signing the Kyoto Accords is it at the top of his
'To Do' list.

Charles said (November 26, 2007):

Often in trying to talk to people I ask them for a capsule distillation
of what they think the world is like with its various problems.
They then give their version, colored by their personal experience,
thinking that there are great differences between rich and poor,
right and left, etc. I then reply: “That world does not exist.”
Even the greatest cynic in this country wears rose colored glasses.

Ironically, we can ‘learn’ from the fairy tales
{old propaganda derived from the same spiritual forces} :
When the spell is broken, much of the power of evil is lost.
There is the human tendency to capitulation such as in 1930s
Germany, but there is the real possibility of change for the better.
I,too, wear rose colored glasses and thank you for your efforts.

Robert said (November 26, 2007):

t's funny that you should mention the world of make-believe
we live in; the "History Channel" has 6 hours of Monsterquest
planned for us tonight, right after the UFO Files spends an hour
trying to convince us that the US government has made contact
with aliens but is keeping it a "top" secret.

This fits nicely with the show a couple days ago that tried
to settle all of these conspiracy theories about the Freemasons
(presumably around the internet) wherein a particularly effeminate
and evil looking 33rd degree mason (I sure I'm not the only person
who saw that and thought the guy just looked evil;
what were they thinking?) told the world that it was all "hogwash"
and that the same people who believe that stuff are the crazy people
scanning the skies for UFOs and out looking for monsters!!

Not that they really addressed any historical facts or theories,
as you would expect the "History Channel" to do, but instead
just beat the hell out of a bunch of poor straw-men
they had dressed up real nicely....

They have been running a lot of conspiracy oriented shows lately
though (like the one where Lee Harvey Oswald was just a lonely boy
who wanted to be famous) and it makes you wonder how much of it
is supposed to be damage control trying to counter
what's going around the internet because the people on there
look into the camera and tell you so adamantly
that they're telling you the truth.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks?

But I think that sometimes they must run out of ideas of crap
to put on the "History Channel" (like Ice Road Truckers) because
the other day I turned it on just to see what they were up to that day
(I don't really watch much tv but it's sort of a running joke
at my house to peak at the news and the History Channel
every now and then and see what they're selling)
and they were playing Forest Gump.
Forest Gump on the History Channel!!
That was the funniest thing I had seen all day :)

One could almost think that the "History Channel"
isn't really supposed to be about history :)

Bruno said (November 25, 2007):

think you finally nailed it right down to where it counts.
And it even makes sense. Because if these people are Luciferians
then lying and being liars is the most 'natural' thing they will do.
Deception has been Lucifer's tradmark from the beginning.
Even jesus described him in these terms 'father of lies'.
It's a perfect fit.
Therefore there is a high probability that it is also quite true.

But there is a seond point I want to make which is even more
interesting and also biblical. You can read in the book
of Revelations in the first chapters about seven churches.
In Smyrna and Philadelphia both are mentioned
"Jews are not Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan".
Do you see deception here? I warned a Jewish convert
to Catholicism just a few weeks ago about this passage
and that they are using the Jews again and setting them up
like they did the Germans with the intent of pitting the world
this time against the whole Jewish people for utter destruction.

That efforts is well under way because there are lots of voices
on the internet that blame the Jews in Israel for all the trouble
in the world right now. Set up! They were put into an impossible
position in 1948 under emotional permises none of which made sense.
Once they were there they had to defend themselves which ever way.

In any case I immensely appreciate your posts and reasonings.
This New World order thing is much bigger than anybody can believe
and it is run on so many tracks and paths of deception
to confuse all people. That was its purpose. Typical for Lucifer.

Guy said (November 7, 2006):

'Make Believe' indeed - there is no end to it!

In my country the huge Vodafone network have launched
an advertising campaign inciting the millions to
'Create your own world' (an illusory virtual world of course)
- it is announced by Reuters today that the the 'Second Life' website
which it describes as 'a three-dimensional virtual world
with more than 1 million registered users and its own economy
and currency ' has gone into partnership with 'Big Brother'
TV production company Endemol to create a virtual 'Big Brother.'

Meanwhile the number one film with a bullet in the US is 'Borat'
- I would love to know the power behind the hype for that.
It is carefully edited to present a stereotypical
cross section of 'Middle America' (Pentecostal Christians,
patriotic Rodeo ?rednecks? etc) in the worst possible light.

That amount of MTV type ubiquity for an obscure project is
unprecedented in my life experience. This is an overground attack,
not some daring act of underground subversion.

To complete the last 48 hours of virtual madness,
Britain's Communist Mayor of London - Ken Livingstone
- is on an all expenses trip to Cuba, where completely true to form
he describes the Leftist coup that saw thousands executed
and many others incarcerated as 'one of the highpoints
of the 20th Century.'

So there we have it - Ken, with the deeply symbolic position of
Lord Mayor of London- a man with an entirely cartoon vision of
historical reality which (believe me, I've followed his career for decades)
has in no way been modified to the slightest degree by any tiny
measure of knowledge received or life experience gained whatsoever.

All those tens of millions of lives wiped out in China and the
Soviet Union in the Communist decades have absolutely
no tangible influence on the World being created now,
where Hollywood films exonerating Communism get major awards
and the EU is the USSR back once more - which leads me
to the conclusion that Virtual Reality will become the other side
of the coin to Literal Genocide.

And unlike so many of you, I don't even have the comfort
of Christian belief to alleviate the utter despair that living
in this world at this time induces!

E.R. said (November 5, 2006):

Have ever read "The Creature from Jekyl Island"? Great book.
We are losing our sovergnty at record rates, almost as fast
as we are losing our Liberties.

Sock Manufacturer Closes, 220 Terminated

Steve said (November 5, 2006):

History shows that nations or peoples prosper when they worship
the one true God, and destroy themselves when they worship
the devices of Satan.
The Bible speaks of things to come that will not be pleasant -
- prior to a new heaven and earth being established where
there is no more sin, sickness or death. We see the governments
of the world planning many terrible things, even now.
For the born again (Romans 10:9, 10) believer, he will be gathered
together (some call it the rapture) prior to the all-out misery
that will exist here on earth.
II Thessalonians says that this will not happen until there is a "falling
away" first; this is more accurately translated "a departure first".
Whose departure? The believers'. God's love is so big that those
who will to believe will not need to endure the wrath here on earth.
A nation is blessed by the faithful remnant of believers.
Until Christ's return we have the joy of personal fellowship with Him,
the promise of the more than abundant life, and the privilege
of sharing this with others.

Darleen said (November 5, 2006):

re. Pastor Haggart [below]
There are many "sexually deviant" men within the
churches, government, military, etc.- In most cases,
victims of pedophile priests have filed charges against them.
The fact that Haggard was caught so red-handed, would indicate
to me that it was a set-up.
When the Illuminati have an agenda, they always have fall-guys,
disposables, useful idiots at their fingertips.
Their goal is to give religion a bad name! To strip us spiritually
and hence, enters LUCIFER, Satan, the Devil.
One in the same to them.
Welcome to the New World Order!

Skye said (November 5, 2006):

I read a quote once, I do not remember the person that stated this but,
"The most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor
is the minds of the oppressed."How true is that?
You can enslave the masses through force in chains
and threaten them with abuse but at some point
the slaves are going to realize that they have nothing to lose
by killing their 'masters.'

Was it Gramsci that wrote 'the people must learn to love their servtitude?'
Complete control must begin and end in the mind, through make-believe.
People cannot even think because of the complete control of information
in their lives (TV news, magazines, radio, cable TV...)
which is why the last form of freedom of information is the internet.
We've been trained from birth to be like the NORM(al) and very rarely
are we encuraged to be unique, unless someone else can benefit from it.
One simple rule that helps me remain free: NEVER CONFORM!

Tony said (November 5, 2006):

Interesting that you point out that the five-pointed star is satanic.
Yes it is. And of course, each state of the United States -
masonic creations - is represented in the American flag
by a flamboyant (five pointed) star.
In appendix three of Occult Theocrasy (page 717) you will note
that there are symbolic occult differences according to how the star
is displayed. One point up it is called the Blazing Star
and represents Microcosm or Solomon's Seal and/or the
Emblem of Generation, all masonic interests.

Pointing up represents "good" according to occultists.
With two points up (or pointing downward) the star is called
Star of the Morning and is the Emblem of Lucifer.
It further represents "evil" and/or black magic.
These occult definitions come from Eliphas Levi and D. Margiotta,
two of the world's top occultists in their times.
Kind of puts a dent in the popular reference to America
as a Christian nation, doesn't it? Nations which were Christian
at the time of their flag designs generally have crosses
of some type on their flags. Of course, not all the founders knew
what was going on in the minds of some of those framers
but the nation was definitely set up on a masonic basis
as far as it could be pushed at the time.

The major masonic symbols are found on the cornerstone of the
U.S. Capitol building, along with mason George Washington's name.
The city of Washington, DC is laid out in giant masonic symbols,
making for some of the weirdest street intersections
anywhere in the world.

From the direction the nation has traveled it becomes pretty obvious
that the behind the scenes occultists have been able to bring
their plots to fruition with hardly any gullible Americans
catching on to their agenda.
But the phrase "home of the brave and land of the free" rings phonier
and phonier every day causing more and more citizens
to question just what is going on in their nation.

Dan said (November 4, 2006):

Without 'make-believe', mind control wouldn't be possible.
All that would be left would be brute physical control.
A system which can only exploit labor from resentful slaves
who will only work with a gun at their head, like the old plantations
or concentation camps, is notorioulsy inefficient.
Remember the simple illustrative story by Samuel Clemens
(Mark Twain)? Tom Sawyer, (a 'widow's son'), was given
the dull chore of white-washing a long picket fence by his aunt.
But young Tom was shrewd. As boys passed by seeing him working,
he made a great show of whisting happily
as if he was having a wonderful time.
As boys don't like chores adults give them, the boys were curious
why Tom seemed to be having such a good time and asked him
why he looked so happy.
Tom of course told them that painting a fence is the most fun
you can have with your clothes on, and soon the target would say,
"hey, let me try it!" Tom would resist at first, till the boys
were insisting or begging to to get to paint a while.
Before long he had many boys happily working away at his chore,
while he wasn't working at all.

In 'corporate culture' Tom's technique is called 'motivational training'.
Taken a notch up it's called 'teamwork', which adds the feature
of competition to 'get' to do the task 'better' than the other slaves.
(for which you get a gold 'star').
But taken to the tribal--national or race level, by adult 'widows sons',
it's called Ideology.
ALL Ideologies are based on make believe. Individuals don't need
an ideology to be individuals, because we already have intrinsic
human instinct for self-preservation and survival.
Ideology invariably introduces an artificial 'universal' for the masses,
and always there's a heirarchy present--with their own Tom Sawyer's
sitting in the capstone, usually unseen.
Communism, Fascism, Corporate Capitalism, and Zionism
are all the stuff of make-believe. Individuals join the group
at the bottom believing the new ideology will give them the power
of strength in numbers, and pretty soon they're allegience
is to the imaginary 'tribe' instead of the individual and family.
The reality of all the above 'ism' ideologies,
it's the same bankers sitting above in the capstone.

JD said (November 4, 2006):

Recent news headlines regarding Ted Haggard of the Evangelical
Association and New Life Church, phone buddy with GW,
have caught my attention. The hypocrisy of this individual is staggering
- the leader of the evangelical Christian movement - 30 million strong
- for a constitutional amendment against same sex marriage
admitting to paying for sex with a man and using meth.
My jaw hit the floor! This is either a deliberately planned scandal
against Christianity, or certainly plays to the elitists purposes.
Everything coming from the elitist media attacks the credibility
of Christianity. Have any other readers sent information regardig this,
or do you know more about this?
Dear JD,
I haven't heard from others but I totally agree that all these attacks
seem orchestrated, at least in the sense of these movements
are set up or infiltrated by 'compromised' people whom
the Illuminati can control. The whole issue of gay marriage
is "divide and conquer" as few people would object if gays
had a different but equal marital option.

Jean from Hungary said (November 4, 2006):

Thanks for this new connecting-the-dots article. For those who are
still not convinced that communists and neo-liberals (aka neo-cons)
are serving the same masters, read this:

Here in Hungary, thanks to our "socialist" government which is
in fact a gang of neocon ex-communists, the police is now used
to beat people in the streets for the only reason they dare
to peacefully commemorate the 1956 Hungarian uprising
against communism: a few days ago, on Oktober 23th,
women, children, elders and priests were tear gased, beaten,
gunned with rubber bullets and even cavalry charged (!)
by an army of masked brutes wearing police uniforms with
- no identification numbers on them.
For memory, Hungary is part of the European Union...

Those terrorists who absolutely needed to be cavalry charged:


Steven said (November 4, 2006):

Henry you did it again .Speaking the truth about a topic few
would wish to think about let alone do something about.
This November 11 th those nations that fought in the great wars
will remember the sacrifice for freedom and democracy...
Freedom, Faith,Morality ,Property, King ,Country and Family
were likely the things the troops were trying to defend .
No doubt also their lives as well.
Western Society and system does not deserve their sacrifice
and your articles prove it.
The troops didn't go to war for perverts and feminists,
nor for gun control or confiscation of property.
They didn't fight for abortion or drugs and rock and roll.
They fought for freedom and everything they were brought up
to believe was right.
Although we can thank them for their efforts, a job was left undone
even to this very day.That being the overthrough of SATAN
and the destruction of the Illuminati and its minions.

Then may be we can have a better chance of freedom and peace.

Richard said (November 4, 2006):

This is probably your most succinct and clear cut statement
of the nature of the tyranny that confronts the world today.
Bravo for honing it down to size. Now, what is the solution?
Here, though it may be just "spritzing" in the wind as it were,
is what I think comprises one necessary part of any solution
to the problem:

All of us must recognize the essential truth that we are undeniably
God's children. Among Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike
we are even brethren, all being literally children of Abraham.
We cannot afford the concept of a "chosen people."
Besides, that covenant was broken. More than once.
Just ask the orthodox rabbis of Neturei Karta
about that at

We have all been chosen by God to receive the gift of life and a soul.
None of us are the "cattle" derisively referred to by the illuminati.
We constitute one human family.

The clash of civilizations that the luciferian bankers long for
can never occur if We the People, we brothers and sisters,
sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles,
grandmothers and grandfathers, refuse to hate
and refuse to exploit and kill one another.

It is really that simple. We each need to recognize the spurious
and insubstantial grounds on which these false divisions between
people, and false dichotomies of ideology and religion are based.
We need to recognize them, and we must each act decisively
in recognition of the truth of our oneness, now and always.

Muslims recognize Jews and Christians alike as "People of the Book."
That is to say, people of the primordial, eternal and transcendant
book of Truth, of which the Torah, the Bible, and the Qur'an
are each but fragmentary reflections brought as revelations
for their respective peoples.
Sufi muslims also recognize Hindus and Zoroastrians as people
of the book. Forgive me for presuming to say that I am certain
that there is also room in God's heart for Buddhists and Taoists.
As surely there is also room in God's infinitely merciful heart
for indigenous peoples like American Indians, who have faith
in the one great spirit, and are but one example
of an indigenous people of deep, profound, and abiding faith.

This is not to warm the seat for some false "messiah"
propagated by the NWO imagineers of make believe.
For such a person can be nothing other than the antichrist.

Rather, it is to clear the air for unity in diversity, to make room
for each tradition to hold true to its roots, while recognizing
the human and divine ties which bind us all to this earth,
this universe, and the One and Only God, known by so many
beautiful names, in so many different languages,
to so many different peoples, each in their own way.

These are the ties which bind us,
and which ought to, and must, unite us.
We must not allow ourselves to be ridden by these
mad horsemen of an illuminati-driven apocalypse.
We must each look into our heart, and each use the gift of our
free will to choose correctly each and every time an opportunity
comes to act decisively, whether in large ways or small.
Every act matters.

Rather than allow ourselves to fall apart, we can
and we must stand together. We do have that power.

We must exericise it with all of our humanly acquired and God given wisdom.

Jack said (November 4, 2006):

Hello Henry,
You wrote: "Excuse me but I was taught that Communism
was all about equality and"public ownership," and that
the workers rose up to overthrow tyranny. I was not taught
that Communism was a clever scheme by which certain
capitalists paid Lenin and Trotsky to steal the wealth
of other capitalists while pretending to promote equality."

And obviously the workers did no such thing... not in Russia,
or China or anywhere else. They were merely used to substitute
one tyranny for another even worse.
"A man always has two reasons for doing anything...
a good reason and the real reason." - J.P. Morgan
The capitalist sponsorship of "communism" has been so well
established as to be beyond reasonable doubt. Scores of books,
videos and other materials have been available for many years.
My own introduction came by way of Gary Allen's
(with Larry Abraham) book "None Dare Call it Conspiracy"
which, although written more than thirty years ago,
is still a good introduction to the subject.

W. Cleon Skousen's "The Naked Capitalist"
is also excellent, as are
Ralph Epperson's "The Hidden Hand,"
Des Griffin's "The Fourth Reich of the Rich,"
and William Guy Carr's "Pawns in the Game."
There are many others.

~ Carroll Quigley ~ of Georgetown University and Bill Clinton's mentor wrote a massive tome entitled "Tragedy and Hope" which confirms the capitalist-communist connection..

There is no justifiable reason for doubt as to its reality..

I am now quite sure that 'Tragedy and Hope' was suppressed although
I do not know why or by whom. ~ C.Quigley ~

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