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Alias Born 08/06/2009

Re: None

Wednesday, 05/23/2012 12:06:16 AM

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 12:06:16 AM

Post# of 161772


President & CEO of Rightsmile/Full Spectrum Media during the time of the Elkind scandal- - Randy Schneider

Read that article -- you will see Matthew Dwyer was the man behind the scenes, he calls all the shots in the box job shell game.

Aaron Steve White = convicted and found guilty stealing close to $500K from Joseph Elkind. Aaron White pleads guilty in the court case Randy was his partner in Full Spectrum Media (randy was CEO, they LIVED together) They shared a business office. They shared... ideas

Here is the legal proceeding where Aaron White admits he and Randy stole the money from Elkind:

Here is an affidavit against White from another victim who was taken for over 3 Million dollars.

(white promised her 400,000,000 tggi shares to not get the police involved. White disappeared soon after - now in Kingston Jamaica, operating a nightclub

Read that affidavit, and you will see, yet again, Dwyer was always the man behind the scenes. DWYER is the one who MANAGES the shell games.

Randy Schneider used to print Matt Dwyer's business cards - - that is how they met. Dwyer went on to use Randy as a dope who would act as CEO to the shells (tggi/righ) (Right Now Matt is using Aaron Stanz over at RIGH)

It is all a share selling scam. Matt needs people who will take his orders, issue out PR's, and start the PUMP, so Matt and company can dump.

These transcripts had never been seen by the SEC until I forwarded them on. (until now, the transcripts were in the hands of a few private attorneys. and the transcripts you've already seen, and the ones you're about to see, are just but a few of dozens.)

I'm doing this against the will of the SEC's Matt Dwyer investigation, BUT there is a thing called the Freedom of Information Act. and Because I have the information, because i am part of the public, it's my RIGHT to share the information. Granted, i'm putting my life on the line. Whatever.

Let's do it...

Here's a transcript from Randy Schneider to Mr. X, and he's providing a list of ALL the assets of Full Spectrum Media (randy is ceo of fsm):

Those assets are a combined total of 2-3K dollars, not a dime more. Elkind (when Randy brought in elkind and langone, elkind purchased ALL of those assets, he's got the notes. 2-3K = fsm)

To put that in perspective...
When I was a bit younger I used to go to a computer geek who ran his own business out of his house, I went there anytime i needed the hook up on my laptop. (anybody working on my information, work harder). anyways, the geek, He advertised his business via Craigslist. He had equipment/assets of a combined total of $10K to $20K in his home. His business was worth more than FSM.

Had my friend known Matt Dwyer, perhaps they could have called it "Full Spectrum Media #2" and began a PUMP and Dump and now my friend would be worth millions by participating in the box-job scam... hmmm... but no, my friend had a soul.

But yes, this is what Dwyer does. He picks up some cheap assets, they brand themselves, somebody acts as President/CEO, and then the Dump is on. now Dwyer is sitting his fat as* in an office trying to convince the world that his fantasy BCAP will somehow work. (this financial empire is in huge debt, can not get out of debt, and will never work, but while he tells you JUUUUST BEELIEVE IN IT, they continue the shell game at RIGH AND TGGI) THE DUMPATHON!

It's a box job shell game - - SEC shuts them down:

Now, you've seen the assets of Full Spectrum Media.

Here we go...

Remember how Schneider and Elkind stole the 484K from Elkind. Then in the court-house news case, you see how Dwyer set up the shell-game deal where they'd Merge Elkind and Langones Studio1 assets (global branding) into Full Spectrum Media (righ). They promised Elkind and Langone this would cause the stock to explode, and elkind would easily recoup his losses from the fake casino deal.

So Elkind agreed. But later, elkind got out as quickly as he could. Why did Elkind get out as quickly as he could?

Here, Randy sends Langone and Elkind an email with a rough draft Press Release for News Wire:

There's the rough draft they wrote up on feb. 14th 2011, the real PR hits feb. 15 (the next day)... keep reading

Notice in the 2nd to last paragraph, Schneider talks about a Lighting company they are in talks with...

That company was "BRONCOLOR" (broncolor was the lighting company in the PR)

Now, if you check the time stamps, 35 minutes later Joe Elkind replies to Randy explaining he can not promise the Broncolor deal. (in other words, we shouldn't include that Randy because it's not true) here's the reply from Joe 35 minutes later:

Ok. now this Broncolor, Joe saying he can't promise it, this is NOT the point of these transcripts. Not in the least. But it only helps to expose, Randy and Matt do NOT care about TRUE information. They will Pump whatever they want.

So Elkind responded saying no promise with the lighting company, and 29 minutes later Randy forwards the email exchange to who else - but the Kingpin himself Matt Dwyer. See now, Randy is the PRESIDENT and CEO, but everything must be ran by "the big guy" before it's done.

This is because Randy has no expertise in anything. He's a guinea pig Matt needed to sit in. So anything Randy did for FSM, it was all given the OKAY from Dwyer. The master behind the scenes.

Randy forwards Joe's email to Matt, and Matt responds to Randy:

Now see, that transcript includes Matt's response to Randy exactly 10 minutes later at 2:40PM February 14th.

Obviously Matt could careless about the lighting company, contract or no contract, they're going to include it in the PR. He doesn't even mention to Randy to change anything about Broncolor.

Not only that... this is important... this is what ALL this is about... you see in that transcript...
Matt tells Randy to add "combined assets" of FSM and Global. "this is what people will look for." Matt said.

...Yea matt, you need to spoon feed them the BS if you wanna dump those shares.

Remember now, the total assets of FSM were basically nothing. Scroll up and look at the asset list. And now this is my statement coming from Langone and Elkind (owners of studio 1) - - they can confirm this to anyone - - the TOTAL assets of STUDIO 1 were:
2 computers and some old lights that were bought at a garage sale. - total assets of Studio 1

FSM ASSETS = $2-3k ... Global studio 1 Assets = 2 computers and some lights bought at a garage sale

OK, so Matt told Randy he was "getting better at this" Writing PR's. But he told Randy to add in some "numbers" some "combined asset numbers" because "this is what people will look for"

What happened the next day?

They pushed the PR through - the PR hit the market. in the actual PR... THEY ADDED COMBINED ASSETS OF EACH COMPANY (MATT'S IDEA) :


"a fresh new management team is part of Studione1's goals as they securely handle their combined assets from Right Smile and Full Spectrum Media of over $700,000 and growing. In addition to shared revenue from this newly formed merger it will show nothing short of profitable growth."

and there you have it. click the link, and read it. They include the Broncolor possible contract that Joe said he can't promise. They also say there's a contract with Image Magazine (that company went out of business after 3 months!) BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, they also include FRAUDULENT asset numbers.

$700,000 in assets? Try UNDER 5,000 dollars total!

And these Proofs, these fraudulent PR's, one after the other after the other, so many of these transcripts it's hard to sift through them all - - is why the SEC is about to restrict Dwyer's license for good!

So it was always completely fabricated PRs being issued, and directed by Matt. As well as Matt pulling the strings on many other deals.

If you do not believe this scam shell game is being investigated by the SEC, well, you've had your admonition. Get out before the stock is DTC locked. That's my advice. I can't promise more info. will be made public until after the SEC makes an initial statement.

more DD:

Link to all Dwyers shell corporations that he uses to dump shares:

Schneider do in court for participating in the FSM Scam:

(and dwyer's subpoena has been served)


i blacked out the email addresses of Joe Elkind and Langone because they do not wish to be harassed.

also, these transcripts are time stamped and include IP addresses. They are 100% authentic, Matt knows it. He won’t even approach this subject. These are the very transcripts that will be used against Dwyer’s former box-job partner: Randy Schneider In COURT! That's why he doesn't touch the subject... he knows Randy is due in court, and this will all come to an end one way or the other. (but the bcap stock will IMO will be dtc locked well before the court cases, because this box job shell game is already under the scope.)