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Saturday, 12/10/2011 10:54:30 AM

Saturday, December 10, 2011 10:54:30 AM

Post# of 32
David Brandt Berg

the forehead of this person sitting there in that sort of dentist chair. They took like a scalpel & very skillfully just made a little careful slit right across the forehead, & I presume they must have already drilled a hole for the pin, for the electrode or something, small needle-like hole in the front of the skull to insert the pin or the electrode. They put it in there & they just pulled the skin down & up over it, the skin up on the top & pulled it back together & pressed the skin together & put this kind of tape across it like it was some advanced type of healing surgical tape that kept it together until it healed. By this then they not only had your number, but they had you under absolute control, you were a total slave to the Antichrist!

19. NOW FROM WHAT ALL I'VE HEARD & READ, THOSE THINGS REALLY ARE POSSIBLE, stuff like that, but this idea of the needle-like electrode right through the middle of your forehead into the frontal lobe of the brain, your decision-making control centre, I've never heard of anybody doing anything like that, but apparently they've figured out some way to do it, made it possible. You could receive messages like that or you could transmit messages to their receiver or whatever it was, just like they could read your thoughts & they could control your decisions & actions & everything, so you became an absolute robot, a total robot, completely totally theirs!

20. SO IT'S NO WONDER THAT THE LORD HAD SUCH TERRIBLE THINGS TO SAY ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT RECEIVE THE MARK OF THE BEAST because they were literally selling their souls to the Devil permanently with no possibility of return, because thereby Satan had completely taken over their decision-making capabilities so they could no longer make any kind of a decision on their own that could not be controlled by the System. You were totally sold-out to the Devil with no return, no possibility of making a decision on your own anymore, or no repentance, no turning back, no wishing you didn't have it or wishing you could get rid of it or anything! I mean from then on you were just theirs, period, that was it!

21. AND AFTER WHOEVER WAS EXPLAINING IT TO ME, I MEAN I GOT IT LIKE IN THOUGHT COMMUNICATIONS RATHER THAN THE WORDS, I just knew from his explanation just exactly what he was telling me, how it operated & all, that that was why it was so serious to receive the Mark of the Beast, because it meant absolute control from then on, no turning back, no repentance, no way to make the right decision anymore. You were totally & utterly under the control of the Devil through his machinery, & therefore that's why all the followers of the Antichrist have to be slaughtered, all those that have the Mark of the Beast, according to the Book of Revelation, along with the Antichrist & his False Prophet & all, they all have to be slaughtered because they no longer are under their own control at all & they can't change!

22. SO I PRESUME, OF COURSE, AFTER THE BODY IS KILLED THEN THE SPIRIT AT LEAST IS, YOU MIGHT SAY, SET FREE & PERHAPS IN THE NEXT LIFE THERE MIGHT BE SOME HOPES FOR THEM, having been through such a horror & experience as that, that they might be given some future chance to repent or something, I don't know. But it doesn't sound too encouraging or too hopeful for them, if you read the Book of Revelation, because God seals their doom apparently the moment they accept one of those chips, their doom is sealed along with the skin on the forehead & that's it, it's over, they're just nothing but a humanoid, a automaton, a human robot under the total complete control of the Antichrist system! So that was the dream.

23. (MARIA: IS ANYONE THAT HAS RECEIVED JESUS EVER GOING TO SUBMIT TO THAT?) NO, NEVER! That seems to be what the Bible indicates, that the people who have the seal of God in their foreheads will absolutely refuse the Mark of the Beast! They will absolutely refuse to take it, they would rather be killed! (Maria: Even if they only received the Lord when they were small?) When you receive the Lord you are the Lord's, thank the Lord! So nobody who has really received the Lord, who has Jesus & the Seal of God in their forehead is going to receive it! (Rev.7) They're going to know how bad it is & that it means Hell for sure, so they're going to prefer to die than to receive it! And of course, the Lord is going to give them places to flee to in the wilderness to hide & be fed & nourished, He says. (Rev.12) No matter what kind of a flood the Devil casts after them to try to capture them or whatever, the Lord is going to take care of His Own.

24. (MARIA: WELL, THAT'S GOING TO BE AN AWFUL LOT OF PEOPLE THAT ARE GOING TO REFUSE THE MARK, THEY THAT RECEIVED JESUS?) Yes! Sure! I think there are going to be millions of people in the Rapture! (Maria: If you just looked at it as for the people that are serving the Lord, there sure wouldn't be very many!) Well, obviously the forces of the Lord are going to be considerable if the Antichrist thinks that he has to conjure up whole armies & everything to fight the Saints of God & has to carry on wars against them, why, they must be pretty considerable & pretty powerful!--Look at Heaven Girl, what one little girl can do! If she can do that, just think what a lot of other people are going to be able to do too! The Lord is really going to protect His own.

25. (MARIA: PLUS ALL THE PEOPLE THAT AREN'T SAVED BUT DON'T LIKE THE ANTICHRIST, WILL THEY REFUSE THE MARK?) Yes, there could be many people of other religions who would flatly refuse! See, "The Lord knoweth them that are His" & "His sheep know His voice" (Jn.10:4,5) & "a stranger they will not follow." So if they have strong enough convictions in their own religion to resist that operation, why, I presume there's still a chance for them.

26. SO THAT WAS REALLY A SHOCKING DREAM! You asked me a couple of times, "Aren't you afraid you'll forget it?" How could I ever forget that picture? Whew! I mean it was really something to see them stick that needle right into the forehead of the guy after they'd slit the skin open & stick that needle in & push that chip in & cover it up with the flesh again, tape it together! (Maria: They must have that stuff about ready.) I wouldn't be surprised.

27. SO THERE IT IS!: THE "COMPUTER CHIP DREAM--THE MARK OF THE BEAST"! We have never gotten anything so specific before on the Mark of the Beast, right? That was just as vivid as it could be! I could never forget that scene, seeing them take that chip & insert it! First they were programming it on this big board in these different positions, which apparently were each different bytes of information, like they do, & then they just made this little slit in his forehead & stuck the needle in & covered up the chip & taped it together again, & it didn't seem to be all that serious an operation & fairly simple. And there will be people of course who will submit to that just to enjoy the advantages of the Antichrist license to buy & sell & get food & live!

28. (MARIA: DO YOU THINK THE WHOLE WORLD WILL KNOW WHAT IT MEANS? I MEAN EVEN THE UNSAVED, WILL THEY KNOW THAT IT MEANS HELL?) Well, that's our job, to tell them. I mean we're supposed to be telling them now what it means--the difference between accepting the Lord & not accepting the Lord. (Maria: Yes, but will they know that this little operation means that they're going to Hell?) Well, that's what the Bible says, just read it. All those that accept the Mark of the Beast are cursed & damned & doomed! (Rev.14:9-11; 16:2; 19:20.)

29. I THINK EVERYBODY HAS THEIR CHANCE. And I believe they will know what they are doing, they're surrendering themselves to the Antichrist, that's for sure! They're certainly going to know he is anti-Christ, anti-God & evil, if they don't know anything else, & to surrender themselves to this evil Beast & his total control, I mean what worse could you do? That's selling your soul to the Devil for sure!

30. SO THAT WAS THE DREAM, THAT'S ALL I KNOW, & IT WAS JUST LIKE IT SETTLED THEIR FATE! It settled their doom, & then there's no chance any longer for salvation, for repentance or to change your mind! Your ability to change your mind was gone, your ability to control yourself was gone, & it was impossible to turn back! You had sold your soul to the Devil & were under his total complete control, & that's how bad it's going to be! Thank God for Heaven Girl & all the rest of the dear Folks like her, & I believe there are going to be millions of us who are going to still be witnessing & resisting the Enemy & hiding out & be preserved by miracles until the Lord comes, until everybody has had their chance & the Devil is exposed & all his awfulness & the whole World sees what a horror he is, & Jesus comes & takes His Own! TTL!

31. (DAD COUGHING REAL BAD.) SO THERE!--IF THAT'S WHAT THE DEVIL IS ATTACKING ME ABOUT, revealing one of his secrets, now that I have revealed it & it's off my chest, let's hope he gets off my chest with this damn cold!--And the Lord delivers me because I have obeyed the Lord anyhow, & I've delivered my soul & the message. So may God bless & keep you in that hour, & I know He will, because you're His & you have the Seal of God in your forehead & you will never accept the Mark of the Beast! HAL TYJ!

32. I REMEMBER THEY USED TO SCARE YOU IN CHURCH WITH THOSE SERMONS ABOUT THE MARK OF THE BEAST & they made you absolutely terror-stricken that maybe you might actually be so terrorised that you might be forced to accept it, you know, that somehow that if you'd make the wrong decision & wrong choice, even though you're a Christian & saved, if you accepted the Mark of the Beast, that damned you, because of course, they were saved off again, on again, gone again, & never knew for sure they were saved! Thank God we know that once you're saved you're saved & you have the Seal of God in your forehead & you will never die in that sense!

33. JESUS SAID, "I AM THE RESURRECTION & THE LIFE; HE THAT BELIEVETH IN ME, THOUGH HE WERE DEAD, YET SHALL HE LIVE: AND WHOSOEVER LIVETH & BELIEVETH IN ME SHALL NEVER DIE!" (Jn.11:25,26) So it's settled once & for all with us already! The Lord has got the jump on'm, the Lord got here first & He's already got us sealed! Praise the Lord! And the Devil can never take that away from us by any amount of any kind of force or whatever.

34. I PRESUME IF THEY TRIED TO IMPLANT ONE OF THOSE THINGS EVEN BY FORCE IN A CHRISTIAN'S FOREHEAD IT JUST WOULDN'T WORK! The Lord would even negate it somehow, because we already have the Seal of God in our foreheads, so thank the Lord! He could really fritz up the wiring in the circuitry & make it go dead or help us to flee in some way so that we don't get caught or have anything forced on us that we don't want! Thank the Lord! So I know the Lord is going to take care of His Own. Amen? Praise the Lord! God bless & keep us all busy for Him, faithful & loyal to Jesus & He'll always be faithful & loyal to us & He never fails, & He won't fail us then anymore than He will now! Thank the Lord! He never has failed us now, why should He fail us then? Thank You Jesus!

35. SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! But I just thought I'd better tell you about it since the Lord gave me that dream, that that's how bad the Mark of the Beast is going to be, that's what it's going to be. I believe it with all my heart & soul because I saw it, & I never ever even thought of this thing before or dreamed of such a thing! I had heard, you know, about them maybe tatooing the Mark on you in some way, electronically-read with a black light or blah, blah, but nothing that final & complicated as to become a total complete human robot of the Beast! But thank the Lord, He'll give us the strength to resist & we would rather die than receive it! So thank You Lord! We know the Lord will bless & keep us in that day! In Jesus' name, amen.

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