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Re: None

Tuesday, 11/29/2011 7:21:47 AM

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 7:21:47 AM

Post# of 20469
Further proof of Carmil Energy's Phase Shift Generator System (PSGS) being intimately related to William Tiller's research in the field of Gauge Symmetry States, Phase Coherence, Phase Shifting, and the existence of enormous and previously undetectable potential energies inside the electron vacuum under the SU2 Gauge Symmetry state (elevated state of physical/dimensional reality), achievable via the use of human consciousness and focused human intention.


Carmil Energy President Michael Mills has said that Carmil's PSGS device is capable of amplifying energy by 10x due to its ability to "capture additional electrons and turn them into working power". As shown on the Carmil website, this technology is known as Phase Shift technology, or Phase Coherence.

If one reads Tiller's white papers in their entirety, it can be seen that Gauge Symmetry states are intimately related with Phase Coherence, Phase Shifting and the capture of additional electrons under elevated states of physical reality, via the powers of human consciousness/intention.


William Tiller's 7th White Paper, entitled:

"VII - Why We Need to Create a New Reference Frame (RF) For Viewing Nature and How Do We Do It?"

From pages 10 - 13

Figure 6. Symmetries of nature determine the properties of forces in Gauge theories. The
symmetry of a snowflake can be characterized by noting that the pattern is unchanged when it is rotated 60
degrees; the snowflake is said to be invariant with respect to such rotations. In physics, non-geometric
symmetries are introduced. Charge symmetry, for example, is the invariance of the forces acting among a set of
charged particles when the polarities of all the charges are reversed. Isotopic-spin symmetry is based on the
observation that little would be changed in the strong interactions of matter if the identities of all protons and
neutrons were interchanged. Hence proton and neutron become merely the alternative states of a single particle,
the nucleon, and transitions between the states can be made (or imagined) by adjusting the orientation of an
indicator in an internal space. It is symmetries of this kind, where the transformation is an internal rotation or a
phase shift, which are referred to as Gauge symmetries.

The first Gauge Theory with local symmetry was the theory of electric and magnetic fields,
introduced in 1868 by James Clerk Maxwell. The character of the symmetry that makes Maxwell?s
theory a Gauge Theory is that the electric field is invariant with respect to the addition or subtraction of an arbitrary overall electric potential. However, this symmetry is a global one because the result of
experiment remains constant only if the new potential is changed everywhere at once (there is no absolute potential and no zero reference point). A complete theory of electromagnetism requires that
the global symmetry of the theory be converted into a local symmetry.

Just as the electric field
depends ultimately on the distribution of charges, but can conveniently be derived from an electrical
potential, so the magnetic field generated by the motion of these charges can be conveniently described as resulting from a magnetic potential. It is in this system of potential fields that local transformations
can be carried out leaving all the original electric and magnetic fields unaltered. This system of dual,
interconnected fields has an exact local symmetry even though the electric field alone does not(9).

Maxwell?s theory of electromagnetism is a classical one, but a related symmetry can be
demonstrated in the quantum theory of EM interaction (called quantum field theory). In the quantum
theory of electrons, a change in the electric potential entails a change in the phase of the electron wave
and the phase measures the displacement of the wave from some arbitrary reference point (the
difference is sufficient to yield an electron diffraction effect)
. Only differences in the phase of the
electron field
at two points or at two moments can be measured, but not the absolute phase. Thus, the
phase of an electron wave is said to be inaccessible to measurement (requires a knowledge of both the
real and the imaginary parts of the amplitude) so that the phase cannot have an influence on the
outcome of any possible experiment. This means that the electron field exhibits a symmetry with
respect to arbitrary changes of phase
. Any phase angle can be added to or subtracted from the electron
field and the results of all experiments will remain invariant. This is the essential ingredient found in
the U(1) Gauge condition.

Although the absolute value of the phase is irrelevant to the outcome of experiment, in
constructing a theory of electrons, it is still necessary to specify the phase. The choice of a particular
value is called a Gauge convention. The symmetry of such an electron matter field is a global
symmetry and the phase of the field must be shifted in the same way everywhere at once
. It can be
easily demonstrated that a theory of electron fields, along with no other forms of matter or radiation, is
not invariant with respect to a corresponding local Gauge transformation. If one wanted to make the
theory consistent with a local Gauge symmetry, one would need to add another field that would exactly
compensate for the changes in electron phase. Mathematically, it turns out that the required field is one
having infinite range corresponding to a field quantum with a spin of one unit. The need for infinite
range implies that the field quantum be massless. These are just the properties of the EM field, whose
quantum is the photon. When an electron absorbs or emits a photon, the phase of the electron field is

The gauge symmetry case of our interest in this white paper is the one where we have two
unique levels of physical reality as indicated in Equation 1. In one, we have electric atoms and
molecules restricted to travel at velocities less than that of c, the velocity of EM light. In the other, we
have magnetic information waves restricted to travel at velocities greater than c. Our main interest,
here, is how one describes the EM gauge symmetry state for the two cases (1) these two levels of
physical reality are almost completely uncoupled and (2) these two levels are strongly coupled so that
the second level is instrumentally accessible via the measuring instruments of the first.
In the first case, one could define a generalized potential function, , and EM gauge symmetry
state where
= D (x, y, z, t) + R (kx, ky, kz, kt) (6a)
and EM gauge state: Ue(1) + Um(1) (6b) However, our commercial measurement devices, cannot access the phenomena associated with R so it
doesn?t exist to us.

In the second case, a strong coupling coefficient, eff, exists between e and m substances so we
have Consider the top drawing in figure 7, it shows a unique space that combines an internal space
(ordinate) with a two-dimensional representation of spacetime (abscissa). In this unique space, the
spatial location of a particle is represented by a dot at a coordinate point in the horizontal, spacetime
plane while the phase-value for the field in the internal space is specified by angular coordinates in this
unique space. As the particle moves through spacetime (the sequence of dots), it also traces out a path
in the internal space (the dashed line) above the spacetime trajectory at a distance proportional to the
instantaneous phase angle for the electron wave. Mathematicians call this internal space distance a

When there is no external gauge potential acting on the particle, the internal space path is
completely arbitrary. When this particle interacts with an internal gauge field (E or H), the dashed path
in the internal space is a continuous curve determined by the gauge potential. In mathematical jargon,
the unique space formed by the union of our four-dimensional spacetime with an internal space is
called a “fiber bundle space”.(5) When there is only one internal space variable, like the electron wave
function, the internal space is designated as a U(1) EM gauge symmetry space because the state looks
like the interior of a flat ring with the phase value represented as the angle, , of the point on the ring
seen in figure 7 (top).

In order to fully grasp Tiller's research, one should read all of Tiller's White Papers and watch his youtube videos to get a firm understanding of his entire body of research. Then, the connection to Carmil will make more sense.

Also worthy of note, from References:


1. W.A. Tiller, “White Paper V”,
2. W.A. Harrison, Applied Quantum Mechanics (World Scientific, Singapore, 2000).
3. W.A. Tiller, “White Paper VI”,
4. W.A. Tiller, W.E. Dibble, Jr. and M.J. Kohane, Conscious Acts of Creation: The Emergence of
a New Physics (Pavior Publishing, Lafayette, California, 2001)
5. K. Moriyasu, An Elementary Primer for Gauge Theory (World Scientific Publishing Co. PTE.
Ltd. Singapore, 1983)
6a. W. A.Tiller, W. E. Dibble Jr., “Towards General Experimentation and Discovery in
„Conditioned? Laboratory and CAM Spaces, Part V:Data on Ten Different Sites Using a New
Type of Detector”, J. Altern. Complement. Med., 2007, 13 (1) 133-149.
6b. W.A. Tiller, Psychoenergertic Science: A Second Copernican-Scale Revolution, Walnut Creek,
CA, USA: Pavior Publishing, 2007.
7. J. Komrska, “The Fourier Transform of Lattices”, Proceedings of the International summer
school on Diagnostics and Applications of Thin Films, May 27-June 5, 1991, Czechoslovakia:
IOP Publishing Ltd.
8. E. F. Schubert, “Physical Foundations of Solid State Devices”, Section 3,
9. G. „t Hooft, “Gauge Theories of the Forces Between Elementary Particles”, Scientific
American, 242, 6 (1980) 104.

Notice Tiller's research into CAM / spaces conditioned by human consciousness/intention (Hint: Carmil Motors Sonic CAM technology).

From the Carmil Motors website:

Revolutionized Technology

Carmil Motors through years of R&D has created the FWX3 marine engine which possess unrivaled Sonic Cam Technology. This engine is poised to redefine how internal combustion engines are measured.
FWX3 Four Stroke Marine Engine Features

Four times greater fuel economy
Low emissions
50% less moving parts than a typical engine
Almost a 2-to-1 power to weight ratio.

Carmil Motors produces the FWX3 series of high efficiency, powerful engines for marine applications. The secret to these engines is our patented Sonic Cam Technology which allows Carmil to build such a light, small, efficient yet powerful engine.


Tiller believes that his advances in the realm of Psychoenergetics are equivalent to "A Second Copernican-Scale Revolution".

I agree 100%.

** Nicolaus Copernicus