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Re: None

Wednesday, 11/23/2011 8:35:58 PM

Wednesday, November 23, 2011 8:35:58 PM

Post# of 13844
1377 and the ground rules for

November 22, 2011

Written by:



US or UK?


There is too much confusion being generated over a very simple issue involving the problem understanding our bicameral political system. Mainstream politics=Neopoliticians=Atramental. Read to understand. No pictures here, so try and stay awake.

We originated as a constitutional republic with elections and the opportunity to choose between candidates principled on the constitution. 1800 introduced the democratic party and subsequent division between party lines divided red and blue. The colors should have been a warning, but they weren’t.

The republican party sought to tighten down on the government while the democratic party fought to increase it’s powers.

1850 saw Britain reining in the EU Masons in development of Quatuor Coronati to which all EU SSOs would subordinate or perish, and by 1888 She had launched Her Atramental Lodge 23 in the US to do the same, hence the Neopolitician was introduced into the mainstream of American politics. It’s first US administrator was Benjamin Harrison, a covert 33rd degree EU Mason.

Atramental is a highly secretive British neopolitical entity created in the UK and put to use in DC to circumvent the Bill of Rights and collapse US domestic and economic infrastructures. It’s politicians are recruited to form a single party parliamentary entity superimposed upon our bicameral system neocon for republican and neoliberal for democrat. In other words they identify with a mainstream political agenda, but they are actually in service to the monarchy.

Neopoliticians confuse the mainstream, because they behave identically although they are identified bicameral, which hides Britain’s US legislative sedition agenda, partly the reason Atramental was created in the first place.

The other reason Atramental was created was to militarize the US to be put to use as Britain’s war council. Atramental actually issues on the model of Cesena Italy, 1377, with the added feature of having the pleasure to exercise at will occult rendition of US citizens for use in ritual sacrifice by the monarchy and it’s aristocratic elite. This is for real, dumb fucks, and if you are feeling clever at the moment, you might want to send a copy of this on to Barack Obama signed by you if you’re really bold!

The US has been mystified on these circumstances and engineered to be reactive lacking the knowledge it needs to be able to confront these them correctly, directly with the Federal government which has been supplanted by Atramental, and through a militia synchronized and current with the issues.

Atramental is a non-reflective sociopath organization that uses process of law absent morality or ethics to write legislation that is collapsing US government, which this should have signaled a problem in 1913 but didn’t. People have been engineered to be preoccupied with entertainment, reproduction and debt to such an extreme that to think about political corruption of this magnitude puts them to sleep, and they are reaping the consequences for this behavior at this time. The wolves are at the door, huffing and puffing and dropping in through the chimney, and people are scrambling to hide from them where had they done their 2nd amendment maintenance there would have been a national militia to meet this future instead of Atramental’s TSA/CNSF.

People will stand mouth agape in bewilderment seemingly oblivious to their circumstances as though this posture is going to cull morality form a tyrannical administrator that is running wild over the US. They think this monster is a child and that indignation is going to prove their case to him so he’ll start acting right. This is truly the attitude of most Americans today. They are diffident and shallow to a fault, which the consequence for this is this particular tyrant was designed to meet this kind of behavior with a special treat, 9/11 magnified, which OWS protestors are going to meet this future with no less than 30,000 casualties. The bombs the CIA set around New York that were supposed to have staged one of it’s phony domestic terrorist attacks are on hold giving Soros an opportunity to shield himself through OWS, which by the way will amount to mass punishment for people having been made aware of his involvement in kidnapping for torture of innocent young women and children.

People don’t understand this, yet. Their fucked. Soros baited the US into these massive OWS protests to shield himself from justice for his involvement in the kidnapping for torture of Brittanee Drexel, Megan Maxwell, Holly Bobo and Lauren Spierer, and the US, led by agent provocateurs who work for Soros, and who are also sadistic sociopath child molesters, have been egging them on ever since with remarkable domestic fallout that is immensely pleasing to the British monarchy.

People are being arrested, hospitalized and killed in these protests, which the more the merrier to Jolly Old England, because soon as pandemonium breaks out, She’s going to make a strafing appearance and proclaim the US under marshal control of the UN with US citizens largely unarmed and without a militia to prevent this. This is how She accomplished retaking the US.

Britain’s Atramental Lodge 23 is modeled on the Feb 3, 1377, mass execution of population of Cesena Italy. Atramental’s function is that of a war council and is empowered via Homeland Security and The PATRIOT Act to perform occult rendition to resource ritual sacrifice in the US, UK and Rome. Atramental celebrates it’s political agenda on ritual sacrifice of young women and children, and it’s administrators have unchecked access to money, drugs and sex, and will posture good Christians all.

The child sacrifice debauchery ritual is exercised regularly by it’s 33rd degree EU masons. Barack Obama and now Arnold Schwarzenegger are such monsters, and their soulless demeanor is a product of years of training through ritual sacrifice which has empowered them to lie constantly in the interest of serving Atramental’s US legislative sedition agenda, which has thus far made both of them very wealthy, by the way. People will cavort with the devil against one’s better judgment, but don’t believe me. Read it for yourself in Genesis! When a monster like Phil Bredesen can engineer four consecutive state sponsored child abductions leaving the parents of these victims on their knees praying for the safe return of their children we are truly lost as a nation. That’s it. We’re done. We’ve transformed soulless, which maybe the punishment for this will be the lifestyle we’ve now accustomed ourselves to by our apathy.

But in the throws of this slow death, let’s end the confusion and take responsibility here, folks. You voted for Barack fuck head Obama, now you have to live with the consequences, but you do that well. You’ve been engineered to turn the other cheek and pray for salvation from Jesus, which if this mythical entity fails to appear you’ll accept your punishment and tolerate the disappearances of your children. If Jesus doesn’t care there must be a divine reason. You’ll cook another meal and eventually forget about it. modern man, baby: a fucking sloth!

This is what Atramental knows and understand about you and why they refer to you as sheep, which they are mostly correct. Think, and you get tired and have to sleep. Get attacked and you run around in a panic screaming for someone to help you when you’ve made absolutely no effort on your own to protect your self. Militia? Too busy weekends partying at the lake of fucking someone else’s old lady. You know the routine. Then you got the internet and started masturbating to online pornography. Good Christians all, and Atramental understands this perfectly, because this organization gave you Aleister Crowley and the lifestyle you subsequently fell into not thinking about the consequences of not paying attention. We were at one time a self-mastery culture, and you will learn to appreciate this more deeply as we progress into a state of deterioration form which extrication is going to be next to impossible.

It’s like Obama’s first year when Americans knew something was off regarding his administration. People were complaining he was slack, which was an understatement. Hell, he doesn’t even write his own agenda, so what’s to get uptight about. you will recall he stated to the press, “I’m the president. I can do anything I want.” STATIST! Even British citizens knew we were in trouble, and know what they were saying? You voted for him. You elected him. You wanted him. And we got him, with puppet strings attached to the city of London and a wire running from the Whitechapel pyramid to DC fully activated and made ready to pick off a child and three young women to celebrate his political agenda over the course of his first three years in office. A tyrant’s feast!

Americans are quite literally beyond hope. They’ve not only tolerated Atramental, they’ve given up their children to this organization to feel normal. That’s a character flaw in the entire damned country. We’ve become infected with apathy to such an extreme that we’re willing to do whatever it takes to maintain life unfettered by conscious thought about our surroundings. So. okay, stop running from the wolves. Submit, NOW!


Atramental was launched in 1888 in connection with Quatuor Coronati, the former the lesser of the two, with the explicit mission of militarizing the US in service to the British monarchy. Together, these organizations celebrated their political agenda on the occult renditions of 11 Whitechapel residents, the third of which was pregnant, her fetus renditioned curbside, handed off to adoptive parents and raised TE Lawrence.


You believe in the mystification version of this story. A madman self-identified as Jack The Ripper killed these women out of sheer madness, and he serves as a conscience sentinel to this end. When you hear about a woman being brutally murdered, you automatically think Jack the Ripper, and this acculturates you to the phenomenon of human sacrifice. All that has to be done to trigger shock and awe is an occasional murder event, and people withdraw to bafflement for their salvation. Such is the nature of the engineering of consent, and the spectator is thus acculturated.


For the record, Jack the Ripper was actually two people, Thomas and John Chapman. Thomas Chapman was a land surveyor, and his role in these murders was to locate the victims in such a manner that by connecting their rendition sites dot to dot one could construct a two dimensional split pyramid which served a couple of purposes.

The pyramid represents the EU Masons. The split pyramid symbolized Britain having split the EU Masonic power structure between Quatuor Coronati and Atramental Lodge 23. Washington DC lines up squarely on the Whitechapel split Pyramid making it clear that these organizations do exist and that US lawmakers thus self-identified as Neopoliticians are in fact Atramental Lodge 23 and serve a political agenda that issues from the British monarchy. Not withstanding, the Whitechapel pyramid thus described left a clear and indelible mark on Two continents which attest to the cartographical feature of these organizations and their press into the subconscious as a malevolent and ghostly presence.

John Chapman was a ship’s carpenter, which partly explains the crude wounds left on his victims. Mary Ann Nichols was renditioned by a doctor to assure the survival of the fetus during her sacrifice.


In reality, having commandeered the EU Masons mid 1800 and put them to use [to conquer the world], the monarchy very cunningly adapted Masonic principles to this new organization, Atramental Lodge 23, giving it a friendly albeit highly secretive identity in the mainstream of US politics. One of it’s first 33rd degree Masons was Benjamin Harrison, and true to Atramental’s prophetic albeit politically calculated and occult promises, Harrison spoke of genocide of the African race commencing 9/11/01, 113 years ahead of his time.

Atramental spoke the Masonic language in DC, although it was subordinate to Quatuor Coronati. Few people knew of it’s existence, not even US Masons. Atramental Lodge 23 derives it’s name from the Feb 3rd Mass execution of the population of Cesena, Italy, which should give you some idea of what this organization is up to in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere in the world. The guiding principle here is Cesena Italy, 1377, which is population extermination, and what pillaging and philandering was reduced in our day to lots of young women and children used in ritual sacrifice to avoid becoming ill.

Quatuor Coronati is a recreation of Florence 1375, and Atramental is it’s war council. Either side of the Atlantic, mercenaries are playing the role of sacrificial lamb, and institutional agent provocateurs (CIA/FBI, US Marshall) are promoting conflict in the interest of diffusing lawful process under the Bill of Rights in the US. This model replicates for use against virtually any government on the face of the earth, and the mechanism for incursion into internal affairs is the international corporation and it’s myriad of policies and contractual agreements which subordinate the indigenous culture to Quatuor Coronati. Lawmakers are recruited to participate through offers of sex, unchecked use of drugs and eventually participation in abduction, torture, rape and sacrifice and the child sacrifice debauchery ritual for the 30-33rd degree Atramentals. Arnold Schwarzenegger just made his 33rd degree mason status on the kidnappings for torture of Brittanee Drexel, Megan Maxwell, Holly Bobo and Lauren Spierer. People are denying this, so I guess the saying ignorance is bliss must have originated with the occult.


Notwithstanding, Quatuor Coronati and Atramental use ritual human sacrifice to commemorate a political agenda, a feature of Britain’s world conquest scheme that were people to be aware of this they might not be willing to tolerate it. With this in mind, the recent abductions of Drexel, Maxwell, Bobo and Spierer were state sponsored kidnappings that not only further deepened Atramental’s US permeation, these crimes are also establishing the PATRIOT Act as a mechanism of abduction which sets a legal precedence for kidnapping for torture to resource ritual sacrifice in the UK and Rome with products acquired in the US.


Atramentals refer to themselves as Luciferians, which they believe their primary public identification with mainstream Protestantism actually magnifies their occult powers. This is true if you value the lie, and the more of this they do and get away with proves this out. In effect they claim to be staunch Christians which gives them credibility in the public, but they also practice their occult out of sight, for obvious reasons.

With this in mind, is Phil Bredesen Presbyterian or Atramental? Atramental is Luciferian albeit it has adopted the Druid ritual sacrifice for entertainment. Phil Bredesen’s religion is listed as Presbyterianism, which this alternative label actually provides us with a little more insight about what he actually believes.

The suffix -ism alludes the process of the Presbyterian without a commitment to identification that is otherwise apparent as a feature of a person who more confidently proclaims to be a Presbyterian, period. The use of -ism denotes a soft relationship with mainstream Protestantism, the truth of which is Bredesen’s particular form of Presbyterianism subordinates to Lucifer as a process of identification only. This empowers him to lie about his true religious affiliation thus magnifying him occult. In this way he fronts strong moral character principled on a belief system that were his other activities to be known he would have been hanged a decade ago, and this is true of virtually all neopoliticians affiliated with Atramental. If you want to see what someone looks like having become ill caught involved in kidnapping for torture, have a peek at Nancy Pelosi!


Let’s do reality here for a moment. You are dealing with an organization that has practiced itself on conning the public into participation in a council not officially authorized by the US government, in service to a foreign power, and that practices ritual human sacrifice. This is a single party parliamentary entity, has superimposed itself upon our bicameral system under cover of US policy, and has legislated occult rendition as process of law. It has backed this up with yet more complexity through department of homeland security, and it is institutionalizing a Citizens National Security Force to control you independent of oversight and populated with individuals who are largely attracted to their work out of a desire to criminalize and coerce ordinary people. This is a BDSM/LGBT pedophile’s dream, and it was created by and introduced to the US mainstream by lawmakers who promised you the moon and delivered Lucifer, your coveted neopoliticians who subscribe to the political agenda of Atramental Lodge 23.


For the record. although the US Masons and EU Masons share the same historical roots, they are divergent philosophies. They do not agree on the use of the occult to accomplish a political agenda, and each is opposed to the other for the following reason.

The US is a Masonic culture principled on the enlightenment and Templar monasticism. We are a self-mastery society, and we value liberty, freedom and free enterprise. We are also militarized on the Templar model, which is why Britain recruited the US for this role through Atramental. We are the standing most powerful nation in the world, and Britain would have collapsed a century ago without us. Not only, we remain the most successful economic system in the world as well, so much so that we sustained both the US and UK through the Great depression via the Fed. Our current issues arise from economic fraud perpetrated by UK Banks and off shore corporations controlled by them for the sole purpose of temporarily collapsing US economic infrastructure so She can repatriate the US to the UK. This is sociopathy, but Americans miss the point completely provoked one domestic issue to the next where embedded in the pandemonium is legislation that is transforming US policy to circumvent the Bill of Rights and collapse governmental infrastructures.

The US Masons are occult like their EU counterpart. The difference is in the US the occult subordinates to the Bill of Rights. On the other hand, in the UK, human rights subordinates to the occult, hence ritual sacrifice that would otherwise be unheard of in the US. Reread that so that you fully understand what you are dealing with here. Ron Paul is an example of a US mason. Barack Obama is Atramental.


This bears repeating: Ron Paul is an example of a US mason. Barack Obama is Atramental. Log it into memory.


There is an idiot traveling around North America making a fashion statement which is directing disinformation at the American public to create doubt surrounding the backgrounds of politicians who are US Masons. He doesn’t discriminate the two for a reason. Atramental is a highly secretive organization, where the US Masons conduct business out in the open. Grouping them allows him to negatively attribute the activities Atramental and Quatuor Coronati with the US Masons, which if people believe this they will attack our own system. This man is a sociopath. He shares Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s reputation in the UK, although both are in the tank with the monarchy. David Icke is a charismatic, and he is savioring the US misleading people trying to understand why our political system is fumbling so badly at this time. He’s a part of this, and I can assure you that unless he opens up about Quatuor Coronati and Atramental, which he is fully aware of both, he’s best routed, with Wakefield, so you don’t stay confused about the Masons.

The pre EU Mason’s gave us our government, the occult subordinated to the Bill of Rights. Atramental has reversed this, and you are dealing with the fallout in Neopolitics as a consequence. If you want this corrected you are going to have to elect a US Mason who understands these circumstances well, and the only person available at this time is Ron Paul. That’s not a candidate promotional. It’s a fact.

What Atramental and David Icke are hoping you will do is make some kind of negative association with the US Masons and attempt to rectify this by voting for someone who has no known affiliation with an SSO. Don’t be fooled, as even the female candidates are fielding support from an SSO either directly or indirectly. You will not clean this up with as vote anyway. The Masons are here to stay. The question is which form of government do you prefer? Do you prefer a highly secretive government principled on the occult and which passes legislation that resources it’s ritual sacrifices with human products acquired in the US? Or, do you prefer a government principled on our constitutional republic which subordinates the occult to the US bill of Rights?

US or UK?

Either way you get the Masons, and believe it or not, the US Masons principled on Templar monasticism are a force to be reckoned with, just you have to be willing to allow this organization to periodically dip into the occult, less ritual human sacrifice, to do it’s work. Persephone is our occult entity, and subordinated to the bill of Rights she does a pretty damned good job of getting every one around the dinner table on Thanksgiving. On the other hand, where you may be inclined to favor the EU system, you are going to be missing some of your children for that dinner. Ask Karen Bobo about this. Her family knows this situation first hand.


I have one more example for you to consider when trying to make up your mind between the EU and UK Masonic governments. Since the EU Masons use ritual sacrifice to commemorate a political agenda, they have also broadened this to include using human flesh in the diet. The international corporation, MacDonald’s, recently invested in research to sell a value meal product manufactured from pureed human fetus. This went public 30 months ago to which Macdonald’s responded with a remodel project to upgrade it’s international image. It was at this time also that MacDonald’s overseas employees were coerced not to get pregnant under threat of termination. The connection here is this monstrous organization was preparing to market it’s new product free of entanglement or negative press should a pregnant female learn they she was serving a human fetus product to MacDonald’s customers. Now for those of you who do not see a problem here, you are truly sociopath yourself and are very suited to the EU system, which involves ritual sacrifice of young women and children and eating their remains. If you are still with me here, the lesson is simple for those of you who are awake. In the EU the Masons subordinate to the monarchy. In the US, the monarchy subordinates to the Masons, except involving Atramental, which is an EU Masonic organization.


I have a parting gift for those of you who have never been initiated into the US Masonic culture. My uncle did this with me when I was 7. I will share this with you to demonstrate how powerful this organization is educating it’s members.

He faced me off one day getting ready to leave the country to participate in a war he believed might end his life. He was matter of fact, and thumped me on the chest to get my attention. He didn’t hurt me, he just wanted to make sure I was listening. He told me, “The most important numbers you will ever learn in your life are 1 through 9.” He asked me to repeat these numbers. Then he told me, “The most important letters you will ever learn are AJS.” He asked me to repeat these letters. Then we played a game. He’d say, “Number 1.” I would say AJS vis-a-vie. Last, he told me, “Always protect your brother, but not in a bad way”. Then he slapped me. He didn’t hurt me. I trusted him completely. He just got my attention, again.

Tell me how many classes you would take to learn Pythagoras and how much of this you would remember if it was forced down your throat. When I learned what these numbers meant it was clear what he had taught me was a lifetime of knowledge imparted in a conversation between an adult and a child where he unlocked one of the oldest mysteries known to man. Were this to have been an EU awakening, I would have been laid out on the alter, 12 sociopaths holding me down, and a priest holding a knife aloft preparing to cut out my heart, after I had been raped and tortured sufficiently to cause a psychotic break and complete detachment from reality, which is what the monsters are after when they kill a child.


I’ve just described to you the difference between the US and EU masons. You think its clever for a politician to lie repeatedly and mislead the public on issues of national interest all the while this monster is walking you to the sacrificial alter promising you it will all be over soon, just a few more steps. Think about what seems correct in your mind. Should an uncle educate his nephew or sacrifice and eat his remains? What sounds right? I know that having this conversation may seem absurd to many of you, but I am not trying to reach the world here, only the one or two who know and understand this and can put it to use to motivate others to think.

I don’s care about provocateurs. They are perverted. They know this. I don’t care about the BDSM addicts. They are disturbed. They know this. I don’t give fuck about LGBT or pedophiles. They lack self-mastery and will never get it in this lifetime.

I care about one person who can create a generation of knowledge in the mind of a child to prepare that individual to be competitive with Atramental; to be diplomatic in a crisis; to have optimism when confronted with failure; to accept tradition as an example of righteousness; to be creative and search for answers where others have given up; to be a contributor; to invent things that are beneficial; to be organized and well prepared for an honest day’s work; and to know and respect humanity and rout those who oppose this instead of militarizing in service to monsters who have no other mission than to destroy the things you value… for their personal entertainment.


I once shared this story with a colleague who told me, “You’re full of shit. Those numbers don’t mean all that. Your uncle spoofed you trying to be prophetic out of a fear of death from going to war.”

They don’t work, if you don’t learn to use them.

I can laugh this off. My uncle was a fighter pilot, a race car driver, a detective and a US Mason! He died physically in ‘02, but he’s still alive in me. The difference in this kind of relationship and ones prescribed in the EU is the latter actually attempts to capture this essence thorough ritual sacrifice, imprison it to Molech and put to use to seed their own sick culture with the character of the individual lost to a horrific murder which they nobly refer to as a sacrifice to the Gods. Human sacrifice is the blissful moment of a sociopath, folks. In reality they run form pain themselves, otherwise political freaks like Harry Reid would not have flipped off the media over of his own frustration with the 1st amendment.


I know you saw this last part and mumbled something like, “Here it comes, another Mormon testimonial…” Not a chance. I was a Mormon once upon a time and learned the sacred practices of the priesthood when these silly little boys attempted to seduce my wife. We had four daughters, which they were no doubt trying to get control of them through her, and for what I can only imagine. A little temple worship?

I haven’t discussed this much here, and I don’t plan to other than to say the book of Mormon has outlined the Druid ritual sacrifice in it’s Brief Analysis forward. It’s embedded in the numbers. What my uncle shared with me is the master code which unlocks the Druid occult and it’s use of Pythagorean numerology to encode subliminal messages which are used to communicate specialized information to the occult reader.

Briefly, the cult of Isis transformed Druid in connection with Pythagoras giving us a meld of local traditions, math and Isis ritual sacrifice of children what later diffused throughout Europe with Celtic and middle east mystery religions formerly known as the Essenes, Pharisee, Sadducees and Sanhedrin. This is the ancient knowledge of the Masons, what source of contribution is the mystery temple of medieval Europe. Before I go on here, Joseph Smith was a US mason, but he was pledged to the British monarchy just as they were beginning to understand the role the Masons played in US secession, hence his strident knowledge of militarization and Druid mysticism.


Anyway, the enlightenment taught us to harness the powers of the occult which put to use in the manner exemplified by the founding fathers accomplished great works, otherwise Britain would have written us off. On the other hand, Britain has no other interest in possessing the US than to use us as Her personal military and to exploit our numbers for ritual sacrifices to what end She has authored the Patriot Act and Department of Homeland Security and had this carried to legislation by sociopath administrators who have been rewarded with unchecked access to drugs, sex and the opportunity to torture, rape and sacrifice young women and children.


Now get real.

" You want the truth, You can't handle the truth." Jack Nicholson "A Few Good Men"

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