Tracking down Stockrockandroll LLC Well what I know so far is that Stockrockandroll LLC is a New Jersey business entity. Unfortunately you can't look up any information with the state of New Jersey without paying them money The website back in February of 2009 used to use the following contact information: 973-883-5470 is a New Jersey phone number that is no longer in use The Robert McConnon that registered the website is from New Jersey, but I think he is just an IT type guy and doesn't own the LLC. Chances are that McConnon knows the owner personally. Stockrockandroll LLC appears to be owned by two people named Mike and Jay They recently published a craigs list ad for a part-time stock market/financial writer requires a part-time stock market/financial writer. You can work from home. Pay is negotiable and will be on a per-article-basis. Please send resume and a sample of your writing on a financial topic to be considered. Thanks! Jay/Mike StockRockandRoll, LLC That is all I have found so far. They are a tough group to track down.