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Re: janice shell post# 327797

Friday, 05/20/2011 6:26:27 PM

Friday, May 20, 2011 6:26:27 PM

Post# of 358482
I'd hate to be one of her patients

Some nurses/doctors with drug habits have been known to steal some of their patients meds. Just a thought.........

This email is from looney Wanta's newest gullible Marilyn Barnewall. It's amazing how Wanta still manages to con people into his crazy fantasies. I do feel sorry for Ms Barnewall, though. She has been completely brainwash by this scoundrel. Maybe she should give the attorney who represented looney Wanta on his tax evasion conviction a call and ask his opinion on the validity of Wanta's trillion dollars trust, etc., instead of parroting whatever nonsense Wanta tells her.

BTW, if looney Wanta believes Cottrell has no claim on the fantasy trillions, doesn't that make Krazy Al look even more like an ass for representing Cottrell and becoming a partner in the whole World Reports/Story/Cottrell nonsense, not to mention all those goofy letters he wrote?

You have to appreciate all the hilarious Cottrell bashing in these emails. lol

By John Winston Lennon o'Boggie

My reply from my E-Mails sent to a friend
« Thread Started Yesterday at 6:45am »

Good Morning Marilyn, my name is John XXXXXX.. I have stock shares in the company CMKX.. I'm not sure if you ever heard of the Co. It's was a small diamond mining Co. that was short sold into the stock market. If you get a chance you can google it. I am hoping you did hear about it because, some members of a message board seem to think CMKX has something to do with Mr. Wanna's money.. I really love reading your Blogs.. Great story on Mr. Wanna and the U.S. Taxing system.. Looking forward to your reply.. Thank you.

HER REPLY-------------------------------------------------------------
Hi, John.

I am familiar with CMKX and have gotten a lot of emails from people who believe Ambassador Wanta's funds are connected in some way with CMKX funds. They are not. Lee's money is his, earned by him and wire-transferred into the Bank of America by the People's Bank of China (China's Central Bank). They money was placed in that bank for wire transfer after Lee sold assets (as directed by Federal District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee when he determined that the assets belonged to Lee and not the federal government. Lee wanted to repatriate his assets back to the U.S. -- he was a legal resident of Vienna, Austria, at the time he went to Court (though never gave up his natural born American citizenship -- he had been working for the U.S. government as an intelligence agent for many years and served his country honorably).

So while Lee's money comes as a direct result of assets he sold and was trying, in compliance with a Court decision, to move back into the U.S. and on which he agreed to pay 35% in taxes ($1.575 trillion), the CMKX funds result from (as I understand it) an SEC scam run by the FBI that impacted thousands of investors in a small diamond company. The scam was designed to help authorities identify phony brokers who took people's money, promising them stock in the company but, because they had no authority to sell any stock to anyone, many thousands of people paid money into a black hole. The disappearance of Lee's money into a black hole called the Bank of America in Richmond, VA, is the only common ground the two incidents share. It's my understanding that those people who invested in CMKX stock with registered stock brokers and who received stock certificates will be paid from a fund and those who did not receive stock certificates because they purchased from a crook positioning him/herself as a broker will be paid only if the lawsuit against the SEC and the people who ran it at the time is successful.

I have heard that the other similarity between the two payments is that they may come from the same source of funds (but don't know what that is) and if that is true that payment will be made from the source in an ordered fashion -- that Lee must receive payment before CMKX stockholders do.

I hope that helps.

Marilyn B.

Thank You for your fast reply.. A few more questions if I may...? Do you know if Lee knows a Mr. Hodges or Mr.Cottrell...? And how do you feel about Lee getting his funds back...? Never or soon... Thanks again.. Happy Mothers Day to you.. John

HER REPLY-----------------------------------------------------------------

Hi, John.

Michael Cottrell was introduced to Leo Wanta by Colonel Dana Wilcox, an intel operative/agency guy Lee had known since the 1960s. Wilcox also introduced Christopher Story into Lee's life. Cottrell was hired by Lee as an Executive Vice President at AmeriTrust, one of Lee Wanta's companies. Because of stringent security needs and limited capacity to function, Lee agreed that having a trustworthy employee would benefit him. At the time, he trusted Wilcox. I don't know where that relationship stands today. Lee tends to have a lot of respect for the old timers and his loyalty to his friends and his country is very strong.

Cottrell and Story (who created a reader base for International Currency Review, World Reports by using the Wanta story) decided independently of the Ambassador that he needed to appoint a Board to manage his funds -- a board they would appoint and manage, of course -- and Lee found the letter discussing this "solution" and fired Cottrell and cut off all contact with Story. Cottrell never had any ownership position in AmeriTrust or New Republic -- Lee owns all of the stock in both -- but was merely a hired employee who was terminated. He has no claim on any of Lee/Leo Wanta's funds.

The loss of contact was a dilemma for Chris Story because his readership of World Reports (from which much of his subscription base to very profitable international intel newsletters came) was hanging on the words of Lee Wanta each week. In those days, of course, Story couldn't say the words "Wanta" and "hero" and "patriot" enough times in the same sentence. Suddenly, he lost his resource, his "in" for information. He did the only thing he could do to maintain the readership base: He turned on Ambassador Wanta with a vengeance and made him the black hat. Everything that was wrong with the world could suddenly be laid at Lee's feet... and it saved his readership -- until his charges became so ridiculous that he had to kill his Chris Story pseudonym and go back to being Edward Harle... and he had to move to Canada.

As for Hodges, in the years Lee and I have talked, his name was never mentioned until he became an item in World Reports (while Christopher Story was still writing them). Even then, it was a name barely mentioned. We never talked about CMKX because it is not involved in Lee Wanta's life. Lee is in no way involed with CMKX, though as I understand it, Michael Cottrell suddenly appeared at the front of the line for payment in a years-old CMKX scam a couple of years ago and Hodges was the attorney of record -- Cottrell, it seems, has a penchant for digging up trillion dollar pending payments and trying to insert himself into the payment line -- as he did with Lee Wanta. I know nothing of Hodges -- other than that good, reputable lawyers don't try their cases in dingy little international intelligence briefings as was begun about a year ago with the published Hodges letters. Good lawyers don't write letters to the Queen, her Prince, the President, the head of Interpol in the U.S., and publish them in a self-serving publication that has its hand out for payment from a source with which they had no contact until it became well known. In this country, good lawyers use the legal process called Discovery. I have heard that Mr. Hodges is a former judge (no guarantee of honesty there) and that his initial actions in the CMKX case were good, solid legal moves. I have often wondered since the Cottrell name came onto the CMKX scene and the letters were published if Mr. Hodges was threatened or otherwise intimidated. I have no idea.

I have an article out today and need to spend time responding to reader letters so don't have time for more on this subject -- and you now know pretty much what I knowt. I hope this helps. As for when Lee will get his funds? It will either be soon or never in all probability. I believe there is a power struggle going on within our government and whether it will be soon or never will probably be dependent upon the winner.

God bless,
Marilyn B.

By John Winston Lennon o'Boggie

Re: My reply from my E-Mails sent to a friend
« Reply #12 Today at 6:37am »


This is a perfect example of what Christopher Story (deceased pseudonym) and Edward Harle (the real thing and not a pseudonym -- who is still among the living) described as "Duplication." Cottrell is trying to "obfuscate" through duplicitous behavior his right to be paid monies owed to others. He is trying to duplicate a real transaction -- the funds owed to Ambassador Lee/Leo Wanta by the government -- by inserting himself into the "waiting line" for World Global Funds and CMKX -- which will be taken from the $23 trillion stolen from the Ambassador at the time "they" agreed to give him $4.5 trillion of the $27.5 trillion he amassed by serving his country honorably and at the behest of President Reagan. Amazing how this one guy, Michael Cottrell, can be in line for the trillions to be distributed, isn't it? First he says he's entitled to the Ambassador's money, then CMKX money, now World Global Fund payment. Dream on, Mr. Cottrell!
Here's what Christopher Story wrote about Duplication (in the days when he could not say the words "hero," "patriot," and "genius" often enough in the same sentence with the words "Leo Wanta"):

"In brief, this dimension of Wantagate covers the criminal DUPLICATION and fabrication of Wisconsin State civil tax assessments and a ‘Delinquent Tax Warrant’, providing the ongoing unlawful pretext for taking Leo Wanta down in 1993 – thereby enabling organised criminal cadres inside and beyond the US intelligence structures to divert and exploit Leo Wanta’s financial assets, accumulated in his Title 18, Section 6 USG corporations with the full knowledge of the US Government at all times.

At the end of this analysis, the Editor appends an Extended Note on DUPLICATION, showing that this standard LENINIST methodology is the key to understanding the machinations of the US Illuminati’s crumbling New Underworld Order, and of why, for instance, the TWIN Towers and the TWIN Cities of Minneapolis-St Paul were chosen for targeting (1).

Yes, these people are out of their minds. They are in the mind of Lenin, who perfected the ‘Black’ art of ‘DUPLICATION’ – a sick mind indistinguishable from the mind of Lucifer. We will see in the present analysis how DUPLICATION is the essence of the OBFUSCATION operations conducted against Ambassador Wanta by the Leninist Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
It is no coincidence that ‘The Communist Manual of Instructions on Psychopolitical Warfare’, exposed by Kenneth Goff, a.k.a. John Keats, a former active and dues-paying Wisconsin (CPUSA) Communist (2) who operated in Milwaukee, WI, in the 1930s, contained the following injunction:

‘The Communist agent skilled in economics has as his task the suborning of tax agencies and their personnel to create the maximum disturbance and chaos’.

The original purpose of the duplicating of Leo Wanta’s $27.5 trillion was to obfuscate ‘source of funds’. Illegally generated ‘fiat money’ assets cannot be transferred on-balance sheet in any bona fide manner, even by means of the huge borrowings from banks that are taking place, since such loans are having to be serviced by illegal, untaxed, off-balance sheet ‘fiat money’ assets. There is also the point that arbitrage is illegal in the United States, although this is not the case abroad.

In summary, then, what have we here? Why, our old friend, criminal DUPLICATION [see our reports dated 27th and 30th July 2007]. What is the purpose of this repeated DUPLICATION technique? Answer: PERPETUAL OBFUSCATION. This is exactly the same (Leninist) technique that was used to obfuscate the intended seizure and diversion of Ambassador Wanta’s $27.5 trillion, which, as we have pointed out, was DUPLICATED for obfuscation purposes under George Bush I by the device of raising a SECOND, PARALLEL $27.5 trillion – from the 200+ banks alluded to in the mentioned recent reports. Thereafter, under cover of the ‘legitimate’ $27.5 trillion, the criminalist cadres set about ransacking Ambassador Wanta’s $27.5 trillion, in the belief that no-one would ever be able to disentangle the two underlying ‘sources of funds’ – so that the ‘crims’ could walk off with the lot, and generate limitless trillions from the back of both (currently estimated at around $600 trillion).

It is becoming harder and harder, is it not, to discard the idea that the same Luciferian minds were and remain at work at the Wisconsin State level, as designed the obfuscation of the $27.5 trillion by means of duplication at the macrofinancial level – DUPLICATION, for the purpose of gross criminal OBFUSCATION, being a standard criminalist-Leninist and counterintelligence technique for creating confusion, as a screen behind which criminal operations can proceed ‘with impunity’.

And what this investigation has ALSO reconfirmed is that the intelligence strategists inside the US intelligence community employ EXACTLY THE SAME methodology as Lenin notoriously applied in the Soviet Union and that are secretly used by the covert Soviet Union to this day. In other words, when you strip away appearances, the revolutionary criminalist US intelligence community operates clandestinely in the identical manner to the Leninist Party-State.

Duplication is the essence of the Leninist method, which is itself a manifestation of the primary characteristic of those who call themselves ‘the Illuminated ones’ – namely, double-mindedness. The ‘Illuminati’ think they are ‘enlightened’, but the ‘light’ that they claim guides them is in fact the false ‘light’ of Lucifer, whose speciality is lies and confusion, turning everything upside down. This spiritual disease of double-mindedness, to which we are all susceptible and against which we must always be on guard, was explicitly addressed by Jesus Christ in the following passage: ‘The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single [i.e., if you are single-minded], thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!’ [Matthew, Chapter 6, verses 22-23]. Here, the Lord refers quite plainly to darkness masquerading as light, which is the satanic delusion by which the people we are alluding to have allowed themselves to become entrapped.

These people are all ‘wise in their own eyes’: yet their wisdom is not derived from ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life’, but rather from the inspiration of Evil, which masquerades in their perception, as ‘light’. These people are not ‘illuminated’, but rather are blinded. When the Pharisee Saul was struck by a ‘great light’ on the road to Damascus, with letters from the Chief Priests and Scribes to persecute and round up more followers of ‘that way’ (of Jesus Christ), the light, although it was midday in the glaring sunlight, was so very great that he was blinded for three days. His internal darkness was pitch black: so when he saw this great light, it blinded him for its brightness.

By definition, if we confuse the True Light with darkness, then we are double-minded, because we are asserting the truth to be false, and lies to be the truth: ‘Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!’ [Isaiah, Chapter 5, verses 20-23].

Double-mindedness, deliberately calling evil good and good evil, confusing the True Light with darkness and vice versa, is the primary characteristic of the modern-day followers of the Illuminati patriarchs – those workers of darkness, Dr Adam Weishaupt and Albert Pike (both of whom were sorcerers and necrophiliacs, by the way: see the Editor’s latest work, the New Underworld Order, available via this website).

Now the manifestations that we can immediately identify of this tell-tale characteristic of double-mindedness that concern us here, include the following:

• The very word DUPLICITY, which is what we are dealing with, means ‘double-mindedness’ and reeks of DUPLICATION: saying one thing, doing another. Hence the complaint that we have been making since the start of Wantagate, to the effect that no undertaking, verbal or formalised in the most solemn manner, of the US Treasury or the White House, can be relied upon – since the US operatives in question are double-minded, duplicitous, and accustomed to running two sets of books. When we further complain that the ‘Full Faith and Credit’ of the United States has been debauched, we ought also to state that the very concept of ‘Full Faith and Credit’ is absurd, given that the holders of power operate duplicitously and always speak out of both sides of their mouths.


I don't know if Mr. Cottrell can spell "duplicitous," but he certainly knows how to act the role!

By: ibaft2006 Feb 2007 : LEO WANTA is truly a hero..
A man of uncomparable character and resolve. He is one of God's truly blessed men

By: ibaft2006 Mar 2007 Bush crime family is hard at work protecting their criminal cronies.

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