SFTL DD post (Part deux):
NOW, the interesting thing is that the Neveda SOS has updated the name of SFTL (Softlead, Inc.) to Sysorex Global Holdings. A google search does not pick up any "Sysorex Global Holdings." Only a Sysorex. However, if you look at the Sysorex website, they have many differnt affiliate companies/subsidiries, i.e., Sysorex Consultancy, etc.
Based on the background if Mubashir Kazi and Kazi Investment Group and the background of Sysorex, it appears they are in a very similar field.
Which leads me to believe in the possibiilty that Sysorex is the process of creating a new holding company in which they will put the various Sysorex branded entities. This new entity will be Sysorex Global Holdings and it is this new entity Sysorex Global Holdings, which will be part of the Sysorex brand, is reverse merging into the SFTL shell.
All IMO of course, but just trying to put the pieces together from what little we know so far I think this is a distinct possibility.