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Re: Focus7 post# 4280

Monday, 08/30/2010 10:11:37 PM

Monday, August 30, 2010 10:11:37 PM

Post# of 10093
No Problem... I actually am quite happy with my investment here, received a reply to an email over the weekend.

Guess he didn't tell me much, but at least I know the company is alive :) I'd really like to know the current numbers but he didn't have that information and forwarded the email to Robert to answer.

Here is my original email along with his reply for anyone interested... Definately seems to me like a ticking time bomb, either I lose it all quick or this thing moves me into a nicer neighborhood (I believe option 2 because of the fact that the information given out by this company can be verified and what they are doing at the moment is getting their ducks in a row)


Hi Jim,

I hope you had a great weekend!

I’ve been out of town and just getting caught up with my e-mails so sorry I have not got back to you until now.

I can answer the product questions and will have our IR person, Robert Oppenheimer, get back to you regarding the investor questions.

We have had to revisit our distribution and telephone support agreement with our fulfillment center and that will be complete this week. Our co-packer, as supportive of us as they are can really only ship product to our fulfillment center and are not equipped to serve as such. We are certain we will have our fulfillment center agreement will be in place and on line by the end of this week. Once that agreement is finalized our co-packer will be happy to ship the product to them for their distribution.

I have some catching up to do since I’ve been away and one of those items is to check in with how WFM is doing with our product. I’ll get back to you when I hear feedback.

We are also working on getting our product to more on-line distribution companies like Amazon; hopefully we will have something in place in 4th qtr this year.

Thanks for your patience and support and expect to hear from Robert soon.

Paul F. Wilkinson
Nature’s Peak
343 Soquel Ave
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
831-603-5100 fax

From: Silvers, Jim [mailto:xxxx@don']
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 2:09 PM
Subject: Stockholder in EVRN

Paul –

I’d emailed you once before but didn’t receive an answer. I’ve been a shareholder here for about a year and have continually purchased more to average down my loss (I bought when it went up to .06 first). I feel the product can sell and will eventually make some profit on this long term. Issues I do have are listed here and maybe you can help me out a little on them.

1). It doesn’t seem like the company is dumping shares without regard to shareholder value, but they are diluting a little which should be expected for a startup company. What exactly is the reasoning for a Transfer Agent not being allowed to give out the Outstanding/Available shares? Can you give me the current outstanding and available shares? How much of this is held by insiders?

2). Is the company essentially giving shares to the marketing company for their job or is this partnership a profit split type deal as the more they sell the more they make?

3). How are sales through Whole Foods? Have we received any more orders from them and/or feedback?

4). Amazon has this listed and to “sign up” when the product is going to be available. What is the holdup on this and is this still going to happen?

5). I’ve talked to other shareholders who’ve purchased the product quite a while back and still haven’t received product. Is there an issue with creation and/or bottling of the product?

I’d really like to either hear from you or would appreciate if you’d forward this to the appropriate person that could answer my questions. I understand if you can’t give me some of the information due to insider rules, but there should be no reason of shareholders not being able to find out how many shares there are…