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Alias Born 08/17/2009

Re: None

Saturday, 10/31/2009 1:49:02 PM

Saturday, October 31, 2009 1:49:02 PM

Post# of 19696
This makes Hulk angry!

Illegal naked shorting and stock manipulation are two of Wall Street’s deep, dark secrets.
These practices have been around for decades and have resulted in trillions of dollars being
fleeced from the American public by Wall Street. In the process, many emerging companies have
been put out of business. This report will explain the magnitude of this problem, how it happens,
why it has been covered up and how short sellers attack a company. It will also show how all of
the participants; the short hedge funds, the prime brokers and the Depository Trust Clearing
Corp. (DTCC) - make unconscionable profits while the fleecing of the small American investor
continues unabated.
Why is This Important? This problem affects the investing public. Whether invested directly in
the stock market or in mutual funds, IRAs, retirement or pension plans that hold stock – it
touches the majority of Americans.
The participants in this fraud, which, when fully exposed, will make Enron look like child’s
play, have been very successful in maintaining a veil of secrecy and impenetrability. Congress
and the SEC have unknowingly (?) helped keep the closet door closed. The public rarely knows
when its pocket is being picked as unexplained drops in stock price get chalked up to “market
forces” when they are often market manipulations.
The stocks most frequently targeted are those of emerging companies who went to the stock
market to raise start-up capital. Small business brings the vast majority of innovative new ideas
and products to market and creates the majority of new jobs in the United States. It is estimated
that over 1000 of these emerging companies have been put into bankruptcy or had their stock
driven to pennies by predatory short sellers.
It is important to understand that selling a stock short is not an investment in American
enterprise. A short seller makes money when the stock price goes down and that money comes
solely from investors who have purchased the company’s stock. A successful short manipulation
takes money from investment in American enterprise and diverts it to feed Wall Street’s
insatiable greed - the company that was attacked is worse off and the investing public has lost
money. Frequently this profit is diverted to off-shore tax havens and no taxes are paid. This
national disgrace is a parasite on the greatest capital market in the world.

Time to pull the weeds out of the garden. More here:
Still limited to three posts here, so this is my last one of the day. Happy Halloween everyone!!

Carp: Thanks Carp, it's good to be back on the board defending International Power and companies like it.