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Re: Farmboynate post# 20648

Tuesday, 06/02/2009 9:36:14 PM

Tuesday, June 02, 2009 9:36:14 PM

Post# of 42522
That is incorrect..


There is no reputable company that has 17b share outstanding that can stand up to anaylsis like we see on this thread.

The largest company, XOM has only 4b O/S.

Lets get real.

This company, which I liked, until the O/S and their share structure was annouced and got totally out of hand.

If you think this issue has a shot, well you are welcome to it.

The BS on this thread is only to pacify the newbies and most, if not all, will lose their principle.

I don't care about REV anymore..This share structure is out of control and you or anybody cannot justify their reasoning.

It will not float.

I will tell you here and now, that if anybody bought at this level, you have a very limited chance in getting your principle back, let alone a .002 which is absolutely BS.

There is no such thing as MO-Mo with professional day-traders on an issue like this..

These folks are very suspect on MGLG..The damage has been done.

Think about it for a minute.

Lets say folks that bought in high or above .001..These folks will bail on the first run and probably in the range of .0005..They know and will recoup and accept their lose.

There is no chance we will see a great run no matter what the results on rev may be, the O/S has fully negated this..

Have a good day