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Alias Born 09/08/2008

Re: None

Thursday, 05/07/2009 7:53:45 PM

Thursday, May 07, 2009 7:53:45 PM

Post# of 42856
Updated Calendar for WMI:

Saw this on Yahoo, felt it's good to post here:

5/11/2009 Texas suit: FDIC response due to Ins Cos response to FDIC motion to remove to D.C. or dismiss

5/13/2009 Objection deadline for WMI motion for examination of JPM alleged misconduct (Del)

5/14/2009 JPM reply due to WMI and FDIC responses to JPM intervene motion (D.C.)

5/20/2009 Court date, Omnibus (includes reorganization extension; motion for examination of JPM misconduct) (Del)

6/15/2009 (approx) FDIC response due to WMI suit; extended by 4/14 waiver (D.C.)

6/24/2009 Court date, Omnibus (Del)

7/23/2009 WMI reorganization plan due (if exclusivity extension accepted) (Del)

9/21/2009 WMI reorganization plan acceptances due (if exclusivity extension accepted) (Del)
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