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Sunday, 12/10/2000 8:42:59 AM

Sunday, December 10, 2000 8:42:59 AM

Post# of 180

$$ DPCI $$

I will send this out today and again on monday before the bell so that all
members may take have ample time to research this company.
As always do your own D.D.


This is great stock we have to give to you, It is our opinion this stock
will be very profitable in the immediate term.We are very excited and feel
this stock will move very well all week long and is rumored to have news
of a forward split this week. There
will be five shares given to you for every one share you own by the
company. This stock has already been moving some this week and on Friday
the market makers brought the price down even with all the buys coming in
to try and panick people into selling
so they can pick up cheap shares for the big run when news hits!!!! It is
also rumored that more great news will follow after the forward split on
this security.
On top of all this DPCI only has a float of 200K and is ready to blow up
any second!!!!!
Contracts have been made with much investment web sites to promote the
big time and all the hard pushing will start next week. We were told that
would be around 100,000 investors receiving the stock daily next week
until Friday.
On top of all the pushing from investment sites this stock has already
been moving
some and ready to explode on its own with no help because of the forward
coming to it! I think its safe to say this stock will be jumping no matter

Its our opinion that if you pick up shares from DPCI you do it as fast as
because this stock could be moving fast even on Monday from so much
It is also our opinion that you do not sell out on Monday because we do
not believe
this stock will go all the way back down (if so it will fly again). In our
we believe this stock will be moving high all week long!!!! Do please keep
eye on DPCI and use your own judgment when you would like to sell.

This is a stock you will definitely want to tell your friends about!!!

Here is the profile for you on **DPCI**

DP Charters, Inc. (OTC BB: DPCI)

The Stock Structure

Recent Price is around: $2.25 - $2.70
52-Week Range: $1.125 to $3.875
Outstanding Shares: 7 million
Estimated Float: 200K
Market Cap: $17.5 million

Investment Summary

- For investors, a very exciting company exists that could benefit your
short and long term portfolio's. The company is called Trilucent
Technologies, Inc. that just merged with a public shell (DP Charter, Inc.,
OTCBB: DPCI). A closer inspection into this unique and exciting company
reveals what could be the future stock that people speak about for months
to come. Crude oil prices are tied to world supply and demand, due to the
ease of transporting oil across the oceans. Gas can not be economically
liquefied and transported, therefore gas prices are tied to North American
supply and demand. Current oil refining capacity in the US is near full
capacity and due to the environmental difficulty of building new
refineries, refined oil prices will be tied more to a North American
supply and demand than a world. This means that refined oil will continue
to increase in price and natural gas will mimic oil prices increases. The
future looks very good for oil and gas prices.

- The potential for growth in the gas and oil industry is substantial.
The world's energy needs are forecast to rise dramatically over the next
several decades, with a concurrent decline in global recoverable reserves
of fossil fuels, particularly oil and gas. Trilucent Technologies has
developed a business plan to meet and serve these needs, and to take
advantage of ever-increasing demand in the face of diminishing oil and gas
reserves. This remote sensing technology has been proven to locate oil and
gas accumulations. The technology has been proven by drilling of over 20
successful wells, 8 years of data collecting, blind tests on the top of 3D
seismic surveys and field tests. Over 6 million acres of prospective
acreage in several oil and gas basins within the United States have been
analyzed for the presence of oil and gas anomalies. The Company has an
inventory of un-drilled oil and gas anomalies that could easily represent
over 100 million barrels of oil and gas.

- Management is committed to a high-growth/low-risk strategy. The
company's underlying strategic goal is to maximize value, net worth, and
earnings per common share, and hence add to the company's share price,
consistently, year-by-year with an emphasis on:

Building a strong recurrent cash flow base
Building a strong and conservatively financed balance sheet
Being proactive, and responsive to new opportunities
Acquisition and development of high quality businesses and assets
Acquisition of low-cost, long-life oil and gas reserves and production
An aggressive cash-flow funded exploration program
Annual growth in per-share earnings, as well as per share net worth
Recruitment and ongoing education of high quality, achievement-focused
management and staff at all levels

- As the results are recognized by industry, the Company can negotiate for
increased capital and carried interests, which in turn, will generate an
even larger reserve base and associated cash flow. With a little success,
the Company will be able to drill it's own inventory from internal capital
or sell that inventory at appreciated prices. The Company is confident
that this strategy should result in the accumulation of over 35 million of
cash in the bank in the next several years. The reserves will be proven,
after which they can be sold for their market value. Additionally, the
Company will have established the recognition and proof of it's
technologies to the public, and have entrenched itself in several positive
joint ventures with larger industry partners. These partners, upon
realizing the power of the Company's technology, should then pursue the
drilling of our additional inventory at little or no cost to the company.

- A key differentiating point highlighted in this report is that Trilucent
Technologies stands out as a viable investment destination due to it's
management group's unique blend of experience and unparalleled access to
private equity capital, combined with conservative entrepreneurial
ability. The management group is perfectly positioned to search out and
execute the opportunities that will over time drive very significant per
share value and earnings into the stock price. We believe on that basis
that the company and it is stock price could substantially outperform its
industry peers over the short, medium, and long term.

- The current program of five projects can earn over 35 million dollars of
production and reserves from the initial private placement. This allows
the Company to grow both by reserve development and recognition of its
risk reduction technologies. As the Company's anomaly inventory is drilled
and proven, the remaining inventory gains in value and may be leveraged
for a greater and greater carried interest. We view Trilucent
Technologies as an excellent growth company with exceptional potential for
capital appreciation over both the short term and the long term. Bearing
in mind that significant company developments will occur in the coming
months, along with industry projections, leads us to believe that
Trilucent Technologies is an excellent investment opportunity.

Company Profile

TriLucent Technologies, Inc. just had a reverse merger with DP Charter,
Inc. (OTCBB: DPCI). Trilucent Technologies, Inc. is an emerging resource
company engaged in oil and gas exploration. TriLucent Technologies, Inc.
has an exclusive, worldwide license to certain technologies that can
increase the chance of commercial success of exploratory drilling for oil
and gas from an industry standard of 20%, to over a 50% success rate.
These technologies can significantly reduce the risk associated with oil
and gas exploration thereby creating great economic potential for its

About The Technology

Microwave Spectroscopy, consists of utilizing remote sensors, can be used
to detect oil and gas leaking to the surface directly above an underground
oil and gas accumulation. The technology is rapid, non-evasive and can
reconnoiter large areas at a fraction of the cost and time of 3D seismic
surveys, which is the standard for the industry. The Company is also
developing its Magno-Tellurics to compliment its Spectroscopy tool, which
is based on identifying and quantifying telluric readings generated
underground. Similar to radio waves, this tool will increase success
rates by more accurately determining depth of deposits, both in size and
distance to surface.

All of the Company's technologies have been verified in several blind
field tests over proprietary 3D seismic surveys and proven by drilling to
be at least 50% correct in identifying oil and gas anomalies directly over
fields. These technologies can identify hydrocarbons over shallow or deep
fields regardless of whether they are gas or oil. Gas fields with an
aerial extent as small as 150 acres have been identified at a depth more
than 15,000 ft below the surface. Over 6 million acres of prospected
acreage has been investigated with this technology in the US. The company
has used its technology to identify large parcels of un-drilled oil and
gas fields.

Revenue Streams


The Company has an exclusive worldwide license for the microwave (radar)
spectroscopy technology. The Company also has the right to buy out the
license at any time for a predetermined amount of $2 million.


The Company's microwave spectroscopy technology detects minute quantities
of gas seeping out of the ground. This gas can be from an underground gas
accumulation or a manmade pipeline. Manmade gas patterns from pipelines,
underground storage units, refineries, and 'dirty' sewage treatment plants
are regularly detected while surveying.

The recent pipeline explosion in Carlsbad, New Mexico in which eleven
people died, hints at the fragility of many of the US forty plus year old
gas pipeline network. Pipeline companies spend a tremendous amount of
money on daily inspection of their pipelines for gas leaks. Using a
combination of pressure monitors and a fleet of airplanes for inspection,
they can only detect from afar, large amounts of gas escaping and not the
minute volumes of gas that The Company's microwave spectroscopy technology
can detect.

The Company is pursuing the possibility of surveying pipelines for any gas
leaks before those leaks become dangerous. Using the long range
reconnoiter ability of the Company's technology (5+ miles) long distances
of pipeline could be easily and quickly monitored. This could provide
long-term contracts and cash flow into the Company separate from its oil
and gas exploration.


The Company is pursuing use of its RRT's technologies in the environment
arena. Just as HC's are identified at the surface from deep oil and gas
accumulations, petroleum byproducts spilled or leaked at the near surface
can be identified. A test is currently being conducted over an abandoned
Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas. Over 2,500 shallow monitoring wells
have identified the spill of jet fuel and maintenance byproducts into the
aquifer to be over several thousand acres in size.

The current state of environmental monitoring requires one to 'randomly'
drill wells to locate the extent of any pollution underground, at a cost
of tens of thousand of dollars per well. The Company's technologies should
be able to accurately identify the extent of the known spill and identify
any additional spill acreage. The technologies can save money in
environmental cleanups by:

Remotely identify the aerial extent and concentration of any spilled
petroleum byproducts. Reduce the number of monitor wells needed to be
drilled by 1/3 to 1/2 by focusing well drilling to the actual spill plume.

Continuously monitor the concentration of spilled byproducts thereby
monitoring and real time directing the effort and efficiency of the
cleanup process.

The Company can provide a service by which petroleum spills can be
detected, capital cost and clean-up time kept to a minimum and any
exposure to governmental fines reduced


An oil and gas well's cash flow is not fully realized until the well stops
producing 10 to 15 years in the future. To maximize the Company asset
value, a property sales strategy will be pursued. The strategy is to
develop a field to 60% developed and 40% undeveloped and then sell it. If
ten wells are needed to fully exploit a field, 60% developed means that 6
wells have been drilled and there remain 4 additional wells needing to be
drilled to be able to produce all of the reserves discovered. At a 60%
developed state a field's reserves base is usually completely proven.
Selling a field at that point reduces the total development capital
needed, while maximizing the proven reserves value. This is also when
production rates are near their peak and at a maximum cash flow. The
Company will benefit by realizing the value of its asset via a sale
without having to wait through a field's life to see the total return of
the capital invested.

This sales strategy also reduces the need for staffing to monitor the
field and its wells in the later part of the field's life. The majority of
income from a field is in the first few years after development. After
that point, production rates decline while expenses increase. Sales of the
Company's working interest would be looked at on a property by property

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