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Saturday, 10/06/2007 4:00:28 PM

Saturday, October 06, 2007 4:00:28 PM

Post# of 29692
The plan? The pump? Long read.

This was translatted from and Arab site.

Report written by: Mustafa Bakri

Suddenly become the new Iraqi dinar fill hearing and vision, some traders have started to pay INCUR GROSS market Egyptian, Jordanian and the Gulf and other countries, the prevalence of Obsession Libyan many sectors especially in the

Cairo, some Upper maritime quick gains and

losses quickly followed ..
حSo now everyone preoccupied with the issue of Iraqi dinar and this was their only one.

What is the story of the Iraqi dinar exactly how the leak to Arab markets, the goal of marketing, and what gravity on the economies of Arab countries.

'Week' has case and obtained important details reveal a new episode of workshops planned new American and you details.

Beginning was an important meeting held in Baghdad headed by the American ruler of Iraq Paul Bremer and the presence of a number of senior management staff and some of the leaders of the Intelligence and a number of economists and businessmen Treasury America.
At this meeting it was agreed to print worth five trillion new Iraqi dinars (five thousand billion dinars) and pumped to the market as follows, and a half trillion of Arab markets and the remaining pumps inside Iraq.

In this meeting also agreed to print six trillion new Iraqi dinars in the coming months, to be stopping the printing of the new Iraqi dinar at 20 trillion dinars.

The information that Egypt income during the recent nearly 40 billion dinars, were also flood the market at about 100 billion Jordanian dinars, the Gulf markets, particularly the Kuwaiti market has affected the lion's share
.Where were dumped about 300 billion Iraqi dinars.

According to the information that the process of dumping Arab dinars were approved plan Court involving the CIA and the Mossad in cooperation with some traders and Arab businessmen who aim to achieve rapid profit under the supervision of the leadership of the Middle East in the American intelligence led Princeton Hanield who assumed direct supervision of the process of pumping Iraqi funds? .
The American intelligence had lifted a note to President George W. Bush proposed the allocation of a large part of the Iraqi currency pumped to the Arab markets to achieve many goals that serve American policy in Iraq and the region.

Note intelligence has confirmed that the proliferation of Iraqi currency in the Arab countries would link the Arab citizen developments economic process in Iraq, including creating an Arab popular desire in the necessity of ending the Iraqi resistance and collaboration with the United States to ensure the return of political and economic stability in Iraq until the Iraqi currency begins to rise again, bring traffickers by the enormous wealth in the Arab countries.

The memo pointed out that the American objective behind this plan is to create a personal interest in the Iraqi people and the Arab peoples motivated to support American forces in Iraq to eliminate elements of the Iraqi resistance

, Which represent a real threat to its direct interest in the Iraqi dinar hoard them thinking that he would return to the earlier era and investigate the causes enormous profits.
The plan is also in accordance with the memorandum of America to encourage Arab investors to invest part of their money in the Iraqi market, and when the CIA estimated that felt that the proliferation of Iraqi dinars in Arab markets including the Egyptian market will benefit American exclusive economic order to obtain millions of dollars in the market Arab and away from the control of America.

The American plan that hundreds of millions of dollars obtained by the Americans from behind the sale of Iraqi dinar will be reinvested again in other operations within the region serve the goals of American policy.

The plan says that the dividend sale trillion Iraqi dinars American funds will be recycled in the region for several times, and these proceeds will be used to influence the economics of some Arab countries in the direction that Washington wishes to achieve without adding any American treasury new budgets.

According to the plan, the net profits of these operations on the pump Iraqi dinars and other operations will be used in subsequent spending one source for the cultural and intellectual invasion of the Arab peoples, such as spending on TV 'free' American will begin broadcasting in the region soon, as well as Radio SEWA America, and to support projects funding called democracy and the establishment of some newspapers and media suspicious and spending on non-governmental organizations associated with the American agenda, and will not use any of these funds inside Iraq.

The information had indicated that a number of Arab businessmen had contributed to the implementation of the scheme through the acceptance of the offers to buy American Iraqi dinars, and that the American side is the one who started such contacts with many Arab businessmen especially those associated with commercial or Agencies, or other means of cooperation with the United States, where they provided reassurances indicate that the actors are American, which will be introduced this

Dinars to Arab markets.In addition, there aside from businessmen away and through their agents introduction of such funds to some Arab countries in many ways and numerous.

In Egypt, mainly from the problem began Dakahlia governorate, specifically from the 'Enbroeh' availability during the three days from the start of last month about three billion Iraqi dinars, has been introduced by some businessmen

And their agents, and Enbroeh moved billions to Mansoura, and then to Kafr Sheikh then Alexandria and Cairo is the last stop.

In Cairo, noon second generation of Iraqi dinars where funds proliferated in many neighborhoods Greater Cairo very quickly emerged about six billion dinars markets in Cairo one week after the first generation of dinars has been moved from Cairo 5,2 billion dinars to the provinces billion level and to another Upper sea while Aldahryon accounted for about 5,2 billion dinars of the total amount.

After that began after waves third, fourth and fifth even reached the total value of the deal to about 40 billion Iraqi dinars entered the Egyptian market from abroad, this is unlike what has been confiscated by the authorities of airports and ports, and was controlled by the Egyptian government, especially since the Egyptian market was target Only about 100 billion Iraqi dinars, and that Washington was not only succeed in introducing 40% of the target amount.

According to the information, there are about 15 billion Iraqi dinars entered the Egyptian market through some Egyptians it is not the gate of America ..

After some of those Egyptians themselves to travel to Iraq and Jordan ..
.Where they buy the 400 Iraqi dinars one dollar, and they are shuttling from Cairo to Jordan, Iraq, and vice versa.

Entered 'Israel' on the line where American agreement which dinar was sold at such a low price and extremely cheaper than all other markets, which drew the attention of some businessmen Gulf specifically where the 10 thousand Iraqi dinars sold at only $ 1.

The information that 'Israel' reserves were large quantities of Iraqi dinars and away from other funds, which prepared the basis for smuggling to the markets of Arab States.

According to sources, these important economic problem led to the sudden increase economic pressure on the Egyptian economy because it has greatly impacted on the dollar reserves of cash was withdrawn large part to buy dinars

Iraqi market needs, and impacts on the Egyptian pound which began inevitably influenced by the millions of dollars that then try to find their way out of Egypt.

The American plan is estimated that the economic effects, particularly on Egypt will exacerbate the economic problems which may lead to further weakness of the national currency Egyptian, as is
;According to the memorandum of America prepared in this regard
.The American policy believes that the issue of promotion of the dinar is essentially the idea of voice and Washington making Iraq the economic model most abundant and well-being of the region even if it led to the destruction of the economies of other countries.
The United States hopes to build this Alenmodgkhalal two or three and make it an attraction to the citizens of other Arab countries who are looking to the Iraqi model that the model is similar to models of some Asian countries in the abundance and prosperity and that it would pay the categories of beneficiaries of the citizens of Arab states to claim circulate model Iraqi events in their country, political and economic change, according to the American agenda.

The American note that the Arab citizen will be linked to personal interests through feeling at the Iraqi currency, which in the hand and which is trying to buy multi-million this currency would seek to invest their funds inside Iraq, and when Iraqis themselves realize that the citizens of other Arab peoples working on investment the land will encourage them in this case would create a public opinion against the resistance force her to stop carrying weapons and coping with

The investment community will be the new identity only seeking money and achieve quick wins any way with any quarter.

According to the analysis, the prevalence billion dinars in the Arab markets is a new kind of war America in economic matters including reflected negatively on the economies of Arab countries, and America will try to link the rift between political, military and economic together in the new concepts already begun.

Wealth ..
After the rapid spread of wealth among fever-few sectors in the Egyptian and Arab street by the Iraqi dinar question is whether it will really Moktenzo Iraqi dinar owners millions, and whether the Sudanese currency Sekittenson future posted the same determination to enhance the experience Almstchdin Kuwaiti dinar, which has astronomical gains the permissible?

The answer to these questions indicate that the Iraqi currency .
Quite different from the case of the Sudanese currency ..

Iraqi currency linked to many other factors such as political stability, specifically the situation in Iraq, and also the difficult economic circumstances experienced by Iraq since 1981 and even if the United States succeeded in forming an Iraqi government stable and able to stop the Iraqi resistance once the external debt of foreign

On Iraq, amounting to 120 billion dollars will be one of the fundamental factors affecting the value of the Iraqi currency in circulation.
Even in the event of successful talks envoy James Baker concerned with Iraq's debt, all indicators say that amounts to be canceled will exceed 35 billion dollars, and these amounts will drop the value of the new Iraqi dinar rate will not exceed 8.5%, as deemed by economists AMERICANS
The information here that those betting that the United States is protecting the dinar Sifajaon that will be the loser in particular creditor nations most stipulated the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq and demand that the United Nations play a central role as unprecedented debt forgiveness.

Secondly, there are the lingering effects of the Anglo-American war on Iraq, where information pointed to the American infrastructure Iraqi mass affected by more than 76% and mean that Iraq would need hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuild the infrastructure again, which is necessary and essential for any foreign investments imported also need three years to come at least to complete the bulk of them.

There is also a third problem is the re-pricing of the Iraqi dinar, or raise its value and this depends mainly on Iraq's own resources, and this problem is identical, in that all of Iraq's resources will be self-recruited for the reconstruction of Iraq and the completion of infrastructure projects in Iraq, and therefore the resources Iraqi self must be a parallel in the value of the conditions of the Iraqi currency in the present situation, because these resources will be invested for the benefit of the economy or for the benefit of adding new resources of national income in the country, hence even in the case of oil re-pumped and agricultural resources

The industrial operation in the event of re-equipped facilities will be fully employed and for the reconstruction of Iraq and, in addition, it would benefit international companies competing for reconstruction projects and win raised maintaining a low and vulnerable to the new Iraqi currency, because any force of this currency would reduce or increase the value of volume profits hurt signed to these companies for work in Iraq.

There is also a view that the Iraqi government will request for the dollar because all foreign companies, which are estimated thousands want to settle their dues in dollars and in accordance with economic principles when it increases demand for the commodity, it must lead to an increase in such drugs, that any increase in the demand for the dollar to settle dues companies The foreign institutions will rise in price will lead to a corresponding decline in the value of new Iraqi currency against the dollar, Taking
.The dollar equals 1500 Iraqi dinars today, and with it the start of reconstruction and foreign companies access to the dues per dollar might exceed the 2500 dinars, or the 300 Iraqi dinars.

Some may wonder about the role of oil in the value of the Iraqi currency and the dollar here Reports indicate that the operations carried out by the Iraqi resistance against oil installations and lines especially in Mosul and Kirkuk and the north will hinder the long-term return of oil production in Iraq earlier custody, or to rates close to the former roof, and restore Iraqi oil lines of work needed, according to American estimates amount to over five billion dollars, and that needs to be over time it may take two or three, in the event of the availability of funds, namely that Iraq in the first period and even in the event of stability the political situation as it is consuming countries will be to the dollar and is not a country
.Investor dollars for a major currency on the basis of which will be evaluating the new currency, this also means in turn that the dollar will increase the value of the dinar will go down than it is worth.

.In addition to all this information is that the formation of a strong hesitate new Iraqi government may carry heavy caliber surprise to Moktenzi Iraqi dinar This government will try to show that the appearance independent from the occupation and to satisfy the people at home, which means that the first highlight of manifestations of independence will be to cancel its dinar Iraqi issued in the era of occupation and printed new currency reflects the new Iraqi government.

According to the information, this is the direction most of the Shiite authorities, and the Sunni in Iraq who feel that you were the new national looting from the Arab countries by the Americans and the new currency is an expression of the occupation authority, and that adhering to it will link all of his work that it has become such paper, which is not worthless.
Here, in this case, be hit the hardest are those Moktenzi currency and Earner bulk of Americans who are sold delusion of others.

There is another view reflects the minority view that after the formation of the new Iraqi government next June must be upheld in Iraqi currency in circulation now for a year and then being changed after that.

This term perspective of the new Iraqi currency, which Stsubh under difficult economic data and deteriorating and thinking in building the economy of Iraqi forces will not be before 5 or 6 years to come, at least, even after this period.
The international obligations on Iraq to the international community and to the development programs and projects of Interior and other things should lead to a change in the Iraqi currency currently being raised.
According to reports, the Americans themselves feel that the Iraqi currency is currently before his transition and a specific time, and it will not be negotiable and that they Delelehm in issuing these currencies categories of large amounts, even one paper up to 250 thousand dinars, and a smaller paper with the category of 5000 the dinar, which means it non-negotiable in the internal market of Iraq, or that even if circulation, the lowest price for the purchase of lower commodity in Iraq even if they loaf of living must be 5000 dinars, and the American government if it wanted to be really strong currency they have issued a few categories in the category of 5 dinars, and the 10 dinars, and the 100 dinars, etc.

Iraqi identical in the near future Lebanese currency and not Kuwaiti dinar.

The role of the Sudanese dinar
After restraining the Iraqi dinar began tending to the voices calling for the Sudanese dinar, and has already begun some senior traders and businessmen to buy large quantities of the Sudanese dinar, which is the price per pound to the value of 350 Sudanese dinars, and that this phenomenon started spreading in Jordan and many other Gulf states, which means that Egypt would specifically in the next few months a wave of American and Israeli conspiracies.
With greedy merchants to promote Sudanese dinar at the expense of the Egyptian local currency and the dollar.

Two have emerged in the planning framework being in the Middle East Intelligence Central America:
I see the trend to maintain the currency's current Sudanese dinars, and the promotion of this high pound against other currencies after the Arab peace agreement and exploit oil, which are present in large quantities in the subsoil of the Sudan
Second trend print new currency for the Sudan similar Iraqi currency to be put in large quantities in the Arab markets, and is considering the new Sudanese currency essential part, and whatever the economic progress of the Sudan.
There are voices already started off in many Arab capitals to confirm the high value of the Sudanese dinar.

There were some quarters had tried recently to promote the Libyan dinar only that the Egyptians played on the high purchase price, but there are some businessmen and the wealthy class benefited greatly from this surge of Libyan dinars.
According to reports Egyptian important, the experience of Libyan dinar indicated that about 88% of wagering and speculators Iraqi dinar What would happen to the Sudanese dinars belonging to the middle class and owners of small savings in

While the majority of wealthy Iraqi dinar dealt with the concept of a quick profit purchased from outside Egypt and the highest selling price of the small savers in a few days through no Ektenzoh as did small savers.
According to the information, invisible hands that started and promoted heavily for the purchase of the Sudanese dinar focus on the political circumstances associated with the signing of the peace agreement in Sudan.

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