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Alias Born 04/09/2016

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Monday, 12/11/2017 4:40:00 AM

Monday, December 11, 2017 4:40:00 AM

Post# of 235116
SFOR-State-of-Union,-immediate-catalyst-to-drive PPS-up

This is my take on where we as investors stand, as it relates to SFOR.

We have been through a lot together and the following info in this post represent where I believe we are going with our investment. I feel this with all my heart. Just my opinion.
Like you I have dear friends, family and random people who I shared this investment with because I felt this could improve their live by paying off student load, getting debt free spending more time with family. Many have felt it will give them a reset another chance to make it financially. (SORRY for any redundancy and the length of this post.)

Maybe out of frustration someone called me a liar last week. That I said I don't know anyone in my circle that sold shares. That would represent about 25ish investors. I did not lie at all. I also will state No one I know in my circle is selling. Today I talked to a fellow long who has significant shares , and he was saying how he wants to free up money to buy more shares at this crazy low price per share. I also will be adding shares.

Last month to the present on the law suit front, we were racing toward imminent settlements, On the sales front I knew we are very close to the huge payday Mark talked about, just not sure if it would happen perhaps in December or January.

Progress was made in sorting through infringers in court, 1st the Entrust settlement, then last week Trustwave and the PPS was close to .013 (the amounts of the settlements at this point is not an issue, they settled according to the new information that was that was available to the attorneys, and the settlement was fair, it benefitted SFOR financially however not according to our expectation, but according to relevant information gleaned during discovery that was unknown prior to the law suit.
So whatever the structure of the settlement it was appropriate.

No Disappointment for me on settlements. Ropes and Gray and Blank Rome will get as much in the way of damages and recurring revenues as SFOR deserves. I trust our law firms, so I will not play back seat driver and moan about it. In the future WE will be litigating more than 40-60 or more infringing company’s.

Strikeforce, Ropes and Gray and Blank Rome are not crooks, they are fair. These infringers will become channel partner of SFOR so just settlements are in order. On the law suit front last week, we are just getting started.

After Entrust and news of Trustwave we were looking forward to this coming week as Vasco, Dou, Centrify were all slated to be in court this week we had the potential for 3 settlements. If they settled, we could have seen a huge driving catalyst driving the PPS up to .10?, .15?. .25?
Then the SecureAuth unjust/insane verdict shot that prospect down. PPS dropped.

That verdict resulted in putting the settlements on a pause, until overturned, once the appeal is won, we take our finger off the pause button and we pick up right where we left off with SecureAuth, Centrify, DOU and Vasco. Only we are armed with an appeal victory making our legal position that much stronger. Leading to I believe quicker future settlements with less legal games being played.

Now with the settlements on hold until the appeal is won. So settlements damages and revenues are on PAUSE for I believe a short time. 3 months


The IMMEDIATE CATALYST Starting this week and beyond to drive PPS, is Sales from our channel partners. Its been a year in the works completing this deal its very close IMO

Mark alluded to huge signed deals at the end of last year, they could not install SFORs program without a signed contract/agreement.

These deals would provide sizable revenues, stating basically 2017 could be our biggest year ever, this development would reveal itself during the last quarter of 2017, as some delays happened that are inherent in dealing with large corporations, the completion and pay date was pushed back to at the end of 2017 or at the beginning of 2018.

I believe payment to be imminent. Mark did not promise a date. He gave a time frame. Time frames move back all the time in business and Government. Additionally there was no way for him to deliver a specific date since it’s the channel partners account and completing the install is all on them. Honest investors realize this.

There is no one to blame, Mark doesn't have control. It will happen hoever! The Channel partners are sprinting toward the finish line, resulting in the huge revenues that were promised (not date) that will be the start of the huge future revenues. You just don’t flick a switch. They have been working like madman to get it completed. They want to be paid as well. It is very, very close now.

Exactly when this happens is totally dependent on the channel partner completing the set up and turning the keys as it were and firing up the engine and turning on the security programs installed and that event would facilitate the payment . I am still expecting this to happen between now DEC 11 and the end of the year. At the latest early December. Just a feeling. Because they no doubt want to work on other deals and get them started. Gotta knock the current job to start other accounts.

Mark also said he will release a Press Release when they would receive the sizable, significant recurring revenues.

Some would impute motives and accusations to have you feel Mark is full of BS because of the delays. (Although delays are common in this industry) It been a rough past year with ups and downs.
Either you feel Mark is full of BS because of the delays and is stringing you along or you don’t, regarding this important catalyst.

I do not believe Mark at anytime has deceived his shareholders. He has accomplished amazing things this past year. Setting up some revenue streams. MSFT settlement. But not much in the way of recurring revenues. This has to do with having been infringed upon. But getting Ropes and Gray and Blank Rome on board PURE genius. WE ARE SO CLOSE.

Financially we all took a paper loss hit with the recent development in the SecureAuth case as it related to settlements.

However I have no reason to doubt that the sizable payment that will be recurring will indeed be huge in the 100,000's of thousands or near a million or more a month.

Why? Mark said this could be our best year, our best year was roughly 700K I believe (If wrong please correct me) so I have reason to expect that the payment would be in excess of 700k perhaps to make this year our best ever.
Might even be above a million. Personally, anything over 500k a month I am ecstatic A million would make some serious noise and drive the PPS up between .50 cents and perhaps a dollar IMO (pure speculation on my part)

I expect that these revenues will happen exactly as Mark said, at end of 2017 or beginning of 2018. So, I have a firm expectation starting this week, tomorrow of seeing that PR released between this week in the early part of 2018

I am holding strong waiting for the news. In the upcoming Press Release I hope Mark loses the ultra-conservative I don’t PUMP manner of communicating the news. His loyal investors have taken a beating they deserve to be reminded of why they invested and stood in there during tough times while losing value, waiting on good news and a rise in the PPS.

I hope Mark smiles and looks in the mirror when he writes the Press release. Your demeanor when you write or talk comes through in print or voice. So Mark please shows us your enthusiasm, and confidence in SFORs future revenues with a positive outlook based on these revenues and the future deals and projected revenues they have in process. It’s not PUMP. This would be a great gift to us investors.

OWCP projected once they got approved for their Psoriasis cream late in 2016 that they projected that they would receive 2 mil a month.

I would love to see mark project the positive future sales picture based on information and some calculations they have about deals in process in the PR. I hope he DOES NOT DOWN PLAY anything in the PR. Forget the "I don’t PUMP" mantra. ZPaul shares his vision based on his DD and we all can see it, it encourages us and keeps us holding on. Mark Share your positive vision of where SFOR is going and why.

Mark should let investors see this marvelous opportunity through his positive description of what SFOR has in the works. Even without naming names, he could project revenue figures from , MacAfee , Intel other Huge Deals, Settlements and sing loud SFORs amazing positive expectations.