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Thursday, 11/16/2017 2:45:53 PM

Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:45:53 PM

Post# of 64360
The latest International Energy Agency projections confirm coal will still be king in 2040
Terry McCrann, Herald Sun
November 15, 2017 5:00am
Subscriber only

COAL, glorious coal: the rest of the world is going to use more and more of it even as Australia embarks on the suicidal stupidity of closing down and — especially in Jay Weather-dill’s North Korean-style ‘paradise’ — blowing up coal-fired power stations.

The latest projections from the Paris-based International Energy Agency confirm that coal will remain the single biggest source of electricity generation in the world as far out as 2040.

This is despite the claims that China, the biggest generator and user of electricity in the world, is going all ‘renewables clean’. In a word, it isn’t.

The IEA projections show coal-fired power still generating 26 per cent of global electricity in 2040. ‘Renewables’ are supposed to be generating as much as 40 per cent by then. But that includes all forms of renewables, including the hydro power that green fanatics now regard as ‘dirty’.

Take them out and wind and solar will be — let’s play along with the IEA fantasy — ‘generating’ just a little bit less in total over the 2040 year than its forecast for coal.

The other big — projected — growth will be in that other ‘dirty’ fuel, with nuclear energy increasing to provide around 10 per cent of the global total.

Interestingly — ha-ha — the IEA does not give figures for how many millions of birds will be sliced and fried each year by 2040 if we actually got not a doubling or a quadrupling but more like a ten to fifteen fold increase in the number of landscape-occupying and polluting wind turbines and solar panels.

I will point out, as the IEA doesn’t and wouldn’t, that to actually get to a point where actual wind and solar generation got to approximately equal coal-fired output, you would have to build:

ABOUT double rated capacity, if batteries were included.

ABOUT quadruple, if batteries were not included.

You know, to cover for that awkward design feature of when ‘the wind don’t blow and the sun don’t shine’.

Now there are two critically important things to understand about the IEA and its forecasts.

First, institutionally it has well and truly now overdosed — after initially been force-fed — on the Climate Apocalypse Kool-Aid. It has long since utterly shredded any intellectual and analytical credibility it used to have.

It’s now just an embarrassing shill for the climate change lies and the renewable energy fantasists and main-chancers seeking to enrich themselves on the taxpayer and the consumer dime. Did I write dime? You’ve got to be kidding; try, ever-increasing trillions.

That is to say, the IEA is exactly what BHP and Rio Tinto want to turn the Minerals Council (to which I am indebted for bringing the IEA projections to my notice) into: a down under shill for energy political correctness, in the hope that they’ll get a pass from the green fanatics.

Well, my advice to the rationalists in the mining industry is to let BHP and Rio have the — shell of the — MCA all to themselves. The rationalists should start their own council to exist in the world of reason and civilisation.

The second point about the IEA and its projections is that it just takes the individual country forecasts — actually, those promises, more accurately described as feel-good fantasies — made under the Fake Paris Accord; and taken them as guaranteed for delivery.

It then just adds them up to get to bottom-line numbers, which are thus worth four-fifths of five-eighths of very little.

The coal-fired Hazelwood power station, which closed in March 2017. Picture: AAP

So just let that sink in: these IEA ‘projections’ are based on taking as delivered all the completely irrational utterly impossible promises of the Fake Paris Accord on how much coal-fired power generation will be shut down and all replaced by wind and solar, and yet more wind and solar.

But even on those utterly ludicrous 150-proof Climate Kool-Aid Blue-Sky projections, the total amount of installed coal-fired power generation will still increase between now and 2040.

Over that period installed net global coal-fired generation will increase by “only” — the IEA’s word — 400GW. Doesn’t sound much? It’s only — my word — eight times Australia’s entire coal-fired power generation.

That is to say, we can close down our all our coal-fired stations — and in the process, kill tens of thousands more of the old, the sick and the poor, as well as the birds and the bats — and it wouldn’t make the slightest difference to global emissions of carbon dioxide.

And all that’s on the ‘optimistic’ — a more accurate word would be ‘fantasy’ — projections of the IEA.

The reality is that while, yes, China will make a huge investment in wind and solar — to sell the turbines and panels to idiot westerners; it will be going gangbusters to build new, really clean, coal-fired stations to not only replace the old, really dirty, ones but to add to generation.

Then add on India, Indonesia and the rest — including even a Europe which has essentially reached the end of the road on its Fake post-Cold War emission-cutting — and actual additional coal-fired generation by 2040 will be many times the IEA forecast.

Are we as a country going to prove to the entire world that we really are as dumb as the political and media class — with very few exceptions — are?


Perhaps it’s a bit like a stopped clock (or for that matter, a stopped wind turbine): the aforementioned Premier Weather-dill actually got it half-right with his state bank tax, now never to see the light of day.

The actual beauty of it was that it wasn’t going to be paid by South Australians but by especially people in Victoria and NSW.

That’s a bit — actually, a lot — like the way they sponge off Victoria’s coal-fired power.

That was a big part of why it was important for the banks to head it off at the pass. Head-off successful.