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Re: fabius post# 30758

Tuesday, 10/17/2017 11:01:39 AM

Tuesday, October 17, 2017 11:01:39 AM

Post# of 38634
The problem we have is that all we can really do is complain individually to the BOD and hope that somehow Dr. Odidi recognizes that his real value/worth to the company is in his science.

Dr. Odidi and his wife will always remain Co-Founders and they have enough shares between them still to effectively control direction moving forward.

But his window of opportunity for executing has now begun to rapidly close if he really expects to fulfill his lifelong dream of running an uber successful bio company.

Time waits for no-one and the longer Dr. Odidi thinks he's the only 1 with effective answers moving fwd the more the negative market erosion that's kicked in over the recent months will become his legacy.

Regabatin should NOT still be shelved!

Rexista should NOT still be without a partner given ALL the recent negative fallout post adcom!

PODRAS trials should not have to be placed on the back burner simply due to IPCI's cash constraints and them needing to focus on completing the CAT 3 HAP studies on Rexista!

Glucophage and Keppra ANDA's should not both be shelved! They need to be utilized to realize some form of value or all the bonuses paid on both those approvals should be returned to show that this company's executive mgmt. hierarchy actually has a clue what proving that they care about instilling a strong sense of shareholder value entails when hurdles, obstacles and roadblocks get thrown into the path ahead!

If IPCI continues to just hope and rely on Focalin and Seroquel sales moving into the new year and keep the market in the dark on progress of the Rexista Category 3 HAP trials...then the share price is going to continue languishing around the $1 level as all the shorts who recently covered will simply stick around here well into the new year to initiate more short games that cause the market to question whether or not IPCI will regain Nasdaq listing requirements.

The only way to begin to change ALL the deserved/earned negative market sentiment in play these days is to completely change and revamp how IPCI's ongoing growth is still developing!

The new CFO has some pedigree which entails restoring/rebuilding investor conference according to his resume and the PR announcing his appointment. And the recent IPCI investor perception survey was a nice start in ensuring that retail shareholders collective voices were heard.

But if all the shareholder feedback continues to fall on deaf ears even with the improving quarterly results from increasing SeroquelXR sales institutional money isn't going to begin accumulating positions in IPCI...and no bio company ever becomes successful without institutional holders accumulating at least half their available floats.

So Dr. Odidi can continue running IPCI as the scientist he is...and he can continue trying to ignore all the negatives that have turned IPCI market sentiment to all time lows...or he can finally begin to recognize when the time has come for him to step aside to focus on the science and bring in a seasoned bio pro CEO to begin righting this listing ship!

If nothing changes in the way IPCI continues to portray itself to market then all Dr. Odidi is doing is running the company on life support and hoping for a miracle partnership to come along if/when he ever gets Rexista through to its next FDA PDUFA date...and that's at bare minimum still 1 year away from the opportunity for Dr. Odidi to practice some overdue humility and do something about the negative market conditions he alone can change is now through years end.

My biggest fear is that if the FDA doesn't approve Pristiq or Lamictal by years end then Mallinkrodt probably has language in the contract that they can walk away from partnering both those drugs...but of course we don't know if that's the actual deadline timeline for approval in the MNK/IPCI contract because IPCI does such a terrible job of conveying their story to market.

If my suspicions are correct and both Pristiq and Lamictal don't get FDA approved by years end and MNK does drop them both...then believe me the shorts will have a field day regardless of how much the SeroquelXR sales may be continuing to increase into the new year.

Institutional money places ZERO value on IPCI's the new CFO and Dr. Odidi and IPCI's BOD have got to find a way to start getting this company focused on unlocking the inherent value in IPCI's hyper-matrix nPODDS and PODRAS delivery tech platforms b4 the window of opportunity gets slammed shut for good!

Walking into the next Rexista adcom with a big partner would be tremendous...and it continues to baffle me why Dr. Odidi still cant see that?

What's the best way for Dr. Odidi to begin submitting those long talked about 20 other opioid based NDA's after all?

Securing big partners on Regabatin and Rexista at this stage so the market knows IPCI's proprietary delivery tech platform is indeed a potential game changer of global proportions.

IPCI cannot afford to continue going it alone if they ever expect to unlock the inherent value in their NDA's and the time has come for them to sign some damn partners already who can properly navigate the FDA landscape and understand everything it takes to properly and adequately convey the story to market so that institutional money will want to begin accumulating!

Never buy or sell based on my posts! My posts are just my opinion!