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Saturday, 09/23/2017 1:45:47 PM

Saturday, September 23, 2017 1:45:47 PM

Post# of 84902
Coming Soon to Nevada: Pot Lounges?
Creating public places to use marijuana could dramatically boost tourism to the state, assuming the federal government allows it.

Sean Williams (TMFUltraLong) Sep 23, 2017 at 11:42AM
Few industries have had investors seeing green over the past year like legal marijuana. According to a recently released report by Marijuana Business Daily entitled "Marijuana Business Factbook 2017," the legal weed market in the U.S. could grow by about 30% in 2017 and by a cumulative 300% between 2016 and 2021 to more than $17 billion. These growth figures are more than enough incentive to drive investors to grab a pot stock or three for their portfolios.

These growth figures have also been backed by a notable shift in consumer opinion toward legalizing pot. In 1995, the year before California legalized medicinal cannabis for compassionate use, just 25% of those surveyed by Gallup wanted to see it legalized for adult use across the United States. But by October 2016, approval for the idea of a national legalization had spiked to 60%, an all-time high.

A man smelling the leaves of a potted cannabis plant.

The U.S. federal government makes its presence known
At the other end the spectrum, the U.S. federal government continues to make life challenging for the industry and marijuana stocks in general. A Schedule I categorization for cannabis means it has no recognized medical benefits, placing it on par with heroin and LSD. This scheduling means that weed-based companies are unable to take corporate income tax deductions like normal businesses, nor are they often able to secure basic financial services like a checking account or line of credit. It's also exceptionally difficult for research companies to secure cannabis in order to run risk-versus-benefit studies that have the potential to alter marijuana's scheduling.

These inherent disadvantages for the legal weed industry put its companies in quite the bind. They're often stuck dealing with cash, which comes with growth restraints, and they're being forced to pay tax on their gross profits rather than their net profits, leaving less cash left over. That means less in the way of growth opportunities and hiring.

Because marijuana is an illegal substance at the federal level, the pot industry also faces challenges within legal states. Individual jurisdictions usually have the right to dictate whether a dispensary is allowed to open within a city or county. The result, as we've witnessed in Colorado, can be something of a Swiss-cheese-like legalization effort, where weed is unwelcome in more jurisdictions than welcome.

Cannabis buds in a jar tipped over onto a pile of cash.

Nevada aims to be a cannabis trailblazer
However, Nevada is hoping to be a trailblazer of sorts on the marijuana front and turn this latter disadvantage on its head. The Silver State, which only voted to legalize recreational weed in the November 2016 elections, and began selling the product to adults ages 21 and up this past July, is tinkering with the idea of becoming the first state to legally allow pot lounges where consumers can smoke cannabis products in a public place. Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska only allow cannabis to be smoked in the privacy of one's residence, while California, Maine, and Massachusetts, the three other recreational marijuana states, have yet to begin selling adult-use weed.

According to a report from The Hill, Nevada's Legislative Counsel Bureau noted last week that its state law does not prohibit city or county governments from operating lounges where consumers can use marijuana. Considering how popular Nevada and more specifically Las Vegas are for tourists, the addition of marijuana lounges or cafes could dramatically boost tourism to the state.

For instance, a late 2015 study commissioned by the Colorado Tourism Office found that marijuana played a big role in boosting tourism to the state. The survey revealed that of those folks planning to visit during the summertime and who had also seen the state's "Come to Life" ad campaign, practically half (49%) were specifically influenced by the fact that recreational marijuana was legal. Nevada is aiming to have a similar effect on tourism in the state.

As you can probably surmise, though, not every lawmaker in Nevada is on board with the idea, including Gov. Brian Sandoval (R-Nev.) who noted, "I did not support them [pot lounges] previously. I don't support them now." Kevin Sabet, the head of anti-legalization movement group Smart Approaches to Marijuana, worries that pot lounges will lead to higher crime rates and not be a good thing for the state.

Pardon the pun, but there's still a lot to be hashed out with pot-lounge discussions still in the early stages.

A book on federal and state marijuana laws next to a judge's gavel.

Here's a bigger worry for Nevada and marijuana stocks
Of course, Nevada may have a bit more to be concerned with than just whether it can regulate pot lounges. There's the possibility that the federal government could step up regulatory enforcement in the months to come.

In February, now-former White House press secretary Sean Spicer suggested that the Trump administration would take a tougher stance on federal regulatory enforcement of cannabis than the Obama administration. While he failed to outline the specifics of what that added enforcement might entail, it's had the industry on edge ever since.

Making matters worse, Attorney General Jeff Sessions appears to be itching to wage war on medical marijuana businesses. The man in charge of the Justice Department sent a letter to congressional leaders in May requesting that they repeal the legislation protecting marijuana businesses operating in legal states from federal prosecution. Sessions has made it abundantly clear in previous speeches and Senate hearings that he doesn't care for marijuana one iota, and that he'll stop at nothing to halt or reverse its expansion.

It's also worth noting that Republicans are just one of two groups remaining to still have a negative view of cannabis (senior citizens being the other). With Republicans in control of the legislative branches of government, it's certainly not out of the question that we see a crackdown of sorts on the industry.

By the looks of things, the U.S. marijuana industry could have a very challenging year ahead, which serves as a warning to all weed-based companies and marijuana stock investors.

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Why Intercept Pharmaceuticals Is Sinking Again Today
The future of Intercept's liver disease drug hangs in the balance after an FDA warning letter.

George Budwell (TMFGBudwell) Sep 22, 2017 at 4:21PM
What happened
As of 2:42 p.m. EDT Friday, shares of Intercept Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ICPT) are down by over 14% on heavier than normal volume. The drugmaker's shares are tumbling as the result of analysts chiming in on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) warning letter issued Thursday stating that incorrect dosing of the primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) medicine, Ocaliva, could increase the risk of liver injury and death.

Wells Fargo, for instance, slashed their 12-month price target on Intercept from $265 to a mere $95 on fears that a dreaded "black-box warning" -- the most severe type the FDA can issue -- is coming down the pike following 19 patient deaths that appear to stem from Ocaliva-induced liver damage.

Man laying face down in front of a plummeting stock chart.

So what
A black-box warning for Ocaliva could have two major impacts on Intercept's growth prospects. Firstly, the drug's peak sales forecast of around $1.6 billion for PBC would almost certainly be walked back in a big way -- perhaps by 50% or more. More importantly, though, the drug may also have trouble getting the greenlight from the FDA for its far more valuable indication -- nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, where it's currently in late-stage testing.

Now what
Not all analysts share this dire outlook, however. Jefferies' Michael Yee, for instance, argued on Thursday in a note to investors that the market's reaction to these patient deaths was overblown because the individuals who died were generally very sick, and had received excessive amounts of the drug as a result.

While that upbeat assessment might be true, investors may still want to stick to the sidelines for the time being. The FDA, after all, does tend to err on the side of caution, and that implies a black-box warning is indeed a real possibility in this case.

10 stocks we like better than Intercept Pharmaceuticals
When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*

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See the 10 stocks

*Stock Advisor returns as of September 5, 2017

George Budwell has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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