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Alias Born 04/01/2013

Re: Uzzyham post# 7549

Wednesday, 07/19/2017 12:48:50 PM

Wednesday, July 19, 2017 12:48:50 PM

Post# of 7810

CORRECTION !!!! ........."Nothing Like" being trapped with

>>House Money<< you Clueless Dimwit !!

****FDA now down to 1.5 million free shares after taking more profits off the table adding more to cash house money the last few days !! This is all the result of FDA plunking down 50grand on SDRG many months ago when PPS was well under a penny!! Where there is risk....there is also reward !!!! Was FDA a little afraid when he took that chance under 1 cent?? You bet he was !!!


(1) $50,000..principle investment returned in full
(2) $50, profit (house money)
(3) $1.5 million shares remaining (also considered house money)

Eat your heart out naysayers, FDA

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