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Alias Born 06/09/2005

Re: None

Wednesday, 06/21/2017 1:44:52 PM

Wednesday, June 21, 2017 1:44:52 PM

Post# of 36505
Lifeline Biotechnology-
LLBO owns 12,670,00 of Cyrcadia Health stock
Approximately 40-50%

Interview with CBS local Los Angeles

Cyrcadia Health Takes Home Gold 2016 Edison Award for Top Health and Wellness Wearable

we can only discuss information and updates as permitted by FDAA Clinical Trial Guidelines.
Circadian Thermal Sensing to Detect Breast Disease

Establishment Registration & Device Listing

How iTbra works

Detected: How IoT, Cloud, Wearables, and AI show hope in the fight against breast cancer

With Early Cancer Detection, IoT Saves More than Money—It Can Save Lives

Research has shown that dense breasts:

can be 6 times more likely to develop cancer
can make it harder for mammograms to detect breast cancer; breast cancers (which look white like breast gland tissue) are easier to see on a mammogram when they're surrounded by fatty tissue (which looks dark)

"If you already have a cancer, in addition to being painful, the crushing compression the breast undergoes during a mammogram can cause the cancer to spread. "Doctors are taught that once a lump is found, you don't press it — not even during an examination — because you will cause the cancer cells to spread.

Patents transferred

I pretend to know more than I do
Only a fool would actually believe anything I post.