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Alias Born 08/26/2014

Re: None

Friday, 06/09/2017 4:31:29 PM

Friday, June 09, 2017 4:31:29 PM

Post# of 68089

NOTE: The FACTS below are NOT speculation. Instead, each are Publicly Available and known to current stockholders and are fully supported by independently verifiable links as of JUNE 9th, 2017. All potential investors are encouraged to view each link to personally verify each of the FACTS provided are from reputable sources providing both accurate and credible information.

In FACT, the information below is provided from Sources including The Securities and Exchange Commission, FINRA, The Two Largest Movie Industry Reporting Organizations, Largest Movie Publicity Organization AND Directly from the company, Mass Hysteria Entertainment itself. And that FACT would seem to clearly demonstrate that any trader even suggesting that the information presented below is in any way misleading or False is without any question attempting to Distort FACTS for personal gain. Traders may of course disagree as to the performance of any company or stock. But, dislike of FACTS does NOT make them incorrect or irrelevant to the performance of the stock.

It has now been 22 Months since MHYS last filed ANYTHING with the SEC

That FACT places MHYS in serious jeopardy of DELISTING due to FAILING to file any reports with the SEC since August of 2015. Prospective Investors should be advised that the company remains DELINQUENT in the filing of 6 consecutive 10Q reports. MHYS has also FAILED to File both its 2015 and 2016 10Ks. The 2015 10K has been PAST DUE since March 1, 2016. While the DELINQUENT 2016 report was scheduled to be filed on March 1, 2017. When and IF filed the next annual report would become the first 10K filed since the 2014 filing. And that filing (which was also LATE) resulted in a Formal SEC Letter of Reprimand after months of investigation WITHOUT response from MHYS CEO Daniel Grodnik as seen below.

While it remains unclear if in any way relevant to the SEC Action above or the lack of filings after that disclosure. It is somewhat disturbing the last 10K filing was just prior to the September 11th 2014 legal action involving MHYS included for review below. It may also help to explain why long term investors (many of whom openly state on this board to holding Hundreds of Millions of MHYS shares) continue to predict an increase in the PPS despite all credible reports indicating no such probability. Working instead to distract attention from the true reasons for the company's current situation, and refusing to rationally discuss the mountain of reputable information from independently verifiable sources detailed within this posting.

And if this has no bearing on the current problems or if the CEO wishes to distance himself from this well know legal action. Why then has he never mentioned it to stockholders or taken any legal action against those involved?

Link to ALL Past MHYS SEC Filings

Time since Last Filing with SEC

SEC LINK proving beyond all doubt any suggestion of shorts influencing the pps of MHYS is FACTUALLY INCORRECT.
Contact FINRA through their website
Or Call (301) 590-6500
Further Confirmation concerning SHORT positions (and the lack thereof for MHYS) may be found at the Links to the MHYS OTC short report and SEC short informational page below.
Those FACTS clearly demonstrate that ANY trader making such assertions is simply unfamiliar with the Market and confused in the difference between Short and Long Term Positions.

The MHYS BUSINESS LICENSE Expired on November 30th 2015, was REVOKED on November 30th 2016. This means the Business License is scheduled for PERMANENT REVOCATION on November 30th 2017.

MHYS BUSINESS FILINGS ARE NOW $ 23,900.00 PAST DUE to the State of Nevada since originally DEFAULTING on 11/30/2015. This number will INCREASE to approximately $35,000.00 if not paid before November 2017.

This REVOKED Business Status:
1) Effectively LOCKS the current Share Structure of 30 Billion A/S in place by STATE/SEC/FINRA regulation
2) Prevents Share reduction and/or Retirement
3) Prohibits any and all New Contracts
4) Restricts MHYS from availability to trade with numerous Brokerages.
5) Each item above remains in effect unless or until the company returns to ACTIVE Status in the State of Nevada.

Obviously the question becomes what happens IF and WHEN the Business License is PERMANENTLY REVOKED? Is all hope and money gone forever? NO

Permanent Revocation LOCKS
in place each of the items previously listed, ALERTS FINRA and the SEC of the revocation and eventually results in the posting of "DARK OR DEFUNCT" on the OTC MARKETS Website. The result again in most cases is little to no further trading of the stock as investors become aware that the stock will in all likelihood soon be DELISTED by the SEC. This primarily due to the FACT the Business is no longer permitted to do daily Business, enter into new contracts, make any adjustments to Share Structure, etc...Permanent Revocation does NOT however prohibit the stock from continuing to trade until DELISTED by the SEC, OR unless the company files a FORM 15 to voluntarily suspend trading. The SEC explains the reason for allowing the continuation of trading as not wishing to interfere in the desire of any buyer to purchase any stock regardless of the company condition. They will however ask any trader making such an inquiry why they would consider making such a purchase, and advise them of the Business Status and inability to transact business.

Verification Available by Contacting FINRA through their website
Or Call (301) 590-6500
Or available by contacting the SEC

The Link below shows time Since License REVOCATION

The following Link clearly indicates the time remaining until the MHYS Business License is scheduled to be PERMANENTLY REVOKED by the State of Nevada. And as should be very obvious, only those with absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE of the Market or Business will even attempt to SPIN this as positive.

Afterall, No one can dispute the FACT that IF stopped while driving without a valid Drivers License or Practicing Law without a Valid Legal license would not result in legal ramifications, fines or worse. So it is simply idiotic to argue that operating a Business and even attempting to sign new Contractual Agreements without a Valid Business License would be excused or Permitted by the State of Nevada, FINRA or the SEC.

History of Reverse Splits AND A/S Increases
(24 Entity Actions On File)

The MHYS Website continues ONLY to promote NON MHYS movies. No MHYS co-produced and/or co-financed movie appears on the Mass Hysteria Website. NOT EVEN ONE. Only OLD films of financial benefit to MHYS CEO Daniel Grodnik while not providing even one penny of value to MHYS investors are listed.

In FACT, the MHYS "Current Operations" page is so badly out of date it's become quite an embarrassment. You may view the first couple of paragraphs below. Or view the Letter claiming to be "Current Operations" in its entirety at the link below the image included for your review.

Massive Debt, High Interest

NO PR on ANY released movies

NO Stockholder Communication released through any Credible Service for TWO YEARS and TWO MONTHS. Though CEO Dan Grodnik did release a PR in January of 2017 stating he "hopes" to co-produce two movies at some unknown date in the Future. However, it should also be noted that the Company Business License would first need to be brought current prior to any new contract execution.

Additionally the recent PR comes after Mr. Grodnik's last Verifiable letter to stockholders in April of 2015 which appears below.

Of special NOTE is the FACT Mr. Grodnik states his understanding that raising the A/S to 15 Billion shares had led to dilution.

Only to follow his April 2015 letter in August of 2015 (four months later) with yet another A/S increase Doubling the A/S from 15 Billion to 30 Billion, while the O/S soared to more than 8.5 Billion.

All FOUR MHYS Co-Produced Movies released through various outlets to date are obvious FAILURES.

1. The most recent financials from the two largest and separate Movie Industry websites are included for review with Direct Links to each. This information verifies ALL movies co-produced/co-funded by MHYS have been Limited Release/Straight to Video projects. While the fifth Movie (American Brawler) which had been announced to be released in November 2016 FAILED to Launch, and remains questionable for release in the future. The film has been re-scheduled for release in September 2017. But the film still has no known Studio affiliation, Distributor, Distribution plan or Theater schedule most likely due to ongoing legal actions concerning the film. This indicates that should the film ever be released it will most likely be yet another straight to video project with no theatrical support.

2. Recently some have stated production companies, Movie Studios and Film distributors voluntarily submit financial information for their films and simply don't provide such data on films performing poorly. That is 100% true, but doesn't serve as an excuse, but instead as FACTUAL PROOF each film with which MHYS has been affiliated has been a financial FAILURE.

3. If any actual revenue had been generated from any of the films listed below,
(a) At least one of the many production companies, financiers or distributors would have submitted such data to movie reporting sites to demonstrate their success
(b) One of the many entities would have released some form of press release proclaiming success,
(c) Mr. Grodnik would place any film actually performing well on the MHYS website to motivate traders to invest in his company, and
(d) Without question Mr. Grodnik would have paid MHYS State Business Licensing Fees, Filed all past Due SEC reports and provided a news release announcing new contract signings rather than mere hopes of doing so at some future unknown date.

(See Direct Movie Links For ALL MHYS Films Below)

Box Office Mojo
Mothers and Daughters
(Not Listed)
End of a Gun
(Not Listed)
American Brawler
(Not Listed)

The Numbers
Mothers and Daughters
End of a Gun
American Brawler
(Not Listed)

Another FACT often forgotten is MHYS has less than a 10% interest in ANY of the movies shown above. MHYS is not responsible for the release of any movie, nor did or would the FAILURE of MHYS to participate have any bearing on the release of ANY Film.

Assuming he was paid for his limited roles in some of the films above. Self proclaimed "snowflake" and part-time actor Jacob Grodnik (the CEO's nephew) is the only member of the Grodnik family making money from any film with MHYS appearing in the credits. And clearly the movies have done little to promote any dreams of stardom for this young man. Instead he along with brother Alex, seem more interested in promoting their fathers (non publicly traded) company. Strangely, young Jake uses the same leisure time picture on both Social Media and for Entertainment Industry sites such as IMDb. Obviously not taking his acting career too seriously or investing much money or time into self promotion or or the promotion of any film produced by his uncle Daniel's company MHYS as is seen below.

SEVEN (soon to be EIGHT) Consecutive Years of Decreasing Value to the 0001 Retail Bottom

Astronomical ASK sometimes reaching 1 BILLION. And these numbers do NOT include All Or None sales orders OR large blocks controlled by known MMs currently hidden from public view.
(Check and Monitor the L2 of your choice)

Costly Interactive Movie App Project REJECTED by IMAX and "tabled" as stated by MHYS CEO Daniel Grodnik himself in December of 2014.

Gagged T/A with UNKNOWN Float
CARSON CITY, NV 89703-4934
Call (800) 253-1013 OR

NO Investor Relations Agent

CEO is the One and ONLY Part-Time Employee, Board Member and Officer

CEO Conflict of Interest - FOUR other known employers
Remark - ("Kramer" spelled backward)
Grodnik/Aloe Entertainment
Research Mary Aloe at the links below
Moon River Studios
(Moon River now under SEC Fraud Investigation)
Additionally the CEO of Moon River has now been Charged in Federal Court with numerous charges of Securities Fraud and Stock Manipulation
And Moon River has been sanctioned by SEC REVOKING their Stock Registration
One Hour Film School
Call or Email - 818-394-6566

Daniel Grodnik does offer a FREE 10 minute telephone call by contacting him at the link below.

However, as is seen below, Mr. Grodnik has added a new requirement to be informed in advance of what is to be discussed during the call. That perhaps a result of MHYS stockholders contacting him concerning the numerous negative issues pertaining to their investment in Mass Hysteria Entertainment. Specifically his continuing FAILURE to communicate with stockholders by Letter, Verifiable Press Release to Stockholders, Website Update, Email or even Social Media.

Leading to another IMPORTANT QUESTION. Why does Dan Grodnik maintain and regularly UPDATE his "Film School" Website while FAILING to UPDATE the MHYS Website for almost TWO FULL YEARS?

Consistent Little to ZERO Daily Volume. The Historical Performance over the past 5 years is shown below.

Additionally, it is a simple FACT, it is not unusual for MHYS Volume to reflect no interest whatsoever as is illustrated below.

Additionally, Current Investors attempting to sell shares of MHYS Stock also face difficulty as is illustrated by the 30 Day Daily Average illustrated below.

Clearly the graphic above shows that a sales order listed as "ALL OR NONE" has little if any reasonable chance of ever being filled if above just $32.00, and that's before deducting standard commission fees.

NOTE: The exception being the occasional trades placed by LONG TERM INVESTORS who (and this is opinion) are attempting to provide the illusion of interest OR perhaps average down on past investment. This highlighted today June 9th, 2017 with trades totalling $630.00 (Best day in months and just about equaling the total sales for all of May 2017) after being provided with advance notice of this posting and following 9 consecutive days during which not a single share was traded.


The current Stop Sign is only one symbol above the dreaded "Skull and Crossbones".

Some inexperienced traders not researching deeply have been occasionally misled into thinking this stock achieved a pps of 001 since the summer of 2015. The FACT is, both 001 trades since that time period were company initiated, an accounting adjustment or error as proven by the FACT the ASK of 0001 never changed, and NO BID was ever recorded. The final proof being the FACT the actual trades involved were so insignificant that any traded dollar amount would be less than the standard retail commission fees charged by any broker. The latest blatantly fraudulent example is shown below. Notice the 001 trade involved (one share).

While it is also not uncommon to see trades BELOW the retail minimum reflecting traders simply giving up entirely as illustrated below.

NOTE: Both of the Federal Lawsuits filed against MHYS can no longer be used as an excuse for non performance as both have been settled as confirmed by the links provided below. These suits did not even exist at the time the pps fell to 0001 and the Bid went to ZERO. The total collapse of MHYS occurred on August 6th of 2015 AFTER the A/S was Raised for the 3rd time in 12 months from 15 to 30 Billion. The Federal Lawsuits were not filed until January of 2016.
Cases for reference only (subscription required),_Inc_v_Mass_Hysteria_Entertainment,_Inc_et_al,_Inc_v_Mass_Hysteria_Entertainment,_Inc_et_al

One interesting little FACT concerns CEO Daniel Grodnik's brother, Bill Grodnik. And unlike his brother Daniel, Bill has found considerable documented success in a Non-Publicly Traded Company offering "virtual" office operations. Davinci Virtual Office Solutions, provides its clients with the illusion of actual office staff (such as phone operators, secretaries, even office space for short term rentals).
The funny thing about this and how it relates to Mass Hysteria Entertainment. When contacting MHYS offices by phone, the simple question of "are you with Davinci Virtual Office?", is followed by a disconnected call. Perhaps successful brother trying to help unsuccessful brother look better? Maybe even another Daniel Grodnik employer? No way to know for sure until the question is answered by whoever is answering the MHYS phone.

The LINK BELOW Shows (in real time) the TOTAL Number of Days MHYS has remained at 0001 ASK & NO BID since August 6th 2015. Soon to eclipse 100 STRAIGHT WEEKS!!

ONE FINAL NOTE: Since August of 2015 I have Invited, Encouraged and even Challenged anyone to locate and provide for review Independently Verifiable Links to contradict EACH of the FACTS provided in the Links above. To date, no such information has been provided by anyone. Should a trader state they have such links, I suggest asking they provide them for review. And if unable to do so, I submit the information provided above remains 100% undisputed and FACTUALLY correct.

Good Luck to everyone with any and all investments!!
Just remember that as with all stock purchases. Before submitting a buy order on any stock.

To report securities fraud, inside trading, stock manipulation, etc....

Big Chips are for Blue Chips, Trips are for FLIPS

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