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Re: F6 post# 270082

Friday, 06/09/2017 10:12:22 AM

Friday, June 09, 2017 10:12:22 AM

Post# of 494382
Coats, Rogers, McCabe and Rosenstein testify at Senate Intel hearing

Streamed live on Jun 7, 2017 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, National Security Agency Director Admiral Mike Rogers, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein are scheduled to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee Wednesday ahead of fired FBI director James Comey’s much-anticipated testimony Thursday.

Read more:

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
June 7, 2017
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Director of National Intelligence Director Dan Coats, National Security Agency Director Admiral Michael Rogers, and Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified at a hearing on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Barring congressional action, the act was set expire in December 2017. [video and transcript] [comments disabled]


Full Show - Eric Trump Reveals The War On His Father - 06/07/2017

Published on Jun 7, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Wednesday, June 7th 2017[, with an appearance by Shiva Ayyadurai, and Roger Stone hosting the fourth hour]: NEXT: Comey Testimony - President Trump will likely live tweet Mystery Science Theatre 3000 style as former FBI Director James Comey begins his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Investigative journalist Michael Snyder breaks down what this all means. Alex Jones breaks down Eric Trump's appearance on Sean Hannity, and Infowars correspondent Jerome Corsi reveals new developments from inside the DC swamp as the elites do everything to stop Trump.

Alex Jones melts down after being interviewed by Megyn Kelly

Jones on Kelly: “Not feminine -- cold, robotic, dead. I felt zero attraction to Megyn Kelly”
June 7, 2017 [with embedded video, and comments] [with comments] [also at (additional text adapted from; with comments)]


June 7, 2017 - Trump Ties To Russia Are Illegal Or Unethical, U.S. Voters Tell Quinnipiac University National Poll; Voters Disapprove 2-1 Of Pulling Out Of Paris Accord

President Donald Trump did something illegal in his relationship with Russia, 31 percent of American voters say, while another 29 percent say he did something unethical, but not illegal, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today. The president did nothing wrong, 32 percent of voters say.

President Trump's campaign advisors did something illegal in dealing with Russia, 40 percent of voters say, as 25 percent say they did something unethical but not illegal and 24 percent say they did nothing wrong.

The president's job approval rating dips to a new low, a negative 34 - 57 percent, compared to a negative 37 - 55 percent in a May 24 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University, and a negative 35 - 57 percent April 4, his lowest score so far.

Trump is too friendly to Russia, 54 percent of American voters say, while 3 percent say he is too unfriendly and 38 percent say he has the right attitude. A total of 68 percent of voters are "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned" about Trump's relationship with Russia.

Russia is an adversary, 45 percent of voters say, while 8 percent say it is an ally.

Voters approve 73 - 15 percent of the appointment of Robert Mueller as a special counsel to investigate possible links or coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia.

"There is zero good news for President Donald Trump in this survey, just a continual slide into a chasm of doubt about his policies and his very fitness to serve," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

"If this were a prize fight, some in his corner might be thinking about throwing in the towel. This is counter puncher Donald Trump's pivotal moment to get up off the mat.

"With a third of the members of his own party questioning his level headedness, this is clearly the moment the president needs to steady the ship."

American voters say 68 - 29 percent that President Trump is not level-headed, his worst grade on that quality. Republicans say 64 - 32 percent he is level-headed.

Voter opinions of most other Trump qualities are negative:

59 - 36 percent that he is not honest;

58 - 39 percent that he does not have good leadership skills;

58 - 40 percent that he does not care about average Americans;

62 - 35 percent that he is a strong person;

57 - 40 percent that he is intelligent;

64 - 33 percent that he does not share their values.

Climate Change

American voters disapprove 62 - 32 percent of Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord. Republicans are the only listed group to approve, 72 - 20 percent.

A total of 76 percent of voters are "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned" about climate change and 65 percent say the U.S. needs to do more to address climate change.

America can fight climate change and protect jobs at the same time, 73 percent of American voters, including 62 percent of Republicans, say.

Voters disapprove 63 - 30 percent of Trump's handling of the environment.

His approval ratings on handling other issues are:

Disapprove 53 - 39 percent of the way he is handling the economy, a new low;

46 percent approve of the way he is handling terrorism and 48 percent disapprove;

Disapprove 60 - 37 percent of the way he is handling immigration.

Trump and the Media

Trump has changed American attitudes towards the media "for the worse," 52 percent of voters say, while 22 percent say he has changed attitudes "for the better." Only 10 percent of voters are "enthusiastic" about the media, while 30 percent are "satisfied." Another 33 percent are "dissatisfied" and 26 percent of voters, including 46 percent of Republicans, are "angry."


© 2017 Quinnipiac University


"I Wrote In Bernie Sanders": War At The Malloy´s (w/Kathy Malloy)

Published on Jun 7, 2017 by Mike Malloy [ / , ]

Epic fight at the Malloy compound.

Don´t miss this!!!! [with comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following]


Another science denier appointed: 'abstinence-only' promoter gets post at Health and Human Services

Valerie Huber
Jun 07, 2017 [with comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following)]

Trump’s Pro-Abstinence HHS Appointee Fits an Unnerving ‘Pattern’
June 07, 2017 [with comments] [id.]

President Who Bragged About Extramarital Sex Appoints Top Abstinence Advocate to HHS
June 7 2017 [with comments] [id.]


President Donald Trump Discusses $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan In Ohio | TIME

Streamed live on Jun 7, 2017 by TIME [ / , ]

President Donald Trump is launching a major push for a $1 trillion overhaul of the nation's roads and bridges, a key item on his domestic agenda that's gained little traction amid a slew of controversies that have engulfed the White House.

In a week filled with tweetstorms, a national security leak investigation and the Senate testimony of the FBI director he fired, President Trump is trying to turn public attention toward the nation's ailing infrastructure. After endorsing a plan to privatize the country’s air traffic control system, the President will focus on its roads and waterways in an appearance Wednesday alongside the Ohio River, one of the country’s most vital waterways. To those whose lives depend on the health of those systems, the White House spotlight is welcome—but the President's prescriptions less so.

[no official transcript (yet) available at ] [Trump's performance begins at c. the 8:00 mark; with comments] [official White House upload at (with comments)] [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding (and any future following)]


Infowars Nightly News LIVE: Comey Releases Testimony Before Hearing

Streamed live on Jun 7, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

READ: James Comey's prepared testimony
June 7, 2017 Updated June 8, 2017 [with embedded video] [with comments]


GOP Rep.: Comey testimony doesn't describe a crime

All In with Chris Hayes

Congressman Francis Rooney (R-FL) says the president's conduct toward James Comey - as described in the former FBI director's written Senate testimony - doesn't amount to obstruction of justice. Duration: 6:24

©2017 , [with comments]


Lawrence Wilkerson: Trump admin. 'like a mafia family'

All In with Chris Hayes

‘That’s essentially the way I view President Trump now – as a godfather,’ says the colonel and former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell. Duration: 6:57

©2017 , [with comments]


Where will you be when Comey testifies?

All In with Chris Hayes

Someday you might be asked – where were you the morning that fired FBI Director James Comey testified on Capitol Hill? A slew of D.C. bars are opening their doors early for residents of the nation’s capitol who want to imbibe as they watch. Duration: 2:00



Trump officials refuse to answer Senate questions about Trump

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow shows how top Trump intelligence officials refused to answer questions about Donald Trump trying to stop the Mike Flynn investigation, even though they had no legal justification for refusing to answer. Duration: 16:59

©2017 , [with comments]


Four key points in Comey's opening statement to Senate Intel

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reviews some of the key points in former FBI Director James Comey's opening statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee before his testimony Thursday. Duration: 9:48



'Watergate-level': Sen Wyden on Trump actions in Comey testimony

The Rachel Maddow Show

Senator Ron Wyden, member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, calls James Comey's description Donald Trump's effort to quash the investigation into Mike Flynn "Watergate-level material." Duration: 8:00

©2017 , [with comments]


Trump quick to spin Comey Senate statement as 'vindication'

The Rachel Maddow Show

Matt Miller, former chief spokesman for the Justice Department, talks with Rachel Maddow about how James Comey's opening statement to the Senate does not vindicate Donald Trump despite Trump's lawyer's claim to the contrary. Duration: 4:38



Case for Trump 'obstruction of justice' strengthens

The Rachel Maddow Show

Nancy Gertner, former U.S. federal judge, talks with Rachel Maddow about whether the pressure Donald Trump exerted to end the FBI investigation into Mike Flynn was merely awkward or actually illegal. Duration: 4:37



James Comey testimony coverage begins at 9am ET on MSNBC

The Rachel Maddow Show

Watch former FBI Director James Comey testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, June 8 at 9am ET on MSNBC. Duration: 0:30



Lawrence: Comey will raise more questions than he can answer

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

James Comey's appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee is likely to be one of the most consequential hearings ever. Lawrence O'Donnell explains what it means for Trump – including that it shows AG Jeff Sessions will face tough questions under oath. Duration: 9:20

©2017 , [with comments]


Comey's testimony 'paints a very, very dark picture'

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

James Comey's opening statement before the Senate Intelligence Committee has been released, and it shows that Trump asked Comey to drop the Flynn probe and demanded loyalty from Comey. Lawrence O'Donell discusses with Ron Klain and Nick Akerman. Duration: 6:25



Fmr. CIA Dir: Intel Chiefs 'misjudged gravity' of situation

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Former CIA officials John McLaughlin and Ned Price join Lawrence O'Donnell to weigh in on how well the nation's Intelligence Chiefs answered questions about President Trump and the Russia probe at today's Senate Intelligence hearing. Duration: 10:08

©2017 , [with comments]


Released Comey testimony details his unease with Trump

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

The Senate Intelligence Committee released the transcript of James Comey ahead of his appearance on Capitol Hill. MSNBC's Brian Williams shares the highlights of Comey's exhaustive timeline. Duration: 9:30



What questions should senators ask James Comey?

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Our best legal & intel brains join MSNBC's Brian Williams to give their take on what questions senators should ask to Trump's fired FBI Director James Comey. Duration: 6:18



Senate Dem on influencing investigations: You just don't do that

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), a former law school classmate of James Comey, reacts to the release of the Senate Intelligence Cmte. testimony from the former FBI Director. Duration: 4:23

©2017 , [with comments]


Sen. Kamala Harris reacts to scolding by GOP senators

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

During a Senate Intelligence hearing, things got heated between Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Republican senators on the committee. Duration: 1:58

©2017 , [with comments]


50 Shades of Comey | Full Frontal on TBS

Published on Jun 7, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee [ , ]

To be continued... [with comments]


Keep Calm and Ignore Trump's Tweets | June 7, 2017 Pt. 1 | Full Frontal on TBS

Published on Jun 7, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

When we find ourselves in times of trouble, Donald Trump comes to tweet. Threatening our allies, let him be. [with comments]


The War on Drugs Reboot | June 7, 2017 Pt. 2 | Full Frontal on TBS

Published on Jun 7, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Jeff Sessions is bringing back the War on Drugs, and like most reboots, it sucks. [with comments]


Just Say No To Drug Test Kits | June 7, 2017 Pt. 3 | Full Frontal on TBS

Published on Jun 7, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

You’re not going to believe this, but we found proof that the War on Drugs is sending innocent people to jail… and it’s racist. [with comments]


Why Is Eric Trump Like This?: The Daily Show

Published on Jun 7, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah [ , ]

Trevor finds out why First Son Eric Trump reportedly channeled funds from a charity event for pediatric cancer into the Trump family business. [with comments]


James Comey Enters The Thunderdome

Published on Jun 8, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

Thursday! Thursday! Thursday! Prepare yourself for the kind of chaotic mayhem we've grown to expect from the rampageous realm of C-SPAN.

[originally aired June 7, 2017] [with comments]


Stephen Digs Into James Comey's Opening Statements

Published on Jun 8, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

James Comey's prepared statements were released Wednesday afternoon, just in time for Stephen to give some pregame coverage of Washington's Super Bowl.

[originally aired June 7, 2017] [with comments]


Comey Attack Ads Inspire Stephen To Create His Own

Published on Jun 8, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Not to be outdone by the Great American Alliance organization, Stephen also launches an ad campaign that attacks an innocent bystander.

[originally aired June 7, 2017] [with comments]


Jeff Sessions' Leaked Letter Of Resignation

Published on Jun 8, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

After reports surfaced that Attorney General Jeff Sessions offered to resign, Stephen gets his normal-sized hands on the former Alabama Senator's parting words.

[originally aired June 7, 2017] [with comments]


James Comey's Opening Statement, Trump's Tweets: A Closer Look

Published on Jun 7, 2017 by Late Night with Seth Meyers [ / , ]

Seth takes a closer look at the potentially damning information found in the opening statement of former FBI Director James Comey’s Senate testimony about his relationship with President Trump. [with comments]


Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton and the true cause of Donald Trump’s legitimacy crisis — his own actions

If the Russians' objective was to undermine Americans' faith in democracy, they succeeded — with Trump's help
By Heather Digby Parton
Jun 8, 2017 [with embedded video, and comments]


The Iranian Response to Trump's Statement on the Tehran Attack

The country’s foreign minister called the White House statement “repugnant.”
Jun 8, 2017 [with comments]

Iran Calls Trump’s Response to Attacks ‘Repugnant’; Toll Rises to 17

Security forces in Iran taking cover during an attack on Parliament in Tehran, the capital, on Wednesday.
JUNE 8, 2017


Al-Jazeera Targeted in Cyberattack Amid Diplomatic Tension
The attack comes after Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain severed ties with Qatar this week, after accusing the country of supporting terrorism
Jun 8, 2017


Fired FBI Director James Comey's Full Testimony Before The Senate Intelligence Committee | TIME

Streamed live on Jun 8, 2017 by TIME

Former FBI Director James Comey spoke in public for the first time about his relationship with President Donald Trump and the circumstances that led to his firing. He called White House descriptions of his firing as "lies, plain and simple."

READ: James Comey's prepared testimony
June 7, 2017 Updated June 8, 2017 [with embedded video]

Full Transcript and Video: James Comey’s Testimony on Capitol Hill
JUNE 8, 2017 [with embedded video]

What Was Behind Those Befuddling McCain Questions?

Brian Klaas
I don't know what was up with John McCain but I'm pretty sure Hillary Clinton didn't collude with the Russians to hack herself & elect Trump
12:03 PM - 8 Jun 2017
[ (with comments)]
Mike Cernovich
Someone take John McCain's car keys away from him.
11:35 AM - 8 Jun 2017
[ (with comments)]
JUNE 8, 2017 , [embedded; with comments] [with comments] [also at e.g. (comments disabled), and (comments disabled)]


for reference:

Watch Live: House hearing on Russia's involvement in the 2016 election

Streamed live on Mar 20, 2017 by PBS NewsHour

The House intelligence committee is to begin hearings Monday into Russia's role in cybersecurity breaches at the Democratic National Committee, as well as President Donald Trump's unsubstantiated claim that his predecessor had authorized a wiretap of Trump Tower. FBI Director James Comey and Mike Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency, are slated to testify.

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election
March 20, 2017 [with embedded video, and comments] [comments disabled] [from/see also in particular and preceding and following]


for reference:

WATCH LIVE: FBI Director James Comey testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee

Streamed live on May 3, 2017 by PBS NewsHour

Read the full testimony of FBI Director James Comey in which he discusses Clinton email investigation
May 3, 2017 [with embedded video, and comments] [comments disabled] [also included, with other, further annotations, at/see also in particular (linked in) and preceding and following]


WATCH LIVE! James Comey Congressional Hearing

Streamed live on Jun 8, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [with comments] [in case this Alex Jones extended livestream coverage of an event should go dark, as other such have, also in large part (minus the Roger Stone intro and the start of Knight's shift) at (with comments)]


Comey Disputes New York Times Article About Russia Investigation

James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, testified Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee. During the hearing, he disputed a New York Times article about contacts between President Trump’s advisers and Russian intelligence officials: “in the main, it was not true.”
Al Drago/The New York Times

JUNE 8, 2017

James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, on Thursday disputed an article that appeared in February [ ] in The New York Times about contacts between President Trump’s advisers and Russian intelligence officials.

Answering a question about the Times article during an appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mr. Comey said that “in the main, it was not true.”

The article was the first to reveal direct contacts between Trump advisers and Russian officials before the election — contacts that are now at the heart of F.B.I. and congressional investigations. Multiple news outlets have since published accounts that support the main elements of The Times’s article, including information about phone calls and in-person meetings between Mr. Trump’s advisers and Russians, some believed to be connected to Russian intelligence.

Mr. Comey did not say exactly what he believed was incorrect about the article, which was based on information from four current and former American officials, all of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity because the information was classified. The original sources could not immediately be reached after Mr. Comey’s remarks, but in the months since the article was published, they have indicated that they believed the account was solid.

One possible area of dispute is the description of the Russians involved. Some law enforcement officials took issue with the Times account in the days after it was published, saying that the intelligence was still murky, and that the Russians who were in contact with Mr. Trump’s advisers did not meet the F.B.I.’s black-and-white standard of who can be considered an “intelligence officer.”

But several former American intelligence and law enforcement officials have said that other American agencies have a broader definition, especially when it comes to Russia. They said that President Vladimir V. Putin uses an extensive network of government officials and private citizens with deep links to Russian spy services who supplement the intelligence apparatus and report back to the Kremlin. At least some of the contacts, they said, involved Russians who fit into this category.

In testimony last month before the House Intelligence Committee, John O. Brennan, the former C.I.A. director, said he became concerned last year about direct attempts by the Russian government to recruit members of Mr. Trump’s campaign.

“I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals,” he told lawmakers. “And it raised questions in my mind again whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals.”

Based on his answers to one Republican senator on Thursday, it also seemed that Mr. Comey may have disagreed with The Times’s description of the evidence for such contacts. The Times article said that American authorities had relied on “phone records and intercepted calls” to amass evidence of the contacts between Mr. Trump’s advisers and Russians. But Mr. Comey offered no elaboration on this point.

Subsequent reporting [ ] by The Times and other [ ] news [ ] outlets [ ] has revealed that, last year, American investigators also received information from human intelligence sources and foreign spy services.

The Feb. 14 story said that there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump advisers and Russia’s campaign to disrupt last year’s presidential election, a fact that officials have since said publicly. The F.B.I. declined to address Mr. Comey’s comments about the article.

Since that article was published, there have been revelations in The Times and other news outlets reporting that Mr. Trump’s advisers were in contact with Russian intelligence.

Last year, for example, the F.B.I. obtained a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to monitor the communications of Carter Page [ ], a former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser. Law enforcement officials believed the Russian government was trying to recruit Mr. Page as a foreign agent.

A former senior American intelligence official said that Mr. Page met with at least one suspected intelligence officer during two trips he took to Russia last year, although it is unclear whether Mr. Page knew about the identity or the motivations of the Russian.

Mr. Page has repeatedly declined to say whom he met and spoke with during one of the trips, to Moscow last summer. He has described them only as “mostly scholars.”

During the transition, Jared Kushner, a senior aide, met privately with the head of a Russian bank with deep ties to Russian intelligence [ ], seeking a direct line of communication to the Kremlin. The banker, Sergey N. Gorkov, is a graduate of Russia’s spy school.

Roger J. Stone Jr., a longtime Trump adviser, exchanged Twitter messages last year [ ] with Guccifer 2.0, an online persona that authorities say was a front for Russian intelligence officials.

During the hearing, Mr. Comey said there were inaccuracies in many articles about the F.B.I.’s Russia investigation, a problem he attributed in part to anonymous sources discussing classified information.

© 2017 The New York Times Company [with embedded video] [also at/see also in particular (linked in) and preceding (and any future following)]


President Trump's lawyer responds to Comey testimony

Streamed live on Jun 8, 2017 by PBS NewsHour

President Trump's lawyer Marc Kasowitz holds a press conference following the testimony of former FBI Director James Comey before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

President Trump's Lawyer Made a Mistake in Describing James Comey's Testimony
Jun 08, 2017
President Trump [ ]'s private attorney incorrectly described the timeline of reporting while criticizing former FBI Director James Comey's congressional testimony Thursday.
Speaking from prepared remarks at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., attorney Marc Kasowitz [ ] noted that Comey testified that he had given a friend permission to reveal the contents of a memo about a meeting with President Trump.
"Although Mr. Comey testified he only leaked the memos in response to a tweet, the public record reveals that the New York Times was quoting from these memos the day before the referenced tweet, which belies Mr. Comey's excuse for this unauthorized disclosure of privileged information and appears to [be] entirely retaliatory," Kasowitz said at the National Press Club after the hearing.
However, this misstates the order of events. Here's a quick review of the timeline:
On May 11, the New York Times reported [ ] that Trump and Comey had a private dinner in which Trump asked Comey for "loyalty." The story made no mention of any contemporaneous memos.
On May 12, Trump tweeted [ ] that Comey "better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations."
Comey testified [ ] that he "woke up in the middle of the night" on Monday, May 15, after realizing that if there were tapes he should put the memo "into the public square" and asked his friend to share it.
On May 16, the New York Times reported [ ] that a memo from Comey discussed an apparent request from Trump to shut down the investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
[...] [with embedded video]

Here is the full statement of Trump personal lawyer Marc Kasowitz
June 8, 2017
This is the full written statement given in a news conference by President Trump’s personal attorney, Marc Kasowitz. Kasowitz departed in a few small instances from his prepared statement, which is below in full:
[...] [with embedded video] [with comments]


Full Show - Comey Destroys Himself Before the Senate Intelligence Committee Must-See - 06/08/2017

Published on Jun 8, 2017 by Ron Gibson [ / , ]

Thursday, June 8th 2017[, with an appearance by Roger Stone, and Anthony Cumia hosting the fourth hour]: Comey Perjures Himself Before Congress? - Does James Comey's previous testimony contradict statements he made before Congress? And did Comey violate the law admitting he gave his memos to a friend to leak to the press? Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes joins the program to break down the important points established in the hearing and discuss how the testimony completely vindicates Trump. We'll also break down other news.

Sandy Hook Denier Sentenced For Threatening Slain Child’s Father

Lucy Richards, 57, was given five months in federal prison for sending a series of cryptic threats.
06/08/2017 [with embedded video, and comments] [a great and mighty Alex fart at c. the 53:13 mark; with comments] [the somewhat edited Alex Jones original at (title taken from; with comments)] [a must-watch]


What We Now Know From James Comey | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

Published on Jun 8, 2017 by GQ [ / , , ]

Parsing the FBI director's extraordinary insights into Trump’s ever-growing quagmire. [with comments]


President Trump addresses Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Conference

Streamed live on Jun 8, 2017 by PBS NewsHour

President Donald Trump will deliver a speech at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Conference on Thursday.

(linked in) and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following), (two posts back) and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following)

[no official transcript (yet) available at ] [comments disabled] [official White House upload at (with comments)]


Donald Trump According to 9-Year Olds: Racism, Wigs, and Orange Skin | Chelsea | Netflix

Published on Jun 8, 2017 by Chelsea [ , ]

Chelsea interviews some of Britain’s youngest voters on their knowledge about POTUS, and their answers couldn’t be more spot on. Among some of the key takeaways? Donald Trump owns a wig closet, has orange skin, and is racist. Now THAT’s not fake news. [with comments]


Trey Gowdy Tapped to Take Over as House Oversight Chair

The Republican known for leading the House Benghazi Committee is poised to helm a powerful investigative committee in Congress.
Jun 8, 2017 [with comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following]


Infowars Nightly News LIVE: Comey Suicide Bombs The Senate, Trump Unhurt!

Streamed live on Jun 8, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [with comments]


Sen. Murphy: Time for 'soul-searching' about impeachment

All In with Chris Hayes

After watching James Comey testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) says there's a clear case that the president committed obstruction of justice. Duration: 3:56



Comey's damning assessment of the president's character

All In with Chris Hayes

Dan Rather and Joy Reid join Chris Hayes to discuss James Comey's Senate testimony, in which he repeatedly accused the president of lying. Duration: 6:58



Former Watergate prosecutor: Intention 'up the wazoo'

All In with Chris Hayes

Former assistant special Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman has no doubts about whether the president obstructed justice. Find out who know what and when, and 'you'd have corrupt intent up the wazoo here,' he said. Duration: 5:50

©2017 , [with comments]


The President’s tweets have consequences

All In with Chris Hayes

If you're wondering if tweets matter, today, fired FBI Director James Comey spoke specifically about one from President Trump. Duration: 2:24

©2017 , [with comments]


Comey testimony fortifies Trump obstruction case

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow looks at how former FBI Director James Comey's testimony in the Senate raised questions about A.G. Jeff Sessions, and created a serious obstruction of justice evidence problem for Donald Trump. Duration: 22:33

©2017 , [with comments]


Largely corroborated report under fire at Comey hearing

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow shows how a New York Times story criticized as false by James Comey is largely corroborated by other news outlets' reporting as well as Senate testimony by former DNI James Clapper. So what is he saying they got wrong? Duration: 5:12



Trump lawyer botches NYTimes Comey memo timeline

The Rachel Maddow Show

Michael Schmidt, New York Times reporter whose work was central to today's Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, talks with Rachel Maddow about how Donald Trump's lawyer got the Comey memo timeline wrong in his accusation against the New York Times. Duration: 10:10

©2017 , [also at/see also in particular (linked in) and preceding and following; with comments]


House to dig deeper on Comey's Trump story

The Rachel Maddow Show

Congressman Adam Schiff, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about how James Comey's testimony in the Senate informs interviews the House intends to pursue in its investigation. Duration: 6:15



Lawrence: The worst day of the Trump presidency

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Donald Trump just lived through the darkest day he's experienced in the White House as former FBI Director James Comey called him and his spokespeople liars. Lawrence O'Donnell explains how Comey's rationale for keeping memos is because of Trump's history of lying. Duration: 8:31

©2017 , [with comments]


For Trump, abuse of power could be as bad as obstruction

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Harvard constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe joins Lawrence O'Donnell exclusively to explain why being accused of abuse of power could be just as bad for President Trump as being accused of obstruction of justice… both are impeachable offenses. Duration: 7:30

©2017 , [with comments]


Credibility wars: Who do you believe – Trump or Comey?

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

It's James Comey's words against the president's words. Who wins the credibility contest? David Frum and John Heilemann join Lawrence O'Donnell to weigh in. Duration: 7:30



Comey: One Trump tweet may have led to Russia Special Counsel

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

During Senate testimony, fired FBI Director James Comey explained how one Trump tweet provoked Comey to release details from his memos in the hopes it would lead to a Special Counsel on Russia. Duration: 11:25

©2017 , [with comments]


Senators may soon meet with Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Sources say Jared Kushner may soon meet with senators on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Will it lead to under oath testimony? NBC News' Kristen Welker has details. Duration: 0:48



Bush White House lawyer: Trump's in 'serious legal jeopardy'

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Former Chief Ethics Lawyer for Pres. George W. Bush Richard Painter joins our panel of legal minds to explain why, after Comey's testimony, he believes Trump has some big legal hurdles ahead. Duration: 8:24



Who do you believe: Donald Trump or James Comey?

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Many comments from James Comey's testimony are directly at odds with remarks from Donald Trump's personal attorney. MSNBC's Brian Williams discusses with Eli Stokols & Peter Baker. Duration: 5:27

©2017 , [with comments]


Comey Takes the Stand (But Leaves the Juicy Details Behind): The Daily Show

Published on Jun 8, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

In his first open Senate hearing since being fired as director of the FBI, James Comey details his inappropriate meetings with President Trump. [with comments]


James Comey's Testimony Featuring Stephen Colbert

Published on Jun 9, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

The Senate Intelligence Committee was made up Democratic Senators, Republican Senators and one host of The Late Show.

[originally aired June 8, 2017] [with comments]


Guess Who's Comey To Dinner?

Published on Jun 9, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Stephen might have mentioned the biggest congressional testimony of the century once or twice in Thursday's monologue.

[originally aired June 8, 2017] [with comments]


'Real News Tonight' Distracts Trump From The Comey Hearing

Published on Jun 9, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Jill Newslady and Jim Anchorton are back with some exciting new for President Trump that definitely isn't about James Comey.

[originally aired June 8, 2017] [with comments]


Like Father, Like Son: Eric Trump Does Something Awful

Published on Jun 9, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

The Eric Trump Foundation may have funneled money from its children's cancer benefit back into the family business.

[originally aired June 8, 2017] [with comments]


James Comey Testifies, Says Trump Lied: A Closer Look

Published on Jun 8, 2017 by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Seth takes a closer look at former FBI Director James Comey's Senate testimony that President Trump lied about his reasons for firing him and the Republicans' defense of POTUS' actions. [with comments]


"Day 140" Trump-Comey MOSSAD Circus Diversion of 50th Anniversary of USS Liberty

Published on Jun 8, 2017 by Bravo Alternative Media [ , ]

The MOSSAD had "Day 140" of the Donald Trump White House Regime all planned out. First they Instruct Trump to Not Twitter Anything and than let the MSM Circus do their Job of diverting the attention of the America Masses. Not one Snowflake will hear about the Attack on the USS Liberty 50 years ago because they live in an Open Air Prison working as Servants for the Rich Elite. James Comey testified before the Senate on June 8th.., RIP America [with comments]


Conservatives lose their majority in British Parliament amid calls for May to resign

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May listens as the declaration at her constituency is made for in the general election in Maidenhead, England, Friday, June 9, 2017.
June 9, 2017
LONDON — British Prime Minister Theresa May’s bet that she could strengthen her grip on power by calling an early election backfired spectacularly on Friday, with her Conservative Party losing its parliamentary majority and May facing calls to resign.
The outcome — an astonishing turn following a campaign that began with predictions that May would win [ ] in a historic landslide — immediately raised questions even among her fellow Tories about whether she could maintain her hold on 10 Downing Street.
It also threw into disarray the country’s plans for leaving the European Union, threatening to render Britain rudderless just days before talks were to begin with European leaders over the terms of the nation’s exit.
As of 5 a.m., a projection based on final results in nearly every district nationwide put the Conservatives at 318 seats — eight short of what they would need for a working majority in the 650-member Parliament and well down from the 331 they won just two years ago.
The Labour Party was forecast to win 262 seats — an unexpected gain of dozens of seats under far-left leader Jeremy Corbyn [ ]. The outcome gave him at least a chance, albeit a remote one, of becoming prime minister — something virtually no one had thought possible before Thursday’s vote.
[...] [with comments]


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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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