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Alias Born 03/22/2005

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Sunday, 05/07/2017 12:02:11 PM

Sunday, May 07, 2017 12:02:11 PM

Post# of 441
>>> UFOs flown by the military - Not aliens.....

Many are convinced that the mystics and gifted scientists and engineers of Germany combined to produce flying saucers shortly before WW2. Many also believe that other nations, headed by the British, have used captured German technology to build their own flying machines.

There are piles of reports of British and US pilots being tracked by fireballs which danced around their aircraft while driving their electronics systems crazy. When the war ended, many German scientists were engaged by the USA to head their space program.

But what of the German discs? Many believe that massive German U-boats transported many of them to a secret base in the Arctic. That is when the US military kicked into action sending Admiral Byrd in his men to the frozen north. The battle that ensued saw heavy losses by the American's but there are very few reports as to what actually happened there.

Byrd also found plenty of magnetic anomalies, all of which were classified top secret when he got back. The interesting thing is this "magnetic anomaly", it may be an entrance to a large "hollow place" That's what "magnetic anomaly" means......

At the end of WWII, three weeks before the U.S. went to Peenemünde to nab the V-2s and the scientists, including Wernher von Braun, the Brits went into the underground redoubts of the Nazis in Austria, the Black Forest and Thuringia. The results were three top secret trains, one of them 8 miles long (that one train alone was 655 box cars and flat cars). The trains took the stuff, some of which was too large to fit in box cars and had to be covered by tarpaulins on its way to the coast of Brittany (France), there to be loaded on board ships, taken through the Panama Canal up the coast to Vancouver, B.C., and from there by train 100 miles inland to the newly constructed surface facility of the A. V. Roe Company, whuch took over the research and development of the wingless jet powered saucer craft.

150 pre-fab factory buildings were sent from England to the same site. By 1947 it was dug completely underground for security reasons to protect from prying Russian overflights An underground facility with vertical shaft, still exists cobwebbed and silent about 150 miles East of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Operation Backfire

The British Operation Backfire occurred immediately after the war had finished. It was designed to completely evaluate the entire V2 system, interrogate German personnel specialized in all phases of it, and then actually launch several missiles across the North Sea.

At the end of WWII, more than 8000 German rocket personnel had been captured, along with hundreds of scientists. A proposal was put forward that the German rocket troops be forced to demonstrate their V2 handling and firing procedures by actually preparing and launching some V2 rockets.

The gun testing range at Altenwalde near Cuxhaven, Germany, which was in the post-war British zone of occupation, was chosen as the testing site. The captured German rocket troops were fairly willing to demonstrate their V2 firing procedures, and soon 200 scientists, 200 V2 firing troops, and 600 ordinary POWs were transported to Cuxhaven.

The next step was to find some intact V2s. The Americans had removed enough parts from the underground Mittelwerk facility to assemble no less than 200 rockets in the United States. After the Americans were finished, the British were given their opportunity to salvage what was left before the Russians took over the Mittelwerk. British officials found that they had enough parts to assemble about 8 rockets for their testing. They also found that they were missing several key components, as well as support vehicles needed to fuel and fire the rockets.

What followed was an amazing search of Europe for the missing items. Search parties were sent out everywhere with soldiers who were fluent in German - each with a convoy of trucks - to hunt for the needed missing parts. When the search was finished, 400 railway cars and 70 Lancaster flights were used to bring the quarter-of-a-million parts and 60 specialized vehicles to Cuxhaven, the most elusive part being the batteries that operated the guidance gyros. Tail units were also hard to find intact, so some of these were called back from the United States. The explosive material in the warheads of the missiles was steamed out and replaced with sand.

By the beginning of October 1945, the British were ready to begin testing the V2 systems. The rockets that were to be fired were painted in a black and white chequered pattern, similar to the early German colour schemes. On October 1, the first V2 launch attempt failed due to a faulty igniter. Another V2 was ready and the first successful British-directed firing of the V2 across the Baltic occurred on October 2, 1945, almost three years to the day after the first successful German test. The third and last British V2 launch took place on October 15, 1945, with British, American, and Russian officials present. The V2 performed flawlessly and landed near its target point in the North Sea. The operation was concluded by mid-October.

And the US? They were so impressed with the V2 that their famous Redstone rocket was developed by many of the same scientific team that had worked on the V2, and - further - used very similar technology. The Redstone was the first large US ballistic missile to be deployed overseas, joining the NATO Shield Force in 1958 and was not declared obsolete until 1964. The Redstone rocket also launched the first US satellite and put the first American astronaut into space.

Many of the German team that had been responsible for the design of the V2 continued working on the American space program right through to the 1969 landing of men on the Moon.

At the end of WWII, three weeks before the U.S. went to Peenemünde to nab the V-2s and the scientists, including Wernher Von Braun, the Brits went into the underground redoubts of the Nazis in Austria, the Black Forest and Thuringia. The results were three top secret trains, one of them 8 miles long (that one train alone was 655 box cars and flat cars). The trains took the stuff, some of which was too large to fit in box cars and had to be covered by tarpaulins on its way to the coast of Brittany (France), there to be loaded on board ships, taken through the Panama Canal up the coast to Vancouver, B.C., and from there by train 100 miles inland to the newly constructed surface facility of the A. V. Roe Company, whuch took over the research and development of the wingless jet powered saucer craft.

150 pre-fab factory buildings were sent from England to the same site. By 1947 it was dug completely underground for security reasons to protect from prying Russian overflights An underground facility with vertical shaft, still exists cobwebbed and silent about 150 miles East of Vancouver, British Columbia.
The Brits also grabbed the disc engineers, including Richard Miethe (later traced to the employment of A.V. Roe).

Just like the Nazi Wernher von Braun and his Nazi cohort scientists were excused for their mistreatment of assembly line slaves and invited to partake in America's rocket program, saucer scientists like Herr Miethe and his Nazi cohort scientists were invited and taken to work for A.V. Roe in the compound outside Vancouver.

[Background on Nazi craft and scientists imported to Canada: The addenda in the books by Harbinson, Genesis, Revelation, and Projekt Saucer. The suppressed and out of print book by Renato Vesco Intercept But Don't Shoot, republished as Flying Saucers: From 1944-1994 by Renato Vesco and David Childress.]

The British Space Program was well underway during World War two with men such as Arthur C Clarke and H.E Ross launching an in-depth study of the possibility of moon landings. The British undertook intensive rocket testing at a huge range in South Australia, beginning in about 1946. The range was named Woomera and it is possible that the studies launched there led to manned spaced travel in years much earlier than we have been led to believe.

Dr Carol Rosin was the first female corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and was spokesperson for Wernher von Braun in his later years.

She founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space in Washington, DC, and has testified before Congress on many occasions about space-based weapons.

Von Braun revealed to Dr Robin a plan to justify weapons in space, based on hoaxing first, a Russian threat, then a terrorist threat, an asteroid threat, then finally an extraterrestrial threat.(Rosin was also present at meetings in the 1970's when the scenario for the Gulf War of the 1990's was planned.)

Undoubtedly some kind of deal was struck between the British secret service and the O.S.S. They brought down a couple of the jet powered saucers from British Columbia, and got to watch us sending V-2 firecrackers into the sky at White Sands.

Then the fateful, fabulous New Mexico weather with thunder and lightning sprouted up out of nowhere like it does and ruined their little lend lease program by striking one of the craft with lightning as it was on its way back to White Sands after a test flight. The unfortunate single body found was an ALIEN. A Canadian......

It is important to note here that at the time of the crash (July 1947), the Roswell US military base was the only base to store nuclear weapons. White Sands, a short aeronautical distance from Roswell, was the "Area-51" of its day.

Who knows what happened at Roswell?

Was one of the anti-gravity craft being tested and then struck by lightening?

Did the military then release the alien space-ship story to divert attention from something that would have been in fact a far greater threat to national security.

Did an alien spacecraft crash in the desert (shot down or malfunctioning)? Was the technology recovered used to develop some of the amazing advances in technology seen at the time? 1947 saw the sound barrier broken for the first time, the jet plane was tested successfully and the transistor invented.


The government initially put out the alien story and then retracted it, but the seed had been placed into the inquisitive minds of Americans and they wondered if little green (or tall grey) men were 'watching us"..."preparing for an invasion."

They harassed Max Brazel for 20 hours straight, unclothed in his skivvies, until they were sure that he would not reveal that it was an unconventional jet powered aircraft of some sort.

For the White Sands tests, and the very existence of the nuclear powered disks, to be kept under wraps, the diversionary stories of alien bodies and crashed extraterrestrial space craft, although fully denied, were an excellent cover. The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.

In the '50s, the news that British boffins were building a saucer set off alarm bells at the CIA. Was the United States being left behind by its staunchest allies in the race for a technological edge? And if Britain and Canada could build a flying saucer, then surely the Soviet Union wouldn't be far ahead.

Recently released documents from the CIA archive are full of accounts by former German scientists of their desperate work to save the Fatherland with revolutionary circular aircraft supposedly capable of enormous speeds. But when the CIA set up a study group in 1952 to look into the phenomenon, it discovered something extraordinary far closer to home: In Canada, British engineers were in the process of building a flying saucer of their own!

From: "LOOK"
VOLUME 19, June14, 1955

Persistent and fairly credible rumors recur that a Canadian aircraft manufacturer, A. V. Roe, Canada, Ltd., has had a saucer design under development for two years. One report has it that the project was abandoned by the Canadian government because it would cost over $75 million to get a prototype flying model into the air. The A. V. Roe people maintain a confusing silence about the whole thing. They can't deny the project has been abandoned because they never announced it had begun. Our own Air Force offers "no comment."

At a recent meeting of engineers, it was indicated that, while flying saucer or sphere projects may still be purely hypothetical, new air-defense problems are setting up requirements for aircraft performance that would seem to be most ideally met by a saucer craft such as illustrated above.

One problem, recently stated by Brig. Gen. Benjamin Kelsey, deputy director of research and development of the Air Force, is this:

Airplanes today spend too much time gathering speed on the ground and not enough flying in the air.

Today's fighters, he pointed out, need extremely long runways and there are few in existence that are now long enough. These few, and the concentration of the planes using them, provide a worth-while target for an A-bomb. With a single blow, the enemy might cripple a substantial portion of our air defense.

Planes that could take off vertically would not need long runways, which cost millions of dollars. They could be dispersed widely and safely. In this country, four vertical-rising aircraft already have been revealed. All but one, however, are modifications of conventional plane designs. None yet approaches the performance a true saucer might be capable of..

What are the requirements of an ideal defense fighter? 1) Ability to take off and land vertically; 2) high speed of over Mach 2. (more than 1500 mph); 3) high rate of climb; 4) excellent maneuverability; 5) heavy armament; 6) ability to operate at 60,000 feet.

Soon after this 1955 LOOK Magazine article, news releases covered the story of the clunky "AVRO Aircar", driven by a couple of fan blades that wobbled. The thing didn't get more than 4 feet off the ground. This seemed to satisfy the "public need to know" about saucers being produced at A. V. Roe Company.

Project Silver Bug- Avro Canada History

In 1952, the U.S. probably traded the H-bomb secrets to Great Britain in return for all the saucer technologies and wind tunnel research done in Canada. By 1958 the technology had developed silent, electro-gravitational, Biefeld-Brown type drive.

The "motors" inside the remotely flown, pilotless craft, draw their power from electrical current fed into the Schumann cavity (an area between the surface of the Earth and 50 miles up from the surface). The electrical and magnetic fields set up inside the craft are not conducive to life.

In 1973 British Rail was granted a patent for a 'Space Vehicle', which explains in detail how to construct a nuclear powered flying-saucer seating 22 passengers.

The proposed space craft works on the basic principle of nuclear fusion. The jet of fuel - which could be types of hydrogen - is fired through a nozzle at the bottom of the saucer.

A generator activates pulses from laser beams which are trained on the fuel. Each pulse starts a nuclear fusion reaction, releasing large amounts of high energy particles.

Some of these hit the bottom of the saucer, providing momentum. Others are deflected downwards by electromagnets, giving added momentum. The charge from yet more particles is collected by electrodes as the main electrical power source for the saucer. A lead shield above the fusion point protects passengers and crew from radiation.

The potential means of rapid intercontinental - or even interplanetary - travel was the invention's chief attraction. However the patent expired in 1976 as British Rail decided that, technically, the saucer was too far in advance of its time.



By Rob Arndt

The bizarre British Rail flying saucer was designed by a British engineer named Charles Osmond Frederick who worked at the British Railway Technical Center, Derby. His primary work at the research center concerned the interaction of train rails and wheels. However, Frederick started working on feasibility studies directed towards a British Rail lifting platform that through numerous revisions ultimately led to an unorthodox passenger craft that operated through the use of nuclear fusion!

This might seem radical to some, but Frederick had previously investigated stress phenomena in nuclear fuel elements for the UK Energy Authority back in the 1960s. He became fascinated with interplanetary space travel and, combined with his British Rail expertise, gave birth to his concept of laser-pulsed nuclear fusion for a disc-shaped space transport.

The fusion generator for this craft would be located at its center and pulsed at 1,000 Hz to prevent resonance that could potentially damage the disc. The laser pulses of energy would then have been transferred from a nozzle into a series of radial electrodes running along the underside of the craft, which would have converted the energy into electricity that would then pass into a ring of powerful electromagnets. These magnets would supposedly accelerate subatomic particles emitted by the fusion reaction, providing both lift and thrust. Frederick had alternately proposed the use of futuristic superconductors as well for this purpose instead of the electromagnets.

A protective layer of graphite running above the fusion reactor would have acted as a thick shield against radiation emanating from the reactor core located below the passengers sitting above it.

Theoretically, the disc would be piloted in such a way that the rapid acceleration and deceleration of the craft would have simulated gravity in zero gravity conditions.

This forgotten patent came to the attention of the media when it was featured in The Daily Telegraph newspaper, dated July 11, 1982. However, when the patent was rediscovered in 2006, a group of scientists examined the design and declared the Rail flying saucer to be unworkable, expensive, and very inefficient. Michel van Baal of the ESA (European Space Agency) claimed “I have had a look at the plans, and they don’t look very serious to me at all”, adding that "many of the technologies proposed for the craft, such as nuclear fusion and high-temperature superconductors, had not yet been discovered.“

In 1996, when The Railway Magazine obtained the patent for their May 1996 issue and featured a short section on it, the outcome was the same. The magazine stated that the passengers would have been fried anyway!

Regardless of the criticisms, Frederick’s patent lapsed in 1976 due to non-payment of renewal fees.

British Rail flying saucer plan
BBC News
March 13, 2006

A Channel Tunnel or tilting train may once have seemed far-fetched, but these plans were grounded compared to British Rail proposals to use flying saucers.

Recently uncovered plans show bosses filed for a patent in 1970 for a spacecraft powered by "controlled thermonuclear fusion reaction".

With a passenger compartment upstairs, it would have been cheap to run and super-fast, according to its inventor.

The proposals were recently found on the European Patent Office website.

The original patent application said the reaction would be "ignited by one or more pulsed laser beams".

The application was made on behalf of the British Railways Board and the patent was granted in March 1973.

A patent document reads: "The present invention relates to a space vehicle. More particularly it relates to a power supply for a space vehicle which offers a source of sustained thrust for the loss of a very small mass of fuel.

"Thus it would enable very high velocities to be attained in a space vehicle and in fact the prolonged acceleration of the vehicle may in some circumstances be used to simulate gravity."

But, it seems, the patent later lapsed because of non-payment of renewal fees, while the spaceship - the invention of Charles Osmond Frederick - clearly never materialised.

- Did the BAC and British Rail persist with their registered 'invention' which was actually fully operational but highly classified?
- Were they being tested in the USA in October/November 1975 when high security bases along the US/Canada border were the scene of many UFO reports and Travis Walton was taken in perhaps the most famous alien abduction? Many of the sightings occurred over areas used for the storage of nuclear weapons.
- Were the disks being tested en-masse over Iran on September 18 and 19, 1976?
Were they being tested in Australia when Fred Valentich disappeared in August 1978?
- Were they being tested off the east coast of New Zealand later in that year when news crews captured some remarkable footage?
- Where they being tested near Rendelsham in Britain 2 years later when many bright objects were sited over military facilities?

A pioneering disk type air craft developed within the Soviet Union was revealed to the public in early 2001.

The development of the Ekip was undertaken with spying and surveillance being it's prime task. Many tests were carried out successfully.

Soviet research into UFO's began under Stalin he was intrigued and worried about the many reported UFO sightings and by the late 1970's a UFO research centre had opened in Moscow.

Photographs of project Ekip were released in an apparent effort by the Russians to revive interest and spending in the Russian Space Program before their share of cosmic dominance is eaten up by the Chinese.

The Ekip was designed at the same facility which produced the Yak-38 a vertical lift-off-and-land fighter. The front of the aircraft is pierced by two jet intakes. Exhausts behind the crest of the 'poached egg' blow over the rear section creating enormous lift and forward motion. It uses an air-cushion similar in principle to a hovercraft.

Experts associated with Ekip believe such an aircraft has the ability to be re-designed to accommodate up to 1300 passengers. Initially the team’s goal is to manufacture a craft to carry about 400 and travel to an altitude of more than 3900 meters. This version would measure 36m by 26m about a length of the Boeing 767 and be capable of 640kph and have a range of 8000km.

The History Channel, Sunday 12th February 2006

In the latest episode of UFO Files, we are taken on a tour of man-made flying saucers from World War II to the present day and asked to consider the possibility that all UFO sightings are of top secret, terrestrial aircraft.

As defeat loomed for Hitler’s Germany in 1944-45, Nazi scientists were tasked with developing new and exotic weapons that might turn the tide of the war. The most famous of these new super weapons were the V-1 and V-2 rockets developed and launched from Peenemünde on the Baltic Sea.

However other projects were also underway. A man named Viktor Schauberger designed a flying disc-type aircraft. It was hoped that this craft would manoeuvre like a helicopter, using magnetic rotation to create lift, but also be able to travel at supersonic speeds and be undetectable to the enemy. Working with other brilliant engineers and scientists, several disc designs were tested and even flown.

As the war drew to a close, German science worked feverishly to develop these new weapons: flying saucers, rockets, jet aircraft and who knows what else, but time was running out for them. Allied bombing raids were causing great damage and Allied troops were closing in on all fronts.

As Germany surrendered, a frantic scramble between the western powers and the Soviet Union began to capture the brilliant German scientists behind what was at the time the most advanced aviation technology on the planet. The US managed to capture factories that were producing V-2 rockets and men such as Wernher von Braun, while the Soviets got their hands on the latest Nazi jet aircraft and a good number of rocket scientists.

After the war, Schauberger and other flying saucer designers such as Rudolf Schriever and Walter Miethe ended up working for the Americans, while their former comrade, Andreas Epp, is said to have worked for the Soviet Union. As the struggle for global nuclear dominance intensified, flying disc research continued in secret.

Then in 1947, the UFO sighting of pilot, Kenneth Arnold, made headlines around the world. He described nine, crescent-shaped craft travelling at over twelve-hundred miles per hour, a speed almost unheard of in those days. ‘UFO fever’ gripped America and thousands of reports began to flood in. Military officials appeared on television, calming public fears, but also declaring that they were not testing or flying saucer-shaped rockets or aircraft.

Then in July of that year, a flying disc was reported to have crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. It was quickly explained away as being a weather balloon. In private, US generals were concerned that these UFO sightings could be secret aircraft from the Soviet Union, designed by their captured German scientists.

Many blueprints and plans for Nazi jet aircraft had been captured at the end of the Second World War and one of these was the Horton 229, a flying wing jet that bore a striking resemblance to Arnold’s crescent-shaped UFOs. It was feared that the Soviets had developed a flying, supersonic version of this jet.

As the Cold War evolved in the 1950s, and the Korean conflict brought the world to the brink of nuclear destruction, the public’s paranoia was reflected in popular movies such as Earth Vs The Flying Saucers and Invaders from Mars. The US military used this fear as a smokescreen to hide its top secret projects in places such as Area 51 in Nevada, where tests of all kinds of exotic aircraft, rockets, balloons, high-altitude parachute drops and satellites were performed.

Project Mogul, the use of high-altitude balloons with trains of radar reflectors designed to detect Soviet atomic testing, came out of this era and was the final explanation for what crashed in Roswell.

With the Soviets taking the lead in jet fighter technology in the Korean War, the Americans needed to catch up and radar-invisible, supersonic flying saucers were one avenue of possibility.

The secret truth behind
U.S. built flying wing disc aircraft

This official flying disc (or "flying saucer") illustration is taken from an Air Force Manual, AFM 200-3, Chapter 9, Page 3. The caption at the bottom of the page states, "The Air Technical Intelligence Center is responsible for the prevention of technological surprise"

In 1952, the US Air Force became aware of a project by the Canadian avionics company, Avro, to build a flying saucer. British designer, John Frost, was the mastermind of the idea, inspired by UFO sightings from all over the world. He learned of Nazi flying saucer projects and eventually met with Walter Miethe., who said he had worked for ten years on German saucers and also showed Frost plans and photographs of his work.With a $10 million grant from the USAF, Frost set up his special projects division at Avro and began work on a supersonic flying saucer.

The first attempt was with ‘Project Y’, a spade-shaped aircraft that would serve as a tail-less, supersonic, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) jet interceptor. After several failed tests, Project Y was abandoned.

Frost’s next attempt was to create a circular aircraft that utilised rotary engines set along the outside edge of the airframe. This was called ‘Project Y-2’. A test of a 50-foot, six-engined design almost ended in disaster for the entire team when the tethered engines spun out of control, almost destroying the hangar. The supersonic Y-2 project was suspended and a smaller, test design was commissioned. This was to become known as the Avrocar.

The Avrocar was designed to fly forwards at 300 mph at thirty-thousand feet and to land and take off vertically. In 1959, the first two prototypes were rolled out. It was hoped that this design could become a kind of flying Jeep for the US military. Early test flights proved that the craft could fly, although it only moved a few inches above the ground. Problems were also discovered when it flew over grassy areas, with the engine intakes sucking up all sorts of debris. The circular design was also very difficult for the pilot to handle, making the craft unwieldy and problematic to steer. Despite attempts to make the Avrocar more stable, the program was eventually scrapped in 1961

Forty years ago, Jack Pickett, a publisher of American military magazines, was visiting MacDill AFB in Florida when he saw what appeared to be four flying saucers parked outside in a restricted area. They ranged in size from twenty to a hundred and nineteen feet in diameter and perfectly circular. Pickett was shown photographs of the craft in flight, sometimes with conventional jet escorts. He was told that the craft, which had a large, vertical tail section, were capable of 15,500 mph and had even achieved space flight. Pickett asked why such an amazing project had been discontinued (the craft were in a section for scrapped airplanes) and was told that better, more stable designs had replaced them.

During the 1960s, UFO reports continued to make the news headlines. Alan Brown was the chief engineer of the US stealth project at the Lockheed Skunkworks. He is convinced that all UFO reports can be attributed to secret US military aircraft. He maintains that the amount of testing that went on at Area 51 made it inevitable that people would see strange-shaped aircraft in the skies from time to time.

In 1978, Warren Botz was attending a flight reunion at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, when he saw disc-shaped aircraft parked in a hangar. His description of the craft almost exactly matches that of Jack Pickett’s circular aeroplanes.

In 1988, the USAF revealed to the world the F-117 stealth fighter. Alan Brown said that the only reason that this remarkable aircraft was unveiled was because they had to begin flying it in daylight because of several night-flight test accidents that had resulted in the loss of pilots. It was hoped that confirming the existence of this plane to the world would reduce the number of UFO reports. Not surprisingly, reports of triangular UFOs began to appear in the news.

With the end of the Cold War, it wasn’t until the Gulf War in 1991 that the F-117 saw its first action, impressing the world with its stealth capabilities and accurate bombing power. Despite all of its success, though, the stealth fighter still had to be piloted by a human being.

The next phase of aerial combat will be with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Already, we have UAVs designed for reconnaissance, such as the Sikorsky Aerobot, but the future lies with UAVs that can perform in combat. It is likely that such craft are already in existence and have probably already been used in the 'War on Terror'.

If supersonic flying saucer technology has been abandoned in favour of triangular stealth aircraft and slow-moving, circular drones, how does this explain the continued raft of UFO sightings that contain disc-shaped objects moving at unbelievable speeds and defying the known laws of physics? Are the US military still developing flying saucers?

This program offered a brief glimpse into the world of secret aviation development and the craft described are incredible feats of engineering, but to suggest that all UFO reports can be explained as test flights of these craft is absurd. What about close-up sightings on the ground where non-human figures are seen? What about sightings in orbit by US astronauts and Russian cosmonauts? If the US military has craft that can achieve orbit so easily, why are we still sending people and equipment up on the top of a gigantic firecracker?

It is clear that the more we try to answer these questions, the more questions we create from the answers.


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