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Alias Born 03/08/2001

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Sunday, 02/19/2017 11:43:01 AM

Sunday, February 19, 2017 11:43:01 AM

Post# of 45226
Instead of spending your money on placing POISON that is so bad for you your hair falls out and your immune system collapses might want to consider researching this instead.

Be aware though if you go this route most doctors will claim this and that because they've been brain washed that lab made POISON is better then GOD'S natural plant and besides .......... that lab poison pays for their mansions, cars, yachts, list goes on and on.

The amazing stories of healing taken place due to GOD'S amazing plant.
In their own words. Stories have not been edited for grammar.

Germ Cell (TESTICULAR CANCER) tumour in his abdomen
“It’s 2 years since my diagnosis and I’ve had 2 stints of chemo (4 & 5 months long) and surgery, all of which had limited success. I’ve been on the oil since June, just been for my latest scan results and the remaining mass is stable, no growth in the last 5 months !!!
The hope is the residual mass is just scar tissue, but they can’t be sure. Next scan in 6 months.
My little boy gets to keep his Daddy
Thank you so so much Corrie and to everybody else on here that supports each other.
Cannabis kills cancer ”

Bile Duct Carcinoma
It’s good news day. In March Corrie was contacted by a woman whose Father was suffering from Bile Duct Carcinoma. He was told he was terminal, was miserable and hospitalized for weeks with severe jaundice. Got them pointed in the right direction and at the end of May he started taking oil. Here’s the update:

“So we are celebrating. Had dads scan results. Tumour can’t be seen as of yet on his scan and bloods have gone back down to normal. Brilliant news. We can enjoy Christmas this year and make so many memories as a family. Until next scan we carry on a normal life. There really is a miracle out there….”

Neuroblastoma in 18 month old girl, Cheyenne
In early 2014, Cheyenne’s parents received the news there was nothing more that could be done for their little girl. The Neuroblastoma had “won”. She had little time, they were told to take her home and to make memories while they could. In May of 2014, Mom Mandy reached out to me, we got her pointed in the right direction and Cheyenne started on oil. Today, this beautiful little princess is winning the battle, is happy, healthy, very much alive and celebrating her 4th birthday.
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEYENNE!!!! You have stolen my heart. Hear Mandy tell her story on Episode 2

5 Year Old Facing Leg Amputation at the Hip (from Radiation)
OMG, Cannabis medicine is so amazing. Mid August I was contacted by a woman who’s 5 year old grand daughter has Ewings Sarcoma.

“I know you are a busy woman. Thank you for all you do. I know you live in Canada but i need direction. My 5 yr old granddaughter went through chemo for a year and 31!days of photon radiation. She is NED after a year of chemo. Of course the treatment is 30 years old and will be followed forever. We were just given the news because of radiation damage to bone being brittle (fracture wont heal) that they want to amputate feom the hip down. I read an article on Tel Aviv where CBD oil strenghtens bone damage. Where do we find a doctor to prescribe this legally in California? Do you know of anyone in Southern Ca? We Are located bordering Mexico and Az. LA is only 4 hours from us. Thanks again for any info you can give us. Always following you and your great inspiration ” Got her pointed in the right direction and on both high CBD and THC.

Here’s the update on what 4 weeks of oil can do:

“Omg. The fracture is healed. Still weak above knee and growth plate not good but Doc was shocked. She knows about chamber but we haven’t told her about cbd. Hopefully next appt. thank you so much!! Leaving hospital. Will skype tonight. Healed fracture in four weeks. I am crying with happiness Scan again in four weeks.”

With happy tears, I tell you once again CANNABIS KILLS CANCER.CANNABIS HEALS!!

Ovarian Cancer – Great Result: October 2016
Hey Corrie thanks again for helping Monica. She had reoccurring ovarian cancer. She started on the oil early September but only took it occasionally. Once a day usually at night. She went for her surgery yesterday. They were expecting huge tumors and for sure she would have to have a colostomy. Soooooo they went in to find all her tumors shrunk and they peeled off with ease. No colostomy. We are all so thrilled and grateful. Thank you so much my friend.

Dramatic Improvement in PSA Levels (Prostate Cancer Indicator)
Corrie, hope this message finds you doing well! Just wanted to give you a semi update on my dad. He’s doing so extremely well! His PSA levels from his prostate dropped from a 37 to a 4 in three weeks from being on the oil. He has a scan in about a month, so we are really getting aggressive and hoping we hit a home run with clear scans. I can’t express how grateful I am by your presence in my life and on my newsfeed everyday.

Tumours Disappearing – Colon and Liver Cancer
“Hi Corrie, Just wanted to give you an update on our situation. ?? We went to see the oncologist to get the results of his cat scan and…. there is no visible tumor on his colon anymore, it is gone! ?? Of the 4 spots to his liver, three are gone completely, and the one remaining has shrunk by 50%. All the tumors in his liver have also shrunk by 50% and they can no longer see anything in his lymph nodes. He has done 5 chemo treatments and has not had one side effect from the treatments at all. He feels better than he has in months. He started chemo and oil on the 18th of May and had the cat scan done exactly 2 months later. I know it is the oil that has made all the difference, and the new diet and supplements provided by a Naturopath may have helped too. If it wasn’t for you, and a couple of others who graciously gave their time and knowledge to me, I wouldn’t be smiling and feeling on top of the world today. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have tears of gratitude for all you have done.”

Complete Eradication of Cancer after Doctors Had Done All They Could
Lorraine, who was sent home in March on palliative care, just shocked the s–t out of her doctors, by being completely cancer free. Lorraine had a horrible, wide spread aggressive cancer. To say it was distressing is an understatement and the outlook was very bleak. Additionally, she suffered a stroke and in March the doctors had pretty much given up on her. They said to take her home and to “try to keep her comfortable”. We went full steam ahead on Cannabis Oil and voila! ??

The following is her daughter’s post:

Mom had her oncology appointment today. The Drs were thrilled. Their words, ‘I’m amazed. There is no visible sign of cancer.’ Take in mind that her cancer was classified as a type of skin cancer because it grew on the skin…if it’s not visible, it’s not there. As far as the lymph nodes go, the last ct scan she had showed that the swollen nodes were shrinking. One dr. even said that they have her sold on cannabis oil. They were truly amazed and very happy for her. They said she is a completely different person than they saw even back in March of 2015, when she had first gone to the dr. She agreed that she is. They did offer for another 3 month appt, just to keep an eye on it and mom accepted, but she took it farther and told them that when she comes in November, she’s going to walk in.

Lung Cancer Stage 3 Non Small Cell
April 4, 2016, Corrie Yelland was contacted by a distraught man whose wife had just been diagnosed with Stage 3, Non Small Cell Lung Cancer. Surgery was not an option. Got them pointed in the right direction and started on the oil. This is the update Corrie received in late September.

Corrie human Angel. This old codger can’t stop crying. I am not writing to inform you of Joan’s passing, but instead to tell you she’s fit as a fiddle! As you will recall we spoke in April when the wife received her diagnosis of Stage 3 non small cell lung cancer inoperable. Yes this old guy was crying then too. With your help we got her started on the marijuana oil. I remember our 4th call or so to you and you calming us down and when you told us don’t worry you have every hope of beating this, it’s going to be ok. That meant so much. I think I had stopped breathing when the wife was diagnosed and only on that call did I finally feel I could relax enough to breathe. Now it is Joan that is doing the breathing. She conquered that damn cancer Corrie!
This Friday gone,we received her exam results and there are no tumors and no scarring. Her doctor was gob smacked and said there is nothing to see! Nothing! I do not know how we can ever thank you enough but we will never ever forget the kindness of a complete stranger! Does she need to continue to take the medicine? We’re off to the pub for a celebration and a wee drink.

Brain Tumor Grade 3 – Anaplastic Ependymoma
On April 22, 2016, Corrie received the following message:

“Hi there my name is Nick *****. I have seen and read more and more about Pheonix Tears all over the net and my son has cancer. He is 18 months old. Two months ago he was diagnosed with a grade 3 anaplastic ependymoma.(a rare tumour of the brain or spinal cord). They removed it but still needed chemo or radiation. We opted for chemo: lower success rate but less long term damage. But watching his first round broke my heart. I’ve never felt this deep of pain. I want my sweet little boy to be healthy doing what a little boy should be doing. I need more info and help. please be our savior!

Corrie got them pointed in the right direction and here’s the update on his son:

“K had his MRI this morning and his results came back clear. Jumping for joy NO CANCER!!!!!! Because of the aggressive nature and high rate of recurrence from Ependymoma the first 2 years are crucial, therefore MRI’s every 3 months and without fail comes Scanxiety, so relieved with today’s results
On another positive note. K’s oncologist asked if we would be ok with sharing K’s experience with Cannabis Oil with his research team in hopes of getting more studies to help with dosing etc. We need more professionals like him that aren’t afraid of the TRUTH.”

And another update:

Hi Corrie! So happy right now ! His scan showed no glowing! This means its inactive! Twice in a row now! The doctors told us almost 3 years ago that he had 16 months! Omg Corrie, thank you so much for pointing us in the right direction. I don’t think he would be here otherwise ! You are truly an angel & every scan we have I always think, thank god I found you and cannabis oil! Hugs

Brain Tumour
His original diagnosis, was an anaplastic ( fast growing) grade 3 oligodendroglioma. (brain tumour). They gave him 16 months to live in January 2013. Unfortunately we didn’t find you until after treatment, in June of last year, and he was not doing very well. We started cannabis after connecting with you and things started to get better pretty quickly after that; headaches disappeared, and he had hope for the first time since diagnosis when our oncologist just told us sorry, but there is nothing we can do for you. We can’t cure this. And they also told us that Sean can eat all the chocolate cake he wants and it won’t make a difference ! I wanted to punch her in the face after that!! He had no hope until I found you Corrie, and I truly believe that hope is so important in this battle.. He has a chance now and we have you to thank for makes me teary just thinking about it. I know that we can beat this! Bless you to the moon and back!
Hugs and love always , Tania

Another thing we only regret treatment , Sean’s only side effects are from treatment. He has short term memory loss, and they told us he will probably go blind due to radiation, they told us if we didn’t do it he would go blind anyway, I’m so angry at cancer care, it makes absolutely no sense at all. I just wish we’d found you sooner.

Tumor was 7 1/2 centimeters, at diagnosis, they resected it to 4.7 centimetres in surgery, treatment did not shrink it at all! As far as I’m concerned treatment did nothing but mess with his memory and he will probably be blind from radiation.. Hate cancer care.. So messed up!

Brain Cancer No Longer Active, and Shrinking
“Hi Corrie!
I wanted to tell you my news to you personally, but I am exploding and can not wait any longer.
Bojana’s blood test showed that the cancer is no longer active. Because of her very good condition, doctors are shaking their heads. No one believed she could survive after the few last aggressive attacks. As we did tell you, she was on her way to death, but she recovered because of oil and is not in a deep sleep coma any more! She stands and talks again! The tumor in her head is not active and is shrivelling to 75 % less than before she had oil.
Corrie savior, Ana laughs, she talks, she plays for her friends. We have told Ana about you and then we were able to find a film on youtube that we showed her so she could see you. She told us she wants to kiss you. We all would like to give you kisses. We have changed her name to Bojana which has the meaning of female warrior in Serbia. She can go visit our relatives this weekend, she hasn’t been able to do that for 2 years since she started treatment. What a difference to our little Bojana. You are saving the life of her Corrie! Her spirit, the little girl we knew, she is back for us. We all have many tears of gratefulness. Thank you God for you.

Then Corrie received the latest update:

“Corrie, How are you? We have incredible news. Incredible! Bojana’s cancer is no more. there is no cancer. NONE to see! After we were to speaking with you last, we did increase the doseage for the oil as you were telling us. More and more to the gram and Ana began to do more and more activites and much less sleeping. Bojana is a different girl. There is no more crying from the pain, no more seizures. Ana plays and laughs. She has started back in the school. To the eyes, you would not know she was ever on her death bed. It is amazing and our hearts are spilling with joy. In school last week, Ana did make for you a picture. We could like address to place it to the mail. Corrie, angel to God you have rescued our beloved Bojana. I have in this moment of writing, tears coming to my cheeks. We are every day grateful to you Corrie angel, who God sent for us and I can’t find our way to tell you how we are appreciating you. I only can murmur thank you angel of God. You never are to be forgotten from us.

Another follow up to a wonderful story:

“Corrie, How are you? Bojana continues to be to complete of health.Our Christmas time was this year so much joy. There were no tears, no pain for Bojana, only smiles and Santa and school. We were never dream this to be the destiny for Bojana. Our last Christmas we would not be to this belief. Our last Christmas was much crying and sadness that our little girl would leave us soon. We want to thank you again for giving us our Bojana back. You have given us our heart, our soul, our life, our baby. We know in our heart, that with out you Corrie angel, this would not to be. Our hearts are spilling with joy.”

Multiple Sclerosis
The following is a message that brightened Corrie’s day:

“Hello Corrie, today is the 2 month anniversary of my wife(**** with MS) has been taking the oil faithfully and I am happy to report that she has seen significant improvements in her walking(doesn’t walk like a duck) and her right hand shaking has improved immensely only after 2 months. She’s able to keep up with our children now.
This is amazing compared to anything the docs did and the crap we were taking from the so called MS experts for the last 10 years. She has even started attending an exercise class! something I would never have imagined possible. At her last doctors appointment, her doctor said there are NO LESIONS detectable. The doc said it’s a miracle, she said no it’s a herb. All of this thanks to you Corrie. Thank you again Corrie. You will never really know how much you have changed our lives.

Know someone with MS? Have you told them about Cannabis Oil? Here’s a message Corrie received from a lady who’s sister has taken 4 grams of oil in total.
“Its amazing the results on my sister. She thought she would never walk again. Now, she walks without her walker,no cane, no wheelchair. Thank you so much Corrie. Without you she would still be in her chair. Instead, she is living life.”

Ian, I just want you to know that hearing Corrie Yelland on your show was Life Changing for me. I’m a little teary, thinking how I lost my Mom to M.S., and my Father and 3 Aunts and 2 Uncles to cancer. I only wish I’d known about the cannabis oil. I watched my Father have chemo and then suffer, day in and day out, it was awful, and his death tortuous. He continually shared how horrible chemo was. That’s what killed him; the damn CHEMOTHERAPY is what killed my Father . Not the cancer. On his death bed, my Father spoke of the likeliness of me ending up with cancer and made me promise I would never ever have chemo or radiation. Ian, I finally have the answer. I know exactly what I’m doing should the day ever come. I DON’T have to suffer like my Dad did. It’ll be this oil all the way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea the difference you have made by having Corrie on the show!
Highest regards,

This woman contacted me about 7 months ago with Progressive Secondary MS. We got her pointed in the right direction and this is the result:
“Corrie dearest, i have got to tell you how i’m getting on. in one word, fabulous! today i got my results back. no lesions left, yes you are seeing clearly. NO LESIONS DETECTABLE!!! my doctor said he was completely bewildered and that it is a miracle or divine intervention. I said no it is neither, it’s a devine plant that has made me well. i feel smashing. my chair has been retired to the closet, my nappies have been banished from my flat and i walk Corrie! most times with out a cane. i cook, i go on outings daily, i am even attending an exercise class. can you imagine that?( i should mention it’s a coed class and i have my eye on a certain gent. wink) 4 months ago i could not have imagined being interested in anyone ever.
i do not think you can you know what i am feeling.i am no longer trapped in a body that betrays me. i have tears pouring down my face as i say my life has changed because of you. thank you for your support. thank you for helping me! i love you,
xxxx xxxxxx”

Know someone with BREAST CANCER??
“Hi Corrie. I hope you remember me. I’m the woman with MS who was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a double mastectomy 4 yrs ago and then it came back in my liver, bones, lung and ovary. I started taking the oil late august. after my last scans, the tumor on the ovary is gone, liver has one or two small spots they aren’t even concerned about, the tumours on my lung are gone and the only progression looked like my spine. The doctor called to say I would need surgery, involving some kind of cement and rods. I really felt this was wrong, went to my gp and she called the radiologist, it’s not progression it was an ms flareup. I was needing a cane last fall and I just got back home from Vancouver where I walked all over the city for two days!!! I had some back pain late in the day but I had been on my feet since early morning. I couldn’t have done this several months ago. I will keep taking the oil and I feel it will get rid of what’s left in my bones. Oh, and my eyesight is improved as well. The benefits of this oil are almost too many to mention. Thank you Corrie for steering me in the right direction. You’re a saint.”

Another Great Result for MS
In mid August of 2013, I was contacted by a 36 year old woman with 3? small children. A month earlier she had been diagnosed with MS. She had lost her sense of touch 9 months prior, the disease had progressed and she finally had a diagnosis. We got her pointed in the right direction and on med. The following is the update I just received:
“Good morning Corrie how are you? I just want to give you an update on my MS.It stopped there are no new lesions anywhere got the result today.THE DOC said its a miracle I said no it’s a herb Thank you for all your help .You are my angel xox. ”
She went on to say she regained the feeling in the tops of the fingers and that she is “super happy”. ?

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