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Alias Born 04/01/2013

Re: Uzzyham post# 7253

Thursday, 02/02/2017 3:01:17 PM

Thursday, February 02, 2017 3:01:17 PM

Post# of 7810


Reasons: You have not acted responsible in you position as moderator on this board! Not once does FDA recall you ever mentioning making contact one single time with SDRG IR Dep. who are easily accessible by Email or by Phone much of the time! Yet you claim to know so much about everything going on here? Your roll as moderator is to be objective & fair with all information disseminated from either shareholders who post here on Ihub or the company itself! But you have rather been negligent on both counts ...exhibiting sarcastic negativity 100% of the time no matter how credible the source of info. may be!

You have been of little to no help at all, to concerned shareholders who deserve better!

So Uzzy, you should really resign in all honestly, FDA
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